West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, May 21, 1908, Image 1

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    I . I . , . r - -, - - " ' A I
Ontrn I!lalorl(! Pochlv
V i
Governor Accuses take of
Bad Faith.
It Is Only a Question of W hat
' Mr. lake's Majority
Will B.
Who cannot lilp from asking that
question ftor hearing or reading the
campaign sjeeches of the (iovcrnor.
The Governor said that if lctil to
tliH Hrnate lie ull try to see that
an employers' liability lw, applicable
to the interstate railroads, were inimc
dintcly passed. Ho chnrpml that
Congress IiikI nfusiil to pass mieh a
bill (ilthoiiKh the President had rec-onmi.-ndrd
iU passage a numlxr of
times. The furt h are that Congress,
bout two years flgo, passed nn act
concerning thin subject and the same
was held uncoimtitutional because it
admits the regulation employers'
liahility in several state when thi
was a mutter over which Congress hint
no control. Tin legislatures of the
everal states tindr our system have
exclusive control "on that subject
within the nt.it-, an.l Congress can
only regulate i-nrh matters relating
to commerce between the states.
During the present Congress a bill on
this subject was passed and signed by
president Knosevelt and the legislation
it entirely satisfactory to railway em
ployees throughout the country. In
proof of this Btatement reference is
made to President Roosevelt's last
Again Governor Chamberlain ac
cuses Wr. Cake of bad faith and of
vile, nefarious treatment of Senator
Fulton in the primary campaign in
not denying tho charges made against
the Senator and defending his good
name therefrom. The evident pur
poBO of Governor Chamberlain is to
cieate in tho minds of the friends of
Senator Fulton, a feeling of resent
ment and revolt against Mr.' Cake's
candidacy so that the Governor would
inherit thoir votes.
Those who have heard Mr. Cake's
addresses will remember that Mr.
Cako spoke of Mr. Fulton in the
highest terms and oi one occasion,
in "his speech in Union, branded the
charges made against Senator Fulton
as absolutely falso.
Governor Chamberlain further said
that if he was a friend of. Senator Ful
ton's he would have made that denial.
Little comfort will be obtained; by the
Governor when the true facts, regard
ing that vile controversy between Mr.
Ileney and Mr. , Fulton are '.known.
Mr. Ileney, in his speech -in Portland
on January 28th, last, quotes the
Btatement of Governor Chamberjain
using these words,. "Governor Cham
berlain, I have talked with about tbjs
matter. He has made no affidavit,
but I suppose his word, will go with
out swearing to it and here 'is what
he told me." Then'.vMr. Heney
quoted at length from' the. statement
of the Governor in which J. S. Smith
was by him fully exonerated.: Heney
alteo read an affidavit of Bishop H. L.
Barclay who also "butts in" on the
game. Then Governor Chamberlain,
at Salem, gave out an interview to a
well known democratic paper for the
purpose of confirming .the statement
of Heney and discrediting Senator
Fulton when the Senator branded the
Btatement as a malicious lie. It now
becomes apparent to the public that
the Governor, although now contend
ing that Cake should have defended
Senator Fulton, was one of the par
ties engaged in the dastardly attempt
to blacken Senator Fulton's good
name for the purpose of bolstering up
his own political ambition. It now
appears most certain that Heney and
Chamberlain mere conspiring togeihir
for the purpose of aiding in democrat
ic iii.-ee. Un the senatorial eamaiKn.
The Governor must think that the
voters of Oregon do not read the
nrwfpx ri or he would not have as
wiled Mr. Cake far failing to defend
an accusation ginst tfenator Fulton,
which a being nmds by Heney in
puMtinnee of a conspiracy of which
Governor Chamberlain an Im
portant niemU-r. Smith was appoint
d by Governor Chamberlain lo the
position of assistant warden of the
stat jMiiiwntiary, and Ilishop liar
clay, who wm also a nu mber of that
conspiracy, presided over and intio
diifnd Governor Chiim'Hrl.iin at the
Governor' meeting at f!. Johns when
heop'nel hi. ci np-lj:: i fr t'nited
l ito Henntor.
Ill view of tlm firogoh ' factK, the
Governor's sincerity and honesty of
purjiose must be severely questioned
La Orande Observer, May 11, 1!')S."
- .-
Unites) l'r Assessor.
C. S. Graves, republican nominee
for county assessor, if elected, will
conduct the office in the same fair
manner as in the pact term. His
platform is "Honest and Fair Asscss
mcnts." Following established prec
edent and the recommendation of the
faithful hilars of his office Mr. (i raves
deserves election tl ft second term.
