West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 09, 1908, Image 1

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    Onion II!c tll Bicit,
foiiiiti:kntii you.
INDEl'KNDKNCK. 01!l:CON, TllliliSIUY. ATJill. 0, IfluM.
NUMIil'J; ui
Laiiin Audience Listens to
Splendid Program.
Corvallis Wins From Normal,
Board of Visitors arc
Expected Soon.
I,Ht Fritliiy evmihiK, Mr. May
Bowdtm-BuMiilt gave hor Annual
FujiUm HH-itttl in the normal assembly
hall. A large audience of tho friends
of tho pupil and their U-iicher wan
prinent nnd thoroughly enjoyed the
excellent program jivcn. Kuril
mimUt wiiH well rendered and showed
that tho pupils arts making a. good
progres in their etudy.
Tho following program wan rendered:
Gondolier' Hong H oilman
Normal liirl' (ileo Club
Violin Holo Agmu Campbell
Song Without Words, No. 18...
Voeul Holo Dorris Ilerren
Twas tho Hoo DeKoveu
Piano Solo Mahcl Johnson
Beautiful Spring Ooedeler
Vocal Holo ... . , Edna Strong
Bosch, Hoses Everywhere. .Trotere
Tiano Solo Fay Strickler
Sylphido ...LoeM-horn
Vocal Solo. Mary Murphy
- - Garden of Love , .D'He.rdolufr
Tiano Solo Lois Powell
FruolingHrauschen Sinding
Vocal Solo Irina Campbell
Hills O' Hkyev Victor Harris
Vocul Solo . . .P. O. Schrenders
Sing Ye Praise Paur
Piano Solo '. . . . .Mabel Boydston
Kamennoi-Orstrow, Op. 10....
Vocal Solo i . . , Lora Craven
Answer ; ..... . , .Ilobyn
piano Solo, .... ...... .Burton Arnnt
Octavo Etutle '. . :'. .Kctterer
Ilidi'lH-lideneo U lo )iv a luiM-huil
(iHin. Jin-t noon n the boy get a
mtixfaetury lineup the matter of or-
k'linizntioii will U taken up. When
Jim Collin, w ho ha already Imii
lected mptuin, bnl pUkcd out bin men
for tlitMiinr, piiper will I circulated
among tho bunineim men of the town
aking for donation to Im tim! for
putting the ground in hapi and (o
get uniform, and other in-ecMirie in.
cident to tho orgnnUMtion. There in
no (iMvtinii t.lmt Indeietulenc will
have one of the Ktrongimt t-aiitN in the
country. There aro many men in
town w ho are known to ! Wrong phi y
it. Let everyone help tho boy out
in their organization,
rullcy Goes to Pieces.
An exciting incident.(Mviirrel at the
aw mill in thin city Monday morn
iMg when the tightener pulley which
run on the main belt went to pieces,
flying into a doen part over the mill.
One pieeo of tho pulley gra.ed tho nidi
of Charley McCaulay's bat and an
Prcdlcled He Vill Larry
Mullnomah County.
TIic Tresis and old Machines
arc , Steadily Eein;
Whipped Out.
In ptt of th deirate effort of
the old machine and representative! if
certain big "truptx" to accomplish bin
other piece jui.t missed V A. (iovro, defeat, the nonlnatlon of JI. M. Cake,
w ho run tho trimmer saw, a piece
going on both aide of him. The pul
ley wan an old one, having been
patched up to rerve the purpose. Much
excitement prevailed in the mill until
it wan linally vhtit down, nnd it is mi
raculous that im one wus killed or in-
The Horse Show at Soicn).
champion of Statement No. 1, for
United fctatea Senator on April 17th,
U generally conceded throughout the
alate. It H predicted In Portland that
he will carry Mul'uouiab county by
between 6000 and 6000. With few ex
ceptions, the uewnpapera of the' state
have rallied loyally to Mr. Cake's aup
port. In urging his iiomluatioti. the
Polk County Observer aayu:
'Hon. H. M. Cake In making a credit
able campaign and bia nomination,
Think Ton.
Mr. Chun. Y.. Hit k, proprietor and'
es'Hor of the Wet Hulo Knterprino, of
Iiidependence, ii in thia city renew
ing arrpiAinUnetn, and will n-in.iin
over trthe hor." nhow UmIh)'. Mr.
Hick wm for a tium conneot with
the Jidily HuU-Kiimii and the Pncifio
Ifomenteud of thiit city. He in not
only a thorough uuwepaper man, but j
an cxert printer a well, ajnl om of J
the liveliiit men who Imn cant hij
lot in the Polk county city fur s"ine
timo. lie now hna the largest and
biiiet job ofllee in the county, and
ha tranformcd a piiKriihle twiee-a-week
newsmx-r into a firit-claii
weekly, which will bv a winner for
bim-elf and a splendid loofter 'or tho
town, and incidentally for the entire
'In mot to valley. xThere w ill never
public enterprise but Mr. Hick
w i r lotinci in mo van, imoning lor
it, and largely through the efTorta of
hi in 'Vpuper, a cannery ban been
cibtablutii.Ml there, tho jiajM'r putting
up a conntact ind Ktreuuoui tight for
it, in tho face o! every discouragement
until tho effort was crowned with
nueeefcs,- .alom Muteaman.
