FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. Locy Soddreth, of Lenoir. N. C. had been troubled with .wy bad cough for over a year. Sheaaya: "Attend bought a bottl. of Chamrlaii' Couch Rkmwv. brought it to bm and Inaiated that I hould take it. I did ao and to my aurprie it Wped aaa. Four bottle ol nd mm ( my gh." ABOUT THE FARM. If the $200,000, more or less, that Is pent annually In the farcical distri bution of seeds of very 'Indifferent merit by the congressmen who hops thereby to better their chances of re election were divided equally among the several states and territories for use in practical and helpful experi ment station work, it would be a far more serviceable disposal of the money. Of an estimated total forest area In the confines of the United States of 700,000,000 acres the amount in state or national reserves Is placed at 22 per cent, while the rest is in unreserved public lands or private tracts. The to tal area, however held, is deemed suf ficient with right management by those who have made a study of the subject to eventually supply the lumber needs of the country, and this in spite of a continually increasing demand. On every farm where grain is raised and where Intensive methods have be come Imperative the seed drill should be used for all the small grains.' Not only is less seed required : where the drill is used, but by sowing the seed at an even depth and in moist soil a better and more uniform stand of grain is secured. Experiments con ducted by the Illinois experiment sta tion showed that an increase in yield of from five to seven bushels per acre was secured on plots of ground where the drill -was used. For a number of years following the Introduction of "the culture of sugar beets in this country in 1887 the indus try wa,at;a standstill. By 1893 the production of beet sugar had reached 22,344 short ions. In 1901 it .was 184, 606, while last year the total output was 500,000 short tons. The increase noted is due chiefly to the extending of the culture of the sugar beets In. the Irrigation sections" of the west rather than to its adoption in sections where there is sufficient rainfall to ' produce the ordinary tilled farm crops. . With a view to freeing themselves from the dictation of beef prices by the Chicago packing houses, a group of central Iowa farmers have lately ehipped a carload of fide beeves direct to Tortland, Me., where they will be loaded for shipment to-England. A prior shiproent,.d)rect to the Liverpool market resulted in their receiving such good prices that they were led to try the plan again. There would seem to be no good reason why this method could not be followed right along whenever Chicago or other packing house centers were not paying a fair price. A report which we have seen circu lated, but not yet verified, is that Iowa farmers are taking advantage of the excessively high, prices of butter by selling their entire product at top notch New York prices and are importing for their own use oleomargarine from the Chicago packing houses. The writer la disposed to brand this as fiction, as Iowa farmers possess a reputation for feood sense as well as a desire to make noney in dairying. If the charge is itrue in acr sense, it is probably the ifolks who don't have any cows at all "that are lubricating $eir . flapjacks Hrttn oleomargarine. The total clip of wooi in the United States for 1007 was 298.294,750 pounds. Including the washed and unwashed product Of the total output there were 130.359,118 pounds of scoured wool, valued at $78,2(53.105. About the easiest money made on American farms, entailing no drain upon the fertility of the soil, is that re turn secured from the flocks of sheep which consume the largely waste vege table growths to be found thereon. There are four things that a farmer of good health Is justified in going into debt for namely, tiling the wet acres on his farm, a manure spreader, fences that will enable him to keep sheep and a soft water cistern for the good house wife. The farmer and gardener, even though he may not have an aesthetic taste which would cause blm to pro tect bird life for its sake alone, if he has but a thought for the size of his pocketbook will do all he can to shield the birds of the community, in which he lives from their many, enemies. Never before has the place of the birds In the system of nature's economy been more fully appreciated than now and never so high a value placed on the service which they render to man. If the failure to get a start in clover is due to the same