West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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BlDJB "EntkkfkiSE
NUMIU-i 83
in .ii ii ii i mi
iiore than a Score Families
Would Get Work.
These are Some of Hie Reasons
. ly a Cannery Should
Come Here.
At 3 o'clock Faturday thoso inter--ted
in the new cannery met in the
ojktu house to compare notes and
talk over the tatter further. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
disponed of Htid Mr. Stockton, formerly
in Limine here, gave the meeting
some sound ml vice, lfo wim Hent here
by the Salem Hoard f Trade to do
what he could in helping to organize
the cannery company. He find the
cannery at Kuleni employe! 1X) hands
two yeiira ago ami 2.X Inst year, show
ing the increase in tin business in onu
years growth. l!e told of on? man
buying a piece of land for 1500 mid
the first "year taking o!T of it $17(K)
worth of produce, thin paying for the
land and having a nice little balance
besides. The name) can be done here.
The committee that had been solicit
ing for utiick to the cannery then re
puted that it htid xeciiivtt Mibwrip-
tions to the amount of if 127-1 ami that.
there were nearly 100 farmers on the
lint. Thin amount w'll he nearly
doubled by next Saturday.
1!. F. Jones then made a report of
the trip taken by himself and. Mr.
Messner to Springbrnnk to inspect
tho cannery nt that place. The man
ager of the cannery told them that
there was an unlimited demand for
tomatoes ami that they had no trouble
in getting rid of the canned goods
they turned out. They have special
orders from England for Koyal Ann
cherries. This cannery is a small one,
being capitalized at $5000, yet it paid
the farmers lust year for fruit mid veg
etables fl,f)000 and paid for" labor to
the boys and girls of the neighbor
hood .flKHH). In addition ' they paid
tho stockholders good dividends.
This cannery has been running four
years and in order to show that there
is not much danger, of overcrowding
in the cannery business it is only nec
essary to state that the Weber-11 ussell
company in' putting in a cannery at
Newberg, two miles from fpringbrook,
with over six times the capacity of
that at the latter place. The cannery
paid the following prices last year;
cherries, 4 to 6 cents, strawberries -4Jc
raspberries 4Jc, pears $15 to $30 per
ton, plums $10 a ton, apples $12 a ton,
beans $22 per ton, tomatoes $!), giving
a profit at that price of 25 cents per
case. The price could be increased to
$12 and leave a good profit for the
cannery. . -
The committee walked from New
berg to Dundee and look a look at the
country. ,It has been cut up into
tracts of from two to ten acres and all
the farmers are prosperous and have
money in the banks. There is but ten
acres of tomato land in the vicinity
of Springbrook and they cannot get
tomatoes. Here it is different. There
is an almost unlimited amount of fine
tomato land and they can bo produced
much cheaper than anywhere else in
this valley. The same may be said of
spinach, which is now becoming very
popular in the markets.
Mr. Percival also gave the meeting
a good talk along the line of waking
up to the opportunities which this
country affords. He advocated a
larger capitalization than $6000 and
it was determined that the capital
stock should be placed ' at $10,000.
Several others also made good talks
and it was moved that a committee of
five including the chairman, be ap
pointed to draft articles of incorpora
tion nl another committer to draft a
del of by-law for lh ifoviTiiuietit of
tint compmiy.
Thero will be another meeting held
at tho oT hoiiMt tint HutunUy
at which timell U confidently expect
ed that at leant two-third of tho en-
tiro capital stock will havo been mib-
Following is the pemoline! of the
committee: On incorporation; II. F.
Jonea, Wrd Hill, H. llirschlx-rg, Geo.
Well and W. A. Meaner. On by-la wa,
W. T. Hoffman. P. M. Kirklam!, 8.
McKlmurry, W. L. Ilice and A. Nelson.
local Telephone Company Urgantzed.
The Homo Telephone Coniany of
Inlteiilenco was organiied in thla
city Tuelay evening and enough
atock wni pledged at tho meeting to
make the promotion an assurance.
The stock of this new enterprise will
In owned and controlled by local peo
ple only and will l run in connec
tion with the North-western long dis
tance and Homo telephone company
of Portland lines. It is said that con
struction work on tho new telephone
lii.e will Ih commenced within a
short time.
Arabian Knights a Success.
The Arabian Knights, which was
put on by local talent' at the opera
house in this city Saturday night, was
decided success. The Arabian
Knights is an excellent comedy and
deserved a much Mter turnout than
whs accorded. Many of the players
deserve sja'cial mention of the manner
in which they sustained their charac
ters. Independence has good local
talent and theater goers will be pleased
to 'o more plays put on by them,
ft is rumored that another play-may
be put on by the same people in the
near future.
Erecting Sleul Tower.
