West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, May 28, 1908, Image 1

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VIII. Bold Convenlloo alii
; bany, Friday, Hay 29
.Hake 'Arrangements for Fine
1 Show Room lo Display
Oregon's Resources.
' Tim Oregon Rural Letter Carriers'
Association will hold tln-ir convontion
t Albany, Friday, the 2Uth. Hoc-rota-ry-Treaurer
John H. Owens of the
Amociation, ii a resident of Albany,
and in connection with Bury I. Pa
tent, secretary of the Albany Commer
cial Club, ia arranging an intensely
Interesting program. The motto and
banner of the Rural Letter Carrier
ia "Stand for better roads and a great
er Oregon". President John If. Hoott
of the Oregon Good Roads Associa
tion, President Campbell of the Uni
versity of Oregon, and other distin
guished speakers will be present.
Oswego, one of the oldest and best
known of Portland's suburban towns,
ia determined to organize, incorporate
and give other live Oregon commun
ities proof that an old town beats
them all growing when she gets start
ed good and proper.
Your correspondent has inside in
formation that there will be all kinds
f fnr tlin trrcat festival which
11 vw-" -" - - - - o
begins June 1st and lasts until the
6th, with a program full of interest
from tht opening moment until the
cloHing hour, with low rates from ev
ery point in Oregon.
All Oregon seems to have been
aroused and enthused over the new
home of the Portland Commercial
Club. At one luncheon laBt week
there were representatives from fifteen
. f it. .
- -different towns ana cities 01 mesiai.
' The convention hall on the sixth
floor, in which all Oregon's organized
bodies will be welcome, is a central
feature. Avery picmre uung uiu
V.; ,wall;is, an uregon bcuiiu, u i who
thft 'iiext few vears will
i - r .
': v onuntoil much ,of interest and mo-
''A ment to every; man woman aim umu
. .Ashlanq is especially prosperous
Y V tod happy. - A line of shade 'trees to
: 7', trie , nurooer. . ui ijui unu.v ..
. laeen. planted on either side of .the
. boulevard leading from tho city to the
riftn,nal school, and new residences are
...encrpaclyiig ., -upon surrounding or-
: ,v i a vtviik -.cnvernci norson wun iriorv.
- va'fTordirig her citinens and' Visitors 're
aU..t tux tn .witiinaa the nasHintr of
(; ; ouhcu .wkw y - : t -
the .fleet." " '
.... Excursion parties from California,
.Washington and Idaho will bo added
to Uioho which come from all points
in Oregon ..to Portland during the
Rose Festival. .;
Arrangements arc being perfected
by the executive committee of the
Portland Commercial Club to eeoure
the corner, ground floor room in the
new commercial club building for an
exhibit of Oregon products and as
headquarters for the circulation of
... i.n.o,mn i.ndvrtiinir matter. This
, o
. .room is practically a large glass, case
' the principal electric cars between
.- the business section and the union
-t depot pass constantly. Portland bus
5 iness: men are willing, to pay the ex
penses, but they want to be first as
. gured of a permanent exhibit worthy
of Oregon, and the co-operation of
" 'the different sections of the state is
all that is necessary to make the un
dertaking ft success.
Does Not Favor Local Option.
F. II. Muscott, who is the Repub
riican ' nominee for sheriff, of Polk
, county, does not favor . local, option,
as was' stated in the JesUjB of this pa-
per of May tUt. Tim statement It an
error and Mr. Muscolt droire the r.n
t-r riw to have it distinctly under
stood that he is an anli local optloniot.
This he believes l for the beat interest
of the county in view of the fact that
it Is the frraUt hopcenUTof Oregon
It offered lor information Inadinf to
the arreat and conviction of ths party
or parties bo have been scratclilng
and defacing, the plats windows
in the store of Paddock, Craven A
Moore and F. 8. Wilson. Anyone
having information of this charecU-r
please notify the West Side Enterpuse
Gmvwi fr Aaaraori -
C. H. (irave4 republican nominee
for county ax-Mr, if elected, will
conduct the office in the aarae fair
manner as in the past term. His
platform is "Honest and Fair Aes-
menta." Following established prec
edent and tho recommendation of the
faithful labors of his office Mr. Graves
deserves election to a second term.
Had Attack of Dysentery Cured.
"An honored cltisen of this town was
nflerlnir from a severe attack of
dysentery. He told a friend If be could
obtain bottle of Chamkerlain't Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, be
felt confident of being cured, be having
used tbls remedy In the west He was
told that I kept It In stock and loat no
time In obtaining It. and was promptly
cured, says "M.J. Leacb. druggist, of
Wolcott, Vt For sale by 1. M.
