HI. T. Reynolds, Dcraxratlc nominee Ur Jcbjcl JurcrlnrccJcni Your Suppcrl RespcetfBlly Solicited AUSKA YUKON EXHIBITION PnltrnnnfvFiMMKIjimMrv, 1 vttl LtUUlli j L,AllUI KllWUtti LA cell Ail Others. I IIKWITT, M. I). Physician lid fturireoii rtlc In Cooiwr ltulldln;, rom 2 BO'I 8. Olllon hour! U , m. to I! in. Calli anawersd nig-lil anl li 0 p. nt liny. if. MUM r.K LAJUUK NO. M Knf Mtta evry Mini, night EXCl'RSION KITES GRANTED Tn nmmonromof! nf linn. moul!) XorrM The (ri'iiii luiliili will l emu. Through the kiitdnm of iiin-rul )IIJ In tune fur lh rJM,il!.n at iaaMfgi-r Agent Mi'Miirry, rliiif It In jit IlMKI. It i will hy the Or-1 rates on (he railroad will (w icriittnl ritiimloioll t be Iho lariat lall lht attending; thu aiiliunl com ami nuwl attractive biiil.linif on lh nienrtiiiient of the Monmouth Hate -i m oil i m ground. An rihihit of Normal. The rirrciwa ill U on tho lt' roiirf will Im made in the ewuinx f the IfiHh and conclude thia ImiiMiiik ami it i riHH InI it ill on the evening of t lie I' M. The claa t a thorough antl attractive one. arrinon mill he dilivirtd by Kev, !r. Owing li the fact that lha aHitiou Clan-lice True Wilaoii of 1'ortlund ami will ojM-ii in June, liHrU, the eihihit Ir. W.J. Kerr of Crvallia, will deliver mule at the fair will have to be Kth the addre to the dt. A full copy ered from thi year' cro. of the program will a..iir h.n.ii. I'olk county should have credit- Mny ,,,,r K"t)y diM..iiit- able Mhil.it at thit fM.tr. lleing easily l LX "f 11,0 r' in ,,"t U,'"K on of the bet counties in the atate able to NtrticiUi in the unveiling of it will Ui emected that her eihil.il t" monument marking the aite of will uj. all other. The eiiwi.a the flrat a. h.o in thi ctinty at Ki. k- of gathering thi eihil.it la email. A r,'11 "rday. Mr. Tharj. had live limn to take .hold of the matter aj.areJ no j.aiua in drilling the cl.il- audim.h it la the nee-wary fin atp dren and the 7th, Klh and Uth grade nd quality of vl.e di.i.lay ia the eaaeti- fanning tnd in a l-ody. tial M.int; not uantity. After the Hinee the tlrnt founding of the tate eihihit ia gathered together ami for- normal goe hark into the early day warded to Keattlo there ia no further mm li inU-ret in h it in thi ne k( lu-r exiMmu. The Oregon coiiirniwiinii ing. Aln-ady there ia much diiuiiena will take c harge of it nd put an at-1 on inany evi-nta of early hiatorical tendant over it. Th'-re will le much aignifkani' and it ia none too noon to gimd advertiniiig for the county from Ix'in to make definite marking and thia exhil.it. mileatonea. MemlM-ra of the Oregon conimiitaioii For many yearn each china hm given wi!! viait thia county in June and Ju- a public reception once during the ly, but it will he too late then togath- Hchool year and on Saturday evening cr together the exhibit. The work of the freohineu will entertain the pub- la K. of I'. Hall. W. H. Hitf, U.C. 3, vV. Itlcliftrdaon, K.Ilau.lH. B. F. JONES A TTO HSU Y-A T-LA W XOTAltY V VII LIC Onie nptairt ln,Coor Jtlk 1SDKPENDENCK, OREdOV MATTISON BROS. CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND , CHOlCK CONFKCTIONliRY The IW.t to Be Obtained. Next door Hotel and Rear Cooper Mock gathering the exhibit inunt be begun lie. A literary and mimical program INUuPCNULNLD. UKC I at once and aomeone niuat take charge will le given and thia proiniea to be of it. The Oregon coinmiaaion ia an evening of more than usiiul in having a ninety-aix-page iKH.klet terent. printed which will I diatributed uur-l 8t-vcrl of the atudenta who have ing the exposition. Two page of been touching in various part of the this booklet will be dcvvtvU to the aute will carrv work in the norinul resource of each county. It is in- for a part of this term and avail them tended to ehow the farm, orchards, Uelves of the summer session. Uy this live-stock, timler, mountains, streams, means they are able to earn a part of and everything of intercut in each their exiienses and better than all to get a thoroughly practical ide.i of the every day problems of the school room. The work