West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, May 07, 1908, Image 4

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    usui a3 tmmi mi
Patronise our adv rttwrn,
Dr. Alitn. Dstitl.t, Cooper Bldf
CM i-ir t this crtrr. 8V b
-?..! Vinrana for fl. J
vi u t...i ---
A beautiful line of drew.hirt
A full stork, of W 'nki for SU
at ttlM office.
-i ,.in Pnii.r Not breaf
Irvine' grocery.
If you want quality and style go
Kramer' for shoe.
P. II. Prexler wa visitor to Fort
land Tuesday morning.
lead. "The World Over."
Dr. Dugai.ne, dentist, over Ind
pendence Satbnal Bnk.
i- nl Mover seed. IUi
ll't caro -
phone. J. F. Towell, Monmouth. 5-il
Opal McIVvitt is visiting this
with her parent who wide in Pal-
Um first of May I '
V ' II -
deliver milk at 6o a quart. F.
Mr. A. B. Taylor returned to Port
land Wednesday after a visit of everal
day with relative.
Don't send away for anything in the
harneealine when you can beat city
price at Ge. Dunham a.
Meedaniea Pearl Hedges, ; Lay ton
Smith and Sherman Hays were vis
itors to Salem Tuesday. '
Sewing machines, needle, oil ami
extras, reiairing a sicialty, go to II
II. Japewon, who will try hi best to
i.Imim van. . tf -
Mrs. W. II. Allin and little son re
turned from Salem Sunday after a
visit of several days with relatives in
that city. '
Wood for Sale Second growth at
3.60, old growth fl.00 .per cord
.ilivrwi. S. Cox, Independence
ti hi tf4-2
Mrs. Clarence Ireland visited with
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper,
here last week. Mrs. Ireland resides
in Portland.
The last to do for departed friends,
provide them with the best robes and
caskets.- 'Jasperson keep them at
reasonable prices. r .-
The little daughter of II. C. Walker
is reported to be very ill at the nome
this citv. The case
is supposed to be appendicitis
Eev. C. T. Hurd of Corvallis will
preach -in the Presbyterian church
Mav 10. at 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. -AH are cordially invited to attend.
Suyer.Camp, M. W. of A., will give
hpir piffbth annual picnic at the Bid
ders grove.,, on the Corvallis and Inde
pendence road near Surer, on May 29,
-ioao "" ' 526
W. L. Bice, the genial manager
of the Home Telephone Company, is
always pleased to talk telepnone.
Let him explain tfte operation of the
new system to you.
The regular list of taxes' for the
count of Polk is now in the
hands of the Independence Nation
1 Baok where those who wish
may call and pay the same. , .
Tom Fitchard, accompanied by Mrs.
Fitchard, arrived in Independence
Tuesday from Utica, New York.
They will visit here for a few days and
will then take up their residence in
Portland. .
W. D. DeVarney, contractor on the
Home Telephone Company of Inde
pendencecame up Tuesday from
Portland. He was here looking over
the construction work' which is in
operation. '
(': John Bramberg, the contractor who
is putting in the new concrete side
walks on Main street, is doing good
'work. He understands his business
arid it is a credit to the town to have
such a man cast his lot with it.
Mrs., Lottie. Dorris was a passenger
to Portland the first of the week to
combine, shopping . and visiting.
During her Btay she will attend the
great' Symphony . orchestra concert
which was heard in that city last
night. ;
When the baby is cross and: has you
worried and worn out you will find
at that a little Cascasweet. the well
known remedy for babies and children
will quiet the little one in a short time.
Tbe ingredients are printed plaidy on
the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold
by Dove & Williams.
' ' The play "Dora Thorne" which will
be presented here next week, is the
Darce and Wolford version, drama
tized by Lem B. Parker. Dora Thorne
i one of the best known pieces in
America and when presented by a
capable company which will appear
in this place it caunot help but make
good' with the audience. "
A phone roeessg from E. 11.
