West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 09, 1908, Image 2

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    t. r: i
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lUest $.3: emcrprlic
Ia.ur.1 wkt ttxnu lo.triwnJi'uoaOn-
I H4HI II. A llli II KK
ortW r'it.- ! utirr
Subscription. $1.50 Pr Year
Kuwll FUhluu-k Ial!a
visitor Tuesday.
Al Herrvn of Imlt'MMu!i'iiiv whs in
OUT initial IrtKt tt'k.
A. J. 8hil'y made luino trip
to DmIUm Saturday.
Jay C'Urkri viill hi fii-tor, Mr.
JU-tta llanwtr, at Snhjin ovtT Sunday.
Chart- Slippard U lidping William
litTrou hIid in grubbing a ivt of
Lee CtarLo ha rvturnd from Ma
iling his histcr, Mr, lU-lli Sullivan
of Palla. '
Hrrm.ui Wuiitb r has juircbii.-cd an
organ wliivli aM much to tlu'ir home
Jaine Goodman und (ieorgt IVn
nt'tt were working the road near-'
Julia hint week.
A. L. Chute of Monmouth is culti-
vating the prune orchard of John
Stump this week.
Mr. Griffith and I'ete Corn well of
Monmouth were in this vicinity the
first of the week.
Mm. Herman Wundor was a guest
of Mr. Lehmai and family of Mon
mouth over Sunday.
James Goodman and his sister, Mrs.
Mrs. t'h.nn-y. of Ivh'.-ikI, i the
g ici of Mr. H. J. liut'.rr.
Mr.. Will Mi Cr-.ly h returned l
Mr. Irene lKh. is ill with li-
Mr l.lleu tk, who h $ti a
lio tJul iartf It Ne. di tt.
"Mn yraf av tt Kutiol 1! toy
lima hd , hm Mr, C r'art'ni
of MM t'rnW, ld. lr, "I .
run d n lttt l;t l.tm ' I
.W.Uf ii.i.Mj. It mi thru niy;
dditfUl ffOUtru-ndd fWtlitJ Iit
tit. I tu;U a ai d 1 i;-t
aliail i.artltd ili'l K'h, I but! o
foot In ilia gra, but Kurtilu lnur
, MOUTH LuiKiK Vi, ts K 4 F
i Mulirv.lv Men. iillit
V-A'f la K. t V. Hlt.
i IU'lfvti, K.U it l.
liumu-r of yeara tn fal.fori.ia, but I l'u " ' wn.
btao wr'l ttvmr ie, miia nmw
now a reoidi'tii of Amity, baa hi
the wek with lieraiter, tiereld 1'er
Iavid Crtiiii.Udl. our Monmouth
in.uH.t, one a rvital In IhaWeoleii
normal eliajfl Halurduy rveuiug.
Mm. J. M. Smith leavea Uwlay for
rorthtnd to vii-il with her daughter,
Mr. Ut)d.-uler.
guaiaalaa at all ilru(KUt, aV.
Walter Kerr, of Tarkrr, uow ait in
rubber tir liiko buiCKXt lWh i
nude by the "Mu hignu ltuircy Com
lmiHrtMiit Iretiou.
ll U luiportnul that yoi liu!d il-
eiil U taia onlv Folev'a Money and
Tar whn you bava a ronwli or Id
The brick and tilo f.n tory ju-t north M t ill cnr ilia nol oUuonl rack
of Monmouth, i an aurod nuceM a lug rough and eirwl tha fold tioui your
the deed for th iniH'rty bi ln 1 1- yntem. Foley' Honey and Tar con
a I
.irro;.v:r-.u-t.i ir
yor.utv vvituv
ll.tii' tiifti ittl ttr I Sk
I X f ' i Vl S t ' t ( K, O K Kit. M
ti.. !... . f N. I, n. c
Viol raa not liel bill Itka Ihn
1 1. of tha Original .arkava
Ira it eon i a In you a '( li t
fio'.n the (tlinitali in. Tb a k
tdf uv tm banb-l bv ai'orv
of ru nreule f(.u Cl.ii.a, tubjacl Id all J oi oOill', JTI lh ' eonta B
l fi.-.l,, el-tn .iir, Tbi to oua rvaaon for tha great H.ularlty of Chaaa
4 MiiUnii'" tiii;iiii I'.o kaaTea. Tha lea I iaelir, heruietieally all, ra
Uii,. the lull treiiifih, flavor and aroma. It U tha Ideitllral tr of China nr
India a I bey .trii.k It brra. bt a aiKe of Ibl high grade lea of r. H. Wil..0
ai.d o will tlnd It in ta tha heat and tha niot Mnimitnleal t JU ' ovl.
