West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 10, 1908, Image 4

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LOCAL 1X3 tmmi Ufl
8ia in Xrw York" cjrr lot.
Dr. AlUa. Drntist. Ctnr Bids
Genuine Hotter Nil bread l
IfTin grocery-.
FSrryhr rwd houto to a
f e in Nrw Yutk."
C. O. Oram, i.f l!tiu, jwiit rum
day Wre il l fruniJ.
Portland bread frwh er day
l Irvine' grocery.
Pr. IU(jut, dentist, over Inde
fwadeno Nlionl Rank.
GooJ work horses for !. John
Bobbins. S-Slf
VW h trrd for sals br J. H . Col
liua, Indfpenderc. 3 20
llcruld O, WiMvaner, of lalla. was
calling on frioiul in thi city Sunday.
Mrs. Fli Henkle.who tut been skk
for tome time, ball to be out again.
A good pair of Reading gial
KS w l Kremeri.
Hes,n Spray pump and priy
material for sale by R. M. Wade &
H miking the laugh record "Sis in
New York" opera houae Tuesday
March 10th
D. X. Turner, one of the prominent
farmer of the Airlie district, was in
the city Friday transacting business.
Sherman Ilsyee, of East Indepen
donee, took ia the local talent show
Saturday night,
Stewarti horse clippers, and sheep
hearing aachinet re for tale at
R. M. Wade 4 Co'a.
Hone have been coming in steadily
during the past week or ten days and
many bales are being shipped. .
sw .howine of new a-print-
..i.u Friday and Saturday at
M...nar ConkeT A Walked.
"" '
Mr. ana mn. dtiuu
fmm their new home at Corrallis
and visited with friends oyer Sunday.
a ww.,, of Portland, was
i.i:..fm.ttm mnnectad with
the hop market the latter part of last
, .
uouiwijs.vi tA , i
... . .i I
inK up the situation in this part of the
yal ey and may conclude to locate in
Polk county.
Will Buffin 'a little son had the mis-
fortune to fall from a tree Sunday and
broke one oi nis legs. A
as eetting aiong niceijr.
H L Hart, of the firm of Hart &
Hubbard, of Portland, haa been trans-
acting business with some of the local
hop men during the past week.
t.;- MasHaincr and eham
rooiog done at Cleye Robinson's
k..K.t, ;.h elpctric vibra-
tion. Hoars 7 to 8 p. m.
Now is the time to spray your
a !U unrl Si II 1 rVt 1 m Uf II I
wees wim uuio .vT"u.
tion ror tne nrsi epraymg.
you can get at R. M. Wade t Co'a.
Mr. and Mrs. W. b. Uoffgave a am-
ner in honor ol the bnae ana groom,
. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Eoy Bullard. The table
Itmi-itifullm. Aaon-ratMl -with fflrnR.
UTOUVHUllJ v.vw. ' wv- ...... .
vwrio .
,ire-a warn lain fnr T.WP VP. I
Harold Jenson, advance agent for
Sparks' Chalk Talk Circus was a
pleasant caner . m
XliC UUUUO 10 A U1W VAA vy W axVvavv
ana is aiong me noes mm uowu
tt Davenoort.
A .
The Calvary Presbyterian church
JnvitoH TIpv. Rollin Blackman. of
TQ;f?. Waahinirtnn. to sunolv the
..i.f f, t- Rahhatha with the view
of calling him as pastor. It is hoped
he can be here on the 22d and 29th
inst. He is highly reccomended
W. H. Robertson and wife were over
from Monmouth yesterday .nd paid 1
this omce a pieaBani. can. xuus
the first time Mrs. Robertson has been
in Independence for over a year. Mr.
Robertson added his name to our'
growing list of readers.
Everyone is invited to attend Mrs.
V. 1W Stroud's onenine' which will be
the 13 and 14. She has many beauti-
ful pattern hats and all the latest
novelties. Mrs. Stroud is successor to
Pearl Squire. Remember the place on
C street, Friday and Saturday of this
The report of the viewers on the new
road from Buena Vista by way of
Prathers ranches, to intersect the
siuaLij ' i
winfu anil trip road ordered opened. I
a lanv marl Tipnr Kir.ters. nas Deen ac-1 1
- iii fc ft .rreat convenience to
XllO yv aM w Q- a
many travelers between here and
J. O. Jmdh fain doiMi (rvut !.'
Una w the LuilUmuUi lurdy an 1 ,
paid this ortio a frtrndly fall. H
tUIrd that he nirl the county court
,.,t )m t, J l..U U.m i..l tl.l it
mirvd dua on Wo tl rd that
had ln iUttHiurf allowed lat ) '-'
and M a coiiiiem- was in aWut aa
ld a condition aa pill. One
cannot sumiitrrfaIlow itwda in aeatrm
Orrgon anl have thc-ni RHd fr anni
year to com.
