West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 04, 1908, Image 2

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    CUcst Side Enterprise
lfc. ii- I '!' from ldrw.i4i-iic. Orv
r. t'h I Hick. Piildi.heratnt I'ru
. , ...nn.l.ncp, r, pout
, r . ... und-cUss imttr
Sibr-- -n Si. SO Per Ytar
- $ . .--
!,-. 1 '. i , i:ie 'I- I.K'l.itic
A I ! " M"k" "f 1 -ill!"' clears away
it . m - an I iiion- app.ut-nt
tli.it i Is.av, in snire tt!iy than one,
ki!;r I il' l the golden
It i..u! lki"i i'ii l..ip.-iif nthuHtitHt ic
n-Jii.li.li :in I Sut ';i'i;.m would roll up
a li I'ul'iiiiii' inn j.irity to lieeoiue
. I'M. I "f .it.' t If "1 H republican stam-
I.- :ul over t lit nation for Koosevelt
ii. It in evident, however, that the
m-...' have accomplished something
here in l'o!k county, but now, for good
tke, don't auk embarraiwing and
Icailing iui-tiiiii.
It 'iulil require more tlmn Alad
din's lump to find any endorsement 1
Kicclt Mi!ii'ic in their action last
I.ct V look nt it from another view
point. If the legislature ratifies the
people' choice, Chamberlain will go to
tin- .-finite ii reformer, liecause he is a
minority inemlier. Ueformers seldom
iii-coiii'li.-h results. Theirs is self-aac-rifiee
nnd martyrdom. He w ill get no
import uit committee appointments
and will work with the minority fue
tion nnlpi ! d'crt his party. It's
too .Mil, (iuiirite, tli.it you were so mi
f M mat? i;i your alliance. Don't you
thii.k it's .ii. M'litimcnt, anyway?
Nov. :i good time to Mvitch over,
'l o m. ike fine oi our bundle of Hpu
l.ir j't.tioiKic yi.-.i Lad !Uer do it.
Do it now
J;i..g:ng f.om t lit? tc.nper of the
jKiiiio of Oregon the re liction is not
annii.-iafcoiietli.it Jlryin v. ill he the
next president. If .-eiitiiiicnt is al
lowed to prevail in other states as in
Orei: on the reMi'ts at thin fall'n elect
ion may 1-e a democratic victory.
Yon can count on Oregon to do the
tientimenta! tiling.
I. In.l.liiiK Hi mudrt mmniiin lHri im and HI
gi. ! lt'l . Im kll-l, th I.-1.I I l d..tm.
Will Inntull telephone witholil tying yn wiih cMitiit
It III Mlr I Hill l'-aolrf MI hwl "'l Billh l..lnliei
Arv ... liir"' lli i.-m ml m U.-tlu.l liilormatlim.
H.w llmm lor lif.tul (Ttirr mK nir )
W. L. BICE, Manager
A l.ii ilc Cure Will Save Many
liiilepenrteiM-e Headers
I utinc Trouble.
Watch the kidney secretions.
See that I hey have the amber hue
of health i
'He discharges not excessive or in
fmi'i"!!' ;
OhtHin no "tiriek-dust like" eedl
inetit. Doan's Ki'luey IMIIh will do this for
Ti.e- wa'ch tlie kidneys and cure
tliir wln ii ! t-y're nick.
M. M I'x fiiivio, livinir on Log
Ca-.in Ht. Jmlc;-iul--. Ore., says:
I nt!frcil for year from what doctors
ealleil kirtmy coinplHiiit. Tlie neere
tfons from my kidneys was very irre
gular In action nnil eus-d me great
annoyance. I felt l.nituid and tired
and had frequent .ll.zy until I
finally become run ! wn in heM?fh
and used so many n ( ' 'u"- wiih'uit
satisfactory results t'i .t I il l not luve
much fai:h in anv r" "y I procured
a box of Dohii's Kliln-y IMHk ami Leifaii
uing them Ti eir renulfs were very
gratifyii'ir. I continued u ing thftn
ad wa cnmp'etfly eure-l. T have
recommenrleil liniin'x Ki-'ncf Pill" to
tunny people sull'i-iitiv' f'""1 kfilney
complaint "
For Sle by all Deilcm. Price -M
centH. Kofter-Milliurn 'o, Buff-!",
New Y"rk Sol- AeiMits for th.
