NUMBFJl Q INI) K TEN DICNCK, OHKGON, THUKSDAY, Al'lIIL 2, 1'Jos, FOUUTKKNTH YKAH. ADVERTISING FEVER IS ON Paul Morion-Becoming In terested In the Coast. McMINNVILLE HEADS ' LIST Villi $1,000 Toward fund of $10,000 for AdveiUsiiig Yamhill Couoty. The Oregon advertising fever in both contagious iukI i 11 ftx t ioum, ami thu remarkable part of tho pnwnt epidemic in Unit those town wliirli have heretofore been normnl now liavo tlio highest tciiinTat lire. lion. 1'uul Morton, formerly secre tury of the mtvy in President Hooho volt's cabinet, hut now president of the Equitable Life Anuruticc Society, i Ih-iiik t'nU-rtn iittnl in Portland today Mr. Morton in a western man and is making an extended tour of the Paeilic const with a view to investments. People from all parts of Oregon should make it a oint wliile in Tort land to visit tho forestry building and fumiliaric themselves with tlio timber wealth of this ittate. The building is now in charge of SI. Y Gorimui an miperintclidcut, ami he thoroughly knows the forests of t lie northwest and thu value of every tree. C. C. M idiener, field secretary ol tho Y. M C. A. of America, recently visited the forctdry building and remarked that it wan tho inot satisfying and interesting building on this continent and that his hour with Mr. Gorman wan the moat instructive ho had ex erioneed in many years. McMinnvillo heads the list for a Yamhill county advertising fund of $10,000 a8 a $1,000 subscriber. M. U. Lownsdalo is president of the Yamhill County Development League and has tho backing of the people of his county. That famous old county intends to be heard from. Educators throughout the United States iare asking for pictures illus trating the industrial, agricultural and horticultural progress of Oregon, and they are being supplied. The Portland Commercial Club's correspondence- includes a great many inquiries from people who want to work on farms. These inquiries and the facts concerning them are being sent to all of the commercial bodies composing the Oregon Development League. The Corvallis Commercial Club, which claims with perfect confidence that its quartors are the handsomest of any western city or town of 5,000 population, will have a houso-warni' ing on April 10th, Delegates will be present from many points in Oregon and the occasion will be an interest ing one. Klamath Falls and Astoria are the latest Oregon cities that have . deter mined to have floats in the great parade "The Spirit of the Golden . West," which takes place in Portland Tuesday evening, June 2nd, of "Kose Festival" week. : " , GKKKNVVOO.D. The Greenwoud ball team crossed bats with a team from Independence list Sunday on the Greenwood dia mond. The day was cold and blustry but nevertheless both teams put up good ball. The Greenwood team was by far the strongest at the bat, conse quently tools the Independence team into camp to the tune of 14 to 2. Tha battery for the home team was Martin and Brown and for the visitors Kirk land and Newton. Benny Dunn of Portland acted as umpire and gave good swtisfaction. George Beeker was score keeper. Llttls Fred Young is getting to be a star ball player and we may expect , to bear of him being among the Pacific coast leaguers inn tew years. TUCKAl'AW. Mr. Ilia U tuy trllilt( tha rtwt of hi hop f rd, Mrs. i:ila I'roM vl.llrd Mm. J. C l:bo1ra Saturday, Probst llroa. havt bii pladtlug oulotia thU wk. William I'roUt waa an Iudrpend ence vullor Huuday. W, 1. TitviuK, ho has ln quit 111, la slowly Improving. Wm. lturdj'ue baa about twenty aeres u( Ida hop poles art. Win. liavlna was near Buver laat week vUltmg A. II. Col Una. Jobu and Herman Mod want to lo drMiidenu on bunlucaa Saturday. John Mode of Corvalha waa here laat week vUltlng bit liephaw, John lludi. Jliu 'rather and family of fiueua Vista wra visiting W. 1. liavina Bun. day.. Have you seen tha atrawberry patch en of Floyd Woodurd ami W, P. Itevloa lately? II. V. Murphy ot Corvallis waa In this loonllty laat week looking afUir tilt orchard. Miss Laura Ford, who baa bean vlalU Ing tha past wek at the Fira. return ed borne hunday. Mr. and Mra. Fred Rice of Inde pendence have moved to their hop (arm for the aummer. Jim Bridges and Jack Mode, who are working near Corvallis, were through tbls locality laat week. O, T. Murphy ia running two teams plowing bia bop yard. He ia taking advantage ol the warm days Mr. and Mra. Kyle Probst aud Walt er Wells and wife taok dinner at the home of C. P. Wells Hunday. MONMOUTH NORMAL VARIETIES OF One of the most pleasant evening's of the citizens' course of entertainments for the past winter was that of last Sat urday evening. Mrs. Hylvla McGuire assisted by Miss Beulah Cad well as vocalist gave a lecture and recital to titled ' Echoes from Dixie Land."