causes as with al falfa, it is quite likely that in a good many cases insufficient seed is sown to give a proper stand. Especjajlyjs this the case where no nurse crop is sown and where, if the clover plants do not get a good start of the weeds, the weeds will swamp the clover and smother it out True, clover seed is expensive, but this furnishes addition al", .reason why, if it is worth .while sowing the crop at all, enough should be sown to produce a satisfactory stand. . . ; ; . ., 1 ' Of different food products for farm animals a chemical, analysis shows dry alfalfa hay to be just . about equal pound for pound to bran. In a ton of the former there are 220 pounds of pro tein, 792 pounds of carbohydrates and 24 pounds of fat. In the same weight of bran there are 244 pounds of pro tein, 772 pounds of carbohydrates and 60 pounds of fat. These figures ex plain why alfalfa is such a boon to those sections of the country where it can be successfully grown. Red clover hay is an excellent substitute for al falfa, a ton containing 136 pounds of of protein, 716 pounds of, carbohydrates and ,34 pounds of fat If any of the readers of these notes are planning to set out timber lots on a modest or large scale this spring, we would advise them to communi cate with the directors of the horti cultural department of their state ex periment station or with the forest service bureau at Washington. From either source data will be forthcoming which will not only recommend the best trees to set out in a given local ity, but will give details of the best methods to get the wood lots started and the care they should receive. The forestry question is a very" live one Just now, and both state and federal departments are more tlvan anxious to aid any who desire, to assist In the work of reforestation. To f t roUn output of Braitt b tUinatd at m. 1hi, and. atvonl lux to rrir! rr-clrd fru I'Bltod hi ira rm,uta Uvlu In ruuirr, lb laJuairjr la linrvain rapidly. Priuillna uwii.U l bettr. auti Ui quality of the wl not la mm. A much wre arnlt and profltabla tyiwuf artnHur will prevail thaa la frtirral luJay tNi every quarter ac tion farm In U country auppcwta a Bird of rrtxu thirty l aifty ahwp. Tin- ara Inrg rouauux-ra of ata vrffrtable grwtha-il bjprwlueU of tha farta au.l far thla tu v,rjr laudowner abould keep niH - If th farwir la In auoh atralta Dnan dally that b mut l"t blm go without aoeka and uii'.lf mhlrt rather than aorhnp on the prli-e of afrd corn or oata that h haa to buy thla a.-aon. lie would I far letter off at harvest time or huaklntf If ha got good twtl oata at "5 cttta and atl com at f.1 than be would to take mmt awd of ei ther grain aa a gift. Kconomle if mm nuiHt. but lot it not 1 In a.nnla of any kind. Every bit of clover Bnd that 1 bouitht thla eprtiif abould lie carefully tiamluiHl under a mlcwani Wtr It la paid for aud put In the aoll. The aeed la bound to 1 hlnh. and the temptation will be great to adulterate It with the ai-odii of other worthleaa or noxloua phi n and wetnla. luy It long rnotiiili U It I to I used ao that If netwaary a aample of the aeed ran be aubmllted to your etnte esperlment atntlou olll lala fur lnaMs-tlon. In the northern atatea 'alfa ran le more enally atnrted In the early part of Augiixt than In April. when given the late plaining opportunity Is afforded during the preceding inoutlw to kill moat of the weed aeeds that may be lodsred In the aoll. The aoll ahould be put In the bent of tilth anil the seed either drilled In or draiwed enough so that there will be aultloleiit moisture for purioe of germ I nation It la well to remember that alfalfa, like red clover, does not do well on low or undralued soils. Owing to the light weight of oats In so many sectiona of the country where an excellent crop of thla cereal ! usually produced, the matter of getting good seed is going to be one of consid erable difficulty this spring. Whether home or foreign grown aeed Is used, the grain should be put through a fan ning mill under a good blast of air for the purpose of getting rid of the light, chaffy kernels, which, as a rule, have iittia or no irermtnattng power. In the process a good deal of weed seed Is also likely to he euminaieu, no Is a decided benefit nnn hundred and fifty thousand acres of irrigable land In Eden valley, Wyo ming, will be opened ror settlement un Hf th rrev federal Irrigation act June 1. and it ia expected farmers from many sectiona of the country win not- ih.n tn mnk pntrv on the land, which promises to be very productive under the irrigation