West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 13, 1908, Image 4

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    teal and rimui un
Dr. AlllnTTvciirt. tV'j-r !U.I
ticnuins ihilter Nut tffiJ at
Irvine's griH'rrr.
Portland bread frrtdi r da?
i Irvine' grmrjr.
Ir. Dttckjiue, der.tist, over Inds
pendene Nstbtml psnk.
(! work horM for sals John
Robbina. 3-r.if
rimsr'l' M' yiiiriU. Crr--n
A Moor. 3 17
Vetch seed for sals b? J, H. Col.
lies, Iodependere. 3 20
A ! air of Riding r'.ss
set $ 1 00 at Kreamer'a.
ttean -pray pumns and apray
material for sale by R M. Wads A
Stewarts bor clippers and sheep
bearing oiacbinrs ars for salt at
E. M. Wade A Co'a.
Lou Edward?, Iba merchant of
Pe Des, waa among the Visitors to
Independence yesterday.
First showing of new spring
vaista Frtday and Saturday at
Messner, Conkey A Walker'a
Full-ied coffin, trimmed, with
outaiile box f 15 up. Children, an
above. $5. Jasperwon, undertaker, tf
Edwin Waltane who is attending
the O. A. C. at Corvallis, waa here the
1a t of the wft-k, returning Sunday.
A eouvenir will be given to
everyone who eate with the ladies
of the Methodist church March 17.
' We now have a complete catalogue
of EJieon Gold Mold Records over
1500 titles to select from. Craven &
Moore. 3-17
John Pra her, one of the promi
nent farmers of Buna Vista coun
try, was a visitor to Independence
Frank Laughary, one of the
prominent Monmouth farmers. wa
doing business with Independence
merchants yesterday.
Ladies Massaging and sham
rooinr done at Cleve Robinson's
barbershop, with electric vibra
tion. Hours 7 to 8 p. in.
Now is the time to spray jour
trees with lime and sulphur sohi
tion for the first r-pravine. This
yon can get at R. M. Wade & Co's
One of their famous dinners will
be served by the ladies of the Melh
odist church on March 17th. 25c
the plate is the price. Hurley
Geo. W. Shew, who is proprietor
of the brick and tile factorv, will
move his plant about the first of
A nril to the Fugate place, about a
mile north of town.
Calvary Presbyterian church, Rev.
J. A. P. McGaw acting pastor. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Subject of ser
mon, "Living Worthily of the Gospel."
Christian endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Eve
ning service 7:30. Subject, of sermon,
"Ruth's Choice."
The roads leading into Indepen
dence are setting in fine condition,
owiing to the ideal weather which
prevailed during the last few days.
Yesterday marked the advent of
mot of the autos from their
winter's hibernation.
John M. Murney, formerly of
Beverly, Mass , is now stationed at
Independence to take charge of the
Pacific States Telephone and Tele
rraph Co., as manager, Mr. Mur
ney, who is a young man, will be
welcomed by the young people of
this city. -
Among the new advertisers in
this issue of the Enterprise are In
dependence Billiard Parlor, Tay
lor's Livery Barn, Mrs. E. M
Strond, Milliner, City Restaurant,
Craven & Moore, and others. Look
op their ads, if you please, and
give them your trade.
Lieut. F.. A. Williams, who is
dow doing duty with the 2d llocos,
in the Philippines, is expected to
arrive in Independence in about
three weeks to spend a furlough of
three months or more. Mr. Will
iams will be remembered as having
gained considerable fame as sprint
er and foot ball player daring his
schooling at Corvallis. Tie now
holds the three-quarter mile record
for the North west.
young pr.ipl, t?,.,iUr g of Carl
I'rrrlva!. NetiUs nd K Ki
diidg. John Taylor, Frani Kirk
land tiarvey Uaksr, Muruv But
tr.nl Kotrrt Baker, attends! ihs
Monmouth skating rink Tuesday
averting and report an enjuyabls
evening's eiitortainnient A not
bl iru id'ct of tha avriiing waa the
fart ibal tlnr waa not a singln
skster on th tljor sxcsptlng tbo
from Independence. Can it be
that the Monmouth skaters aw
thoi coining?
The IruleHMidi'in-i orvliiwtra i to
give a Ht. Patrick a .kwll, tho adver
tiMtunnt of vtbii'h will Ikj in the
Ut columns of the editorial ptk'.