! Be Ing herself a child of the south of form er days, her interpretations were clear ly true to life and had a living person ality that made them very interesting. Mrs. McGuire gave some stories show ing the darkey in all bis moods and from her intimate knowledge she gave the dialect In its true form. Her word paintings of old scenes,, the generous hospitality, the chivalry, the true southern courtesies of life were all that one could wisb to hear. She possesses a well trained voice and has a person ality that la easy and at the same time forceful with her audience. Miss Cad well rendered a number of true south ern melodies in a most pleasing man ner and responded to several encores. The students have greatly enjoyed these evenings and since the enter tainments have all been of a very high order, they have been generously re paid for their time. President E. D. Keesler has been granted a six weeks' leave of absence by the board of regents. It is his plan to spend part of his time In an eastern Uni versity looking up the latest develop ments in normal school matters and in planning a scientific investigation at first band of the actual work done In some of the leading institutions for nor mal training. He will visit schools in New England, New York, and In sev eral of the middle western states'. Mr. Ressler w ill leave Monmouth about the middle of April, and return about the 1st of June. Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt will give a dudU's recital In the normal assembly hall Frldav evenine. April 3. The pro gram will consist of Instrumental and vpcal selections and will afford friends of the pupils an opportunity of h earing them in public performance. There will be no charge for admission which will be b3' ticket. The pupils will distribute these tickets and ny, ho are so unfortunate as to be missed, may secure them at the door. . The final debate In the inter-col- leeiate series will be held in Mon mouth Anril 10. when the winners of the preliminaries, Albany and the state normal, will meet for the league championship. The Monmouth de baters aro Hubert Gorde, Percy Stroud and Mary Whitney aud they are slated to win. FRUITS GROWN Thai are Best Adopted tor Canning Purposes. VARIETY DEMANDS INCREASE Willi Establishment of Canning riant at Independence. Acreage Needed. BY P O. HOWEl.t.. Bocrelary Monmouth Evaporating and Cm), nluf Co, Inasmuch as there is some dicus- iiou and uncertainty among the farm ers as to what fruits and what varie ties should be grown for sale to can neries, we have written to several can neries and learn that there is as yet but little demand for the Logan berry for canning puriHises. All kinds of blackberries and raspberries are ac ceptable, but the evergreen and mam moth are recommended, also the Cuth bert red raspberry and the American and Grepg black-cap raspberry. The cherry mostly canned is the Royal Ann, but the Lambert aul Weter- house aro also well recommended for this purpose. Bartlctt jiears with some other varieties to fertilize them, and Pouter, early crawtord, and Tuscan cling peaches, are used in unlimited quantities. Tomatoes aro also eMiite proniaoie io ine grower; L.ivjiigMuiie b Favorite and Perfection are the lead' ing varieties. The large prolits in cherries are pub lished in all our state and county pa pers, and there is strong assurance from fruit men in this state, and those who have visited us from other states, that an equal profit may be expected from pears. The small fruits are also worthy of attention, yielding from $751 to $150 per acre. They may be grown a few years in the young orchard and thus make it remunerative from the beginning while the trees are getting ready to bear. Vacant town lots may be utilized for growing berries. , ' Farmers in other counties are turn ing rapidly to fruit growing, and now that Polk is to have three canneries or one-fourth of all in v the state, every farmer in the county should have, an orchard and a berry patch. K. FS HOLD BIG SESSION The district convention of the Knights of Pythias which was enter-, tained in this city by Homer Lodge, No. 45, was one of the most pro nounced successes of a fraternal nature that has come to Independence in some time. There were more than a hundred visitors from outside lodges many from lodges at a dis tance. Appropriate window decor ations were in evidence in all the business houses of the city. Early in the afternoon the town began , to show convention spirit, and as the afternoon wore away the streets became more and more congested, delegates arriving by boat, by trains and by teams froln Salem and other towns close by. Badges were so con spicuous on the coats that it seemed almost everyone was a Knight. The business session of the con vention was detained until the urrival of the last train of the day, which was at 8:30 and on which came the delegations- 'from Dallas, Falls City, and other points. . The address of welcome was delivered by L. R. Stinson, who acted in place of B. F. Jones, whose illness prevented his at tendance. The address of welcome wai responded to by J, H. YanWirikh' td Albany. The convention vp rtnUtiin from the folhming blc of theditrii't- 1-aurel, No. 7, Albany; Valley, No. II, of C'orvallia; Central, No 1H, of Halem; I'onidaa, No. 35, of Feb; Homer, No. 45, of Ind ndetice; Hemic, No. 51, of Aurora; Arian, No, 67, of Hubbard; (Wade, No. 02, of Falln City; Miirmion, No. IMS, of )( la. Among the grand bxle officer prewnt were L. H. 8tiinn, Grand Keeper of Record and Heals, ami H. B. Flott, Deputy Grand Chancellor of dintrict No. S. Two teams entered into the com-jH-t itiv drill for the handnomc prize, which confuted of "The Little Knight" an emblematic piii for each member of the team. The award was made to Falem team which won over Hubbard by 118 point. The banquet which followed the bunnee Mionof the convention took place in the Mason's banquet hall. Thin was a sumptuous afVair, at which no pains were spared in its get-up. A smoker followed the banquet and toasts were responded to unitl almost all the prominent visitors were called on. The Independence orchestra fur nished music during the banquet, ad ding much to. the pleasure of the oc-easion. For Naie. Near Monmouth, Oregon, ten acres, house, barn, chicken houses and parks, bearing apple and cherry or chard, also young cherry orchard. Price very reasonable. Owner wants to go cast. Apply to this otlicc. 