Ah. Leaia, ifo and a.n, were
dwu from Airlie Friday shopping and
lmking hauda with friftida. They
paid thia offio a frienjly fall. Mr,
Lewis ia engaged in the butcher tuai
ncMi at Airli and rfjxirta bttaineea
kpleiulid through the aununer and fall,
but on account of the roada he ia
compiled to lay off hia toama during
the winter awaaon.
Roaa Nelson was appointed County
Fruil In! tor Saturday and will
take up active duties) of hia office at
once. Thoae in need of information
in regrd to spraying or anything in
connection with the care of fruit treca
should consult him, aa it ia a part of
hia official duties to aid the fruit grow
ers along that line.
Thepublio school had a fire drill
yesterday and the houite was emptied
in 5J seconds. In view of the fact
that 170 children were burned to death
in Cleveland, Ohio a few days ago it ia
important that the schools should be
well drilled and it ifemi that the In
dependence school ia as good as any.
In the lint of incorporations pub
lished in the Saturday Statesman art-
pears the following: Corvallia Can
nj Company; principal office, Cor
I vallis, Oregon; capiul stock, $15,000;
incorporator, Punderson Atery, W,
F. Hamlin, and J. . Ingle.
We are now nearly ready U show
lour new spring auiU for men.
In dPPJ up-to-date garments
theeo beat anythiug yet ibown in
Independence call and inspect
I.. . , i i. iir.iL
iinemai messner, oraey a itsk
er '
i .... ... . m
Htray mte oorso- sdoui ore
J welgha W0, branded on rlgbt
anomaer, snou au ruuuu
i I -u I
call and get him and settle bill for
keep and thia adT. Jonea' feed
barn. 2 5
. xr. . na
a year iaiocu uc nuino?, vuvb
ference one way and 13 the other,
, ... . . T.
I 1UU TfCiji'CVa c v a vn rj a iivuj, auw
tree which grew thia one has grown
some which weighed three pounds,
Harry Van, formerly . manager of
Rtk nrimmn. wflJ, inni..
. x J,
ing after business in the city Friday
He has quit the show business and
gone on the road with a wet goods
The first time yon are in th
ur 14wn waww
lei us snow you someimng
f beUep than Jing ebown in
tne town oeiore. messner, tonaey
& vValker's
. . , G . Tatie ,g 80,d ander
aDOttitive o-ngrantee to cure consump
tion, sick headache, stomach trouble
or any form ot indigestion, ir it latis.
. .., rafnA - mBV
Wh,t mor6 can one 00. d, q. D0Tft
, , .
I laia pians ior a puoiiciijr uiiuipnigii
... . . ui:.:i :
which they expect will aid in the de-
velopment of that city.
T , j. of for fa
. , .
i T
nana - oi tne inaepenaence wmuon
lai1 liann wnere tnoee wno wian
, . . ,
u nd Day the 8ama
The citizens of the town of Will
mette, tnree mues irom uregon wy,
vol,eu iuI luw F" " -jj
ot zo over ia.
Reports from Salem prune owners
are to the effect that prune stocks in
mand for the Oregon product will
commence soon.
Drop bead sewing machines, up
to date for $13.75 can be had from
Jasperson who has nearly forty
years ezperienoe with sewing
xhe first poultry show held at The
Dalles was conducted there last week.
About 300 birds were on display and
much interest was taken in the exhibi
Jasperson, the undertaker, keeps
a full and complete stack of fnoeral
g00ds, prioes for full siae coffins as
iow as n w
. ait rv
Men's all wool Oregon cashmere
soils only 1 10, new spring goods,
Messner, Conkej & Walkers.
wocd d
Utl mWM's Ca4t.ll4 WUeh
tUirl ly-lt Is rd '"r I'"- MA
ty IX 11. Csts,
If you eipn t to raU aa a rrwl
Ms rititen you nmaul ijwurlr
li)Hn h sidewalks.
ror HaU or Trade for Fih Cow
A S4J Incubator and .rool"r.
Call on J W. Hullard. 1 b
Thoun-hcatr will give a da net oil
St. Patricks lay In the evening ami a
general good time la pnvhcle!.
Full line tuuslin underaesr, new
arrivals at Mvssner, Conkey dt
New Summer wash tooda already
for showing at Messner, Conkey A
O.J, Farley, an old time saddle
maker of the Iallea, was looking after
businea matters in this city Friday.
Buy the beat in patterns, the Pic
torial Review at Meworr, Conkey
1 Walker'a.
The Astoria council is conaid. riiift
the iaauanee of Unds for the purpooe
of raising money for the coiiKtruction
of a bulkhead along the city front and
Some beaatiful 'things in new
aprirg dress foods jart in at Msas
ner. Conkey & Walker's
The talk of establishing a milk
condensery at Albany is being agi
tated there once more. It is planned
to build a 120,000 plant.
