West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 13, 1908, Image 2

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    U):$t Si4: enterprise
Isued by the KHt-rjrU Pub
linhin; C'j.
iliTtl at lu a , ",. !'
vrtii-e Miul-lr ).tlf
Subscription. $1.50 Per Yjr
tiLtrnoKa i'il.
scan in run T
tSlrielly lu advai.ee)
IVr ynr .,11 W
Kl nmnllif
6ing! copy ,
Koa tiu uolic 10 cenu -1 lin
Rate en ii.!ay a jTertUiii,.' fn?
known an pli-atlin.
Hit Enterprise tuktiowleilm'
meijt of nil invitation to be
jirt seut and attend llie festiv
ities in honor of the ofliei-rs tin.l
men of the American fb'tt,
which will kssimiiMc hi the Hay
of Saa FraucUo ilutiu the
mouth ci'M.iy. Tliut tin' c
tjifle will be oih- worth the in-i
v is..- ul ol ti ne io niittiu
. It. Mi. k and fl.Mi Mvt".l. ti
!. it.rt (.r tli'ir I"i"i
tiny sll ti liau' tin in itirti-d.
V. V. IVUtu I iit'i-utl the l-ufi.
llv in.-lti.ij." (if lie iptiitU Kit-
.l.-.m.r at tin' lii.nii' ii( Mr. lUniola lit
Moiuiimiti Tont.y wvniujj.
M. K. Oltaof lUtl.u, lit trav.tiig
av,-ent f ir pianos, n-wing and Ulkii f
nudum, wan in tin- jwrt Tui-od.iv,
iMtnt.ininK tnnine-a with disuro.
Tin's'.' W'iiO lis
of tlie arrival
ImY-. t. i J !iOl:"l
W.'riiS V'. ?i'.-.
V. 11. KUUm viwlrtl liil'j-n-
tli'ltt-O TuimIhV.
Mr. Sumi'lrr, f FIU I'ily, viaitod
Mr. Ititrlcy Wednesday.
J., tin 'lkrin.l.wtngi'ii hi fatui
.mvlimd of Mr. Hoeliii.
M r. Stcwui t,a (amor in tlii vivuut v,
B I 1 ' I
Vimu1 iru'iHW nrre iMinimj.
It. K. iiii.l V. M. Fisht.u k are t ut-
tinjj ne m h1 for Mr. l -!-.
Mr Clarke and family viitd
SNiturd.ty ami Sund.iy.
Mr. K. Chirke internl put .ins "out
a juti-h of M i xmi.it U LLickUTrir this
Mr. l!o-li l'.ii l.,'ii mi the r-ick 1 t
i.ir the week. lli 1ms .-. .lui'lhinn
1 ke l.i L-rii'i-e.
Mr. Ncl.-i 'ii. th-M-iiMi u. h bitu ht r,
! fur. h-,"l t'x.i ,yf .Mi-. I".
California f?eoiceted Sxsp
T(. . rl,,"l '
ts. 0. W. Richatdicn. Sr.
Vi.nmiHh N., ImlffwilMiMllf,
Inlcirrait'oce k 5In;:inoulh RvJ
. i. .'if oil tuo
of thf ileit
'"'it !;iik. ,-f in.l iy. "; -
V,;'.- t'll'-. a,.'!i! f-r t'
'iu" r
!f ;
u li
. f
in lid -f I ii!
n'. of iLi
i 1,-. ' uir'H-: !; iiiv;
1. "ii :in.t j.ivc t'i'-
Co. ;l LVili.i
b iiii Tti'.'-'l.iy.
t'r.tni.L'ry iift r
An- fh i'l"''-
hnit" -t tli'ii-'-nii M-ruli'in:,.
Mrs. John WV.k. r ti; uL out a
ii mii'.y "i i "' aiii mil i"V-i;.-.r-i:n-'
"f tl ir prvn.ifr.
,,, ' in othf r wi..
' ! A I'. i ty v. -.is
ft 'Mm
- itlintii v
t T. .1.
It 1-i
..iks' -ICih l'iit!i.!..v. An
t inn' w.is li.nl t y all.