United States. P ineml.tr the nxn'e
Don it's and use no other.
Mrs. McL-.iin, who, with her daugh
ter,' made an extended visit :it Fort
land, Oregon City and Carleton re
turned home Friday accotnpanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Kaw of CaJeton.
Mrs. Vanloveu of Stiver was the
guest of Mrs. J. R. Loy for a few clays
this week.
Mr. Wilson of near Independence' is
shearing sheep for W. H. Murphy and
A. Anderson this week.
Mrs. M. X. Prather is visiting in
Oregon City and Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson visited at
McMinnville last week.
There were quite a number from
here attended the pienic Friday at
Ridders grove, and all report having a
good time.
Fred Loy and wife, of Suver, were j
trading here Saturday.
Mrs. Elmore Zmo:is :nct with quite
160 Acres
100 acres in cultivation, all well
improved with good nine-room
house, barn 36x54, granary 16x
24 and all under fence and cross
fences. Best buy in the country.
Two wells on the place, a spring
in the pasture. Small orchard.
Three miles from Independence.
Enterprise Office, Independence
Is indispensable to every farm. We have had
splendlu fcuecew in obtaining water iu all our
boring operations.
We are prepared to do water and oil well drill
ing and all kinds of prospecting.
Telephone 49x2
an accident Tuesday night when in
nm A WAV she missed her step and fell
down stairs, it rendering her uncon-
o.tr,,,. for some time. vr. uuiier, 01
Independence, was called and relieved
her of her suffering. Fortunately, no
broken, and it 18 io oe
hoped that she will soon be all right
A verv nrettv home wedding took
place May 21st at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Bolter when their
daughter Lucy was united in marriage
to Cleve Prather. Kev. Launer per
formed the ceremony, it taking place
in thp rmrlor which was beauimmy
decorated with roses and snowballs.
A snlendid dinner was served after
which Mr. and Mrs. Prather departed
f,.r Kettle. Thev were the recipients
of many beautiful and useful presents.
Only relatives were present. Both
the bride and groom are highly es
teemed by their many friends who
wish them a happy and prosperous
journey through life.
No Need of Suffering from Kheu-
It is a mistake to allow rheumatism
to become chronic, as the pain can al
ways be relieved, and in most cases a
cure effected by applying Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. The relief from pain
which it affords is alone worth many
times its cost. It makes sleep and rest
possible. Even in cases of long stand
ing thi liniment should be used on ac
count of the relief which it affords . 25
and 50 cent sizes for sale by P. M. Kirk-land.
BIdgood-Cox Nuptials.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents, in Riverside, on Wednesday,
June 3, at high noon, Miss Maud Cox
to Prof. J. K. Bidgood, of Newberg,
Rev. Vhipple, of Carlton, officiating.
Both are graduates of the O. S. N. S.
The bride is well known in Inde
pendence, having taught in our pub
lic schools. After the wedding dinner
was served, Mr. and Mrs. Bidgood de
parted for Portland, where they will
make their future home. Mr. and
Mrs. Bidgood have the congratulations
of their many friends.
Mr. Martin' Murmur.
"Frederick Townsend Martin, New
Tork'a brilliant entertainer, dislikes to
see fake crests, faked family portraits,
ancient heirlooms from the curiosity
shop aad all those other counterfeit
things that some millionaires affect."
The speaker was an actress. The
scene was one of Mr. Martin's teas at
the Plaza, a splendid assemblage of
beautiful women, great painters, socie
ty leaders, novelists such an assem
blage as only Mr. Martin collects.
"Yes," resumed the lady, "Mr. Martin
hates faked blue blood. I remember
one night at a public dinner he sat be
side me. and near us a fat woman, a
very blatant type of the nouveau riche,
boasted of her birth.
" 'My ancestors,' she said, 'come from
London. I'm going over there next
summer. I'm going to visit all the
scenes that's associated with the lives
of my ancestors.'
" 'Amazing how fashionable slum
ming has become, Mr. Martin mur
mured." A Boy on Clergymen.
