West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 19, 1908, Image 1

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numim:u i
Ccmmltlccs Reported Over
5CCC0 Stock Pledged.
Now Unit llic dial hi of
He Missionary-Work is
The ciuim ly is mi 'insured fact fur
Independence. This Lid W;lH nettled
at Die looting which wait held i"
thin city l.trt Saturday afternoon,
which wiiimui adjourned meeting from
. the one held in llie ujMTii Ikhivo the
Wttk jTwioUhly.
Tin re in now over fUtHJO nulncrilx-d.
The com !u it tie which ha worked V1
Jhe matter of M-cuiin- the pledges
for the miIu of tho clock h.tve Urn
Untiring iiii'i it in cr.it irjing tiieruit
thty procured. The aiiiuuiit
Bcccst.try f'r t!io twiublifhineiit of 1 1 i -plant
is pledged, hut tlio commit te
was continued until tho meeting
which i to take place iu tho oj-eni
house here next Saturday when an
adjournid meeting will hf convened
to complete liind arrangement:) und
The committee on site havo option
on "oiiietliing like fix dilVcrent locu
tions and tin ailc for tho cannery
will duubtlem he made from one of
those by tho board of director,.
On motion -the incorporators were
Jo m t us a committee to viiit other
canneries and to uncertain tin) np
proximate cost of machinery to
bo installed necessary for tho cunning
of vegetables and fruit.
It is desired that every subscriber to
tho cannery bo present at tho coining
meeting hero Saturday next. This
meeting w ill he callod to order at 2
o'clock p. m. in tho opera house.
There was a reasonably good at
tendance nt tho meeting last Saturday,
CoiiHidering the climatic conditions.
Enthusiasm prevailed throughout the
mooting und in tho words of ono of
those in attendance, '-everybody
'hollorcd' for a cannery." And it is
true that everybody should bo deeply
interested in this .project. Thoro in
no town in tho .Willamette valley
more favorably situated for tho grow
ing of vegetables and fruit fijV canning
purposes than is Independence. As
an instance of which tho case of W.
J. Steele, of Buena Vista, who has
taken a deep interest in tho cannery
project, may be sited, lie says: From
one hundred and sixty vines ho
gathered two hundred bushels of
tomatoes. This, it will be observed is
a yield of over a bushel to tho vine
Walt Huntley stated in tho meeting
that-he raised three hundred bushels
from one-third of an aero of ground,
These examples are instances of
tomatoes grown on bottom land, and
give a fair idea of what may ' be ex
pected in the production of tomatoes
for canning . purposes, and results of
the productiveness of the soil of the
land in the vicinity of Independence.
The subscription of stock . for the
cannery is held largely py tho farmers
of the Independence country. This
shows that the feeling for the cannery
js widespread and is as i should be, for
there is no one who will bo more
benefitted than the farmers; It will
not only give them a better market
for their products but will materially
advance the value of real estate in
the neighborhood.
An enthusiastic meeting of the
granger was held in Lebanon last week
and passed many resolutions. Among
the items of transaction were the fol
lowing: Special committee on the referen
dum against U. of & appropriation re-
Mir ltd grutif) in progr. Th rj;u
ntent of llii' eotmeil bad U'eii lil.il
witlithe ncrclaiy of Mute- and the
iimtti r no goin to the volem of Ore-
Tho re-nut of the eoiiiinittee on ed
ucation Wit llduptol. It fVor B
i lialigo of text book for our public
m'IioiiU not oft'iier than om't in t"ii
yi i. Incidentally in tho (lini iii'ioii
iiictitioti n Mm,.' of the woik on an
rioullun now in our whooU. It uk
highly fxtolli'd.
(loud roadf rexolutioim favoring
ti-latioii, t hat were pacix-d at mu
Hireling hi Id at Liberty, Unit emiiity,
Were read Hlid the rtlb referreil to H
Htainliitft committee, (iivin cucli r jml
di-tlii'.t the power to levy fiM.ll Mud
t.ix, the property tax not to exceed 10
inilU: poll Ins not to ex 1 $'! on
nolle betttccii trtiulyMiiie and lift'.
