West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 13, 1908, Image 3

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An Anlnnl Weil Adipy li.
Da:nisilc Purposes. ;
Th con formation of 111 odder, Its
, approKlutatlon In ontlln to th rurv
. f aeuili In lo, It flti'iiaioli thars
(rum, ill bataiitn of quartrra, tti, art
Juatly rrnrtnlfil at) Important In the
Jidglnff of dutijr cow, A poorly
txilAii' tsl uddrr or .in lacking depth
. on til li la rit'lk'tcut lu tli fur quar
if t or In funnel almped ir not well
Carried up behind, la not doomed a
perfect milk making uirxhaiilam. U
(Mi irii,,filllin born out lu factt Io
cow wllil ill balanced udder mult
materially Ion produet than IIium
villi K'nnd la-tier proportioned
Tim mature animal of tho Vermont
experiment ataflnii lu'hl W lilc tt Iitpl
nuidti olio or more yeur of record
wore tiirrftiny aiiteyeil, and BroiiiHil
tutu threi' lot. --Minn with well bal
anced uddem, tiione with fairly well
Im In need udder nuit Ihoa who ud
der ur tWllclmit, uaually In lb for
juaner. Kvery avalliililo word of
eiuU xui lu llm-Wd ul,
Tin1 following ni'iv tli' lr reeordg at
ttic floP of n test u ia their compare-
stead ot $50.
TH Horn In Cli.
Too mut li ia a ri'li i ij t grot
wage, 'J'li home in est! it bfcom
iiijj a mere abiding place whence !
faro forth la tarn. Viinuinberc-J iu-
faftU I.I.HImS.I i -1 wntU )
an lii)tKtira of Imi i jf eml eonfu
ion, ini where lite father u
killed workman, naming ample
wat-a. These demoralizing condi
tion arc unnnagined by tho rc-'a-tively
Morf r pioneer or farm labor
er, who ia rich. in material ble(on;,
lijj'it, air, uitab!e food, peace and
reetfuliicua and, above all, in timo
to think nml form lane habit.
From "Tho Jmildinn of Citizen,"
by Dr. J. MaJiaon Taylor.
Already Crawnarf,
"The Uto I'aul Laurence Dunbnr,
tho negro poet," aid an editor,
"once addressed a Sun Jay school in
New York. An Incident happened
t its end thnt Dtuibor laugbeJ at
a heartily aa tho rent of ua. Dun-,
bar toward the close of bis remark
aid: 'And, my littlo friend, if yon
do all the thing aome day you will
wear a cold crovfn." V. each of
you aome (lay will wear ' gokh !!. dri-fcon
crown.' A little chnp In tho front hmxi ..r In. yr, ihi ul hhmu mi
row. cutdiiua Ui-iKJut'a .IriiiuJlv jj, .,.l4 j(j ,,,,,1 f. (.j,ira
tye, tuned, Jiy iaucr wear one , ,,iKh, n, u, u, n .,l(i, Ili ,lt.
. a r i i. ukj.t Ji im . ...
""'" 1 ' I ' ..ru.i.cn ml . I , i .l It.r l.nw
ituip. inline Aiiij:ii.in.
lor UUut Ki.4 ChUirea.
Hit Ibi Ycu Hits Alwajs E::;l.t
1,1 ! if I''-''
Jgcs - on , Lis tool, aaid the a! tie ; ,
. 1 . " "
l i.n f.tllnw III) ( liml an Ink. ii
lutiu a ihh b iimdti by Hon, Jv. T.
JuU at llui oriiiiifiiit; f l'i T-wt-itnj
AwiM-ution at 1'ronjnvt Hill, in
Maruiii c'tiiiily Frnbiy afirnimm,
TJn'V r )! north eiiii'lTiiit by all
fuii.nni add iliiryiinii tlinniKl'""!
Il.ii vulley.
"i'li" 'r l.ii.lt ttveriijjw jriMliicti.in
ii' thf ('n-uii enw i ikm f.0 Kr
)rr In. t it i puiMtitili- to raii tbi
nUiidutd ti in r ji-iir by jirMju-r
br'-'liii(;, j'ldjH f fiwiliiiy, . mid iiileb
lii'iit maiiat!'iiiriil. "I h afPr!! o(
f I Ol per fi"xr biMcad i.f ', at
lirrtM Mt, wi.i.1'1 lne.su au,"iiuiiMii
cri'iifc in the tluiy juixliii'tn of Die
l4!e, Ttskinjj tin piiwrnt eulue of
l.uiy i r hIui-I m, fl7,(KH',
l0mrt Ilia
Tha Crale Attraction.