Just now there appears to be little
doubt but that it is Senator Cake for
Oregon. Once the campaign started
it was speedily seen that the oft-boast
ed personal popularity of George the
governor was not so almighty stout as
was once. Various things that
some (oiks nave known aooui our
chief executive have come to light,
and a lot of folks are today "doubtful
if George was such a . whale of a man
after all. ' 1 : : ' ' .
The nearer Oregon makes it unan
imous for Cake the better for Oregon.
Thr are a few nlaces where party.
politics still count; they don't usually
in city, county and district affairs;
but they do in national affairs,
especially in the ' upper, house of con
gress where the majority party gets
what it wants and the minority sits
tight and waits. Oregon wants a-lot
of things from congress; it can never
get them i through a democratic sen
ator. J.;' "
' Uotween-the' men' personally the
issue is not drawn; it is not a personal
campaign; if lVvjas" Mf.'f Cafie'wb'uld
not be. on the' defensive "
It ia arso'Vemeuibcied tIiat.vCake"
was one of the .republicans. whQ .had
the nerve to stand on a. btatement jno.
1 platform when' it -looked as though
it meant defeat;. he stood for the pop
ular election " of -the United States
Senator whether' it "profited-him 'or
not; Chamberlain" "has1 ''-stood for it
because it was the"'s"ole chaiiceof
ever landing the place. " ' "
, The vast difference between being
good because you hope it will pay,
and because it is right, represents the
difference between the stand of Mr.
Chamberlain arid Mr. Cake.
A Freak of Nature.
T. J. Fryer of 'this city has a lamb
that is a curiosity.. It has the form
of a sheep and the . coat of a goat.
The head is clean cut no .beard nor
honns the tail long like .a sheep. If
a cross between a sheep and goat it
is the first known case. The mother
is a large Cotswold ewe.
A Caiiforntan's Luck.
"The luckiest day of my life was
when I bought a box of BuSklea's
Arnica ' Salve';? writes Charles F.
Budabn, of. Tracy, California. "Two
25c boxes cured me'of an annoying
case ef Itching piles, which had troubled,
me for years and that yielded Uno
other treatment." Sold nnder guar
antee at all druggists..
Gives His Own lite tor That
ol Ills Companion.
Sad Drowning ol Jesse Staf
fer Who Dies While
Rescoeloq Girl.
Palem, Sunday May 24 Yesterday
morning at 11:20 Jesse C. Shaffer o
Portland, was drowned In the Willa
tnittto river at this place, and h
comDanion. Miss Ollie Drummond
the seventeen year old daughter of
M. Drummond. who resides on
Front street near the Cottage hotel
was saved from a like fate just at tht
last moment.
The two had been out in the Clifford
Glover gasoline launch and after
ride of about an hour drew up at the
boat house of the Spaulding Loggin
company, and landing there attempted
to make the shore over the logs in
the mill company's boom. They had
gone lees than half way when both of
them slipped from a turning log, and
clinging to each other, slid into the
water. He raised a cry for help, and
fishing party composed of Sam
Minnerd. Henry Folkes and Lloyd
Gantenbein saw them balancing on
tha trMr.heroua loes. beaded for their
assistance. "OXJ. Davy and Geo.Gardner
saw them from the scow Julius,
anchored at the shore about twenty
rods south of the scene of the accident
They hurried io the boom and Mr.
Davy springing over the logs, plunged
into the stream near where the two
were wildlv fiehting for their lives.
The men in the boat, however,
reached the spot first, Mr. Folkes
catching the girl just as she was
sinking for the last time and pulled
her into the boat. -"They noticed
bubbles 6n the surface of the water
few feet away and knew her partner
had sunk. Neither party of the res
cuers could see anytning or-jut.
Shaffer as they neared the floundering
form pi the girl, and in her statement
she says he certainly helped to sup
iport her above the surface,- and even
iiA it was she seemed to be under
water most of the time.
When taken, into the boat Miss
Drummbrid" : was unconscious . and
hey .liiiiniediately began restoration
with ' the result that when the boat
reached 'the shore tho young lady had
regained consciousness and was able
'... waUK, She was immediately ac
.eonjpanied,to. her home. :"I had no
though VI. she said; "blit that we could
walk safely over the logs. Mr. Schaf
fer suggested nothing1 that made me
think it 'Was dangerous, but when
they begttn'to rolld told him I could
not'stand up on these things and just
then' we both went in." it . ;
The girl was saved and the rescuers
felt glad they had been successful i
at least doing this much. There was
no hope of saving the young man, as
he had gone down- in sixteen feet of
water. However a dSzen men began
at once the work of trying to recover
the' body, using grab hooks, poles and
dragnets. It' was rather slow work
among the logs. . A large crowd had
gathered, when at 2:40, nearly three
hours and a half after going down,
he was brought to the surface in the
net drawn by D. W. Gibson. The
remains were' taken to the Clbugh
undertaking parlors. ' '
' Jesse C." Shaffer was employed as
chauffeur for Fred S. Stewart, former
ly of Salem but now of Portland. . He
was evidently a good reliable man as
he has been in charge of the same' car
for the past nine months. His moth
er and younger brother reside near
Portland and it is said he has seen
fargely to their support. While here
he has made a number of. friends
anmiig the yottng 4'le and was in
fact quite a favorite, (e w jut j
patt eighteen yrr old and a fins
tyje of young mauhood.