K.ieh road dihti iet to elirt it -4 ow n
xiipi ivicoin and tlijtriiiii to m iiumIc
Ilia 0)psy Dacca
will lie produced nt tin. (iperii liouce
.atiinlay, Mnr. h 2lct, by the Iiid. peli
ilenci) llvalieitic Club, r--int I by
other talent. A beautiful story run H
thiimghrtfit the jiieie, intcr.;ercd
w it h it pleiifing eomedy role. A pl.-iy
pure to ,,leiiw) the mot exacting. Mr.
Hoy Went wood will play tho duilo
comedy pall, while Air. J. .('onaw'tiy
Will handle the juvenile lead. The
ww i.-itaiicu of tho ubovn naiiuil genii--men
wiil make u much t-tonger i;A
tlutn is pocfibln w ii leour local t.dent.
New jn-ciitlt ion will le introdu
tw eeu tho act!.
cd he-
Arc You TbRikinr cf lodcpcudccce?
Krery town in Oregon does not need
a fruit cannery, no more than every
farmer needs a hop yard. There in too
much tendency to over-do any partic
ular by all nibbing into it. Itimier.
Mrs. Ferguson Dies.
Mis. Kleanor Ferguson, who lias
been iccble for sometime from the
ciiVeti of old age, died Wednesday
morning at 3 o'clock. (She was eighty
seven years of age. ,Sbe wa.i nil early
miner to Independence, having set
tled here in 1884, and has resided here
continuously since. She leaves three
children to mourn her, two residing
here. J. X. and K. K.. and W. S who
resides in Pctosky, Michigan.
Vnneral services will In; held from
the Baptist Church in this city i.t
o'clock Friday.
The Home Telephone Company of
Independence, has boon organized
with home capital. Articles of in
corporation havo been filed and stock
subscribed. A modern telephone
plant will bo built known as
t,bn common battery system. The
contract has been let and work will
commence at once. Tho company
has secured offices in tho Cooper
block. J. M. Staats, of Airlie, rep
resenting tho independent . telephone
interests of that locality, was in town
yesterday conferring with the homo
telephone company, and has made
arrangements to connect all of their
lines with the new system.
Independence is certainly to . bo
congratulated on tho advent of tho
independent telephone in this locality.
A long-distance line will be built into
Independence immediately connect
ing direct with the automatic system
of Portland.
"Gypsy Queen" at tho opera house
Saturday, March 21st. : "
Miss Opal Hart returned Slonday
from a visit with relatives in the vicin
ity of Dallas.
The Polk county tax list is at
the First State Bank where taxes
may be paid. ,
No more waiting for patterns.
Metssner, Conkey & Walker carry
a complete Btock.
The. Kev. Chasei who has been
very ill for sometime past is' reported
to be convalescing.
Mrs. Qnincy Beeves who has been
visiting L. G. Beeves, returned to
Portland Sunday afternoon.
Floyd Totten, who has been visiting
relatives in Independence for the past
two weeks left Saturday for Kiles,
California, to again take up his work
in th big fruit dryer there.
Seeking to Enter Ibc
Rose City.
Applies to Ik Various County
- Courts lor E.IiiLifs at
tlic State Fair,
The ficwarZ'child
,t Sulzberger
Packing Company
in lu-kiug peiiiiifi-
oion of the city of I'dittand to cover
fourteen ucnn in the dul'iuhi with a
plant which will rei'ruii'iit an outlay of
.fl..i(K).(K!0. Comiiii; im.'iK'liaU-ly af
ter the ih finite nniiuimci.iiiciit of the
1,0KI,(K estulilielmieut which Swift
& Co. am to build during l'JU-i. Ore
gon titofkuifii aro jubilant over the
recognition accorded ' this f"ctpn of
tlio United States s u p-M'-king center.