A well known baritone, who very
much re-; enled beni; uwoiupaiiie I
ind iTi-rentl, conij'iutcly - bi.t b!4
Iciiiimt lit. i. I .-;!! a 1 iiiid tbreitti-ii' l
i t that if lie iil r-l
Milk. Itull'T.
W't U liiilniipnl inlilir d.J.fc 'I
I'aifiv tuiliiiirnil tiil'l.-m. .. t 1. ' Wi
1 1' !! l.nlnin -l ul'l'-r... 6,U t'-t
TU fllfniiri Pninl r.f Aha AvrahlrA.
'Tim Hi Hle i.f 'iM'I'itt 1" t-nl:iy i eii:j'rr nl U ,,: v
i.i n A.r.i,ir ..im.ii-',.m mill r.-.r 1 the inttriiiiieiitab
l ilVct dairy ei.w. villi iHIMI.v as t?n I cd ill the "n:i'ii way ut fbe piibl. (
. . r ..t l I.. H .... 1.1 1. A .1. i T... I ... ... , . t I. ! I .. . r. 1 1 .1
rairi i iiiirm iviih' t nw .i- j iniuiii'iiJii i.t- v.'"wi ju ji wu m-j .ihrj
i,v)v,r,l . ,1 t.-M.li if I Ua
i V . t . .... .........
! ..,N Anr v V "Aei.." id the piiiii!. in no?""
V i f f ,' 1 I .1. .i I ... I "i ,. it ,i (r(1 i.l.lii I IT
li J
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f,ll IH'-i,
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ail !
- on,
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1 1
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ru)ii' hi', (.ill
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1.1. Ill, (. ,-t II...
1 1'
("V .!.!
; I" to
i.ii..- ,1.
,-'fyon bronib.0
! it, nnd 1 inn
t do it I viil udverli.-o 1
inn a lire more liuojiie viil "
ritom b fee you f-hump a viil koiu..
ito beir von 6in! 1 tanou a
I Weekly. 1 1
id Mr. Drown-,
i,.;ili ! I. mil icinlv,' lit the
: ;-t J'.- iri.l tb il In- l,:i.l T. I t
I ("I., .l: liic ;n:.,,-- III' ;ll!..l!.l
h tin-r i.ii Hii'i'. iitiit lh.it 1. 1; wa-j
mii' tin' -ami' li.'iinl nf cown on j
iicn f k. ! . IK' iis ihu
I inu' b i-. I i lnct in I. if i n
t fr tho hij,!icl iiiiiiket j.iicii in
tho world. ' Mip li'iiii.'iit thin with u
htkI out :, ! it. li l"v, r.vd y-m
v.ill have tin fh.MTt :( id which it
: jm-ible t piudiice, jind Oregon
oaii i ::i)tli..t f -I e Ii . : j i ih.in itny
a ; i Hi" wiiii i. Kale h iilproiluci;
."() t.,n t., she m ie, mid keep
mil .-I'ceuiiiit nil winter,'1
I:. I
6tephen Girard'a Method With Hia
Favorito Clerk.
.Stephen fiinird, (lie founder of
Gir!rd PnlV -o Yt F'y, was a rc
(eiitr.'e ;r: ; !,.l.inthrn)ic3 n ::
wap fh"i''.;il i;t:d farceeitijj in -lin
hiirtincs. The following t-fory is
one of many which are to'.J ubo. t
bis novil lactii'-.da of dit ributiti-z
Mr. Girj.id bud n fuvoriie clerk.
tera of ecpinl cupaelty, held utroiiRly about wbnin be always saiu lie in
up on the belly, runnlnir well forward , tended "to do well by Hun Lippin-
f...l.l, .... mi it O... i.'tlV tf t r I. . T'. ' ii.