. Tho Kte 1 tower which was au
thorized by the city council to be
o instructed to take tho place of the
wooden one which was about rotted
down, is this week being erected.
The tower is fifty feet high and of
angle iron end is being installed
back of the city jail. It is a great
improvement oyer a wooden etruo
tnm and will be put in the place of
the former at about thirty dollars
additional cost aver one of wood.
When thu bell is installed on this
high tower it will be heard many
miles when the atmosphere is right.
Estimated to tie About Two
Issues Valuable Circular Which
Treats of Preservative
The advertising which the board of
trade of Salem is doing has already
begun to bear frujt. According to a
report in the Evening Telegram a col
ony of twenty-five people from Penn
sylvania are to.be met nt Portland by
a delegation from the Salem board of
trade who will conduct them to
Salem and Marion county.
The Salem Statesman Hcom nienting
on the work which tho board of trade
is doing and the results accomplished,
says:-in part: , This colony has been
supplied with Salem literature and
what is more, one of their leaders has
been sent a mammoth potato, which
was almost too heavy to get into the
mails. It was one of. the nineteen
that weighod a bushel, and the potato
was accompanied by a photograph of
the entire hill. A sample of magnifi
cent Salem English walnuts was also
Sent. These are to lie exhibited a
week or ten days before the crowd
starts' and then they will be brought
along as mascots for the party en route.
When this party of twenty-five ar
rives they should be given the glad
hand by Salem people. They will
probably come up on the Oregon Eleo
tric and an especial committee of the
board of trade will be provided to
meet them. Much good work of this
kind is being done throughout the
east by different methods, and too
much cfcmnot be done in an honorable
way to induce these people to locate
with us.
& supplies.
Craven &
Drop-head sewing machines, war
ranted, $13.75. Jasperson, practical
sewing maohine man. tf
It is estimated by the forest wrvice
bureau of the government that under
ordinary circumstances a fence post
w ill last for two years. If given pre
servative treatment, costing about ten
cents, it will last for ten years. ine
service of other timbers, such as rail
road ties, telephone poles, and mine
props, can lie doubled and often treb-
1 by expensive treatment. To-day,
the cost of wood is a big item to every
farmer, every stockman, every rail
road manager to everyone, in fact,
who must use timlwr where it is
likely to decay this is a fact which
should te carefully considered.
It is easy to see that if the length
of time timbers can be used is doubled
only half as much timber will be re
quired as lieforo ami only one-half as
much money will need to be jK'nt in
the purchase of tinilwr. Moreover,
many woods which were for a long
time considered almost worthless can
be treated and made to last as long as
the scarcer and mure expensive kind:.
Of the actual saving in dollars and
cents through preservative treatment,
a fence post such as was mentioned
in the beginning might serve as one
example. The post is of loblolly pine,
and costs untreated about 8 cents, or
including the cost of setting, 14 cent's.
It lasts about two years. Compound
ing interest at 5 per cent, the annual
charge of such a post is 7.53; that is,
it costs 7.53 cents a year to keep tho
post in ' service. Preservative treat
mcnt costing JU cents will increase
its length of life to about eighteen
vears. In this case tho total cost of
the post, set, is 24 cents, which com
pounded at 5 per cent, gives an annual
charge of 2.04 cents. Thus the sav
ing due to.treatmont is 5.40 cents a
vear. 1 Assuming: that there are 200
posts per mile, there is a saving each
year for every mile of fence a sum
equivalent to the interest on $219.60.
In the same way preservative treat
ment will increase the length of life
of a loblolly pine railroad tic from
five years to twelve years and will re
duce the annual charge from 11.52
cents, which amounts to a saving of
$58.75 per mile. . ' ("
It is estimated at that 150,000 acres
are required each year are to grow
timber for the antracite coal mines
alone. The average life of an untreat
ed mine prop is not more than three
years. By proper preservative treat
ment it can be prolonged by many
times this figure. Telephone and
and telegraph poles, which in ten or
twelve years, or even less, decay so
badly at the ground , line that they
have to be removed, can, by a simple
treatment of their butts, be made to
last twenty or tweney-five years. Sap
shingles, which are almost valueless
in their natural state, can easily be
treated and made to outlast even
painted shingles of most decaying
resistant woods. Thousands of dollars
are lost every year by the so called
"bluing" or freshly sawed sapwood
lumber. This can be prevented by
proper treatment, and at a cost so
small as to put it within the reach of
the smallest operator.
Circular 139 of the Forest Service,
"A Primer of Wood Preservation,"
tells in simple terms what decay is
and how it can be" retarded, describes
briefly certain preservatives and pro
cesses, give examples of the saving in
dollars and cents, and tells what wood
prtwirvatiou Can do in the future,
Tim circular can l had fni wioi
application to the Fortr, Forit
ffcrvirc, Washington, I). C
Orchestra Tomorrow Mght.