Secretary F A. Welch, of tin Ore
gon State 1'oard of Agriculture, in lick
ing the co-operation of the various
county courts of tho state in arrang
ing for exibits at the ftate fair, held
annually at Salem. It .requires fore
thought at the beginning of the plant
ing season to secure attractive dis
plays which become of 'more vital im
portance each year in view of tho im-
meu?e number of newcomers seeking
location in Oregon
Every one of the merchants in Cen
tral Point, Oregon, is Ueimr special
stationery designed in such a way
that tho low colonist rates are forced
upon the attention of the recipient
Uailroad officials on various roads have
reported travel which indicates thirty
trainlonds of hoineseekers iiowenroute
to. tho Pacific coast
Fruit, dairying, und other industries
of Oregon have all been given their
share of publicity, but poultry raising
is rarely mentioned outside of the pub
lieations which are either devote I to
poultry or have a special department
for it. $5,tHM),000 annually is a very
conservative estimate of tho returns
from this industry to Oregon farmers
and yet thousands of cases of eggs are
shipped in every year from the middle
west to supply tho demand here. Ex
pert poultry raisers say that tho cli
mate of western Oregon in particular
is conducive to very rapid and health
ful growth, and there is ono commu
nity alone in southern Oregon that
annually markets between $40,000 and
$50,000 wortli of turkeys.
' The series of meetings being held by
Secretary Tom Richardson, of the Ore
gon Development League, is focusing
the attention of the whole state. At
Ashland there wero three enthusiastic
gatherings, ono at the Normal school,
a second at the Connneroial college,
and the last in the evening attended by
the citisens generally. For Medford'e
meeting a special train from Jackson
ville brought a hundred and fifty peo
ple who came down to participate.
Grants Pass was next, then Boseburg,
where tho substantial interest aroused
was best evidenced by the raising of
$G500 for an immediate campaign.
Albany and Stayton had meetings on
Friday and Saturday. A commercial
club has just been organized at Bend.
Ground will be broken for the Ore
gon building at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition at Seattle on Wednes
day, tho 18th inst, with appropriate
The Dutch Auction.
A "Father Knickerbocker" Dutch
Auction seems to be the thing just now
according to the Cresson (Pa.) Record.
Some enterprising merchant of
fers the "Father Knickerbocker"
Mission Clock the first day at the
regular price and then reduces the
price 50 cents each day until sold.
This creates great excitement, es
pecially among the ladies, each one i
waiting niul plainiiiiK to buy it it her'
OMI price, hi'H lo! noiueorie Mm- it
lip, Iheii evi'iyoim g,.e and buy
"Father Knii k.-iU ker" jiift to id.ow .
that llii y Call have a "goinl time"' und
the "Ditti h Auction" ban d inn itn
Mrk, every ono in happy, llniloii
ha "U tU r timV mid the dcalur ha
booUnii hi biiniti'".l Iwsidcii having
hii. tdmre of tlio fun.
Which of our local linn bunts ill j
be Hint to have a ' Dutch Auction
To thu Hull, trunk W. JtniMin, e
rrtury of r-tute, Culem, Oregon, und lo
(lot inciiil-rn of the Jteiiil,llcu party
mid t the tlfctoru of tbti ('oui.t of
I'oik kiiii Lincoln, In the Hut of Ore
gon, I llfiijiimin K. Jinn, rUle at
InifrpriiilfDAf, Polk County, Oregon.
I Mill Hiluly ruiii'lered luiaili-r of the
lif ul'Ilcun party, in Smith Iiiili-peu-
deuce Precinct, I'olk County, OiYgon , ;
It I am iiomlnati d for the oiliee o!
Joint lU-priM-utiitive for I'olk mid j
l.iucolii counties, ut t..e I'riuiiiry lr-i
l on to tie lit-UI, on (he lah. day of
April VMS. I will accept the nomina
tion and will not withdraw, and if I
urn elided I will tpmilfy m ui:u
'1'lie dlreet Piimnry law having pa
eii liy a vote of M.SS-jO. ituinst lt$ 3 j4
and believing In the doctrine Ihtt the
people know what tlny want, I
fun her state to the pn.ple of Oregon,
a well M to Hie people of my legisla
tive district, that duriug my term of
(ilfice I will ulways vote for the cndi-
dte for Uul:ed States tienutor in Con
grf,s who cliaill have received the
lughcst number of the peoples Yotea
for that position at thu general elc
Hon uext propelling the election of
Henator in Congrefg without regard
to my individual pie"ereneg.