Bishop Potter at an ecclesiastical
dinner in New York read a Coopers
town schoolboy's essay on "Clergy
Men." The essay, which created much
amusement, was as follows:
"There are 3 kinds of clergymen
blshups, recters and curats. The
blshups tell the recters to work and
the curats have to do it A curat Is a
thin married man, but when he is a
recter he gets fuller and can preach
longer sermons and Decerns a good
A Resemblance.
William Jennings Bryan in the
course of an interview accorded to a
San Francisco correspondent said of
certain trusts:
"It is no wonder they attack the
courts and the government that have
convicted them. They are very much
in the position of a man who was
hauled up before one of our Lincoln
magistrates. .
" 'Why did you knock this gentleman
down? the magistrate asked the pris
oner. Did he call you a liar?'
"'Worse than that.' was the reply;
'he proved It!'" ,
tops tixm noutf b tad baala luni
or tmi
Impendence tlJtlctuI BJRk
At Jnd.''lidelict, III thw HU ln
gtui, l th rliw l ln.lii-,
Mr 14, l""
in m
i: : ii
Ml at
lmt "! JmxiUiil.
Otrr.ll.n. w-urr.1 Hl.wld
t'. n. HmmI t v.nir rtfviU"
HaiikiiMI kuu. IMrtinit lui
oih. HkI i.ir nrU -
lu rit.ltl N.II..I..I lUi.k. (But r-l
Nfrwl.) - -lu
tti.m Hl.l Itank. .ml I ..rt
tu fr.u.i ..r.l twtrr nnrnl.
Ct.'k .rthw nit Item.
N.rir. uf iMkT Nllml Honk.
rmiluMl fprt MirrK-jr, nk-kri. .lid
tl - -
I. M Hn I" H,
I IN tl.M W
i; wi
uui..iiiln nitidNllh t'. M. TrMaulrr.
.1 ur MMtil ul irtulllultl . IW
Total t-..tX !
I I A III I. II 1 1.
I Mil .lo-k ii in ,,w "u
uii.lu.IMnU . - - li...i
V-11.....1 iwkiiii nnlv. uuuiiinrtiiis l..-rt "',
i.i ... . w
lllillvlilllal lrHillk Mll"W Ul dwelt
m-mantl .rtilliolr. l lrHl(
ruin- .'riiiii-iwi r i-i"'1
(Mhltllfk.uUI.U"llll '
IM i I.
ii ii r
i.i.rj m
Him. f i irnn, I u
..I M...J. i
I O W Irvlu.. 'hli-r 'f llilmv-liail
bkiik. j wilnunly r lli.l lliiN. .llwi4.iil
I. u. .U II.. b uf "'C V ' f T.'!.rr.
HuhM-rlhnt lub.ll.1. Ul. I III. MH "
..M.y. Ik Wt,MON. !. IMll.Hl
llm.n-r-AiuiXi M. Ilirnu.r. 1. w. t-.
A. i.ln.
The California ornnge harveitt la now
well on. and the crop, both In quality
and nuantltv. nromiHcs to etabllHh a
new record. It Is estimated that the
total output of oranges of the Htnto
will reach 30,x0 carioiuw, wnnu
mnnna fi.OO0.U00 boxes, or aVtOllt l.'UW).-
OfKl.OtK) oranges. The harvest wlU 't
until July 1.
You Klioiilil Know Tina.
Folev's Kidney Remedy will cure any
mwof kldnev or bladder trouble that
Is not beyond the reach of medicine.
No medle.lns can do more.
Mr. 8. Joyce, Claremont. N. H.,
writes: "About a year air' I Imught
two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem
edy. It cured me f a severe caw or
kldHey trouble of several yearn, stand
ing. It certainly I a grand gl
medicine, and I heartily recommend
it "
Mrs 8. L Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va.,
writes: "I was a snfferer from kidney
diwane, so that at times I oniitd not gt
out of lied, and whn I did I could nut
stand straight. 1 took Foley's Kidney
Remedy. One dollar bottle and part ol
the seeond qured me entirely." Foley's
Kidnev Remedy works wonders where
others are a total failure.
