West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 02, 1908, Image 2

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    sue enterprise
Issued" Ly the KiittTjit Tub
liahiii Co.
Knurtj at loafii looe, Orr ptl-ortu-a
a iHKvM-Waaa mHr
Subscription. $1.50 Pai Year
Tho causu of filucatiou shoulJ
U Unr 10 the Umt of every
true citizen. It is trita to gay
that ippul'lio must have an
tJueau-1 vjtijislup. Hero in
Oregon, with our frxperiinvnts
in direct legislation ami in other
rejects looking towanls also
luio democracy, tho imperative
need of a wiJo-spreal iutel
licenco is undtniftbU t)rt';on
is u conservative state in many
ways, despite tho radical de
parture in governmental meth
ods. Iler progress along ed
ucational lines has been slow,
and even yet her Mippori of
higher institutions is fur below
that of other states. Tho state
normal school at Monmouth is
an example in point. Two
years ago, its appropriation was
held up by referendum, though
sustained by the people at the
polls. "This year, it must be
conducted on subscription and
at the personal sacrifice of the
faculty, because of an executive
One of the measures to be
voted upon in the June election
is the referendum on the State
University Appropriation. The
qualified voters are to decide
upon the meits of $125,000 for
this institution. This bill was
passed by the legislature, vetoed
by the governor and then re
passed by an almost unanimous
vote. We believe that the
people should sustain the bill
by a large majority, not alone
because the measure i3 meritor
io s but for the reason that
this is a crisis in the cause of
higher education in this state.
The defeat of the bill at this
time will put Oregon back
twenty-five years in her ed
ucational development and in
vite the most odious com
parisons with her neighboring
states, with whom she is engaged
in the keenest competition for
the new settlers now pouring
upon the Pacific coast.
The unparallelled develop
ment of the states of the Miss
issippi valley has been coinci-
dent with the establishment and
growth of their educational
system. The large majority of
prospective settlers upon this
coast come from these and other
communities with progressive
educational ideas. Idaho, Wash
ington and California are not
slow to . publish broadcast
through their press anything
detrimental to Oregon and just
now they are making much of
the threatened disaster to our
State University. California
with its appropriation of $822,
148 for the State University,
Washington with $500,000 and
even little Idaho with $129,000
per annum naturally , regard
Oregon's proposed $125,000 as
parsimony. What they think of
the proposal to deny even this
may readily be imagined. .
. We do not believe that the
intelligent, sober-minded voters
of Polk county will turn down
this appropriation. We must
register our opinion on the mat
ter of higher education in no
uncertain way. The vote ofj
Polk county two years ago on
the normal referendum was used
with telling effect in the legisla
ture against the Monmouth nor
mal, Polk's one state institution.
It U Ui'.l thai that Vt n
c a -1 nn-hr a iwicsi'i'it In nsii;
that rtally a inaj.-rily f 'tir
VottTs iiiUlld'd tn mppoit tli
hill hut v.n I .n-'t it U rmi
of lb way in li h it wit wor 1
f.i. W tntift ih1 fall into that
error thi tim.. A '"Yes" vote
will misUin tho npproprialion
and kraut tho univrrMty the
sum a.tki'd and pard by uii
overwhelming votfi in tho last
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary,
J. J. tH-r ami Mr. tonr H-le-lntl
th.tir twenty-fifth dding
anniversary at thfir liin Friday
t'Vciiinc, when liny i-ntertaimsl the
HHMiit.cn of the .K-iill whi't lul uf
ImlqM'niti'iu'o ami a few ivhitivva.
Ptttih whii-t was the jMiue of the
evening, Mr. O. XV. Onk-y and I'
ll. ltvxhr the rio winner.
Uefre-Nliiiieuta werv tawed during the
Mr. and Mr. Conner were ltrtwiited
with a i t f silver i-pixm ly tl
iiieinNm i.f the l.ut fluh. Tluwe
present were: Mr. and Mr. V. A
Mr. aiul Mrs. L. 1 Union
lr. ami Mrs. O. I. Ihitler, Mr. mid
Mr. Ci. W. Conkey, lr. ami Mrs. XV
K. Allin, Mr. ami Mrs. V. H. Diexler,
Mr. un.l Mr. 1'. M. Kirkbnd, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Huhl'sril, Mr. and Mr. (1
V. Kutch, E. K. IVddmk, K. l
Ci.mht, Mm. Ann Coad of IallusJ
and Mr. C. K. In land of Portland.
For rent M-acre hop yard, cash or
on share; 10-foot trellis; yields over
thirty ton; fourth crop; new hop
houe; dwelling; Laru and implement
furnished; river bottom yard near In
dependence, already plowed. Inquire
of S.B.Irvine, Independence, Or, 4-2tf
Construction Work to Begin Im
mediately on Cannery.