F. S. WILSON, General Merchandise
Mr. and Mrs. John Ui'K", "f Halem,
came, over and jx-nt Sun Jay aith
Mnt. ItiKK' mother, Mm. (ierelda Per-
rival, it being the tiiilitii th anniver-
arv of her birth.
tain no harmful dnig.
haying it. D. U. Ivva.
IilnUt llH)ll I
Afforda IVrloot Security. Th, ,.,, 1o ,! (l.taiu-l.
Foley' Honey and Tar airoiil -r-1 Xj dor llolel and Hear (W-er Itlook
.. i M rutittba aad rm,l. We have net
Mr. and Mr. M nroe Mulkey are K m t(f m (
.? .i ill . 1 .1 .
Vdenting their old homo, it having Wu
iurehasiii by Mr, Striokler
W. R; ALLIN, D. D. S.
Mr. and Mr. McGowan wi-re Imltv
Hiidonoo visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mr. I). B. Taylor of Inde-
lendonee were up to their farm in Hop
Dale Saturday.
feel aeeurily from iueumouia and eoii-
inii.tlofl a It eure tlia tntt obetluate
ad cid. Wa have nevef
lulling in pneumonia afUr Foley
Honey and Tar ha Wit taken, I). O.
Eop Yard far Rent.
Hop yard, conniiiting of twelve
acres, aero the river from Indo n- r M,Jftr,n J-M Att
tha .harea of one- lliMVOilUOUU&
Ktlrmelloa I ul J us,
dence. for rent on
fifth. For particular telephone
Main 371 or write II. Muttinon, Indo- I'ly betaeeu J u!e-ii.leuit nd S!
V. P. Hovens made a buines trip pendence. Oregon. 4-10 ui daily exeepl (mi inlay. ramwiigi-r
a a" . II' 1 1 . . 1 .. 1 I at Hi ii-iui I'um kiima MMivuni
Wu'.i.u..ulrau,,. , K,yt- ftn, . I, 1, ,.r Le-v Initenauileiiiw ! Bi.'lOa ni.
V V Aeor .). an In.!...n.l..nM I T!ri.liniMirt vera Indeiaiidenca visitor lAWV Malum : 3:16 p. U.
... .. " ' ' .... .-f. ..
victor Saturday.. Wednesday. . "ft""rr rn,jjcr
r - f- f E - r
l' 'C Jr.. 'fV'
ia r I
Arch Mopori reported to be slowly chamberlain lia Prrferrncc O ZJ OftPCOAJl
improving. Mr. Fred C. Hanral.niau. a i.roml- 11 " iXi Vll V
BuU Hall and Koy KlTtinsof Bueno Mal druggl.t of Portemouth, Va.,aay:
... I i. ....... i- r i. ...... ....i.i ...i I w
Vieta arc working for . P. Beven. tm "":"yr'McMinnvUU. : : : : Ormgon
I I V OIU Ul vUU 11 U la J i IBMI v vf .
C.raot McLaughlin who has been Cholera and Diarrhoea KeiiWy. It Is Chas. Gregory, Jtgt., Dalla: Or.
E. Clarke, transacted busine in Inde- on the aick lit returned to Corvallis I a great remedy and one of tha txiet
jiendcnce Wednesday.
John Walker and aon-in-law, Tom
Mark, have leen setting out fruit
trees on the former' farm.
Friday where he is attending the O. patent medicine on tha market. I
A. C. college.
A gTeat many Hop Dale citizens
have taken stock in the Indepen
donee cannery.
W. C. Burdine made
Ed. Roger will build a fence on
the north line of his farm. The posts
for the improvement are all on Ihe I trip to Independence Saturday.