is so planned that The function of the kldneya Is to students may thus enter and have the strain out the Impurities of the iH..t of tlm truinimr. blood which is contitntilly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healtliv so thev willstrainoutsll waste matter from the This association has charge and con blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at trol of the various student enterprises once and it will make you well. Dove and there is much interest taken in Sl Williams, the election of these officers. The Australian ballot system is used and in this way they not only elect the I 8 FRIEND TO FRIEND. The prrsrmal rTfOtniiienciatlnw ei fit who have been cured ol cooV aa4 colds by ChamlMrrUin't CuujH Remsjdj have don mora than all cla to aoak It I staple article of trade and comma A Uigt part of tb civillttd world. W.R ALLIN, D. D. S. ...Dentist... aiolww KitrtMXioo UiMir Halldlug, IadeH'ndenr, Oregoa THE OREGON p JJJ? RE L I E " county l)y n,ovi,,K I'icture. McMlnnullli, : s : : Oregon Chat. Gregory, Jigt., Dallat. Or. California Medicated Soap The bout for sum, rliapprd huniL lUiiilrult, InMvl stlnii. nod k.I.ii 1 1 ti ill it ii Filters. The officers of the student body association will be elected this week Mrs. J W. Richardson, Sr. A H tint, Monmouth Hi., lndfM-odno Or. Launch Independence MONMOUTH Plys beiweeu ludepemleure nd Sal em daily except hundny. Passenger And friitit. himlnnau ailtnltAf Lv IndftMiidnPA o-Mnni. Miss Martha Iave Hslem ; 3:16 p.m. this place was Geo. Skinner Skip iter Portland. C. V. Teats and wife of Dallas Mrs. Johnnie Pavidxon of Stayton officer but gain a valuable knowledge is the guest of Mrs. 8. M. Daniel this of the election laws of the state. week. Stengel formerly of married recently in THE MASK TORN OFF R. E. DUGANNE, D.M.O. DENTIST Graduate of N. P. D. G . PHONE M 803. INDEPENDENCE 3ed&d: over Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Henry Butler. Mrs. Bryant visited her mother in Portland last week. Mrs. Jennie Waller is in from her Salaried "Official" ot the Autl- were Saloon Ltotirue Let Hie Cnt Out of the ling. fil'JYY itmW GL Hawkins Dallas, Ore. garble and Granite (To the Editor) The Rev. J. B. Knodell of Portland, one of the many salaried "superinten homestead on Siletz for a fortnight's dents" of the Anti-Saloon League, stat VISlt. ( nH tha ftt.hflP Aav f hat tha lnonl nnlinn j .. r Frank Lucas was up from Portland elections this year wera only prelim- the last of the week. inary skirmishes. He said that the J. H. Hawley made a business trip real idea was to obtain prohibition for to Portland Saturday. the entire state of Oregon in 1910, t.nAfr. t t P-ftSff. or viu. two years from now. That lets the They a r-not loral (iptiuttist. They are pr.ihit.it u.nit afti'r all. The opponent of the local option 1 were right. It really wan prohibition in disguise. And the seheins of the smart attorneys, lecturer and orators who make a fut living out of the pro hibition agitation, is quite plain. The scheme ia to start in quietly: to hold election in precinct in which there are no saloon, never were any auliKjii, and probably never would be any u1imiii. Kuch precincts being frightened with the alwurd question "j'o you want a saloon next your home?" were easily put in the dry column. Then by adding each year to the dry territory acquired in this way. They have finally reached that state of arrogance in which they have thrown aside the musk and boldly declared for the state prohibition two year from now. Voters have been fooled with this kind of fradulent elec tion long enough. Prohibition accomplishes nothing for real temperance or for morality. Bankruptcy docs follow j.roliibition and the United States census reports prove this beyond a doubt. Here and there a prohibition orator may find a prohibition town or small community which has been fairly prosperous even in spite of prohibition. There are ex ceptions to all rules, but government figures which do not lie, prove that prohibition is not only a mark of stagnant