The board of directflf of the Inde
pendence Cannery Company at their
meeting on the 20th inst elected the
follow-in? officers: President. II
Hirschberg; vice-president, O. A
Wells; secretary, W. A. Messner
treasurer, V. L. Bice. The director
have purchased a suitable site for
the cannery from Mrs. Hill, the loca
tion being the three lots just north of
the Sperling property, on the main
line of the S. P. railway, a block south
of the depot.
Arrangements are all made for the
beginning of construction work on
the erection of the building at once,
It is stated by the board of directors
that the cannery will be positively
ready to handle the season's crop.
New subscriptions for stock are
coming in every day, which is in
tended to show the popularity of the
cannery. Farmers are beginning to
make enquiries of the board of direc
tors the kinds and varieties of
fruits and vegetables that will be de
sired for canning purposes. On ac
count of the earliness of the demands
for setting out tomatoes it jnay be
well to state at this time that the
varieties most in demand are the
Livingston's Favorite, Perfection and
the Paragon. The requirements are
from two thousand to twenty-five
hundred plants to the acre.
For Construction i t Three Bridges
, Four Fills.
Notice Is hereby given I hat bids will be re
ceived for the construction of one steel span
100 feet Iob? with the ferty feet appraoches at
each end, at Independence. One Hlxty-feot
span wood bridge with 30 feet approach at
each end. One at what is knewo as the
Flannery bridge. One forty-five toot span
wood bridge at what Is know as tho Ash
awall near McCoy.
Also for making lour fills as follows:
At Independence, length about 4tH feet, av
erage height, about 13 feet. Flannery fill,
length abont 510 feet, average height, about
7 feet. Swail fill, length, aboat 210 feet, aver
age height, about 0 feet. Inng fill, length,
about 140 feet, average height, about 1 feet.
That said bids as received will be opened
by the county court at the county court room
n Dallas, Oregon, en the 18th day of April,
lt08, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. The right
to reject any or all bids is reserved by the
court Flans and specifications may be
found o file at the county clerk's office On
and after April 4th, 1908. Certified check tor
five percent of each bid must be delivered
with each bid, and sufficient bond will be re
quired by the successful bidder on entering
into a contract. Bids will be received for the
steel bridge and steel work separately, and
for each of the wood bridge or as a whole for
all bridges and Alls, or for brlflges separate
and fills separate fsom bridges.
e. m. smith,
4 16. County Olerk.
In an epliin in tha round liu
at lUlU Ut niyht l U oVhMik Aug.
uM tiittinger nu t itifttnt death. From
tho meaner rvU.ru at thin time it, i
iiiipow.il.le to learn tho detail. A
brother of Aujjui.1, t'rl tiirlinr s
U badly hurl in the explosion, los
ing an arm and two or thrt- (infers.
A boy wna alo hurt in lh accident,
hut it i not learned who h in.
The mod M'iietent rumor is thut a
(toiler Mew up in the round houe
cuiioing the dieaMor.
lie (lot Wlirtt Ii Ntll.
"Nln year ago It Ukl If my
tune hit mine, iey Mr. C- Farthiim
of Mill Crock, lnd. Tor. "I was no
rundown that llfo Wunit ou arj
Imdor thread. It hoo my
druggist rocouiiimtidod Kloctrio Hit
ter. I bought a ttotlle nd I got
what I usvdi'd atreiiKth. I bad ot
r.U in tlio grave, but EUctrle Bitter
put U back on th8 turf kIii, and I've
been well over alneo." Sold under
Kimiantoe at all drugjrlsts, 5V.
Notice !o Growers.
The Monmouth Evaporating and
Canning Co. w ill be prepared to can
all kinds of berries nd fruit, and w ill
pay the highe.it ennnery prices for
raspberries, blacltberrien, peaches, bart-
lett iears and apples, and also tor hfty
tons oj tomatoes of the canning vari
eties, Livingstone's Favorite, and the
Monmouth Evaporating and Can
ning Co. "3
Important Decision.
It Is important that you should de
cide to take only Foley's Honey sna
Tar when you have a cough or cold
as It will core the moet obstluata rack
ing cough and expel the cold from jour
system. Foley's Honey and lar con
tains no harmful drugs. Insist upon
having If. D. G. Dova.
Wood lor Sale.
In car loads of ten cords, or more,
at 2.10 per cord on cars at Indepen
dence. Slabwood from old growth fir.
Our wood is not water soaked and is
far better than second growth fir.
Cash, check, or money order must be
sent with the order. Now is the time
to put in your wood supply and let it
dry Willamette Valley Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Oregon. 4 23.
Affords Perfect Security.