Kruuuu- The hop yards of this locality are
Fay Shipley, who is working for looking fine.
r t i ,n t i r . i. I
.urs.-iay joeu o. Muumuum, Mr. and Mrs. Burdine and dam-hter.
ited, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. No!l( gpent gunday, at t,je home of
haudlo aonie other for tha nu pur
pose that pay me a
this remedy
aud my cu
elate my
business that liv tne Pferenoe." For al
ty f. M. Kirk laud.
,r tha MIU. pur- ul Hawkins
pay me a large prom, out t-yfj,
ly Is so ura to effect oure, S 'i -J C' T-
stonier so certain to appro- L.I ( ' 'i-i'Vl
recommendtDg it to him, ?'U$t
i m i ' m y.
A. J. Shipley, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamman in Highland.
The Independence Orchestra will
give a social dance in the opera house
in this city this coming Saturday
night. A general invitation is ev.
tended to all.
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Monuuieniraiid Head
ftouo Cemetery
aork etc.
A. Anderson is the first to finish his
spring plowing.
Nelson Anderson lost his fine driv
ing ox last week. 1
Death wmh on liU Heels.
Jesite P. Morris, of Skippers, va.
A Twenty Year Sentence.
"I have just completed a twenty hud a close call In the spring of 190d,
year health seDtence, Imposed by in aitat-K oi puHuiuouia
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cured left nie so weak and with Mich a fearful
me of bleeding plies just twenty years cough that my friends declared con
ago," writes O. S. Woolver, of Le sumption had rue, and death was on
G. E. Harman sold a horse last Raysvllle, N.Y.Bueklen' Arnica Salve "y heels. Then I was persuaded to
C. Purvine & Son
week for eighty dollars.
One of the butchers from Salem was
here Friday looking for beef cattle.
G. E. Harman, wife and mother,
were Independence visitors Thursday
heals the worst SJreg, boils, wound
and cuts ia the shortest time 25c
At all druggists.
Herman Prather has been home
OwIdj to the mlsnnderatandlnff oi tbe
new farmer line rate which went into effect
Harry Davidson and brother, Arlie. December it, 19m. the Pacific Telephone
t,t , Trail w A Telegraph Company eem it new-wary to
non-iwtth Imnrnilnn received hv om of
Mr. and Mrs. Arell celebrated their tb r"me' ,,ne "bucriber. The new rat .
.,..f;t. ,..i.i :. a ...i i "s
wu,g .iuh.cs.,, fnfjj, , wnat tne gnbecrlber are to
... . , , , T I furnish fo each da of nervlee.
. . uu, ici, i- Exchane which do not furnish all niht
tended tne borse show at Salem Satur-1 serTice and toll atetlons. $2A0 a year Hob,
Hay I erlber to furnlHb complete telephone line to
tlnuou nerrlce exchaace of 1000 stations
rtr Imib sAfln a v.r Riihw.lh.H fiirnl.h
from school for a week on account of circuit to city llmll. Complete telephone
sickness. and battery and maintain the above.
I A will be noted the nbfcrlber I toluralsh
E. B. Gobat and wife spent Sunday complete telephone. The Amerloan Tele
with Mr. and Mrs. Conger at Fern- phone A Telegraph company of which the
uur ui mc kiuiiuiu vtiinHnit;i iimn uen
tlrnrh Ka w went tn rorlkon SnnHav Deselgea by score or farmer line companies
io oe at ine oeusiue oi ms mouier wno their own telephone and keep the line In
13 quite sick. I repair. Tbi the subscriber claimed would
, lead to belter maintenance won on the
Miss Mattie . Lee, formerly of this farmer line and each farmer would be able
place, but now of Corvallis, is visiting w rePa1'' hls own telePbone he-could
. i purchase and Install a he dastred.
her sister, Mrs. A. J. Hall. Thls B1)pieg only to the contract
ki n-A ti i 7i a i. I taken since December 1st. 1907 and all cou
iui.Um,,UDuu u.m iici "B"" tract taken prior ta that date are not many
ter, Mrs. Baldwin, are visiting the for- way effected so the ubcriben of this
mer's son at Dallas this week. company have ao naed to buy their tele-
pnonea or in any way oe oisiuraea. Tele-
Mrs. Jennie Phelps, of Florence, vis- puone working en the live and oae dollar
' I I Ml A B 1 At A
iLn3 Vift- . nr A nr xy I " r rubv, ii aiscuourcieu lone wue rigiiii vu
FiwC1i, im. m ..na. jwy,, the tormer ntea Bnd muat be reconneoted If
a few days last week. servlc la desired an the new rate. In case
' . tbe subscriber wishes to purchase hi tele-
Mmnie Knighton, with her brother phone and take the new rate be can do so by
and his wife, came ud Saturday to applying to the Central office.