W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn ,
writes: "This is to certify that I have
used Foley's Orina Laxative for chronic
constipation, and it has proven without
a ilonht to be a thoroutth practical rem
edy for this trouble, and it Is with
pleasure I offer mv conscientious refer
ence." Dove & Williams.
Th ) mora Umlmirh la this iectlon ot
ih.innirv than allottier countries put to
gelher, and until ine last few year wa kup.
tA ho incurable. Fot a itreat many
years doctors pronounced It a loeal dleae
and prescribed local remecue, ana ny
....ii. Aiiiinv tn ura with local treatment
pronounced It Inourable. Science haa prov
en catarrh tohrn eonklliuuonai aineaui auu
.i.ur..r,.r naulra cauntiUlonul treatment.
Hall's Catarrh t.'ure, manutectared by F. J.
Cheney ft no., Toledo, Ohio, U the noastutl
llnnol llirA All the market. It U taken In
ternally in doeei from 10 drops to a tuaapooa.
lul. It acti directly on uieoiooa una muom
nurfaces of the syitem. They ofTer one
hundred dollars for any case It mils to cure.
Bend for circulars and testimonials,
Address: F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo,
Bold by Druggists, 7Sc.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Curen 0lri. Crouo and Wlioootnir Couab.
Fruit Lands For sale in 5. 10. 15
and 20 acres. No. 1 land, prices
right, good easy terms, between
Monmouth and Independence
See J. B Moran, Agent 8-5 tf
Plastering and general mason work.
Ktone, Brick and Concrete work.
Estimates furnished free on applica
tion. , . .
j(ypl mml V a?
and union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tour-
tat aladlno- enrfl ilnilv to Omaha. Chi
cago, Spokane, tourist sleeping-car daily
,r .... . ., . n..ii ..
to Kansas juy; inrougu i uuuian iom
ist sleeping cars (personally conducted
weekly to Chicago and Kansas City;
reclining chair cars (aeats free) to the
East daily.
7fl Portland to Chicajo 7()
I w No change of cars v
Druu-S Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass
Perfumery :" 'l'o'li-'t Articles
Killing I'tewrlptl nis ll(jr.
Chai. HornbncK, Proprietor
mi:ai,n at am. nomts day
HpiH-ial Kates la Kcguliir Hoarders
Independence, Oregon :- Opposite Little Palace Hotel
is the main object of all our efforts. To do this wa
Iwlievs il nercBcatv to handle the lienl goods we can
fur the price akrd, and it is our linn U-llef that the
inerclmnt who doe not spprccU e the patronage of
his custoinera enoui(li to do this a ill not 1 aula to
please and keen their trade. Helirvlnar this, we will
do all we are aide to do to plratrn our old enston era
and gnln new ones, so we ak yon all when In Ind
pendenee to come to our store and let us trv to
pleiine you.
First corner north of Ind. Nat. Hank. lndendence. Oregon.
Is It Big Enough
for You?
Them have been several people looking after that o3 a ore
tract of lagd, located within a mile of the limit ol the town
of Independence.
It's the best buy in the county and is going to sell at less
than fnO an acre. Think of it ! This little ranch is offered
for 3,000. Plow it and seed it to potatoes and twenty acres
of the crop will buy the whole place.
Under cultivation and fenced. If you haven't the money
to pay all down it can be bought on terms.
Call at the Enterprise Office for particulars.
The Imported Shire Stallion
Will be in stud for the season ot 1908 at the following places :
Monday noon, Ridder's farm ; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
A. E. Tethetow's; Frid y, Haturday and tiunday, Monmouth.
TERMS: $10 by the leap, payable at the time; or $16 for the season
with usual return privileges, payable at the end of the season. $20 to
insure. If the mare is traded or sold the money becomes immediately
A. E. Tetherow, Owner
25 Monmouth, Oregon,
Irwin Stewart, Mgr.
Monmouth, Oregon.
Pit.. DalatA KMaI
T. IU. Crcanor, Proprietor
Carefully Supplied Cables. Special Attention to Commercial Cradt.
Orders amounting to $25 or more carpets will betaken up and relaid
free of charge when cleaned. All work thoroughly disinfected and guar
anteed. Address, SALEM, OREGON