TbaPolk county tax list Is at
the First State Bank where taxse
may be paid.
No more wailing for patterns
Meesner, Conkey dc Walker carry
a complete stock.
The Independence Orchestra went
over to Monmouth Sunday for prac
tice on some of the musio they will
play at the Oratorical Contest next
Friday evening.
Complete line ladies muslin
underwear In exceptionally ' good
values at Messner, Conkej &
The paving of several of Albany's
principal streets has been decided up
on. Among them are the ODee which
will be traversed by the electric rail
way line.
Kennedy's Laxative Coogh Byrup
acta gently yet promptly on the bowels
aad allays lnflamallon at the same
time. It ia pleasant to take. Hold by
D. Q. Dove.
About a hundred woolgrowers met
at Yale Saturday and organized a
county association. The county has
a third more sheep than any other
county in the state.
Kodol Is today the best known rem
edy for all disorders of the stomach,
such as dyspepsia, heart-burn, sour
stomach and belching of gas. Bold by
D. G. Dove.
The John Day valley reports the
winter the mildest on record for some
time. Stockmen there are com
mencing to turn their attention more
to dairying than ever before.
Jnst a little Cascasweet is all that is
necessary to give your baby when It ,1s
cross and peevish. Casoasweet con
tains no opiates nor harmful drugs and
Is highly recommended by mothers
everywherd. Sold by D. G. Dove,
The Carstens Packing Co. at Ta-
coma has inaugurated an open shop
policy and it ia reported that it has
plenty of applications to fill all va
cancies made by strikers.
Mr. John Riha, of Vinlng, Ia., says
I have been selling DeWltt's Kidney
aud Bladder Pills for about a year and
they give better satisfaction than any
pill I ever sold. I have used them
myself with fine results." Bold by D.
G. Dove.-
For Sale Dry goods store do
ne good business. Present stock
about 810.000 but will reduce
stock to Buit purcharer. Cash or
terms inquire of A. Gross
ndependence, Oregon.
How Congo. Germs Multiply.
When yon have a cold the mucus
membrane is inflamed and the disease
germs which you breathe find lodgement
and multiply, especially the pneumonia
germs. Foley's Honey and Tar soothes
and heals the inflamed air passage,
stops the congh and expels the cold
from your system. Refuse substitutes.
D. G. Dove.
Does advertising pay? Look at the
department stores. Their worst enemy
will not accuse them of being foolish
ly benevolent to the newspapers.
Their detractors have never claimed
that they do not succeed. Look at
their advertising, It is the most
liberal of any class of trade. Why?
Because they know that it pays and
pays well. That is the only reason
they do it;
Wi!aQ & ll iloou.b.
aiooJ-sewiaf .
ThHSalida I'rtlaU.
Tl.vfi.) petUh tver fnru
euntnnttlxfl ryautting from a 14
KaWy'a lliiy an4 Tar roira IW it
nMte'c racitax ennsh sod turl
lliafft. from ynnrrjratem and priht
roniiitllou ul I hniminil, Il b
f uil Misiy ear i( lii'lienl omnitp
llon, I). II. re.
H ia rv'riH lliit the t'a of the
xutl.lt formation of a Ivifhi tt
llueroer' t'liioll ha reached Film
land and ha created aome coiitcrta
lion. It ia thought that an inioM
tariff oil ho will Im d. niHii.lctl ly
the big gruaera there.
Trie l.iifhy CJuarter
la the ona yen iv out for a hot of
Dr. King1 New 1.1 fi Pilla. Tltay l'iilf
yoil the beallll Hint's mors ireion
tliail jWfU, "I rv thln for hi-adacliti,
blUionaiieaa, ronaitpatlon and alaria.
If they diapiolnt you the !nee will
t fliwrfully refund! at all drcr
lata, The man who "jtint fiddles around"
can uaunlly nnike the Ut chin
A Cartl.
This ia to oertify that all drtigrlats
are authorlted to refund your money
if Foley's Honey, and Tar falls to cure
your cough or cold. It stop the
cough, heals the lunga, and prevents
serious results from a cold. Cur la
grippe, coughs and prevents pneumonia
and consumption. Contains no opiatea.
Thsgesutncis In a yellow parkage.
Kefuse subatltotes. I. G. Dove.
The In w that which
around when not wanted.
Rent Healer In tl World
Kay. F. 8tarblrd, of East Raymond
Maine, cays: "I have used Bucklen i
Arnica Salve for several years, on my
eld army wound, and other obstinate
sores,' and flad it th boat healer In the
world. I need it too wltb great aucee
in say vellnary baalneas." Price 25c.
all druggists.