W. S. ".nni.i'x'l! !i ih juirclKiscil tl
C. K. Wlitiioek f.'nu. x if'ilXH) wns tin
A 1 1 M.I !
Mr. Jf. 11. lirinkliy of near l oro ' j ,
wt-iit ! i your city .ir-t of t!ic v- 1 ,. j
Ei'h Yoiinv: ami otlur hoj
fr.uii y: ur t,' n v. rrr I rati.- iclitiir hn-
ii in -( t it' t.r.-t ol tin' v
s 'ii i '! 1 . ; ,t ml .tr. -rii;yr contract
tlio oiirinn,' crop.
Ocorro Cornell v.lio is cutting ni,.
ro ul wcxi.1 for th? I. .t ' M. 1ki-J tl.
mi.-f ii'iun; Iiile lit work to slip am i ,,rvl. j.,. ,,,,1,1. J!,- is ctigitKitl in plow
f.il in Midi u way that liia liuinl was j jnir t,p i jie hil yanl. -
tiitlly cut ly coming m coutict witii a
tloiiHe I'it as.
We notice that. tlic mohair maiki-t
has o;iemxl qui'tc ;i little uii.ler la.-t
yars, market although at 2.1 cents a
I'Ound it is not so bud an it mi;;ht be.
The shearing season is now ojien anil
quite t nuniiwr have already sheared.
Mighty fine weather these days and
the farmers are making good use of it
in the way of plowing but there is but
very little seeding being done. The
, up-to-date farmer has learned that the
month of March is the poorest month
in the year to seed so they do a great
ileal of plowing now,- and when the
warm days of April come then the
seedine will tesrin. The time for
work in the many orchards, with other
work looking up, will find very few
idle men who are not taking advan
tage of these nice days.
and Blue Stone
The Drugg is
Eggs For Sale.
E;;: fr en In;!;, n liniiiicr
lUi 'l;-. best winter lay
crs, $ t .r h. uitig Jo
hjo i ,'r . from heavy
weight Hlii-.'k Minorca
(1! :r!-f c'irr.;n f ."! : ry
laiet) ':..)M.f.:u.:ir-;V'.
tlaiso Mitnirci-s thv ltv
Him I ;i '( t -f;-i. Have
fome fiio" Miiiorc:i rucks
for fh 'f n 'ii-imoi hie. Writ
Hie or phor.e Xo. 'J'iiil
Ifonie, and l!eii-i:!:n k 621.
'Irs. Jlnneta IQrkland,
Jllbany, Oregon
Scott Campbell has lately purclmsed
the Wheelock place. '
Mr. Sumpter of Falls City was in
these parts Wednesday. ,;
People are busy putting out early
garden while the sun shines.
Mr. Miller of Monmouth was in this
vicinity the first of the week.
Mr. Lehman and family moved to
Monmouth the first of the week.
' Mr. Nelson of near Monmouth was
here Saturday buying beef cattle.
It. M. Bosley, who has Leon very
ick with lagrippe, is rapidly emprov-
:. ing." '' V;
Several from here attended the can
nery meeting at Independence Sat
urday. f . . . ( ' . ;
It seems that spring is here, wild
flowers are beginning to bloom on the
hill sides. - " - - -
James Goodman and Lee. Clark
made a business trip to the county
seat Wednesday. ;.' .! . "
Squire Whitman of Monmouth vis
ited -with his sister Mrs, Morris
Wheelock Saturday." 1 -
Mrs. E, Clark visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Ketta Hamar at Salem
Saturday and Sunday. .
Hadley -Egleston . and, family' of
Monmouth were guests of R. M. ; Bos
ley and family Sunday. - J-
Joe Houaman ftM family "of Mon
mouth visited with her; parents Mr.
and Mrs. Bosley last week.
... , - . rv
"Robert Fishback, 5s attending to
Eufus Smith's stock, while he is' at
the bed eide of his wife who is veryill
axnuun. i:mcx r.