COll. DO Wlien ijllipwicoii, j;ol i
a pciir miM ArnsmnR. j
flmpnrled Flora lit. of lmnhaw Iff.TS; i
roeorO, 11.53- pounila of tnllk in ono ycfcr.J
tnry of the Ajrwlilro Uri't'ilers' twin, i
tlmi nt a recent niK-tiiia of nil Ayr-
hIiIic chili. "The atroiisest jKilut of
tho Ayrnhlre cow, n round which dim- ;
tiT all tho other polntH, in tho udder i
uud teaU, and Hi In la the mime In till I
countries under tho recent rev!n!on:
A larpe, miiiure udder with four quur-
V. ! 1 1 ! v
ii'iai k
ill to
ri en
and lichlnd. im out of tho way of
dirt and Injury; four kooiI nlaied teata
wide apart on tho four corners of the
udder, In length from two and a half
to three and a half iiichea, hniiBlna;
perpendicularly.' It needa no argu
ment to ahow that, other things being
.equal, a cow with the above udder and
lent la perfection, nnd If breeder of
Ayrshlrea would all aim to produce
this style of udder on their cows it
wouiu in liseir cover a raumiuue oi
Imperfections in other parts of the
The animal here illustrated not only
,,ahow8 the characterlKtlc form of udder,
lint its milk veins are strongly de
. veloped. "
Th Valna and tha Milk.
. In commenting upon the Holsteln
,cow rarttaenla IlenRerveld, which has
received flret honora In competition
with many noted animals of the breed,
Hoard's Dairyman remarks: There is
,no thing in particular that stands out
very prominent about his cow, and
that is her milk vcIdh.,' A very auc-
?ensful cow doctor ouce lu formed us
that the milk wan made In the atonv
VT !..,. ... .l.n Ilil.ll1
: I hav yobl all my interes-t in the
.EntTorUe to Chap. K. Hicka who
will conduct the bimness hereufter.
I fuel very greatful to'i the people of
Independence and surrounding ter
ritorv for their bearty support of
the idoftH advanced by the Enter
prise. Kep the good work np and
it will not be long until this will
he one of the best towns I it the val
ley. ,., . s W. T. Fogle.
To the Point.
"How ia it that you never speak
to Davidson now V! asked Simplrins
ot our friend Jolliboy as the pair
were enjoying a constitutional in
the park, "i'oii used to be bucU
.close chuma, an4 noV yod pass each
.other without the slightest; recogni
tion." !
"Ah, that was when we were
bachelors," was the. answer, "But
Jhe'g married now.-'? X. '
j "But .surely you" wouldn't cut a
-man because he ia married r' i f JS
I "No, I didn't cut him." He cut
me. j ...'........ -
,'"But why?"
"Well, when, he married I made
fiim -wedding present of a book'
and he hasn't spoken to me since."
'-A book! What book?" '1
'Paradise Lost.' " Pearaos
Weekly ' '-: '' -
Jail IOddra and Bladder Right
bo twenty-one ho expected to hear
something of his future proppects
and perhaps get a helping hand to
Ktart. J5ut Uirard carefully nvomcu
the subject. The clerk mustered
ud couiaire.
"I suppose I am free, sir," said
he, "and I thought I would say
something to you as to my course
What do vou think I had better
do?" 1
"Yes. vcs. I know you are," said
the. old millionaire, "and my ad
vice is that you go and learn the
cooper trade." This nearly froze
the clerk; but, recovering equilib
rium, he said if Mr. Girard was in
earnest he would do so. .
"I am in earnest." And Lippin-
cott soucht the best cooper m
Spring Garden, became an appren
tice and in due time could make as
good a barrel as the best. lie an
nounced to Mr. Girard that he had
learned his trade and was ready to
set up in business. Tho old man
seemed gratified and immediately
ordered three of the best barrels he
could make. ,
Tho young cooper did his pret
tiest and wheeled them up to the
old man's counting room. Girard
pronounced them first rate arid de
manded' tho price. "One dollar,"
said Lippincott, "is now as low as
I can live by."
"Cheap enough. Make out your
The bill was made out, and Gi
rard settled it with a check for $20,
000, which he accompanied with this
moral to the story: "There, take
that. Invest it in the best possible
manner, and if you are unfortunate
and lose it you have a trade to fall
Back upon which will afford you a
good living." ;. rfvJ .
It is proposed to hand all the publh
lands of Russia over to the. peasants
Secretary Hitchcock can tell the Rue
elans that they "are undertaking a
mighty big job unless the lumber anr)
pattle syndicates, of .Russia ,aro . mori
tractable than tbey are In this countrr,
A British i tailor has been employed by
the "war "department "to ' make' Uncle
Barn's enlisted men look like soldiers,
Hitherto, they have rubbed along by
merely fighting like soldiers, and no
people arc more wise to that fact than
the British themselves.
.The czar is said to be aurronnded
now by guards who cannot apeak. Baa
slan. Perhaps be fears that bomba
might be concealed In some ' of the
polysyllabic .utterance mt hia own
countrymen.- '
How' This?