Thia dance promim to l one of the
fimt of the x'txin. The Indepen
dence orrheMra h the reputation of
being one uneqtulid and it gM
without aaying that the dance w ill I
alteinliil by dancer from far and
wide. Hee their window card in the
utornt of this city.
The liUle reader, which waa put
in the Enterprise by G V. Shew,
advertising dry sixteen inch wood
resulted in selling all the wocd he
had. Mr. Shew came to the office
yesterday asking the Enterprise
man to atop the ad, that he had
sold out all Ida wood in less than
two days after the paper with the
ad came out. It pays to adverties
in the Enterprise.
J. 11. Hew ley & Sons of McCoy
have juct received a car load of breed
ing ewe. The heep were shipped
from Ontario, Canada, and are the
third shipment made by Roger
Brothers of fine sheop to this locality.
The car contained one hundred bead
of ewes and one buck. This shipment
will make a valuable addition to the
already line Mock of Folk county.
C. G. Lore bought 10 head of
fine fatted steers from John Prather
Wednesday. Mr Long says the
Independence people will be able
to get some fine eteaks from this
fine bunch when they nm to the
Palace Meat market, next door to
the First State Bank.
We are now nearly ready to show
our new Fpring suits for men.
In snappy up-to-date garments
these beat anything yet shown in
Independence call and inspect
them at Meesner, Conkey it Walk
Stray White horse about five
years, weighs 900, branded on right
ehoulder, shod all round. Owner
call and get him and settle bill for
keep and this adv. Jones' feed
barn. 2 5 .
The first time you are in the
store call for our$l.0 lawn waists
and let us show you something
far better than anything shown in
the town before. Messner, Conkey
&' Walker's
The regular list of taxes for the
county of Folk la now in the
hands of the Independence Nation
al Bank where those who wish
may call and pay the same.
The ladies of the Methodist
church are going to give a dinner
from o to 7 o'clock on St. Patrick's
day, in tne Hurley building. The
price will be 25 cents.
The W. C. T, V. will meet at the
home of Mrs. John Richardson at
3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. All
W. C. T. U. women are requested
to be present.
Men's all wool Oregon cashmere
suitH only $10, new spring goods,
ii Messner, Conkey & Walker's,
Don't forget to eat with the la
dies of the Methodist church St.
Patrick's day. Hurley building.
The orchestra will give a dance on
St. Patricks Day in the evening and a
general good time is predicted.
A good farm team, wagon and har
ness for sale by A. R. Scrogfts, one
mile north of Independence. 3-17
Don't send away for anything in the
harness line when you can beat city
prices at Geo. Dunham's. ,
No more wailing for patterns
Messner, Conkey dfc Walker carry
a complete stock .
The Polk county tax list is at
the First State Bank where taxes
may be paid.
Some beautiful things in new
spring dress goods jnst in at Mess
ner. Conkey & Walker's.
A e'ii) party of
For Sale Seed oats. C. N. Tharp.
Cr iv. ii A I
a 17
" on!e! ri. J- ; r
r O l HtilW a ali-iii i.i!.r
Monday. ;
Vi!oi A ll.iiii-n.ti "
raod-awini!, o'''
K'.'.l.tV", tilum, printing j .ir . '
Craven A MiMie. 3 IT ,
r-or or TimI t.r K . h l"
A U4l -(Til il.OUlm1' ' ! t.. r j
Call on i W Butlid. 2
. Full line uiucliii tlnilfr m ai, . w 1
arrivala at Meoenrr t'oi.krv A
New Hummer wah goods alrenlv )
for ehowingat MrMtr, Copket v;
Buy the beat in patierna, the I'ie )
torial Review at Meaner. (Jofk- i
St. Walker's j
Mra. O. M. Johnaon of 8uli in viitcd
vt ith frieuda and relative of thia city
Go to Geo. Dunham for ningle
barnec. The. man who nuike ttie
goinla tbatear.
Don't forget to eat wilh the la
dies of the Methodist church rt.
Patrick's day. Hurley building.
Complete line ladies muslin
underwear in exceptionally goo-1
values at Meeier, Conkey A
J. L. Stockton, accompanied by liia
daughter, Mr. Anna Culbenton, vis
ited in this city Saturday from hia
home in Salem.