community, but is a blight to a prosperous one. Prohibition in Oregon would cause 2500 buildings to become vacant and would throw out of employment 0000 men and deprive 4000 families of their livelihood. Whore is the pros-, perity in this? Remember a vote for local option now is a vote for prohibition in 1910. E. WARD. The Kind You Have Alway Tlougbt, and hl h ha been ia ue for over SO year, h4 borne the nljrnatnre oi' - and ha mmi ma4e under bl pri ? y. Jfjy"f aonal aupervuilon since IU lufavncy, WuX(Vi4A AUownoooetodeefllveyoelnthl. All Coiint4-rfclt, Imitations nl Jut-a-too4, are but Kxprltnent that trllle with antl eadanrer the health of laCanU and Clilldrcu Exprino afaiat lCspericnent. What Ig CASTORIA CaatorU is a liannleas sabtltat for Castor OH, Pare foric Irop and. ioothtnr Syrups. It is IIevuuit. It contalas neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Jiarcotlo subatanre. Its age is its aTuarantee. It destroys Worrus and allays l'e v.-rUlmea. 1 1 cures IHarrbaea and Wind Colic 1 1 relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It fuidmHutrs Uie I'chxI, regulates tho Stomach and 1 towels, giving beUtby and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In. Use For Oyer 30 Years. tmc rrwa swiiMtrv, rr mvmmv emrr, new tii cm. E. H. XJ1CHAND Painter and Paperhanger I have recently located la this city and am prepared to do all kinds of House, 8ign, and Carriage Painting, Paper Hanging. Glazing, etc. My prices are reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction. Estimates freely famished. Leave Orders with Bice Z1 Calbreath or telephone Main 49. PALACE MEAT MARKET I sru. vi -r Monuinenia and Head (tones Cemetery work etc. iting with relatives and friends in Portland. , John E. Miller of Portland visited here during the week. Tom Fitchard a former normal student greeted old friends here Sat Mr. cat out of the bag; The people were assured four years ago that the local option law was merely intended to protect residence districts against the encroachment of the saloon. "We are not prohibitionists," oried Dallas Steam Laundry Best Work ' G-uaranteed I TIT. 1 1 I 1 j. ' tne supporters ot the bill. "We are returned from the east where he has , luvni vj;viuiiiara, billDC njju claimed that the local option law was years. I mereiv nrohibition in discniHR. its The Social Hour Club was very supporters presented an unbroken pleasantly entertained at the home of front. When taxed with the fact Mrs. Irene Dalton on Tuesday after- that their law was unfair they replied noon! bv aakine the oublio to read it. As Ollie Rowell of Albany is the guest the law was twenty-eight pages in of his sister, Mrs. T.A. Riggs, this week, length the public would not bother itself by making a more careful inves- Fresh Cows for Sale. tination. I have for sale at my ranch, two When they were confronted with miles north of Independence, a ' num- the fact that states and communities ber of head of fresh cows with calves which adopted prohibition grew Voor Basket leaves 1 lieSday 0 p IT! I at their side -which I will sell. For and lean, they said it was not so. particulars call on or inquire of D. L. When they were shown that the Hedges, Independence, Ore. Phone, United States census proved that only 348. tf 4 9 1 three states in the union had ever decreased in norjulation. and that two Valued Same as Gold. of them were prohibition states, they ji. u. Btewari, a merchant, ot tetiar ga;d Do not worrv. Thia is onlv a View, Mis., says tell my customers .ror).. , ,Vfi ftpn . . wnen msr ouy a dox ot nr.jking . . . New Life Pills they ret the worth of r tlmt mnnh onA in waiirht. if arrHr.tad m o--. I . J. i with consumption, malaria or bilious agnarors was asitea u taxes were not; ...... ..I n. v. : u v :i Dees." Hold under guarantee at an soc" u,"" f,u,"ull',ou druggist. 