We olli'r Oiiu ftuiuiii'U iHillurs JU'Wurit for
any cut! ofl'nliirrli llnil rniiiict Uv cured by
Hall's l.'aliirill ui't.
F. J.CHKNKY A 10., Toledo, O,
We, Ilia uutcriKUc(l, lmvo known b i
Choney fortlie limt 15 yemn, and ImiIIcvb Llui
pvrloeily liunornble In all tiiiHloeHb Ininii-
ncllunH and fluanclHlly able tu carry nut any
obllifallous made by Ills Hi m.
Wholututle LlrngKlsla, Toledo, O,
HhII' Calurrii Cure in tuken luturnally
acting directly upon tlie blood nd mcoun
iiirruwii or the ayntem. TeNtlinoDiala ionl
ree, Prlca 75 oetiui per boltlu. Hold byall
Drugglata. ,
Xukv Hull's Family Hills for coUHtlpatloo.
f convention of the
K. P' pi ice iu this city
ar i rtt . i t i .
on Marcn zoin at wnicn lime a
contest between teams of the fifth
district will taife place. it is ex
pected most of the third degree
teams vill participatn ,
Dogs on Dairy Farma.
An Indiana dairyman has discovered
that it does not pRy to send the do?
after the cows or even to allow one
around the lots iu which the dairy herd
Is quartered for the night, says Farm
ers Advocate. In a personal letter he
has the following to say:
"I am convinced that a dog on the
dairy farm Is the cause of move loss
than any other gent, I have been ex
perimenting for over a year and believe
that I know what I ara talking about.
A test made recently shows about the
same as the average of the others
made befors. The dog was sent after
a cow which was grazing about eighty
rods from the house. The animal came
with the usual haste and was milked
at once. The milk was tested, and it
showed a butter fat content of 2.8 per
cent. The following morning the milk
was again tested, when it showed a
butter fat content of 4.1 per cent. Three
days later the cow was driven up by
the hired man and the milk... tested at
6.3 per cent The following morning it
tested 6.5 per cent. I have made this
experiment soN many times with the
same results that I am led to conclude
that It Is reliable. The difference
amounts. to nearly a pound of; butter
In the cow giving; twenty-two pounds
of milk per day." f
Can Raia Good On.
I ' recently sold a hull calf, born In
April; laOG, that 'weighed 1,025 pounds,
writes a dairyman In Kimball's Dairy
Farmer. T hate one left a little over
nine months old that welgna 813
pc.unda. ri . mention' these figures -In
order that you uuji judge whether I
am able to raise palvea or not Pos-
Hbly T shall have-to study up more
on this subject These calves never
sacked t.helr dams a day, and when
less than thirty days old they w get
ting an skim Milk. At an early age
they got acquainted with eats "weigh
ing thirty -si i pounds t thai busaei, aaa
they have stayed by these ever since.
1 think this combination makes pret
ty good' calf feed af'ur atl.?
Eoyaify Cuu!J Hove on
Buffalo Bill'i Wild Wet rrireJ
under the walla of tho LVrnal City,
and toward tfu) great cout'a whoop
ing arena we bent our tep, writ
Booth Tarkington in Everybody'.
The dam e waa on when we arrived,
but we found an usher who i
ahoving and haranguing a confuted,
cat seeking crowd of Italian, ex
horting them in homelike Nebras
ka", word.
"Everything'i gone all to thunder
today," he remarked to ua crossly.
"That there king and queen' here."
(Hit manner of alluding to the
royal personage uggested that he
thought of them a card in a deck.)
"We never got a word they were
emiiin' till half an hour before wa
opened. The lxixe. were all took,
and we've hod ono blank of a time
Ciin' things up and gittin' that king
and queen nettled right. T1mm cou
pon call for the next boi beyond
'cm, and the dago usher have pone
nml stuck some iot!e in there,
someljody that belong to the king
lltid queen, I reckon, and"
"Then we'll bine to give up oi:r
ooJt ?" Koine ono u ked nervously.
"Xu-.v! Vou got tho tiekelJ, ain't
you? ' Vou git it! Come on!"
A bidy and three gentlemen were
iientrd in the box numbered upon
our uoiirfUi;i, "Vou git out o' there,''
fiiid our )"ii,li informally. "That
oin't your box."
Thero was.au exclamation of hor
ror from an upper tier, and ono of
the Kng'.i.-li fijwaking Italian itt-hers
came ru-hing down an ai.-le with a
bluiudied face. Ho bent himself
double before the oeeupunts of tho
box, uttering stricken apologies in
Italian, which were abruptly check
ed by our guido.