Mrs. Emma Lee, the wife of Dr. Lee,
who formerly resided at this place,
viaited here over Sunday with friends.
Mrs. Lce'a home ia now in Seattle.
Mrs. M. W. Wallace baa now on
display her Spring Sailor, Stnn't and
Tailored hats. The trimmed hats
will be shown in the near future. Call
at anytime.
Miss Frankie Dougherty who has
been visiting in the city with Mrs. P.
M. Kirk land for some time past re
turned Saturday afternoon to her
home in Portland.
Little Lueile Craven entertained a
number of her friends Saturday after
noon, the occasion being the eleventh
birthday of Lueile. Games, and! re
freshments were enjoyed.
Miss Grace Damon, who visit.-. 1 this
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Damon of this city, return. -d Mint
day morning to her home in Salem,
where she is employed in the telephone
service of that city.
For Sale D.-'y goods More d.
ing good business. Present sloe
about 10,000 but will re.ince
stock to tuit purcharer Cash ..r
terms iuauir- ot A. una 83
Independence, Oregon.
The Social Whist Club was enter
tained Monday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper.' Progres
sive whist was the order of the evening
Prizes were awarded. Refreshments
were served after the games.
A. F. Kobinsori, a jeweler from Tort
land, has accented a- place with the
firm of 0. A.iiramer of this city. Mr,
Kramer has found ins business so
thriving that the addition of more
h el d becomes a necessity. Welcome
Mr. Kobinson, to Independence.
Chas. Hornback, recently from
Albany has bought the Phillijjs &
Bovce restaurant. Mr. Hornback took
charge Tuesday. He is an experienced
cook and will have charge of the
kitchen. Those who patronize him
are assured of good service.
1 hereby announce ms-seir as a candidate for the
republican nomination for County Jndue of Polk
County. My platform In brief la "good rnadn."
Bridgeport Precinct,
Farm fop Kent. .
Apply to J. J. Leveck, near Lewis
ville. Post office address, Monmouth,
Oregon, R. F. D. 3-31
It is the opinion of the fruit in
spector of Yamhill county, that ac
cording to his interpretation of the
instructions of the state board of hor
ticulture all old moss grown apple or
chards affected with anthracnose, or
dead'spot, whether they have scale on
them or not, must be cut back to the
trunks, anyway. In his judgement it
is usually better to cut them down
to where the head should start, say
24 to 30 inch from the ground, unless
they branch close to the height.
if all persons having such orchards
will do this without being personally
notified, it will save mnch unnecessary
expense and perhaps some orchards,
as the time is getting short when they
are apt to eprout when cut off. i
1 rm
In Food
ad rtrvtly
prohitidt II
I l altua
So doet France
So does Germany
M U Uw tmM iW la V 4h tmi
ourKlf sfalrulalum,
ad be are yea got Royal
Roral a tK oaljr Bkiis Pewdr auJ
frvai Roral Crap Ctmoi oi Tartaa, k
mkk U the ckrabUUty aad oKoUnan
m oi lh food,
Ideas Abeut Kay.
Writing from Marin county, Cat, a
cotTNpotulent says In Hoard's Dairy
man: One sees groat quantities of oat
say la tola part of tba county and
Uttls alfalfa. In convwaation with a
valley farmer living a considerable dla.
tanc from the coast be stated that In
hla locality the. soil does not em to
t adapted for It, as It fallrd to thrive.
Daring ths long wet Reason from No
rember to May water stands on the
bottom lands mrjch of the time, and
the alfalfa la killed out; otherwise It
mlKht do well.
But the oat hay seems well sdapted
for the purpoas of provender, and It
provra an exeeedlnjtly good crop. It It
cut with an ordinary mowing machine
when In the soft donna stage and Is
cured the same as bay. To an east
erner It looks like straw, and the man
who, upon being aaked to help himself
to hay for hla home, replied later that
he couldn't find any hay, but fed the
animal some straw, might eaally have
been pardoned for the mistake.
Some Idea of the money value of the
crop may be gained when a mnn can
prow, as one rancher here haa Uono.tlie
present year, $3,000 worth of it fr.ri
a 160 acre farm. Trices eto hluti this
V.. Mnvlnff rmm f 17 tn S20 ner ton.
sod the yield ia good. Butter la high
al), selling for 33 cents per pound
brick at the present time. But It la
good qualltr.