2io. communities than in communities which handled the business under the Candidate for Legislature. license system, they were quick to I hereby announce my candidacy answer. "It is not so, but even if it When this same crowd of salaried and returns Friday Olee Robinson Independence. : i Oregos Farmers Feed and Hitching Shed Jones Big New Ban Tetis 10c, Saddis Herss St Rigs a well as teams kept la the dry. Horses boarded bv dsy, week or montii. for the office of representative of Polk were, it does not matter, for this is county in the legislature on the re-1 local option, not prohibition h sash aa w IMS SS t I a" S UfiftUif1 I I J. H. lUllLO. W - C I publican ticket. C. L. HAWLEY. I And now the cat is out of the bag. The Most Common Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism can pes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it I the inoet coiumou of all ills, and It Is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep possible.' In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become permanent, while in old people enb'eot to chronic rheumatism, often brought on by dampness or change In the weather, a permanent cure cannot be expected ; the relief froai pain which this liniment affords is alone wortb many times its cost. 26 and 50 eent size for sale by P.M Klrkland. I VOTE "YES" UN APPROPBIATION. It begins to look as if the vote for the University appropriation will be almost unanimous, as it should be. Everyone interested in the welfare and development of the state will vote for the bill. A vote against it is a vote against Oregon. The immi gration boosters in the state of Wash ington are already using Oregon's attitude on the University of Oregon appropriation bill as an argument for the purpose of diverting homeseekers to their state. , Since the form of the ballot title is, shall the appropriation be sustained, all friends of education should vote "yes." If you want the appropriation to become effective, mark your ballot between number 314 and "yes." ONG & CHAMBERLIN, Proprietors. Game AH Kinds of fresh and cured Meats and fish in season. 2; I 5 I Independence Oregon "i 3. UNDERTAKING Day or Night "s P'-io'lv attend ed to. Fine l h i i'r K l 'ohiit-i-i ion. An Kxperiem-eil 1. ly.Vri.oima PDoiu, mato m Rc$. 73 W. L BICK, Knibaimer and K 'rnl Plrecor. ' Licensed by Oregon State Board of Mw - I OK.PBNDENCE BICE & CfUDREfTrn OREGON Bad Attack of Dyseutery Cured "An honored citizen of thia town was suffering: from a severe attack . of dvsentery . He told s friend if he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, be having used this remedy in the west. He was told that I kept it In stock and lost no time in obtaining it, and was promptly cured, says "M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by P. M. Kilkland. Fruit Lands For sale in 5, 10. 15 and 20 acres. No . 1 land, prices n'itht, good easy terms, between Monmouth and Independence See J. H. Morsn, Agent 8-5 tf MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS Bf USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush snd mix In feed or salt Proper dote in taslsts Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price Fot Hon, Cattle, Sbp, Swine and Fowl. Thy arc mad from tk active priadpl er ato 1 condensed tucac of tbc drug. Thj don't conaua Sawdaat, Aihe. Chop Fd or Braa. Are Jurf ' as food wlita 10 ytar old aa when IS days aid. Thy comply with all para drat laws. Ask lor and try one SKIDOO Condition Tablet, or SKIDOO Woaao. Xidnay, Cbkkaa Cfcolaaa Blister, Cathartic, Hcav. FTr, Hot Choi.rm, Ditmpr, Pink Ey, Colic tabtetsorLooM Pawdtc Spavin Cur or Barb Wire Liniment Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE COw bcorporatcdj Capital Stock S308.oso.ooi Wstsrtown, South Dakota. U. S. A. For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon Chance of a Cift Cime . 55 ACHES A beautiful tract, -one mile from Indepen dence. Under cultivation and fenced. Cash or terms to right party, if taken at once. $3000 will 'swing this. For particulars phone 261. WESLEY ED WAR D S STKAM CARIET CLEANING and FEATHKB RfcK'JVATING Order Binoenlitig to l or mors carpet will be taken Dp and re aid free of i'na rse when elenixd. All vor Aaareat;hly disinfected sod g r anleel. - . Addre... SALEM, OREGON