DeWltt's Little Early III mi a, small,
safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by D,
G. Dove.
Mrs. W. E. Burns returned Friday
from an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs.' J. A. Alexander, in
Portland and reports a pleasant trip.
Good for Evfirylwdy.
Mr, Norman Coulter, a prominent
architect, tn the Delbert Building, San
Francisco, says: "I fully endorse all
that baa beta said about Electric Bitters
a a tonic medicine. It is good for
overybody.. It corrects stomach, liver
and kidney disorders in a prompt and
efficient manner and builds np the ays
tern." Elcctrlo Bitlers is the best
spring medicine ever sold over a drug
gists counter; as a blood purifier it is
nnequsled. 60c. i t all druggists
It is stated that the new line from
Salem which the Portland, Eugene &
Eastern is building for electric transit
purposes, is headed toward Silverton,
and the citizens there believe they
will get the electric line in a com
parative short, time
For Infants and Children, .
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mop Wire For Sale.
, f
2100 lbs. hop wire for sale at 2 cents
a pound. For information write to
Louis C Fox. Albany, Orejron. 440
E. 2d. street.
1 hereby nnonnoe myself m a candidate ror the
republican nomination for County Judge of Polk
County. My platform In brief la "good roada."
Bridgeport Precinct.
Farm for leant.
Apply to J. J. Leveck, near Lewis-
ville. Post office address, Monmouth,
Oregon,, R. F. D.
Water Rates
(Water by tneter applies to residences only)
Residence rate on meter applies to
customer! only who pay $2.00 and over
at the rate of 20c per 1,000 Gala., mini
mum $1.00 per month.
Our Pride Concord Harness
Our Extra HlgS Crarfc COA'COflO HARNESS, a standard of
m sritiom njuairtt. Iiiw j-iMr uaily of miliar, alvle ana
w.Nu-i'if i "f i ' traii.tr, l"l il a
Fully Guaranteed Free from Flaws.
WW A. m -rr- Concord pad 1 l.n body, 1 M
fol.lcl I I Sinthis. Ij oK st tli piiwsi
iMccr-wn iiorr collar
I' KICK-WITH COl.l .ARM ;.".'
fincK-wniiour miFKcinsoon collakh.
Geo. Dunhuin,
Asa B. Tnylor, Proprietor
rirat-claas Turnout!
Independence - , .
.- -I'liir- --- '--I'liir iinii '--hi inT '
Independence Billiard Parlor
W. J. Kirkland, Proprietor
Confocttonorr and SmoKtri' Supplios
Soft DrlnR
' Th Place) to Spend
An extra dividend of 75 a share on
O. K. & N. stock has been declared.
It amounts to a disbursement of
No Use t Diet.
"I have found out that there is no
tiae to die of lung trouble aa long as you
can get Dr. King's New liiHcovery,"
ays Mrs. J; P. White, of rtuMoro, Pa.
"I would not be alive today only for
that wonderful medicine. It loosens up
a confh quicker than anything else, and
cures lung disease even after the case
is pronounced bopeleas." This most
reliable remedr for coughs and colds,
la grippe, asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at
all druggist. 50c. and 1100 Trial
bottl free. ,
Miss Kogoway and sinter were down
from Albany visiting with relatines
over Sunday.
Meetc every Mon. night
fn K. of P. Hall.
W. H. Riggs, O. C
J, vv. RichardHou, K.Rand 8.
Steam Laundry
Basket leaves Tuesday 6pm
and returns Friday
Cleo Robinson
Independence, : , Oregon i
Electric Light and Power Rate
Residence: 15c per K. W.
Business houses: 25c per drop and 5c
per K. W. ,
Power: Rates on application.
Iillleta llfl'lies n-a hi.
j.ip liel, aeoallilo bllnda.
alltcbrd I'oiil faca pieow, ol
te.1 Hoes 1 III . SI foot laps
band erd witl. ata. Hamm
No 6 Concord txilt. X O plat
lth I S 4 III banic tugs
U loop. Traces, II I I
boelv, 1 S 4 In. ladntc with
Poekeyea. tneclilng. Wde4
I -t In layora, I in. hie
atrsp box loop tug. 1 In side
trap, t I 4 In. holdbacks, I In
lany airapa. breast straps 1 l-a
lu. with snaps and allitea, ole
strain 1 l l In. ht'llyUnds
tu ec
xr aa
- t Oregon
Hour. ,
GL Hawkins
) Dallas, Ore.
Marble ut
Monaaienis and Head'
I tones (.emctery
work etc.
rlalaaa Bxtraetma Uooir Ualldlnf,
Independence, ' Oregoa
jLm 'l ia( j
BY THE.... '
j hf" $-at;