Foley's Honey and Tar affords per
fect security from pneumonia and con
sumption as It cures the most obstinate
conghs and colds. We have never
known a single instance oi a coin re
sulting in pneumonia after Foley's
Honey and Tar has buen taken, D. G.
Call for Church Meeting.
The Baptist regular business and
covenant meeting will be held at the
church on next Saturday, April 4th, at
2 p. m. It is important that al! mem
bers be present, as it is desired that
some action be taken toward securing
a pastor. All are welcome.
V. II. PARK, Clerk.
Cliamberlaiu8 lias Preference.
Mr. Fred C Hanrahmau, a promi
nent druggist of Portsmouth, Va.,says:
"For the past six years I have sold and
recommended Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
a great remedy and one of the liest
patentmedielnes on the market. I
handle some others for the same pur
poses that pay me a large profit, but
this remedy is so sure to effect a cure,'
and my customer so certain to appre
ciate my recommending it to him,
that I give the preference.", For sale
by P. M. Kirkland.
Hop Yard for Bent.
Hop . yard, consisting of twelve
acres, across the river from Indepen
dence, for rent on the shares of one
fifth. " For particulars telephone
Main 371 or write H. Mattison, Inde
pendence, Oregon. '
Death was on his Heels.
Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va.
had a close call in the spring of 1906.
He says: "An attack of pneumonia
left me so weak and with such a fearful
cough that my friends declared con
sumption bad me, and death was on
my heels. Then I was persuaded to
try Dr. King's New Discovery. It
helped me immediately, and after tak
iDg two and a half bottles I was a well
man again. I found oat that New
Diseovsry ii the best remedy for coughs
and lung disease in all the world."
Bold under guarantee at all druggists.
50c and 11.00. Trial battle frea.
Mr. and M. John Or-Uinti who
Jute U-eil ill oi;t hem C.il.lm iU f'r
the pit evir.l luoittlis irltirnod
holm' we k him ! tniprovtsl in
IKm't tin yournolf up w ith
a toU'jtliono ciiiiliiU't.
Home Telephone
Of Iml'iemK'iioi will furnifh
yon lntKlorn tflcpluuin Kcrvico
without a contract. Lot us
till you about it.
IV. L. BICE, Manaser
UOMKItl lMKiK No. 4. IC of P
Moot every Moti. uht
III IC. of I'. Hall.
W. H. ltiks, C,C
J, V. Klchardtoii, K.Il anil S.
Office npllrs InCoopor Jllk
Graduate, of N. H. . C
miAiir ti nnn ikinr nrtinr,inr
KMUrit mouo. inucrcnucNijC v
Wilson's Store
When a customer has once
been convinced that it pays to
buy quality, he will seldom eeek
a store that caters merely to
those who wish to buy the great
est quantity for the money.
There are communitien where
quality arguments would have
no weight, but tnere are many
more that can be convinced that
quality pay9 it the right argu
ments are used.
Quality arguments are some
times slow trade builders, but
they build exceeding strong.
Bargain Goods are only a
bargain to those who have not
the money with which to buy
the best; but there i3 generally
ii hole in the bargain.
If vou simpiv want bargain
goods, pay the cheap price and
cet them. If you want abso
lutely the best, the ' kinds that
bring you back, pay more and
get more.
Quality has been behind every
business that has built up a solid
reputation. . ,
I believe in Quality and guar
antee the quality of all my goods'
to those who wish the best.
General Merchandise
Mr. McGovvan is on the sick list.
Win. Bevens bought another horse
Thursday. ;
Mr. Walcbtt was an Independence
visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bevens returned
from Albany Wednesday.
'Ray Saunders purchased a fine
driving horse from Wm. 'Burdine
Arch Sloper of this locality has
undergone a serious operation at the
Salem hospital.
Eev. Snyder of Independence was
through this locality Wednesday en
route to Buena Vista. .
W. E. Bevens has been moving to
the ranch of Krebs Bros, where he
will work during the hop season.
Maggie Black who has been attend
ing school at St. Johns returned to
her home in Hop Dale a few days ago.
W. V. Acox has been putting some
new fence around his land which adds(
a great deal to its appearance. If Mr.
Acox keeps improving his place he
will have one of the finest homes in
this city.
Wilson & Holcomb, wood and
wood-sawing. 3-20
! LONG& CI I AMDLRLIN, rrcr'i,,' f
1 1
i All K'l I .,f fr-tli fin
All Kindi of fresh and cured "leats.
aivl fbh In season.