system wnicu m ucmt, completed. The Eden valley project is the largest of twenty-four provided foq In the state. The valley in question is situated twenty miles from Rock Springs, a station on the Union Ta ctile, whence It Is easily accessible by stage. While he may show a very humble and democratic spirit in so doing, a; boy or man is a traitor to himself and the times in which he lives if he is content to do drudge work and does not take steps to fit himself to do the highest class of work of which he is capable. . ,t Not only is this argument Justifiable from the standpoint of the wage which one will receive, but car-' ried out extensively it wll reduce the number of those who are by circum,' stance or necessity destined to do the, rough work of life and thereby Insure them better pay for their labor. Ond will always find a better paying posi tion, higher, up Jn the Industrial scale i he only fits himself to perform its duties. ' I A Minnesota orchardlst, writing an agricultural paper in that state, exj presses very serious, doubts as to the hardiness of the Northwestern Green; ing, which, while not an apple of high grade or quality, has been about the onlyi hope of the apple men of the north central states when it came to a variety that would keep through the winter. He states that, all of the trees of - this variety in two counties in the state which bore good crops of fruit in 1903 died the following, year. If it should prove true .that this apple is not hardy north of latitude 43, it will nrnvo ft distinct loss and a source of disappointment .to orehardists in the territory mentioned, ana tnose m pui finniar whn have nlanted it in commer cial tracts in the hope that it would be a hardy winter variety ana prontaDie. a iwont bulletin isued by the de partment of . agriculture gives an inter esting account of brome grass, or Bro inermls. as it is scientifically call ed. iFor fprage purposes this grass is considered as not quite so vaiuaDie a umAthT hnt it Is superior to timothy in one respect that it will flourish un der semiarld conditions where tne lat ter grass will not grow at all. The brome grass makes a firm, tough sod, nn excellent characteristic while It Is In pasture, but which becomes a draw back when it comes to breaking the meadow no and nutting it into a tinea crop, as it requires at least two years to thoroughly kill all .the grass after it has once acquired a foothold. The bul letin states that brome grass furnishes more forage ia the western parts, of the Dakotas than the Dative varieties ond mi fnrasre in the eastern part of the states than Kentucky blue grass. It la an ImvmUtif fact Ibat, bit the ri porta of bacon from ll I nl'ed Main u the fulled KludiH bave fallen off fivln 3i!..J iwmda In lvi M ll'".i'.',i Kiiut In Mi, hatrs the rt-rt wwe A.a pouutU lu If! t lT0.ia.uV pounda In Ita. Of the agricultural producta Imported Into the l ulled Ktatea during the peat year plant produtta rotiatltuted 13. tni,ii. Of tbl amount the rblrf ItDuia were: Vugar and luulanw-a, (MV00; eoffee. TH.ii0,n; vrcwtabla nbrra. gtliOuM; fruit" ind tobacco, each l.'tMXaU; vrgvuul" otla, 115 tIXM. There la one thing that la In worae tame than eemltug a atatemeut of ac count or "dun" lo a debtor, nd that la for the debtor lo allow the account In queation In run until hla creditor Omla It necary to reaort lo thla meana of collecting. There are many wbo aevm to take offenae at a dun who are not able to ae the other aide of the proposition. A friend writing ua atntee that he la t a loaa to unilertaud why high priced laud In ao many etlona la left lying Idle for lack of projwr tiling. He atatea that It haa coat blm but 13 an acre for the land be haa actually tiled, while the land thua drained bna liecomo the moat productive f bla whole farm. Our friend atatea that nnder no clrcum atancea would he lay a amaller tile than four Inches In diameter, a amaller alxe 11 ng at tluiea unable to do the work required of It. The common red aqulrrel la a relent leaa enemy of bird life, and the farmer and gardener will tie ahead at the end of the aeaon If he extermlnatea all theae anlmala that frequent the wood lota In the vicinity. It la proliably be couae of theae graceful aud cute yet cruel little raacala ao many varletlee of birds Bhun wood lota aa nesting placea, preferring rather to make their homes nearer the dwellings of man, whither theae enemies come leas frequently to dlaturb them. Squirrels are all right In a pie; elaewhere we prefer the blrda. A nearby nurseryman writes ua that he considers