HI. T. Reynolds, Democratic nominee for School Surcrlntcudcm Year Sapper! ReipcctfsHy Solicited l- I1HW1TT. M. D. Physician sod Burgeon Office In Cooper Building, rooms I and n. Ofliew hour! V . rn. to 13 ui. tut 2 to 0 p. m. Calls nwrd night and dy. . - . HOMKIt LODUB No. K of P a Mnu vry Mou. night XH In K. f P. Hell. W, If. Kiggi, C.C J, W. Iitcliartoo. K.ll d.I M. B. F, JO NES A TTOltXJi Y-A T- LA W XOTAKY PUBLIC Office iiilr lCoo.rr P.lk 5 INDKI'KNhKNCK, ' , , OR EM ON' MATTISON BROS. CIGARS. TOBACCOS AND CHOlCI: CONFECTION EKY " Hi Pent to lie Obtained. JCext floor lintel and Hear Coor Hlock INDEPENDENCE. ) ORE , W.B ALLIN, D. D.S. Dentist i"iuiew Katrweilon i'.Mir Hiilkllu,!. ludeendeiice, Oreg-o THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF McMinnvlll, : : : : Oregon Chat. Gregory, Jtgt., Dallas. Or: California Medicated Soap Th tel for aores, cliuppcd IihihU clnnilrul!, Inwrt tlii ud hiImiu unk, ' yiis. J. W. Richardson, Sr. Agrot. f Monmouth Ht., independence Or. Launch Independence Ply letweeu Judependcuce nd Sal em daily except Kuiiday. Passenger and freight business solicited. , Leave Independence : 9:30 a. ni. I.eave Halem : 3:15 p. ui. Geo, Skinner - Skipper R. E. DUGANNE, n.M.D.i DENTIST . . Graduate of N. P. I). 0 PHONE M 803. INDEPENDENCE G L Hawkins Yiallas, Ore, ' garble and u uranite .set Hionttnientsana fieao F ftones I enietery ? , wora t ei. . , Dallas j -! " Work :.v I; G-uaranteed basket leaves Tuesday 6 pm and returns Friday 0 loo ARobiii sdii 1 Indkpkndenck, Oregom and Hiding SHed , Jones Big New Bar Tafhe'l0d; ' ' -'Saddle Eforee 6t Rigs as well as teams kept in tho dry. Horses boarded b I, dajf,Jv;ek.or-iuontb,!i I" IP m- t . i . If . aT.'JB'lf 1 Mil rfi ii n iiii ii Steam Laundry NORMAL SUMMER SESSION Preparing for Work Ressler on EaslernTour. rrmiJenl IUmUt 1-ft Ut mm k for t!teat;h will vUlt for a dy or in Omaha at tint home of liia brother and will then to New York C'tty dirtily hir he will iitT Columbia Culleu in the CoIh'K for ta:her at Morningiid HeihU. - II will thru visit at a number of tha loading normals buforw tt'turninu here. His purtxHMi it one of rwr It and study and ha will airoa'h the schmd ques tion from the vieolnt of the best methods and their adaptability to work From letters received he is enjoying the trip and expecta t return about the tenth of June On Friday of last week W. A. Ayr, of l'urtland, and Htiiterintendont Ackennan vioittxl the Normal and occui"l the time while here iu goiti( over the building ami grounds aud attending the class work. Those gentlemen aro members of the Hoard of Kegents for normal schools. Sup erintendent Ackennan conductftl some recitations and tlio vixit was one of iiitersit to the student. - i , Mr. Traver spent last week in an institute h( Antorin and his instittite work wil! call liiui away each week for the, ret of the term. Ho is tin en tliiisiitNt in (his work and his services aru in grout demand. ' Preparations are taking definite shape for the ummer section of the Normal nndth instructors have loen ongagiHl. 1'resUJent ICessler and Mr. Traver have ean-fully daumsl the eotirse to accommodate the greatest number of teachers wanting such work and in the . four courses given can be found outlines for all t lit. grades. They have spared neither time, nor 'Xoiih to secure the best and when it is stuted that Supt. J. A. Churchill of Raker City and Hupt. F R. CooMr (tf Heattle v. ill each conduct a course it is a sufficient guarantee to all that it is well worth while. These men all know the work from a prac tical as well us a theoretical point of view and no one will regret the time used in getting this work. The tennis club has been organized and a committee appointed to prepare the courts. The membership was in creased by the addition of some eighteen names. The club is arrang ing for a schedule of games with neighboring towns and the promise is for some well contested tourna ments. Whooping Cough, "In Februsry our daughter had the whooping coiiKh. Mr. Lane of Hart laud, recommended Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, and said it gave hla customer the beat of satisfaction. . We found it as he said, and can recommend It to anyone having children troubled with whooping cough,", says Mrs. A. Gosa, of Durand, Mich. For sale by P.M. Klrkland. Vote for W. I. Reynolds. MONMOUTH B. F. Mulkey and family have re turned to their home in Jacksonville after having attended the wedding anniversary of Mrs. Mulkey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hawley. Miss Kathleen ; Skinner of Inde pendence is spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. L. M.Hall. ,,. S, R. Smith was a