J Independence
Crush and mil In food or wit Propor dose In tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Trice
For Morws. Ctt!. Sh.sp, Swios and Fowls. TH an ot.Js from Ih acll rr'nf'P h
roaiWitM! wnn ol lbs dm. Thr a I coutsia J.wJul, Al. Chop rssUar Mrs. Are um
as tw4 Id vrs old as h.a IU dsys old. comply wilh sll Po irt art lor
sad li enca SKIDOO Cood.iioa Tsbliis. or SKIDOO . Kulr. tsicksa "olsra.
hli.Ur, Cmmrtic H..M. K.r. HoM CboUrs. Di.Umptr, fink v. Colic LW.Uor U" ,
.p.m Curs or Msrb Wirs I inimrnl. bull ibultd b THI SLUI BSLL MIOICINI CO
tacorpoi.ud! Cspital Siock Hu.uoo.uo, Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A.
Fur ult by II ANNA A UlVINK, iit.U'jK-ii.ltJiu-e, CMvg.m
Day or NinhlCaKs Trtmipily atu iul
m to. Fine Parlor In C'ouneciloii
An KxpnrlenoiHl I.ady Aa"lltit.
PhjRt, mam J7J R. 7i
W. 1 HICK, KniuiimitT ami Fiiiieral lUrsv tor.
J.itwuaed by trcgon Mtale Itnunl vt Jlralth.
Independence k Monmouth lly.
Train No 64 Iraviw lnitfpuitnM dally i
a. m.: Ivi M.muimiiu .m a. iu., rn
Dallas o:40 a. m.
Train No MS leavixi Inili-iwndi-noa dally
10:.MI a. in : loa'ns Moumoutll, ll:rt a. III.;
srrlvrs ltallas, ll.Jtoa 111.
Train No 711 l-avs Indi-pumlonns dally S:I5
p. 111.: Ii-svii Moiimiuili:l p. ii.:arrlv Dal
las H.Ut p. m.
Train No (17 Iravo Independent dally TM)
a.m.; leaves Mouuiotiin :u a. m.i i"
AlrtlrS:16a m.
Train No7S li-avra Indi-pMidmie dally S:
a. m.; Iv Moumoulu 8:40 p. u.i arrives
Alrlle p. in.
Leaves ludepoudnnns dally !- p. m.
Train No M loaves Dallas dally except Hno
day a. m:. U-aves Moninoulli S:55a. m.; ar
rives Independent M a. iu.
Train No Ml leaves Dallas srwnAT oNl.T
t-Vi a. ni.: arrives Moiiintiiitli 7:iUa. ro. ar
rives Independence 7;:i0 a di.
Train No S leaves Dallas "dally 1:00 p. m.i
leaves Monmouth l-Mp. m.jHrrlves lntlfji"
deuce l:lp. m. Tlils train connect" at &lon
iniiiiib for Alrlle)
Tralii No 71 lenves Dallas dally 7 p. in.;
leaves Moo mouth s p. in.; arrives Independ.
eotH;15 p. 111.
Train Nol)6 leaves Alrlle dally B a. in.;
leaves Moninoulli 9.35 a. III.; arrives Inde
pendence M a. in. (Tills train connects at
Monmouth lor Ualliw)
Train No 72 leaves Alrlle dally k0S p. m.;
leaves Monmouth 6.40 p. in.; arrives Inde
pendence 6:A6 p. iu
Train No 1(10 leaves Alrlle in. SUN
DAY owi.v arrives Monmouth 5;Hu p. in. ar
rives Independence 6;30 p. m.
Leaves Moamoutli for Independence dally
atij0p. ni.
California JvTedicated Soap
The bent for sores, efiapped hands
ilundrult, luMeel Htlns and politon
rs. J. W. Richardson, Sr.
Monmouth HI., Independence Or.
Painless Extraction Cooper Unllding,
Independence, Ofeca
Dr. J k . Calloway
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy. Kirkavllle, Mo.
under Dr. A. X. Still, found- ,
erof the science.
Phona 791 Roomsl7
The Best to Be Obtained.
Next door Hotel and Rear Cooper Block
Farmers Feed
and Hitching Shed
Jones Big New Barn
Teams 10c, Saddle Horse 5e
Riga as well as teams kept in
tbejdrv. Horse boarded bv
day, weak or month.
j. h. j ones, mmm
l -iin-J Mi'.tN. (1.1I11C I
.... BY THE
. Dallas
Steam Laundry
Basket leaves Tuesda 6pm
and returns Friday
Cloe Robinson
C. Purvine & Son
Altering and Remodeling a
Drafts, Plana and Estimate1
Independence, - Or.
GL Hawkins
Dalian, Ore.
MonnnieniH nnd Head
Ktonea Cemetery
work etc.
Launch Independence
Plye betweeu Iudependeuce nd Sal
em daily except Hunday. Passenger
and freight buBiaesaaoliclted.
Leave Independence : 9;30a, m.
Leave Salem : 3 :15 p. m.
Geo. Skinner - Skipper
MM Marble and