Arrangements for the spring meet
of the Independence Driving Club are
about perfected. Horses are still
pouring in from all wetions of the
state. With the number of good
horses that are coming here it is
intimated that a two days' meet may
bo held tho week following the races.
A field of four horses from Harry
Corbott'a stable of thoroughbreds
arrived in Independence and within
tho lust ten days three thoroughbreds
arrived here from Portland, from the
stables of A. J. CotVinan. Twelve of
fifteen good horses from local points
are in training on the grounds
here and a nuciber have also arrived
for the harness events with many
more to come.
Harness events are attracting much
attention. On these, betting it is ex
pected will be spirited. On one of
these it is understood a two side bet
of IKK) a side has been made. This
will insure a good race which will lie
interesting to spectators.
No admission will be charged fhe
ladies to attend the races.
Following is a synopsis of the pro
gram of tlie horse show and the prizes
which will be awarded on the two
days of May 27th and 28th:
Draft stallions, two years old and
- Tercherons, first prize, $5.00; second
Clydeu, first prize, $5.00; second,
$2.50. ' ' ' - , "- - ' - '
Sliires, first prize, $5.00; second,
- Belgians) first prize,' $5.00; second,
$2.50. -
Coaches, first prize $5.00; second,
A. H. Holman, Taffia get, two years
and under, first prize. $7.00; second,
$5.00 and third, $2.50.
Grand sweep stakes for all draft
stallions. All entries free.
i SECOND DAY, 10 A. M.
Double driving team, first prize,
$10.00 buggy robe, given by Geo. C.
Dunham; second prize, $5.00 suit case
or the value thereof given by Red
Front Store.
Single driver, first prize, $7.00 buggy
robe, given by Geo. C. Dunham;
second prize, buggy robe.
Saddle horse, first prize, $7.00 suit
case; second $2.50 suit case, both giv
en by Reliable Mdse. Co. All entries
free. "
A grand ball will be given in the
opera house on the night of the 28th.
The music for the occasion will be
furnished by the Independence
Id Kalmall), Harney, lake
and Malheur Counties,
Oregon Towns Will Not Be
fp-lo-Date Without a
Ball Team.
The beautiful spring weather tlmt
is being tm joyed everywhere in Oregon
ia sufficient to make every man,
woman and child in every village,
town and city, and upon every farm,
feol as though theirs was the best
place in the wide, wide world to live.
Street paving and bard surface pav
ing of the metropolitan ty has
become tho rule throughout tho cities
and towns of Oregon. Many hundred
thousands of dollars will be invested
in hard surface pavements in Oregon,
outside of Portland, and during the
present season Portland is doing
more paving than at any time iu her
The ('is Bay Harbor has just
ir-sued a Woman's Kdition under the
auspices of the Beautiful American
Club. The best known women oi ihe
htute have contributed to the issue
and it is a success from every stand
point. Tho members of the Portland
Realty Board enjoyed, in addition to
a boat ride on the incomparable
Columbia, a full day's outing at
Hood river, last Saturday, where they
were entertained in t he most gracious
A vast are a of Klamath, Harney,
Lake and Malheur counties, compris
ing some three hundred thousand
acres, is to le opened for settlement.
Much capital is behind the enterprise
and this project must of necessity
attract enormous attention to that
great portion of Oregon, which only
needs improved transportation facil
ities to make it one of the most pro
ductive and popular sections of the
northwest, and the rapid settlement
of these lands will force the building
of tho transportation lines.
" From Astoria to Huntington, and
from Portland to Ashland, tl!e base
ball craze has full hold of the state,
and every vacant lot is being utilized
in preparing for later contests.
- One of the greatest attractions of
Rose Festival , W eek will . be the 50
mile arid 100-nrile automobile speed
contests to be held during the after
noon of Thursday, June 4th. This
will be the greatest racing event ever
held on the Pacific Coast; the course
lies east of this city, each lap being
fourteen miles, "and a grandstand
seating 10,000 people has been erected
in full view of tho start and finish of
the races. No machines will be
allowed to enter which are not capable
of sixty-five miles per hour. Three
magnificent silver trophy . cups are
offered for each race one valued at
$500, one at $250 and four at $100
each. The entire course will be oiled
and in perfect condition, the roads
being closed to all traffic during the
hours of the races and guarded by
detachments of the Oregon National
Guard. A field opposite the grand
stand will be reserved for the use of
any who may wish to view the races
from automobiles or carriages, while
telephones stationed '- at different
points will report the progress of the
races, announcement to be made on
bulletin boards.