business visitor In Dallas "Wednesday and Thursday. .... Dean Butler principal of the Buena Vista school was at home this week. MrsT J. II. Mulkey went to Halsey this week to attend the, celebration of their father, 8. A. Torter's birthday." Dr. W. H. Farrish was married to Miss Bwanson Sunday May 10th at Shedds Station. Miss Nellie Sihi'ttflias returned from a few days visit with friends in Salem. '' : L; M. Hawley departed for his Home in Billings, Montana, Sunday after a week' visit with hisjarent8 Jherel , Miss Winifred Parrish has returned from, a .visit with, her sister .Mrs.' Van Winkle in Salem. J Rev. E. C. Wigmore of EugeneJ pastor 01 tne tnruusu ui u mno place for the past two years preached liis: farewell sermon v here Sunday, ifov Wio-more resiens -to take- up a pastorate near Eugene where ne is. engaged irt Divinity school work. Miss Opal Boothby is the guest ol her sister, : Mrs, Will McCready iiij McMintiville. Rev. Chase of Independence wil orounv the pulpit" of-the Christian cliurch here Sunday,- both mornin and evening. - ' r CANNERY NEARS COMPLETION Payment on Slock Subscrlp Ilons Is Brisk. The I ndewndene Cannery Ouii pny hre .almul compleleJ their building. It is pinld on the out side, nd tSe building ha been wired for electric light. The syrup room I completed and the tank for that di i'srtinent are here nd will le in- tailed in a fswdsys. The brick fouu- dation for the engine is being built this week and will be ready for install ing the engine oon. Tha first of the coining week the work of piping the structure w ill be commencetl. Much of the machinery is on the ground and being placed in position. HecroUry Measner is busy writing out stocks for the eager ubscriler and raking in the cash for the same. ACT QUICKLY. . Delay Mm Iteeii Dangerous In Independence. Do the right thing at the right time, Act quickly In tuue of dauger. lUekaehe is kldny tro ihle. Domii's Kidney i'llls act quickly. Cure all illtreslog, dangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. A. J. Wood, lof '.'W Cottage Ht , Kuleui, Ore., says: "Kidney and hladder trouble has been my complaint ami about two uiobth ugo tiecaue so bad that I was nbl;gcd to do some thing to - ease the suffering. It bothered me in lly in tne tuoining. The to frequent action of the kidney wcrettoim was very annoying and euilturrussliig. 1 have known people who have reiNiived the best of results from Doan's Kidney I'ids and I pro cured a box. liefore I had used one lx, I was completely free from every symptouofthe troulile. The kidneys were regulated aud my general health became letter. I can hardly express ttie good opinion I have of Doan's Kidney Fills for cases of kidney com plaint or backache.' For sale by all dealers. Pric 60 cents. KoMter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York.. Sole agents for the United States Iteniember Doau's and take nootlier. 5-14 Had Attack of Dysentery Curted. "An honored citizen of this town was sutrering from a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt coufident of being cured, he having used this remedy In the west. He wa told that I kept it in stock and lost no time In obtaining it, and was promptly cured, says "M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by P. M. Kiikland. Fresh Cows for Sale. I have for sale at my ranch, two miles north of Independence, a num ber of head of fresh cows with calves at their side which I will sell. For particulars call on or inquire of D. L. Hedges, Independence, Ore. Phane, 348. tf 49 Valued Same us Gold. B. G. Utewart, a merchant, of Cedar View, Miss., says "I tejl my customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that nmoh gold in weight, if afflicted with consumption, malaria or bilious ness." Hold under guarantee at all druggists. 25c. ; .... . Candidate for Legislature. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative of ,,Polk county in the legislature qn' ihe re publican ticket. ; : C. L. HAWLEY. Chance olf a Elf e Cirae ' 1 '"55 ACHES k ..." : A beau tiful tract "one mile .from Jndepeiv. deuce.' Under cultivation and fenced;' Cash or terms to right' party if taken at once. $3000 " will swing this. For particulars phone, 261. WESLEY EDWARDS ' " STPAM CARrET CLKANIN.d I aiid . , , , , FEATHER RENOVATING , . , brders amounting to 125 or'niore carpets will betaken ,up and relaid. free of charge when cleaned. All worn inorouguiy uiwiuruu an teed. j ,J Address, SALEM, FRIEND TO FRIEND. Tbe peraooal roo) mtodti c4 fs p! who have Wfl cured of ccssgkst ssU cold by Cbambrrlain'e Cov(H MmmAj hav dm wore thsn U else t M Upl article of trade sad cotnBre) mm 4 Wgs part ef tb dilid wodi. KIMl'LU IIO.MK KKCIPK. Mis