ItunU Mnke-M OimmI S!nnii;;
Notwithstanding the panic through
which the country ba-t j'i-t passed it
iti remark.! i le that tit " Independence
Natimi-il J.nk h:.s jit-'t tl.-rl ifcl eidt
ji-.reeiit dividends mi it Murk at the
Henri-annual meeting vtbieh took place
in this city on
the .lib inM, That,-
institution has on hand at the pivs
out time $ U),0U0 surplus and about
$,S(MX) undivided profits. It ban paid
over !f 00,000 in dividends to its stork
holders since its organization in J8S'J,
and this on a capitalization of only
To all owners of fruit trees
This is the time of year to spray all
fruit trees for San Jose scale, and in
order that the fruit industry of tho
country may he protected everybody
hav ing trees infected with San .lose
scale should spray their trees with
lime and sulphur spray.
3-16' , County Fruit Inspector.
Wanted lady typesetter to work
on this paper -
The czarowltss and future autocrat of
all the Russlas has passed his first
year and la a robust, healthy Infant,
having cut some fine teeth among otliet
things. He may need to show those
teeth when he comes to be czar.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
.ures corns, uroup ana w aouymg v-uugu.
CSiafflberlsSn's' I
5sis &n itemm
Curef'"?'1 Croup and Wbrooins' Cousrh.
n ntMai nuaawa m am
T profect y
Water Rates
Water by meter applies to residences only)
Residence rate on meter applies to
customers only who pay $2.00 and over
at the rate of 20c per 1,000 Gals. mini
mum $1.00 per month.
yna'V 'Mvmmiiammnaaif
I T A V f
Aa D. Taylor, Proprietor
rirlclaaa Turnout Batr ! llra
Independence -
I 1
W. J. Kirkland, Proprietor
Confectionerr and Smohen'
Soft DrinM
The Plc to
Chas. Hornbncli, Proprietor
Sie i.il llati's to Itegular lloardera
Independence Oregon
j ... . . r
I V. R ALLIlJ, O. D. S
Traos Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anvonft findliiB n U rh rid dear-rip! imi ntny
nnlckly ancoi-lula our optutopi .fro wlitlier an
Invention Is prnhnl.lr esliMiliiMn. roifntiitDlf-a.
tloim i rlctly roiuiiioui lul. 11UlltbnQK on I'aipiiu
nttfifrt. Oldmt iikriiry fur nt'ciitliifcr mtiMit.
I'uirttitf Iiiki'i)
$ltHu noticfi,
vllhoutchnretj, iutbe
Scientific Jtoericasi,
A tlnndomelT lllintrnled weekly. I.nrrMt nlr
rulallon or any mlenllllo J..urnul. Titiiji. $.1
feiri four month, Ik Sola by all neivil.iiir.
j1!JNfl&Coi3B,Brondw"''New York
Urauch Olllca. IKJ V Ht , Wanhlnuron, li. a
Dm Right aud
Froper-Cry u$
Steam Laundry
, Wor-k
Basket leaves Tuesday 6 p m
and returns Friday
Oleti I "-lobi uson
! .. , I ....... r t titltl.t.... I
! i i )' i. -I..-,- rn'uoj
r 1 si 1-1 i t. j i m i
f alley
Electric Light and Power Rate
Residence: 15c per K. W.
Business houses: 25c per drop and 6c
per K. W. -
Power: Rates on application.
Sometbloq Mce in Har
ness. U k nl '
l (lira )rth,4 lat.lutl aul.4a"4
lil.uliinl. at r -ax la -"
r.i.i.nn., kill fir am "'
rrnlr f i kxa 4 oi.Iu.mh .. W hll
ba l.-.l M " " ui" r
IIim. J toaiou ail '" 4
Wa firniii in ii.r1i"a n o
M HU4II. UMlXaUlllal rr t'H"
la iii .
- - Oregon
'RSttinrrl Drfii
Spend sv Plsaiant
Opposite Little Palace Hotel
Write todiy lor
2S mUma Price List.
G L Havkins
t! 1
ty'kYX' Marble and
Monuuieiits and Head'
Mones Cemetery
work etc.
t i
Meets every MoU. night
In K. of 1'. Hall,
W. If. ItiggB, V, U.
W Rletinrdson, K.R ami 8,
BY THE-...