His employer, who had gone to'
Portland and Heattle Ul WfxInm.Uv,
ae notified at oikm and through him
word was Mutt to the molhrr.
There was one circum.tance in con-
paction with the 4 ending of the
young man' life that reflects some
what on his good judgment in risking
the life of his companion as well a
himtlf io the manner that he did.
Grub oak, large fir, and ah wood,
well seasoned. Leave orders at Han
ns A Irvine's Hardware store. tt-lS
If any person suiects that their
kldorys ar ilerangH they should take
Foley' KMii-r ifa-medy at once and
nt ri-n hi n llrlgbt's disease or
dialei , (H-in gives the dlnease a
stronger f "ii.m.l and you ehould not
dulay UkK rotey's Kidney Jtemedy.
Itlsapiir to e a peieon neglect
Indications i.tuer or bladder trouble
that many ivilt in Bright's disease
wheo Fol'y'rt Kidney Itemedy will
correi-t d i-iiiilunilcs and strengthen
these nr.i.- Tk Foley's Kidney
Ren;e.ly i.i do l.r.i i-in of danger,
f ove i Win .huh
Cuudldate for Legislature-
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of representative of Polk
oounty in the legislature on the re
publican ticket. C. L. HAWLEY.
An overwhelming majority of Ore
gon's voters by registration have for
mally declared that they believe in
the principles of the Republican
Party. Let them now show
that they are honest by voting in
accordance with their declarations.
The Oregqn election comes before the
Republican National Convention
Let every Republican voter in the
first congressional district uphold the
honor of the Republican Party in Ore
gon and strengthen the influence of
Oregon's delegation in the National
Convention by voting for H. M. Cake
for United States Senator and W. C.
Hawley for Representative in Congress
If either of these Republican nominees
fail of election, , the primary election
system will be discredited and a re
turn of boss rule will be invited. The
good name of dregdn's voters will be
placed in a humiliating position.
For the effect it will have on the No
vember election it is '- imperative that
all the Republican nominees in the
June election shall de elected by an
overwhelming majerityi- -As a believ
er in the principles.! the- Republican
Party, it is your, duty. to be at the,
polls June 1st and to vote for Cake
and Haw ley,. . , , . .t .. ,.
Excursion Kates June 1st.
On and after the. first of J une the
Southern, Pacific Company will sell
summer excursion tickets to Yaquina
and Newport at the following rates:
Yaquina, season, $3.70; Saturday to
Monday. $2.50. Newport,, season,
$4.20; Saturday to Monday, $2.50. -,
Season tickets are good - six months
from date of sale. . '.."..." 5-28 tf
There has not been a time in a
good many years, says an Indepen
dence grower, when hops were as
backward-as they are at this time.
The majority of the growers have laid
off their trainers because "the hops are
not high enough to train. . It is due
to the exceptionally cold weather
which has prevailed during the entire
spring season. There was not a single
trainer in many of the hop yards durT
ing the past week. . . . -
, Card ot Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the friends who so kindly
assisted us during the, illness and
death of our beloved daughter.
Mb, and Mrs. Chas. S. Iutf.-
Independence, Oregon.
O V PIT A. JO, 825,000
OrrtciM add Dikkctoks:
W. A. Messner. Pres. K. liefer. Vice-Free. C. C. I'striok.Ca.
Win. Riddel! F. N. Btump. J. P. Rogers
Tho Real
Farmers, List
Your Prop
erty Now!
lndtpndncmt Or.
Farm and City
Property. Farm.
Property Is Our
Valley :
"Prize PeacK"
We guarantee these Flours equal to
any on the market. . Keep your
money at home and buy only home
made Flour. We solicit a trial
Oregon Milling &
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and exchange business. Deposits
received, Loaos made, Drafts sold. , ; : .
- ' Officers and Directors
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L. Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. 8. Powell,! J. B. Btump,
I. M. Simpson. ,
Estate Men
We aro going to sell real estate
and are now in touch with peo
ple in the east and some who
are now on the ground and
want small farms. They have
the money and are going to in
vest in Polk county.
of single and doable harness. My
harness is all made from oak tan
leather and Warranted to be free
from flaws.
My prices are light. ,
G. C Dunham
Warehouse Co.