To Him. linn. Ktai.ii W. Betison, f-ec
n ;r- of Male, --'aVm. Ornii". and to
I he nifuil m of tlm Jiepublicttii party
audio the elector Of the Couuties of
Polk and Lincoln, in the Hute of Ore
gon. I lleiijumiii V. Jones, renlde at
lndcpeudence, 1'olk County, Oregon
I am aduly resistered inenitier of tli
Republican party, in South Indepen
dence Precinct, Polk County, Oregon
If I am nominated for the- office or
Joint lienreseutative for Polk and
Lincoln counties, at t'e Primary de
tion to be held, on the I7th. day of
April 1908. I will accept the noinlna
tiou aud will not withdraw, and if J
am elected I will qualify as such
o Hieer.
The direct Primary w having pan
ed by a vote of 56.850. against 16 354
and believing in the doetriue th it the
people know what they want, I
further state to the people of Oregon
as well as to the people of my legist
tive district, that during my term of
oflice I will always vote for the candi
ilite for United Slates Henator in Con
gress who sha.ll have received the
highest number of the peoples votes
for that position at the general e.ec
tfon next preceding the election of a
Senator. in Congress without regard
to my individual preference.
If nominated and elided I will
during my term of office stand for tbe
just regulation of all tratmportatioj
equable, assessment and taxation of
all property, State or National owner
ship of tbe Locks at Oregon City, ami
the improvement of all navigable
waters in Oregon, A most libera!
policy for all Public Seboo'.s. The
right of suffrage to women.
H. F. Jones
, Xotlce to Creditors.
Notice to hereby given thut the undersigned hat
been duly appointed administrator of.the estate of
Theron Albion Ireland, deoeased, by the County
Court of tlie state of Oregon, for Polk County, and
has qualified. All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to present tbe
same duly verified, together with he proper
vouchers therefor, to the nnderalgned at ni resi
dence near Monmouth, In said eoupty, within six
months from the date of this notice. .
nated and first published February 21, 11)08.
it. ' f WltLIAM H. lBtWJ, ' .
Administrator of the. estate or Theron Albion
Ireland, deceased.-"' , ,- , - j , "t f
Oscar Hayter. Attorney.
-. - t . i " i - v ,
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned has
been duly appointed administrator with will annex
ed of the estate pf Joan Iy, deceased, by the
County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for Folk
I ountr, and lias qnaliaed. . ( ',
AH persons having claims against the said estate
ore hereby notified, to presenjjhe same duly veri
fied, together with the preper- voaebers therefor,
to the nnderslgned at his residence near Buna
Vleta In said County, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated and first published February 25, UOt.
i-, ?' JOHN R. LOT, '.
ij .- ' ! '- J Administrator with annexed
of the estate ef John Loy, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney. .. , Wt,
Tiiiiii Wave S:--k Kara I!. F. P. Kuulc ,.
' run l'l Ui
Tufa NuUttavt 1..J. dm.lt i-
a. in , it.M M.iitiiMitta i ek. m-t arrie
I . ii a. in
Irani NattK Iva.im In-t. a itrm- ilaiiy
lo i a. i' : l..- l..iiu...itli, ll u h, in.;
rive liiia, ., a in.
1 r.iin N.7ii. litle-u.tiiie dallr t
i. mi , lv Mitiii'HiOi i . iii4arnve Pal.
la a ..i r lu,
rHUt ilHI.IK
Train Kn XT Imvpe . n.l -i"l rurv ilallv T i
am; .-r M..nun.ioii ;.w a. iu.; arco.
Aliurslia lu.
Trmlri M W li-avee ln1i-r"i'letir dally S tl
si. in ; p.ia MtiniiHiutti s jli i. m.i arrlit
Aline I to p. In.
VII HON Mi It' t il lNt.V
leaves lude 0.1. i dally it i. in
raeM 01 LA
mil .Mn:i MiKM'K
Train N at lt-VM ISnllas dally r.'l Hint,
tlav H'ls. till. Irasea Weuiuouta t J. lll.,ar
rt llnli-iwuitaiioe l a. lu.
Train Ni 1 1 leaM Imllm irnntl oM V
i a, in.; anlvtw Mhi.iikhiIIi l.jut, lu, ar
rive Jiiito) iidt'iii- ?.. a ui.