;;t T,o. .,:i The PMlflc Telephone and Telegraph Com
.WUUaj-. T . arraneement with the
The Bell telephone company have Western Electrtc Company, who arelhe man.
been putting up another line here, a bTthe Ben telephone eompanL throughout
tnere were too many lor one line. the United State and Canada, to furnish a
new type of Farmer line telephone lntru
a. Anaerson, wno attendee tne menu for 11.80 wltaout batteries. The
Evangelical conference at Dallas, said aatterle are said at twenty cent each, or
it was well attended, and much inter- Whue the pi'ne Tei.ohon. nd Teieranh
est manilestea. t Company furnish telephone instrument, It
haul he bnrnA In mild that. IhA mmninf is
jir. lyier nas oeen Kept quite Duey not In the business of uppiylDg telephones
plowing gardens, as everyone is anx- fc"the buineM of the company Is to eu
H;ivpi.wue service luu tney mre to oniy
ell telephone where requested by subscribers
The ladies' aid of the Evangelical f0" h? tbe fl oid
cnurcu met at nv uunte oi irirs. JU. si
try Dr. Kinii' New Discovery. It
helped rue Immediately, and after tak-
0C two and a half bottles I was a well Ah . flnd llemodeling
man aguin. 1 found out that New . .
The personal recommendations of people who
have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all
else to make it a staple article of trade and com
merce over a large part of the civilized world.
Lacy Suddrcth, of Lenoir, N. C, bad been troubled with
a very bad cough for over a year. She says : " A friend .
bought bottla of Chambrhlaih'i Couch Remedy,
brought it to me aad insisted that I should take it. I did
M and to my suxpariaa it halpad aaa. Pour bottle of II
lBf ay
Discovery is the best remedy for cough
and lung (finesse in all tlis world."
Bold under guarantee at all druggist.
50e und (1.00. Trial bottle free.
Howard Tuttle is a proud owner of
a new "Michigan Buggy," bought of I
R. M. Wade & Co.
$100 Itfward, $10O
The readers of tbts paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least ouo dreaded dl
esuie that sulence 1ms been able to cure In al
Ha stages, and that is Caturrh. Hall' Oa
tarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, require
constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh
Cure 1 taken Internally, aotinK directly up
Drafts, Plans aud Estimates
Independence, - Or.
Independence & Monmouth Ily.
Steam Laundry
Basket leaves Tuesday 6pm
and returns Friday
Train No 64 leaves Indertendeno dallv :
ou tbe blood and mucous sur laces of tbe y a. in.; leave Monmouth ll.li a. m.j arrives
a i . . . . .. . l. . ....iin a I liollua fc'iA it tin
mm Mivsvuy unnuuiuK mv nmuuiiiiuii v 1 .... .
the dlseaae, and glvluif tlie patient trengU) Train No B8 leaves Independerne dally lj aT0 JLvO D1I1SOH
U.UU III., l'5t v c 01UUIUUU(U AltW ill., I
by bolldinit up the conHtltntloa and aslstin fiv e' I)ai'laa7ll3 a m.
naiorein oomg ns won., im, propneio Train No 70 leave Independcnee dally 0:15
nave o niucn lunn in ua cnrauve power p. m.; leave Monmouth 0:30 p. m.; arrive lial-
tnat they ofier Hundred Dollars for any P-
o that it fail to cure. Bond for list
Address F. 1. CHENEY 4 CO.,;Toledo, OJ
MnM hv all Dnitfirlutu. 7An -
Take Hall's Family Fills for constlpstiOD
Train No 07 leave independence dally 7i80
a.m.; leaves jnonuiouin 7:4U a. m,; arrives
Airne :!.) iu.
by a company which have nsed telephone
Prather last Wednesday, and picked better eonlnned forns tlianatelenhno.mart.
wool. At noon an elegant dinner was simply to be oid for proflt without anv
served, which was enjoyed by all pres- consideration for the ervice which 1 to be
ent. At four o'clock all departed received on it. . '
thanking their hostess for the pleas. The ubscriber yi if be ee fit buy hi
ant day spent. , lepfco,,. .pptu.