If nominated and elided I will
during my term ef ollice stand for the
j.isl regulation of all trans'iortation,
eijUHhlo BKseesuieut and taxation of
nil property, Htate or National owner
ship of the Locks at Oregon City, and
the improvement of all navigabU
wv.'ers iu Oregou. A most liberal
noliev for all Public .Schools. The
right of BUilVage to women.
B. F. Jokm.
All the stockholders of tho Indepen
dence Cannery Company are hereby
notified to meet in the opera lnuso on
Saturday, the 21st, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m., for the purposo of elect
ing a board of seven directors, arid for
such other business as may lawfully
come before the meetrhg. It is de
sired that any stockholder who cannot
be present at such meeting send in his
proxy with the name of tho party he
desires to vote it. if he cannot be
B. F. JONES, Chairman.
Tho "Father Knickerbocker" Dutch
Auction is the latest. One of our
live merchants will offer it soon.
Realm Is Worth Savluirj, and Some
Independence People Enow
Bow to Save It.
Many Independence people take
their lives in their hands by neglecting
the kidneys when they know these
organs need neip. man. ntuucya arc
responsible for a vast amount ot suf
fering and ill health, but there is no
need to sutler nor to rerrain in
danger when all diseases and aches and
pains due to weak kidneys can be
quickly and -permanently cured by
the use of Doan's Kidney rills. Here
s an Independence citizen's recommen
dation. .
J. B. Collins, City Marshal, living
. s I.T
in independence, vre., bji j.uj
glad to have the opportunity of rec
comending Doan'a Kidney Pills aa they
proved very satisfactory in my wife's
. -.' i . i r
case, one sunerea ior uuiuuci oi
years from a complication of diseases;
doctored but received no relief and her
health gradually ran down. Seeing
Doan'a Kidney Pills so highly recco-
raended, she procured a box at P. M.
Kirkland's Drng Store and the trouble
gradually vanished. She is now m
good health end attribute Bolely to the
use of Doan'a Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents
Foster Milburn Co., Bunalo, Hew
York, sole agents for the United
Bemember the name Doans and
take no other.
liidepcnclence, Oregon.
W. A. Messncr, Pres. K. Ilof. r, Vice-I're. C. C. Patrick, Cach
Win. Uid-h-n F. N. Stump. J. P. Hog-:ra
Wagons and Buggies
, Jl Car Load of Studebaker Rigs
and tltasons. The Finest that
ever hit the-city.
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
.Jiaiina (St Irvine..
Independence, C Orcrjon
Boost! Boost! Boost!
for the "Blue Ribbon County" of Oregon. Is Polk county
keeping abreast of the development that ia in progress
throughout the state? To attain the full meade of its possi
bilities every community must have a local spirit of co -operation.
This spirit ia best manifest by loyalty to local in
stitutions. Are you using our flour?
"Pride of Oregon," "Valley' and
"Prize Peach," hard wheat,
are our brands.
W. T. Hoffman
Oregon Milling &
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. li, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. S. Powell, J. B. Stamp,
I. M. Bimpson.
in the line of-
Something Nice in
We have Single nl Douule Mn. nUKle ot
the fln(;al leatht rs BnJ beuntll'ully fininhed ml
trlinmvil. Not only perfect tn design anil
ftwhloniiiK, bi ver.T r(iln wU wwn an.t
ready for lung and ardiionn servli. We shall
b pleased to ahow you samples of our atclc
irarne, and to also make sets to your order.
We guarantee entire satisfaction with our
work and the materals that we put into it.
George Dunham
M. Tillery
WareMse Co.
exchange business,