Independence, Oregon.
OfrictM and Dikk toiis:
W. A. Meaner. Pre. K. Ilofer, Vice-Pre. C. C. Patrick, Cu.h
Win. Riddelt F. N. Ptumj,. J. P. R. gers
The event of die howcahow at Sa- "ever seriously In cfoubt, la now pracj
cm was one of the most iniortant in
he hihtory of the city. Tho magni
udo of the occasion can hardly 1
overeat iniated. It is intended to in-
crease interest in horseflesh which is
lieing bred in tho Willainette valley.
tlcally afsur.-d by a routing mojority
Enthusiatie crowds have floeketl to
hear bira in hln trip through southern
Oregon, and bia tour of eastern Oregon,
whore be has always been strong with
tbe voters, promises to be In tbe nature
of a triumphal march. Mr. Cake is
Ono of. tho most conspicuous win- making a clean, dignified campaign,
nvra at. the show was W. V. Percival, free from personality or abuse and is
who carried away a number of prizes, earnestly advocating the principles be
II. C. Constance also captured a first believes to be right He is an able, f-
rize with his fine young horse. Asa rctlve ' wl" niaKes no attempt
nylor was in tho parade with hia f t tl ay . .
standnnlbred horse. ' talb ,lh ,Km
The show was a splendid success in the ,mportant is8UM now before the
every way. - people of tbe state acd nation, the
most effective oratory by tbe way, tbat
Tlilnas are Movlnn With Canncrv. oan t,e niged in by auy P,-.bie
" . I . .
speaacr iu iuib prauiivvi uge
The last basketball of the season
was ployed in the. gymnasium Sat
urday night, between tho ladies team
of tho 0. A. C. and 'tho norihal.
It wns closely contested, first ono side
and then tho other being in the lead.
During tho last five minutes the
score stood 11 to 11 until just hefo'ro
time was called, when the Corvallis
captain throw a foul and won the
game for hor team. An informal re
ception was tondoretl the visitors in
the T. 1). library after tho game, at
which light refreshments were served.
In the'near future, a visit is expected
by the board of visitors of Normal
Schools. Tho three members aro
well known public school experts and
wore appointed by Governor Cliam-
berlain in accordance with statute.
Tlujy ard J. A. Churchill,-' city super
intendent Baker City public schools;
city superintendent J. M. Powers
of Salem j and city superintendent
K. ' It. Turnor of Grants Pass. It
will bo tho duty of these gentlemen
to make a thorough inspection of the
institution and file written reports
with the Board of Ilegents. , These
educators deserve ani will no doubt
receive the complete confidence 'of the
people and of all officials concerned
Out door athletics will next demand
the attention of the students. Tennis
has numorous devotees and the pros
pects are good for several teams of
men's and mixed doubles. Some
matches with other schools are con
templated. In baseball it is" probable that the
faculty team will sweep everything
before it. Captain J. B. V. Butler
is having some trouble in getting his
team out for practice, , but his ex
perienced players do not feel the need
Df any strenuous training in order to
meet such teams as they are likely
to meet. j
this practical age. He
AVork on tbe Independence cannery dodges noissuea, straddles noquestions
is progressing rapidly under tho su- but frankly discusses every subject in
pervision of the foreman, C. Purvinc. manner tDat leaves no doubt in any
The machinery is ordered nnd will be mind as to its sincerity. Iu Mr. Cak
hero in amplo time to operate the can- tue PeoPla feel 1 h(y ,iave a maD wh,m
nerv this season. At tho nresont time. lnpy can trust ; one wno wouia repre.
Owlirontorrn 'i,-t!.i uiH. a "t them honorably and fearlessly In
i ,,..(ii I the nation's highest law-making body
1 J I Ttia finflnp (pun vntpii whinn hA Inrbon
who will have charge of the plant for , th entire tate f ,he 8enstona,
t ...... ... mi I
tne ensuing soason.- i no directors ex- nomination two years ago. will be
poet by tiro next issue of the Enter- mttde ub to him this time by tbe voter
prise to tell the farmers the kinds ' and of Oregon, with a few thousand thrown
varieties. of fruits nnd vegetables do- in for good measure." '"
sired for canning purposes
Lcrcn Webster Dies.
Loren Webxter, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clivcr Webster, who reside near Inde
prndence, passed away at the home of
is uncle, John Webster, On March 28,
f heart disease, and was laid to refct
n tho Odd Fellows' cemetery here,
Monday, at 10 o'clock, Kev. W. X. So
ger ofliciating at the funeral service
Loren was born at Woodlawn, Yolo
county, California, Xov. 21, 1880, com
ing to Oregon with his parents whe
five months old, and has since been
a' resident of our county. Ho has been
a sufferer from heart trouble for many
years, and while bis death was ex
pected at almost any time, still it came
as a sudden shock to those so near and
d 'ar to him. He was a most exent
plary young man, of many attain
ments, and had he not been hand:
capped by ill health would have made
a brilliant life record. His sorrowing
relatives have the sympathy of all in
their sad bereavement. Itemizer.