This Blnpl. Helpful Iteclpe at Home aud Try It, A ay way. (let from any prescription pharma cist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; CmMund Syrup Harsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in U.ttle and take a teaspooiiful dose after t h meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an emi nent authority, who writes in a New York paper, as the finest prescription ever written to relieve Backache, Kid ney Trouble, Weak Bladder, and all forms of I'rinary difficulties. This mixturn acts promptly on tho elimi native tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which caunes rheumatism. Some riersons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, tho relief lieinir effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. . ' Mix some and give it a trial. It certainly come highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is aaid, was established by it. 'A druggistliere at home, when ask ed, stated that he could cither supply the ineredients or mix the prescription for our readers, J also recommends it as harmless. ANTIOCH. It. M. Bosley has been plowing for J. B. Stump. Mr. Bruce and family, late arrivals from Nebraska, moved into the Rufus Smith house last Thursday. Mrs. E. Clarke has purchased a new cream separator. Fete Cornwell of Monmouth was in these parts last week. A number from here attended the Norris & Rowe circus held at Dallas Wednesday. Lafayette Johnson visited his family Sunday, who are training hops near Independence. Mansford Crowley, Fred Ruber's substitute is carrying the mail during the latter's illnesss. Mr. Bruce is hauling cord wood for F. W. Treanor of Independence. William Herren, wife and son Geo. spent Saturday at Black Rock. A. J. Shipley has planted three acres of strawberries this spring. P. L. Fishback was a Rickreall visitor Sunday. Fruit Lands For sale in 5, 10. 15 and 20 acres. ; No. I , land, prices right, good easy terms, between Monmouth and Independence See J.H. Moran, Agent 8-5 tf bREGON J I iuoion na tsar laltoki ir TudrZkiSM UltfSttMdBnaikMckrf Ttomin Diira!kmfirfAl Mst ad fWXttlUiaJ stfflr Not Nanc otic. .ii pmmihmm Ape Biy toe Canty nan , Sour S&wacluMarrwa rsmsfldLosiorSixEP. NEW YOVK. Exact Copy of Wrapfier. tMMmuniNn,Mmn. r-":r:. 'jr, . H. NACHJ1ND Painter and Paperhanger I have recently located In this city and am prepared to do all kinds of House, Hign.and Carriage Fainting, Paper Hanging, blazing, etc. .vy .n-a re reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction. Estimates freely furnished. Leave Orders with Bice & Calbreath or telephone Main 4A9. I PALACE MEAT MARKET 1 J LONG & CHAMBERLIN, Proprietor.. I All Kinds of fresh and cured Meats. Game and fish in season. s 1 Independence a UNDERTAKING Day or Sight f ''s r-.ip'lv pttend-. ed to. Fine I i r i l.-.nciion. 'An Experienced !. .ly A Ms'i.nt " . nm, mam 273 Rc$. 73 V. U BICE, Knibainier and l .-nJ ntrecor. Licensed by Oregon State Board ol Hm4 BICE 6 MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BX USING . MUDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or salt Proper dose in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price Foi Hemes. Cittle. Sheep, Swise and Fowl. They ar ide from the sctiv principle or the condense J essence of the drug. They don't contein Sewdtwt, Ashes. Chop Feed er Bran. Art Jo iood wl.en 10 year, old as when 10 dsye.ld. They comply with U pore drnJ Uw. Ask for "d I try one SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or 8KIDOO Won, Kidney. Chicken Cholera. Blister Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hot Cholera Dietemper. Pink E :ye. Cotablt.orn,e Powdi Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. incorporated: Capital Stock 1300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota. U. S. For sale by H AN IS A & LRVjtN E, Independence, Pregon We Sell i You want the best.1 Are you ready .,1, - a : for it this season? -Y We are prepared a Bern before to meet your wants in vehicles and harness. There's noth ing superior to what we- are sbowin. in tastea stria and service. Absolute honesty in make and material. You will agree when we tell too .zV;..- r irS THE FAMOUS l: f . : Sludcbakieir Xiiic - -. WE CARRY. , No matter what rou want it It's a harneeeor aomethin' that rons en wheels, we'vo f ot it or will quicklj get it..: ; . , i Com In and figure with ua. ; Everybody koow , th place. Hanna &.IrTine , F. S. ' The Sraderaker nmlt on a vehicle, la iu tnarantee Pea I letgat this. ... , - (iu mm LA For Infanta and Children. The '"i llavo Bears i.. Signaturo of In Use For Over Thirty Years Oregon CILPREITII OREOOJEt These. A Kit "' r"' " j S: 3: ss 3; s