The Indfjwiidcnoo orchestra, with
the iManrr of a few of Monmouth'
good jM'rfoniicm, are to render a few
wWtion at the oratorical contest
hichia to take place at tho Mon
mouth normal gymnasium tonight,
much to the delight of tho who con.
template attending that -event
This splendid organization ban been
doing some solid rehersing, under
strenuous circumstance, owing to the
fact that it is so difficult to meet to
gether for n hersitl. It is aafe to say
tliut their music will bo up to its
usual excellence.
Sis la New Turk.
The rural comedy, "His in New
York," was put on at the Indepen
dence ojiera house Tuesday night, and
it was an enthusiastic audience which
greeted the production. "Sis in New
York" is one of the good plays that
always delights its audience, and it is
a pleasure to extend to the players the
high commendation which they
certainly deserved. The people of
Indeendence owe it to the opera
house management to patronize such
companies, iiiey siiouui oe greeted
with a full house. In this way good
companies can be induced to make
Indejionilence a circuit town.
Saturday, March 14th, is the date
set for the convention of the school
officers, parents and teachers' meeting
which is to take place at Rickreall for
the teachers and patrons of that sec
tion. The program which has been
arranged for that date is as follows:
Elementary Agriculture, C. L.
Some conditions in our public
schools that should be improved,
Prof. L. K. Trayer.
Our public schools from a Mother's
point of view, Mrs, F. II. Morrison..
Attendance in our schools, Prof.
Geo. N. Murdock.
Address, State Supt. J. II Ackerman.
Test Soil for Sugar Beets.
H. Hirschberg has at his . office in
the Independence National bank a
large quantity" of" sugar beet seed
which he has at considerable expense
taken the pains to bring hero for the
purpose of testing the growing qual
ities of the soil adjacent to this city.
It is 'his. intention to distribute the
seed free to the fanners of this locality
and this fall to send samples of the
products to La Grande to test the
sugar quality of the beets grown here.
If the experiment proves what he
anticipates then the country will
bo justified in growing sugar beets as
one of its resources, and, incidently,
this city will have a sugar refinery.
Independence, Oregon.
j a ex Krai bjxkixo business coxdvcted
- Officer akd Dikectoks:
W. A. Meisner. Pre. E. Hofer, Vice-Pren. C. C. Patrick, Cash
Wro. Riddell F. N. 8tamp. J. P. Rogers '
R. M. WADE & CO.
Wish to call your attention to the fact that
they now luve a complete line of
The Petaluma Incubators and Brooders
These egg hatching machines have self heat regulating lamp
and adjustable thermometers, so that you do not have to ojx-n tho
door to see what degrees the heat is- We have from a 64-rgg to
321 egg capacity, and for larger sizw ave can order on short notice.
Now is the time to get the machine so you w ill 1 the first to get
your fowls on the spring market.
Sec Us Before Placing Your Order.
R. I. Wade & Go.
PAID CAPITAL $30,000,00
Transact general banking and exchange busine. Deposits
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
Officers anp UrKKcToBs
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L. Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira,C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. 3. Powell, J. B. Stump,
' I.M.Simpson. ;
A, little over a yean ago S. II. Mc
Elmurry bought fifty head of Merino
ewes at a cost of two hundred dollars.
This week he says that he has cleaned
up $315 fro'ih the bunch, having" sold
twenty-eight old sheep and twenty
yearling lambs, leaving him thirty
head. Last spring he sold $75 worth
of wool from the, fifty head, and also
$25 worth of sheep that year. This
item is printed with the intention of
showing the profits which may be ex
pected from a little, bunch of sheep
run in connection with a small farm.
What Mr. McElmurry has done can
be accomplished by any of the farmers
of the Independence country! These
sheep have cost their owner practically
nothing, having run in the field during
the entire year, and it is stated that
the sheep have been a benefit to the
growing grain upon which they pas
tured during the winter.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the many
friends of Mr. David Johnston for
their many acts of kindness during
his last illness.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hooper.
Over 1500 Edison Records to
from. Craven fc Moore.
Milliard Broj.
AH kind at reasonable prices.
You get first-class "work here.
Intdhpsndenck. : : Oregon
Porcelain Baths
Bootblack in connection
G. Purine & Son
Altering and Remodeling a
Specialty V
Drafts, Hans and Estimates
Independence, - Or.
To the People ol Polk County
' : f
AroYou a dyspeptic? If not
You are in danger ofbecom- A
ing one if Yon habitually
eat Poor bread. So see to.
it that Your grocer sends.
X ou vniy
W. T. Hoffman
M. Tillery
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.