Nachaud to the Kntrrpri say
"IWt discontinue my advertisement
which i running in your yr. It
U giving Kd result. W ill eU an.l
renew account." Iaw '! ,JkvJ
tiumieut and. by the way, uatronUe
atladrrtirsof the Knterpme. That
is one way to assist in the building up
of your home 'K'r-
Tlie common Utlcry system If ing
i.i.tUl bv the Home Tefci'houe
Coimmny. U the ltt d.velopmeut
lit telephoning. While H w
nnreiienivetolntall, it enable the
oerator to give almol instant con
nection and make even a low tone of
voice absolutely dUlinct. tf 4 10
II. Him'hberg returned Monday
from LewUton, Idaho, where be at
tended the reception extended the
Portland buaineee men who ' visited
LewUton-ClarksUm May 1st. A great
ovation waa extended the gentlemen
who attended the ceremoniea and our
Joe waa among them.
"Wesley Edwards, who is engaged in
the businese of steam carpet cleaning
and feather renovating, was in Inde
pendence yesterday. He ha an ad
vertisement in thia issue of the Enter
prise. Look it up and write or send
your work to him.
Brother I. 8. Leonanl of Pullman,
Washington, will preach at the Bap
tist church, both morning and evening,
next Sunday May 10th. Do not fail
to come out and hear him, as he is a
fine sj-eaker, and you will be well
, "The system, known as selective
ringing will be installed on party
line by the Home Telephone Com
pany. This does away with the
annovance of having your bell jingle
whenever any subcriler on your
line is called.
T. W. Treanor departed for San
Francisco Friday where he goes to at
tend the ceremonies incident to the
arrival of the fleet at that place. He
will meet a brother who is on one of
the warships of the squadron.
O D. and Clarence Ireland of Port
land were in town Wednesday over
land in an automobile and journeyed
from heie to Alsea. They were ac
companied from here to Alsea by
Jesse Whiteaker. ; , .,-,
Mrs Peter Burnett is in Indepen
dence this, week -visiting - relatives.
Mrs. Burnett recently returned from
an extended visit with relatives and
friends in the , southern part of the
8tray White horse about five
years, weighs 900. branded on right
ehoulder, shod all round. Owner
call and get him and settle bill for
keep and this" adv. 'Jones feed
barn. , , , -
Buy your merchandise from those
who advertise in the Enterprise.
If you are looking for chances to help
make a live paper in Independence
don't neglect to do this.
The farmers will give their second
annual picnio at Shady Lane, two
and one-half miles north of Lewisville,
on the Lewisville and Dallas road, on
June 6th,1908. 5-28
Dan Booth, who was formerly em
Dloved in the Independence creamery,
was here Sunday. It is understood
that he has hot located permanently
at this time.
E. C. "Banford was in Independence
from Sheridan Sunday. He came
here to undergo an operation, the
same having been done by Dr. Butler.
'', Mrs. W. L. Lancifield came up from
Portland Tuesday to visit relatives in
this city. She returned to her home
C. L. Fitchard and son, Harold,
were over Sunday visitors -at their
timber claim in Benton county.
Floyd Williams of the Airlie country
became the father of a bouncing girl
last Saturday, the 2d inst.
. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
small, safe, sure and gentle little pills.
8old by Dove & Williams.
Ten thousand tomato plants six
inches high, for sale -by M. Goetz,
Independence, Oregon, 5-13
Pearl Cooper is here this week from
Portland visiting at the home of his
father, John Cooper.
Go to Geo. Dunham for single
harness. The man who makes the
goods that wear. ,
Mrs. George Conkey visited Wednes
day with her parents who reside in
Harry "and Kay Oviatt were here
from Sheridan Saturday visiting rela
tives. ''
Portland bread fresh every day
at Irvine's grocery. tf4-2
Wilson fc Holcomb, wood and
wood-sawing. 3 20
A good pair of Reading glas
ses $1.00 at Kreamer's.