"Here! 1 ain't got no more time
to wate. These folks got coupons
fer the whole box. Tell them peo
ple to git out o' there, and tell 'em
to hum."
"Get them out?" repeated the
Italian, immi a-nrably shocked.
"Imnos-s-Bib e i ou !o not un
derstand! It is the Prince and
Princess di"
Our guide bent upon him a look
of witherintr pity. "That cut3 all
the ice ia Hudson's bay, don't it?'
he replied, with venomous distinc
tiveness, and then, exasperated to
the extent of his 6elf control, "iou
rit 'em out o' there!"
AVe interfered at this point and
effected a compromise by squeezing
more chairs into the box, to the
pained surprise of our usher, who
as he sloucned away manifested hia
opinion if us as 'easy.
To Feed or to Sallf
The general desire of feeders to get
cattle that will go to market after a
short feed has left comparatively few
buyers for the classes which require a
longer period for finishing, and these
grades are comparatively cheap. Thin
cattle are being marketed freely, few
are being put In the feed lots for long
feeding, and the result must be a short
age of fat cattle iu the late winter and
spring months of J908. Feeders cannot
figure out how they can get a fair
price for their corn if they feed for
these months, aud they are quite gen
erally preparing to let the business
alone. But there are some facts to be
considered on the other side. If many
follow this course the market for corn
may not prove as satisfactory as they
anticipate, while the market for cattle
may surprise them. The prospect of a
food beef margin oven prices of feed
ers requiring a long feed is excellent.
Tigs to follow cattle are more reason
able in price than usual, nnd the out
look for tliemwheu fat Is also enconr
aging. These things may offset the
supposed advantage of marketing corn,
involving as it does considerable out
lay for husking and getting to the ele
vator. And, further, concludes Nation
al Stockman. It Is probable that consid
erable corn will not grade well this
year, resulting In disappointing prices.
Good Grain Market.
While it is never possible to raise,
too many good animals, it is very easy
to overstock the farm with common or
Inferior beasts. Grain fed to special
purpose animals la well disposed of,
while if administered to scrubs it sea
not bring half its market Talus.
Our Guarantee Coupon
i II, after aiiaa twiHhirdaef a r.oo battle at
Kodol, yon can honesdr aar it baa out bene
fited you, we will refuad your eion.r. .Try
Kodol today on thU euarantee. Fill out and
lien tha followint, present it to tb dealer at
the time of purchase. It it (tilt to satisfy you
return the bottle eontaininz one-tbird of th
medicine to tha dealer from wheal yea bought
it, and we will refund roar money. - - '
Town.. '" " i i" i i -
: Sicn here
l.(. b
Al.1 Oilot, J fin itHfT
AW Jrlulay IVrpvifl'r Ixh
SlrmkitL'frt fiir rixxJaatflfrtitA
Itr.jJUar ineafo tialiWal
PrORajtfS ni-Stlaaflwrfii
tu'ss awl liJAonlixiiare
Oihuiu Maqihuif nur.'kJO'iL
iBBawaaawyBaa awaSISawaBBaw
it ,.( SJtt
Anerfcd Rrnwdv forr(msar
I Ion . Sour SUinach. lUrn
WorfaaJkotrvuiMOHS J wrua
fir.Sir.r Signaiort "
llui UXU ! ii 1 1 it U
For Infanta and tThtldren.
Tha Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Bears tho , t.
Signaturo A.)
d In
For Over
Fhirty Years
A J.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Ts iimrn aooeaae, sw o oirr.
i t . v, . . i i n i i - ri
V IT"!
-.JtL.lt:- .1 A-""
The personal recommendations of people who
have been cured of coughs and .colds by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all
else to make it a staple article of trade and com
merce over a large part of the. civilized world.
y : ,.. , AN INSTANCE. '
Lucy Suddreth, of fenoir. K. C, had been troubled with
' a very had coo gh for mr a year, hue says : " A friend
bought beule of Oaamdejilain's Cough Remhov,
brought it to me and insisted that I should take it. I did
maitaMyazpaeithlm. Four bottle of it
H. Ilirschbers, Pres. A. Nelson, Vice Pres. C. W. Irvine, Cash.
Independence National Bank
iiicorporated 1 8S9
llntarewt Paid' on Time Doposit
And 'Kakes the Stomach "Sweet i I
JE. C. ttaWITT t C67, Cfalcaso, LU. I
H. Hirebbrg,
' ' " 1 . Smith aud
;. r."iade.
D. V'. Sear, B. F.