Train Nu rM IraVM Italian lUllr I 'O li. m.;
ttav Mfinltioutli I ltW. Ill live lnJ il
dniu 1 fc . lu. tl lnstialii ntuiHHitat iu
iii hiIIi lur Aliilo)
Train No 71 leavra Iwl ul dully 7 1 p. in.;
1. ... Mtiiiiiiuulh . in.; arrives Imli iiiil.
ta .I4 p. m. 1
rOM AiatlC
Traill Nofi Irm Alrlie daily t a. m.;
lew!W-tt Moniii'iillll B S a. III.; niTlve lllilt-.
prmlfiiw w i) a, in, 1 1' lil Ii mil iv. lintel" ut
Sliiiithoiitli lur lalUi)
Train Vi 72 li' ivp. Alrlie dally 5(11 p. in.;
1mi M.itiiiiiiinh 6 K p. III.; uirlvi-a iiiil.
Iii.Ikiiou VV p. m
Train V. m luavre Alrlla .l1p, in. at n.
I i.iii t arriv .M.inm.iuili t jj p. in. r
rile JiliirtH-liileluv I :a p. 111.
rltoM MilNMOt'TIl NI.V
lwivi-s M. Millionth fur liiit.ptfiiileiiiv dally
al i. J p. in.
Wilson's Store
'!n ti a customer has onet
U'Cl) 1'iTi villi i:! tlift it ii!V! to
my quality, he will .sflilmn v-
!l .fllllU IW.Im Cail f ll)r!'l' (U
:!ii-e v. h i wi-!i to buy t !.. ;:n :.!-es-t
qitaiitity for t !o im-ney.
'fJure tuo coii!iini'i;if- ulnn-
quality aru nifii t s "uulil Iiiviv
it. i wcitit, l.iit tlioi-f ni-f in my
lllnl'i' that e;t:t fu;. vi'i.-m! (m '
in)titii.iOiiliitirii,rViliiiViiii,iiiiMiii'V l.iiin,imiiniililn mniinaifru.
lO.Nvi &Cl!AMni:Rl.!.M, IVplctei.
A!! KiiiJi of frcsli and ct:reJ Akats. (lame
nrU fi.sli in scaiou.
Cmh nrj mli In fwxj or Mtt Proper dot In lablttt
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
Far Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are sneds from th srllt principle or the
(oadeased aware ol the dru(. Thy doa'l coalaia hadvl, Ash, Chop rJor Hraa. Are uat
as good khia 10 yrs eld rha 14 dsysold. l ky comply wilh all pare oral law. At lot
nd try ones SKIDOO Conditio Tstiials, or SKIOOO Worm, Kalasy, teu-ss Caolsre,
Hliilcr, Cttharlic. IU Fsver, Ho( Cholira. I)ilmrr, Pink Kys. Lolir Uhietser Lou Hor)
Spia Cure or llaib Wire l innn.nl. Oialnhaled hy THf LUt IIU MIDIQINK OO
locorpor.id; Capital Siov Mu.ouu.Wi Wtrtown, South Dakota, U. 6. A.
Fur naif liy ll.v.N.NA A- I UVIM!, .'ijiJi'iieVnlciict, Dri'jnui
ij'inlity pays it the r;,'ht ar:
tut ills are ii.m al.
(Quality tiroi. nu i. 'a mc M'!i
times slow trade hiiihlers, h
they I ui cxeeeiliiij; stronjrr
liatiiata (Jooil nre oulv
f,m a e .,..
'-'1 ''A 13 I J 1 1 1 f- it' imnu H IMI IlilVO il
r - L---J lfvJfM iiv 5 the mouev wnii wiiit-li lo it;v
'. ' t' ifA M V,- tho Lest; 1. ut there is geiicrai!
111 I'lT'l 1 II
L f .