The Roseburg Commercial Club is
after a practical cannery man to co
operate with the people of Roseburg
in establishing a fruit cannery.
The picnic which takes place at Falls
City May 23d by the Woodmen of the
World promises to be something more
than the ordinary, It U U nitf !
vTtiiM- to c.ni.iTIU rttftit and
Mention is t;ien to prrjur
ation iMk!iK to thv entertainment of
gtirvU l the city.
The tit five ilnlUrs offered by
Falls City W. i. W. for the l-.t d
oraUxi window, repreMMtlilift ood
craft, is a uniiie idi s. It Mill lun
ula te the citi'im and bimincn men
to decorate th city fur the occasion
ml will make a good iiupmiou mi
all who attend.
Rpv. C. T. Hurd will prach o
ial sermon to the niemU'ra of the
grdddittiiiK cliiaac of the biub chol
I t ho l'rc.byUruii church tn xt Sun
day evening, Tho topic of Hev.
HurdVtalk rill I- "The Power of the
Mind." Preceding the n-rnion the
diploma will lie prewnted to the
graduate of the second and third
year high school courses. It is ex
M'ted that there will lx ten pupils
who w ill graduate from thce grade
of the high school. Friends of the
graduate are rxjieciiilly invited to l
Independence, Oregon.
C A PJ.TAL, B25.000
OfrictfR amd Diuectohs:
W. A. MesMier. Pre. K. If K Vice-Pr. C C. Patrick. Cash
Wtu. RiJ.Ull K. N. Stump J. P. Hopi-rs
(irtib oak, large lir, and ash wood,
well seas. ned. Inve order at Han
na & Irvine' Hardware store. fi-1
Why go abroad to buy goods when
yon can pet them at home for less
money, and get just what you want?
At P. M. KirklandV dmtore of this
city you will find a very complete line
of the following, and prices right:
Stationery, toilet articles, tissue pa
per of all kinds, complete shaving out
fit, all kinds of paints and brushes,
local postcards, a very complete line
of wall paper, ice cream and soda in
season and there is always someone in
attendance ready and willing to show
you their many other lines of goods.
All goods sold are as represented
and they cheerfully correct all mis
takes and guarantee satisfaction.
Theirs is the oldest and most complete
drug house in Polk' county and their
success is due to fair dealing.
The Real Estate Men
Farmers, List
Your Prop
erty Now!
Independcnct, Or.
Farm and City
Property. Farm
Property is Our
We are going to sell real estato !
and are now in touch with peo
ple in the east and some who
are now on the ground and
want email farms. They have
the money and are going to in
vest in Polk countv.
Personal. :
If any person suspects that their
kidneys are deranged they should take
Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and
not risk having Brigbt's disease or
diabeteB. Delay gives the disease a
stronger foothold and you should not
delay taking Foley's Kidney Remedy.
It Is a pity to see a person neglect
indications of kidney or bladder trouble
that many result in Brigbt's disease
when Foley's Kidney Remedy will
correct in egularities and strengthen
these organs. Take Foley's Kidney
Remedy at the first sign of danger.
Dove& Williams. ,
Miiscatt tor Sheriff.
F. H. Muscatt, the republican nom
inee for sheriff, stands for good, up
right and honest methods in the con
duct of the office. Mr. Muscatt favors
local option and if elected to the of
fice of sheriff -will enforce the admin
istration of that law to the letter.
If elected sheriff Mr. Muscatt will col
lect taxes of Polk county without fear
or favor; will enforce regulation of sa
loons according to the laws and or
dinances of county and cities of Polk.
This platform deserves support.
A Canforntan's L.uck.
"The luckiest day of my life was
when I bought a box of Bucklea's
Arnica Salve;' writes Charles F.
Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two
25c boxes cured me of an. annoying
case at itching piles, which bad troubled
me for years and that yielded to no
other treatment." Sold under guar
antee at all druggists.
Serious Results Feared.
You may well fear serious results
from a cough or cold, as pneamonla or
consumption starts with a cold. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures the most obBti
nate coughs or eolda and prevents ser
ious results. Refuse substitutes. Dove
& Williams.
fji v ri
of single and double names. My
harness is all made from oak tan
leather and warranted to be free
from flaws.
My prices are light.
G. C Dunham
. s?- s?- sz. s?. ?. s?- -v -Si -SSi ,"5 - "
Valley ;
"Prize Peach"
We guarantee these Flours equal to
any on J&Q market. Keep your
money at home and buy only home
made Flour. We solicit a trial
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and exchange business. Deposits
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
Officers and Directors
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler. F.B.Powell, J. B. Stump,
I. M. Bknpson.