When you want a good wrk glove
rememWr F. 8. Wilson ! them all
If you wish to buy lHe tht have
stood the test of wear get the Khe
fur at r, 8. Wilson, f
For Sale or Tra Je for Frwh Cow
A 240 rgg Incubator and hroodsr.
Call oo J. W BullarJ. tf2 3
A new line of the newest novelties
in men' stiff hat, Jt arrived t
Meaner, Conkey & Walker'. W
Pearl Montgomery came U Inde
pendence Friday to visit for a few
day at the home of her mother, Mr.
If in need of a new hand grip, you
will find a new line in both imitation
and real leather at Mener, Conkey
A Walker'.
For your Sunday dinner try the
home cooking at Wilson's Saturday,
May 8th. It will be a ret for the
tired housewife.
Three acre of land in high tate of
cultivation for ak. Nicely located;
in the town of Independence. Enquire
of W. W. rercival. tf3 26
L. A. Mathews of Dalla i (pending
the week in Independence interesting
the people of tlih community in ul
cription to meritorious magaxine.
The Home Telephone Coniany
ha a large force of men at work in
stalling their modern system, which
will be completed not later than July
l.t. tf 4-16
Mr. W. M. Bnrdine came over from
Salem Thursday on her return from
Willamette Fall whither she accom
panied the remain of her huaband
who waa buried at that place last
M. E. church service Sunday May
10th. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Pleaching at
8 p. m. Epworth League 7:15.
Everybody welcomed. Sanford Snyder,
All members, and officers especially,
are requested to be present at the
next meeting of the Eastern Star,
Tuesday evening, May 12. . After the
meeting a general practice of the
work is desired.
Mrs. Eph Young was taken to Sa
lem Friday where an operation was
performed on her. She has not been
able to return to her home in this
city, but it is understood that she is
recovering slowly from the effect of
the operation. ' ' , . , . '
Christian church services, Sunday,
May . 10th. Farewell sermon at 3:30
p. rri. by Rev. Wigmore. At 8 p. m.
Rev. Chase will preach his farewell
sermon. This will positively be Rev
erends Wigmore and Chase's last Sun
day to preach in Independence. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Rev. Chase will also sing at both ser
vices. William Falkner, father-in-law of
CW. Butler, of Butler Produce Co.,
of thi city is. recovering as well as
could be expected from an operation
he underwent recently at Spokane
for ulcer of the stomach. Mrs. C. W.
Butler returned from Spokane Sat
urday where, she attended her lather
during his illness incident ,to the
operation. . . ,
J. M. Gentry, who has had charge
of the brick yard of Independence for
many years past, ' has accepted a po
sition with the Morgan brick yard at
Albany. Mr. Gentry will have charge
of that yard. He is a man of many
vears experience and will make a
splendid foreman. It is unfortunate
tha( operations have been discontin
ued at the yard in this city, and
that the town should lose Mr. Gentry.
' C. Schaffer, foreman of the section
at Parker, was brought to Indepen
dence Saturday suffering from a pain
ful injury to one of his eyes, the re-.
suit of a piece of iron having lodged
in the ball. . The accident occurred
when a spike was being driven in a
tie, a splinter of iron flying from .the
spike and lodging in, his eye causing
the painful injury. The unfortunate
man was taken to a hospital in Port
land for treatment.
A great many people imagine they
have heart trouble when tbe fact, is
tbat the whole trouble lies in tbe
stomach. The pains in the side around
the reclon of the heart are not neces
sarily heart trouble. We suggest tbat
you start with tbe stomach and when
ever vou feel a depression after eating
or whenever your food seems to nause
ate take Kodol. It will not be very
long until all these "heart pain" will
disappear. Take Kodol now and
until you know you are right again.
There isn't any doubt about what it
will do and you will find the truth of
this statement verified after you have
used Kodol for a few weeks. It Is sold
here by Dove & Williams.