House Decorator Locates Here.
E. H. Xachand and family-have re
cently removed to this city and are oc
cupying the residence lately vacated
by Avery Murphy. Mr. Xachand is an
experienced and competent painter
and paper hanger, and is ready to do
all kinds of work in his lino and guar
antees satisfaction
Independence has under construc
tion the new cannery building,
Better see him 00x150 feet, which is the main lloor
before arranging for your work. The
residence phono is Main 44x. See his
advertisement in this issue.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given to subscribers
for stock in the Independence Cannery
Company that the fifty per cent of the
amount of stock subscribed is due
April 15. The work, is progressing
rapidly and the board of directors need
this money to meet their obligations.
Please be prompt in making payment
W.-A. MESSXER, : . President;
Noyce to Growers.
. The Monmouth Evaporating and
Canning Co. will be prepared to can
all kinds of berries and fruits, and w.ill
pay the highest cannery prices for
raspborries, blackberries, peaches, bart
lett pears and apples, and also for fifty
tons oj tomatoes of the canning vari
eties, Livingstone's Favorite, and the
Perfection. .
Monmouth Evaporating and Can
ning Co. 423
space for operating rooms, and other
improvements . are in the course
of construction, among which are
the building of .the Home Tele
phone Co's line and the consideration,
by the city council for a sewerage for
the city, also the new steel bridge to
be built crossing the creek in the
north end of Independence. This
bridge will be 100 feet long with forty
foot approaches , at each end. The
cannery when completed will employ
seventy-five or a , hundred people.
The soil in the immediate vicinity of
Independence is especially adapted
for the growing of fruit and vegetables.
A large force of men is at work on the
Home Telephone system setting poles
which are already on the ground.
As soon as the poles are set the work
of stringing wires will be commenced.
This company has rooms leased in the
Cooper buildingjfor offices.
For rent 30-acre hop yard, cash or
on shares; 16-foot trellis; yields over
thirty tons; fourth crop; new hop-
house; dwelling; barn and implements
furnished; river bottom yard near In
dependence, already plowed. Inquire
of S.B.Irviue, Independence, Or, 4-2tf
Pleasant Surprise to Minister.
K. H. Sickafoose, accompanied by
Sirs. Sickafooso, were in Independent
last Thursday, on their way to thei
new home in Central Point. Mr,
Sickafodse had been in charge of the
Christian church in this city, during
the past year. They spent the even
ing at the homo of Fred Hooper in
this city, where they were tendered
a pleasant surprise party. The friend
of the reverand were gathered together
in that home and a very pleasant
social evening was spent, after which
all took parting with tho minister
and his estimable wife.
" Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank tho neighbors
and friends of Independence for their
assistance and sympathy during the
illness aiid uneral of our husband and
father, tho late Robert Wilson..
Mrs. Lilliy J. Wilson and Family.
For the fleet celebration at San
Francisco, the following rates to that
city and return will be authorized:
From Portland, $25; from points on
the west side and Yamhill divisions
via Portland one fare to Portland plus
$25; from all other points in Oregon,
one and one-third first class limited
fare for the round trip, not to exceed
the rate from Portland. Sales days
will be May 2, and May 4, 1908, limit
ing final return to twenty-nine days.
Stopover privileges will not be ex
tended, but continuous passage re
quired in each direction. Children
five years of age and under twelve,
one-half fare; sufficient to be added
where .necessary to make rate end in
naught or five. Children tinder five
years of age will be carried free if ac
companied by parents or guardians.
By order Chas. S. Fee, Passenger
Traffic Manager.
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger
Issued from the general passenger
agent's office in Portland, Oregon,
March 25, 1908. . 430
V0 N G
Independence, Ore.
Farm and City
Property. Farm
Property is Our
Farmers, List Your
Property Now!
We are going to sell real estate
and are now in touch with peo
ple in the east and some who
are now on the ground and
want small farms. They have
the money and are going to in
vest in Polk county.
Something Nice in
We have Stogie and Doable Hi' Ik, made
the finest leather and beautifully finish ml and
trimmed. Nut only perfect In design aud
fashioning,' bnl every article well ewn and
ready for long and arduous service. We nbait
be pleased to show you samples of our Wocfc
Haraeas, and to also make sets to your order
We guarantee entire satisfaction with our .
work and tbe materals that we put Into it.
George Dunham
tSESS fS-t-. .ei-fcSi -jSx C-S5t -Sn- ) v?
Si'7't!hi'":ffi ' '' "''f t iflli oIh hill
Valley" L "Prize Peach"
Wo guarantee these Flours equal to
any on the market. Keep your
money at home and huy only home
made Flour. ' We solicit a trial
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.
ft iz, s,4, 5 '" S
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts general banking and exchange business,
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
Officers and Directors '
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cahhier
J. B. V. Butler, P. S. Powell, J. B. Stump,
I. M. Simpson.