4-30 A FROMGlii" ARTIST David B. Campbell Gives Bril liant Piano Recital in Nor hwI Assembly Hail. A concert of unusual merit was given bikt Friday night in the assembly hall of the Orecon Mate formal School at Monmouth. Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt presented her pupil, Da vid B. Campbell, in piano recital, in a program demanding technical skill and musical interpretation of a high order. The young man was fully equal to the occasion and acquitted himself with great credit. Mr. Campbell displayed a musical tslent in early childhood and his dili gent and faithful practice has advanced him to a degree ol pronciency rarely attained by one of his years. A large audience greeted him cordially on his first appearance and the interest and enthusiasm increased with each num ber. At the conclusion of the pro gram, .both Mr. Campbell and his ca pable instructor, Mrs. Rabbitt, were showered with congratulations. Miss Florence Bowden assisted in the recital, playing a double number in her usual finished style. Her many friends wish that Miss Bowden might favor them more; frequently with her violoncello music. The fol lowing program was rendered: Beethoven ..... .Sonata Op. 31 No. 2. Allegro-Adagio-Allegretto. MacDowell a. Idyl Op. 28 Nq. 4. b. Sea Song Op. 55 No.5. c. Concert-Etude Op. 36. a. . W 1 . J! 1 a. Massenet meiouie up. j.o. b. Nevin The Kosary. Miss Bowden. Chopin a. Etude Up. zo jno. 8. b. Etude, Op 10 No. 5. c. Berceuse Op. 27. d. Polonaise in A flat Op. 53. . Tschiakowsky. . . . Valse-Caprice Op. 4 Schubei't-Liszt. Erl Koenig. Mr, Campbell possesses a musical temperament and the technical skill to interpret and execute the most dif ficult compositions as was evident in this recital. His playing, of the Bee thoven sonata was intelligent and showed that the interpretation of such masters is well within his powers. His MacDowell group was delightfully rendered, from the delicate and dreamy tones Of the Idyl to the brilliant tech nique of the Etude. The Chopin num bers called for musicianship of the highest degree and the reading given by .' ir. Campbell was of surprising ex cellence. The intricate fingering in the etudes, the delicate phrasing in the berceuse, and the tremendous tem po of the polonaise were brought out with decision and confidence. The Tschiakowsky valse-caprice is full of technical difficulties, all of which were surmounted with perfect ease. . The closing number was the culmination of the evening's trinmph, the spirit and fire of the Erl King being por trayed with a dash and freedom that completely captured the audience. There is undoubtedly a brilliant fu ture before this young man, endowed with so much talent and intelligence, and it is to be hoped that he may be able soon to enjoy the advantages of European travel and study. FIEST STATE BANK Independence, Oregon. CAPITAL, S25,000 A OE.YERJL 1LLXKI.XG BUSINESS CO.YDUCTEM Officer and Dihectoiib: W. A. Mfssnr. Pres. K. Ilofer, Vice-Pre. C. C. Patrick, Cash Win. UMdell F. N. Stump. J. P. Rogers JONES & Farmers, List Your V 0 (J NG Property Now! THE REAL ESTATE MEN Independence, Or. Farm and City Property. Farm Property is Our Specialty V are going to eell real estate and are now in touch with peo ple in the east and some who are now on the ground and want email farms. They have the money and are going to in vest in Polk county. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, NOW IS YOUR TIME Something Nice in Harness We hiive SlilKle and Double Bet, made o tlie finest leathers and beautifully Unified and trimmed. Not only perfect In design and fuahlonlng, but every article well ewn and ready for long and arduous service. We Khali be pleased to show yon samples of our stock Harness, and to also make sets to your order We guarantee entire satisfaction with our work and the niaterals that we pot Into it. George Dunham Independence, t , I Oregon f Boost! Boost! Boost! for the "Blue Ribbon County" of Oregon. Is Polk county keeping abreast of the development that is in progress throughout the state? To attain the full meadeof its possi bilities every community must have a local spirit of co-operation. This spirit is best manifest by loyalty to local in stitutions. Are you using onr flour? ' "Pride of Oregon' "Valley' and "Prize Peach," hard wheat, are our brands. W. T. Hoffman M. Tillery Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co. POLK COUNTY BANK MONMOUTH, - OREGON. PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00 ' Transacts a general banking and exchange business, received, Loans made, Drafts sold. Deposits Oitficebs and Directors J. H. Hawleyt Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier J. B. V. Butler, F.B.Powell, J. B. Stump, I. M. Simpson. '