The swellest line of negligee and golf
shirts to be found in Independence,
at Messner, Conkey fe Walker's. 5-7
Absolutely Puro
ThB only baking powdar
mado with Royal Drop
Craam of Tartar
Wba yon Iblok f Indigestion
tbias of KofUl, for It Is wttbeul doubt
Ik only prepeiailun that completely
digest all classes of food. Aud that
i what you need when you have lu
digestion or stomach trouble Some
thing that ' will st promptly l ot
thoroUKhlj, something that will get
right at the trouble aud do ths very
work llsell for tbe touiat h by digesting
the food that you est and that I Kodol.
It I pleasant to take. It I sold by
Dove A Williams
A mini her of the ladies of the W. C.
T. U. gathered at the Methodist par
onnge last Monday afternoon to
meet Mr, llrown, tate president of
that organization. Mr. Brown spoke
interestingly of the women' work m
tbat department and at the close of
her remark refreshment were terved.
A pleasant afternoon wa xnt.
Au entirely new line of lace cur
tains, curtain net, scrims, dotted
Swisses, in fact everything to finish
the apiH-arance of the window, just re
ceived at Messner, Conkey & Walk-
Insist upou DeWitt's Witch Hael
Salve. There are substitutes, but there
ia only one original. It ia healing,
soohtiug and is especially good for pile.
Sold by Dove A William.
Mrs. Rose Wing-Singer from Port
land wa in this city Tuesday on her
way to Airlie where she will visit her
parents for a few days.
An luHidiouH Danger. .
One of the worst' features of kidney
trouble m that It I an insidious diieae
and before tbe victim realizes hi
danger he my have a fatal malady.
Take Foley' Klduey Remedy at the
first sign of trouble as It correct irreg
ularities and prevents Brlght's disease
and diabetes. . D. G. Dove.
Ready to Sell Stock.
Those wishing to subscribe for
stock or ' those wishing to increase
their subscription for stock in the
Independence Cannery Company may
do so by applying to the president or
the secretary.
5-7 W. A. MESSNER, Secretary.
Plastering and general mason work.
Stone, Brick and Concrete work.
Fstimates furnished free on applica
tion. CASTOR I A
Va Tnfiints and Children.
pa Rind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Farmers Feed :
and Hitching Shed
Jones Big New Bar
Teams 10c, Saddle Horse 6c
Rigs as well as teams kept in
the dry. Horse boarded bv
day, week or month.
j. n. Jones. mmm
: .... BY THE-
mt of IDe
Assortment right and you buy right
when you buy jour lW of
O. A. Kramer
You can not help but Use tbe
lda of the Original package
tea. It corns to you straight
(torn tli plantation. Tbe park-
.... id t.ssn.tlaul ainrA
of persons enroute from China, subject to all sorta of e.posure, yet the content
are frsh, clean and pure. Thl I one reason for the great popularity or t ne
& Sanborn'. Original Package Tea. The lead package, hermetically sealed, re
tain, the full strength, flavor and aroma. Ill th Identical tea of China or
India a they drink it here. Get a package f thl high grade tea of F. 8. Jlsoo
and you will And it to be the best and the most economical tea you ever used.
F. 5. WILSON, General Merchandise
H. Ilirschberg, Pres. A. Nelson, Vice Pres. C. W. Irviao, Cash.
-r---- The
Independence National Bank
Incorporated 1889
Transacts a General Banking Business
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Directors: H. Hirsohberg, A. Nelson, D. W. Sears, B. F.
Smith and J. E. Rhodes.
wMWiispii;";;;;' s
Asa B. Taylor. Proprietor
rir.t-cl.. Troa Bar and Sell H.
r Independence -
The Willamette
Light, Power & Water
WATER. RATES(Water by meter applies to resi
dences only.) Residence rate on meter applies to cus
. tomers only who pay ?2.00 and over at the rate of 20o
per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month.
Residence, 15 cents per K-. W. .
Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 5 cents per K. W,
Power, rates on application. ,
J? l.z"Z.
- " Oregon
Valley Company
at Very Reasonable Rates
.o. th.
rr $Srf'S?'