For Conatrutlon f Three Brld(s
Four Fills.
Notice 1 hereby given that bids will be re-
Train No 73 leaves Independence dally 3:30
p. ui.; leave Monmouth 11:50 p. m.; arrives
Airue f.io p. m
Leave Independence dally 2:U0 p. m
Train No 85 leave
. . . . . , U a. . d.iiu U. ,U,,
cei vea lor me construction oi one sioei span inricoendence 9:1S a. m
iuu reel ion witn tne i.ny reel appraocne ai Tral No ,, , v. . -N.
each end, at Independence. One slily.foot 6:56 a. m.; arrive Monuieuth 7:211a.m. ar-
pan wood bridge with 80 feet approach at nves Independence 7;30 am.
each end. One at what Is known as the train o m leaves i lianas
R"to.. K-IH r.,. ,..t ""uiiiuuui .mV. m.;
. . , dence i:iu p. m. (I'uislraln
wooa Dnage at wnat i anowa as mo aso moutn lor Airnej
wall near MeCoy. Train No 71 leavos Dallas dallv 7:85 n,
Also for malrlng lour fill as follows: lea-e.s Monmouth B p. m.; arrives Independ
At indeDendence. lensrth about 463 feet, av- ODOe Bu p- ra
arantr Hul.rht oKmit 13 IWI ITIuiin.ra fill. I rnvm SinLI
" ' . ..... V. Id i ...... ... , t.u. .1.11.. n .
length about 510 feet, average height, about leave8 Monmouth :35 a. m.: arrives inde'
7 feet. Swail fill, length, aboat 210 feet, aver pendenee H;60 a. m. (This train counecis at
age hclKht. about feet. Lung fill, length' Monmoutn toruaiias)
,.,. im -..! h.ivii ... a I Train No 72 leave Alrlle dallv 6:05 d. in
.,v ........ .uuu. , ,... i , vi h s.ni . . .i t i.
ujr iu tuimi, mui; n ruuui Train No 100 leaves Alrlle m
in Dallas, Oregon, on tbe 18th day of April, I pay only arrives Monmouth i;'M
1008. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. The rlrht flve Indopendeuce fr,W p. m
toreleetaavor all bid 1 reserve bv the r "UM mujmuutu Jui
" " I r a m T J ji
coart - Plan and Declflcatlons mav be ."7 monmouwi lor juaepeuuence aiV
found ob file al the county clerk' office on
and after April 4th, 1908. Certified check for
Ave percent of eaeh bid must be delivered
with each bid, and sufficient bond will be re
nt 50 p.
Don't tie yourself up with
DaiiasdaiiyexoeptHun a telephone contract.
M ou mouth 8:55a. m.; ar- , -
tJHotne Telephone
connects at M on-1
Of Independence will furnish
you modern telephone service
without a contract. .Let us
tell you about it.
W. L. BICE. Manager
p. m. ar-1
Dr. J.L. Calloway
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate of the Ameriran School
of Osteopathy. Kirbsvlllo, Mo. '
under Or. A, T. Htill, found
er of the cience.
Phon. 791 RoomsV 4- 8 g
Plenty ot Trouble.
Iaoaused by stagnation of the liver
quired by the accessful bidder on entering and bowels. To Ret rid of it and baok-
Into a contract. Bids will be received for the ,,,. -n(i hlHoun and tha aoiaon
steel bridge and steel work separately, and ., .., , , , . , ... ,
for each of the wood brldKe. or a. a whole for that briDK jundlce, take Dr. King'.
all bridges and fills, or for bridge separate
and fill separate from bridge's.
4-1. County Clerk.
New Life Pills, the reliable purifiers
that do the work without grinding or
griping. 25c at all druggiHts.
California Medicated Soap
The beat for sores, chapped bands
dandruft, Insect stings aad poison
Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr.
Monmouth St., Independence Or.
Farmers Feed
and Hitching Shed
Jones Big New Bar a
Tm 10c, Saddle Horn Se
Rig a well a team kept ia
the dry. Borse boarded bv
day, week or month.