the common mole one of his bent friends and never thinks of killing one of the little fellows. He haa learned by experience that their chief article of food Is the white grub, or larva of the June bug, which not only worka havoc in strawberry beds, but also In flower and vegetable gar dens. While he admits that the mole now and then makes the lawn look somewhat unalghtly in his search for gruba and worms, It Is his view that he does vastly more giod than harm In nature's economy. It Is estimated that 300,000 cage birds are Imported Into the United States every yenr. Most of them come from Europe, Germany in particular, where the Industry Is carried on in a small way by the housewives, who car er tt nn aa a aide lasue in connection with their household duties. The birds require relatively little care, yet bring a hnndRome revenue. Officials of the department of agriculture are of the opinion that these birds couiu in n short time lie raised in this country in Btend of lielne Imported from European countries In case proper attention were given to the matter. There are two or three things that ought to be remembered In making the hotbed," or .cold frame, as it Is perhaps more properly-called. First, use fresh horse manure that will heat Sortie It down, and . let .It warm up. considerably before' 'putting.' In the earth and don't pack the earth down so tight as to pre vent: the heating process,. Three. -or four inches!. of soil, depending some what upon its texture, ought to be suf ficient. Let the earth warm thorough ly,, before- plqntlng the; seeds. , Water frequently and rnjse the sash on warm days, and be sure to have horse blan kets readj; when the. thermometer goes down to zero. ; ..-, 1 The person -who -sets out. an 'orchard for the first time usually makes the mistake of- selecting 'too triany varie ties. It is far better, and more satisfactory'- to,' select two or three hardy standard varieties, fall or winter, as the case may be, and pass up ithe job of using several . acres as an, experi mental plot for thirty or forty varie ties that the nurseryman may 1 urge upon you. Terhaps the . wisdom of having but two or three varieties' is not fully -realized until the trees come Into bearing and one has the market ing of the fruit .to-, attend to.. With many varieties ' and as many seasons of ripening there Is much delay 'and putter work in picking and disposing of the fruit, while the prices one. pan get for little dabs are not so. satisfac tory as for good sized consignments of but two or three varieties. If the children are given prtper tralnlag in the.' home it will include, Rmong other things, the inculcating in a firm and gentle, manner of traits of promptness, obedience and respect .. It may for the time being tie easier for the parent to follow the line of least resistance and allow the child to have his own way, but In the long run this Is simply but a postponement and mul tiplying of problems of government. Conditions surrounding the child should be such that respect and obedience will not have to be insisted oh in violation of the child's sense of Justice, which, while It mav not be worked out Into a theory, is nevertheless keenly develop ed. Crowning and gracing all relations between child and parent, there should be a strong bond of sympathy and good fellowship that will serve to make the training of . the child .a relatively simple matter and-.tbe development In him of resfiect and'obedhnce a simple and natural outgrowth.. F. ED. PHASE! Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Monmouth, Oregon For Signs That Attract nt iNDEl'KNDKNCK, PALM BARBER SHOP Cooper'. Block. C W C. C ROBINSON, P,oP. Dealer In Drber Supplies, Razors. Strops, Soap, Mugs and Bruihes. Balris In Con nection. Agent for Dallas Laundry. INDEPENDENCE, BICE & CALBEEATH House Furnishers We carryjtlie most com plete line of House Jr nfshingip Polk County; CARPETS and RUGS Carpets ee wed while you wait. Undertaker and Fu neral Director .-... -- . .. All calls promptly attended to, day or night. ; - phone 273 . . . , .. MAIN.STKKKT.; , INDEPENDENCE 7 WAGONS and BUGGIES THE RUSHF0RD WAGON Is known the WORLD OVER for its lasting qualities, . strength and light running , For tha latest styles and up-to-date buggies, buy Michigan as their fin ish and construction is superior to any other make of jobs. A trial will convince you of the fact. .... - ; .hi! Do not buy until you see our line ' . R. M. "WADE & CO. W. E: CRAVEN, Manager Albert Sperling Sign Painter OrI'GON OREGON Independence, Or,