V If vou siniiilv want hnrcaii
OnFfinrj ko,,s' py lho cI,c'ai' i,rl'e "
-.-a; et tlieni. it you want noso
MIORJ JjSnS Intel v tho best, tlio kinds that
bring you back, pn,y more ami
fr!frw Ilrfrii ect more
J UillLfll mittl tU Quality bus been behind overv
3TKAINS PROM PORTLANp DAILY business that has built up n solid
'ibrou'li Pullnnin slaHiianl and tonr- I reputfltion
K. rXL I believe in Quality and guar-
to Kansas Oir; through Pullman torn- antee the quality of all my goods
1st 8leepm cars (persona ly coDdaetnU) to t10se who WiSh the best
weekly to Coioul'o and Kaiinaa City;
reclining ohalr vara aaat8 free) to the T" t WTTT PmiT
Eaatd.fl,. H s. W LSON
PortLani to Chicago
'rpHE problem cf making substantial and
J, artistic clotlei for the imliTtdual at
reasonable prices, is only solved by
organization of forces io ways best calcu
lated to economize for tbe consumer while
furnisliing Kin witb tbe best that market
and skill can produce.
sunsiwr m sat. art so
No efianee of cars
General Merchandise
1 R. E. DU6ANNE, R.M.D.
Graduate of N. P. I). C
Barber Shop.
ecerybocly Column
For Sale, Ttent, Wanted, Lout, Found or
similar notices, three lines 25 cts., one
month 75 ctr?..
Fruit Lands For sale in 5, 10. 15
and 20 acres. No. 1 land, price
right, good easy, terms, between
Monmouth and Independence
See J. H. Moran, Agent. 8-5 tf
For Sale 258 acres fine improv
ed land to be sold cheap on uc-,
count of sicknesa compelling me
One door gonth of Poet Oflice.
te Batbs mi eoaneien with shop to chang climate. Stands close
insnection. bituatea near tne
Mrii8nn hopyard 2 mi'.es trom
Rickreall. Aildress, W. ,F. 8imon
Independence, Route 1. 2-27
For Saie One 7-room house and
corner lot; hath and hot and cold
water fix t urea.' $750. 1 30
Wood for .Sale Second growth
at 4.00, old growth $4.50 per
cord delivered. S. (JoX, Indepcnd
T.niinnh TnflftifinnAnpA Unce. Phoiie 143 3-1
Plys bet wee u lirdependeuce end Sal
em daily except Nunday. faaaenger
and freight business oiclte(l.
tieave Independence : 9;a0a. in.
Leave Biilem . ; '3 :15 p. m.
Geo. Skinner - Shipper
The Bet to Be btained.
N'ext donr Hotel atul Eear Cooper Block
Ed. V. Price & Co., Tbe House of over a Thousand Tailors, pre senU
such an organization and every garment leaving their shops must con
form strictly to the shape and requirements for the man whom it
is intended.
Ia selecting your own fabric from ns you eliminate possibility of sub
stitution in favor of cheapness you get just what you pay for.
Call and let us demonstrate the truth of this and see the , fabric
we are now showing.
O. AeivKAMKK, Independence
Some Beautiful Pa'Urns will be displayed at the Millinery
Parlors of Mrs. E. M. Stroud, on G Street. All latest novelties
Mrs. E. M. Stroud,
Succecssor to Pearl Squirt
'At the Opera House March 17,
For Sale One 9-roorn bouse and
three lots (Lots set in small
fruits.) $2,000f For further par
ticulars inquire at this ofce.l 30
Dr. J.!. Calloway
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy, Kirkavtlie, Mo. .
under fr. A. X, Still, found
er pf the science . . .
Phonm 791 RootnZ7 4- 8
B. f. JON ES
Offic npeiaira io.Cooper Blk
Farmers Feed ;
and Hitching Shed
Josiss Big New Hat a
. Tuo lo, Saddlt H S
. Bigs m wall teauici kept ha
ttfiry. Horaaa boarded br
.' ssaf, week or month.
Day or Night Calls Promptly attend
ed to. Fine 'Parlor lu Coiineetion
An Experienced Lady AMHiritpnt.
Phone, Klam 273 7?
VV.'lv. BICIC, Kmimiim-r and Funeral Director.
liieetiHed by Oregon Btate Board of Health.
Oity Ivleat Market
Ci.' KOENEKE, Proprietor.
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked MEATS, FISH and
POULTRY. Buys Hogs, fat Cattle, Veal; everything in
his line.
Ciiile Palace fiotel
I f. UI. CrMttoV Prprftr
I CJtreJc::? tV.ti t&kt. --facial Jimp ft dzzxCJ 1