It- Til 'Ik. , m f -T f J C ? HHP THE KIDMS WELL fit:3!!tj is Worth SaUng, end hm Indnpf.nJiints rwp!c fcru Buw tu JaB II. l...y !.. r.,....M- ! ' l-'"' l,lr Itv.'iHi -. r li, .!;; i.f.' li'-J ll.a ki..,.. . u'"w ' """ "; II'- .,.!!. ' '' ' il,.- t ' t mi ' 1 !. J. 1 in 1. , !.-! I.' .,. H!).l Ht'hl ll I ,.!,.'t i 'l I , i, V ! I I V .,. (..'. I ! . : il : I. i'... I,,-. 4.. il.irill :) I ii'-ti IS: ! I '' I ..'.- - M ' I i; i i J. .'., In ! ' ' 1 - , . .i,,-f , '' ' ' y ' ! ' , ;;... .) I if .1 t 'l"'l! ' . ' t,..n f ."- '' ,, , i i..t i- n ; " i ' ' !,.. v r ., ! ' I i ' I v t ,1 li I -. I :;' j7.' is U a 1 1 I ' Vli"!. J J I.H I I ft I " ' i j i. i. c . ' c- I'. M. ,,,.!, 1 II.- a. i':, . I' " I ,r : fi ! Nv N c" one. w X V- I :o n . w -fir Mi wlUiUiSfU Y.i nv ..( ' ; ., siurti Tor Infanta end Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Dought Bears tho A, , ,j Sigiiaturo $ n i 1 E " J I K of i'Lf Must close out theiv nvock at once, and jprices will be no object. OLD PBIOE WILL GET THE 'GOODS. We Jiavo de: icided to retire and wo will not let prices ; interfere with our decision. n Use For Ovor Thirty Years v. Unfortunately we have received a lare shipment oi Clotnm?r. consiGrinp; o i!h- ii .-i i 1 3 - J . y. itftfiiiWR err. li jtliem; as we bcirjht tlic::: e:crc w Icided to' retire zyom 'ouv'::.ei, her?.. o , .-! --rr,f, t.i y J W f..l, V I. I 1 1 ' " ,, I.I, t ii i 'clotlrins' on cale at 4 L i of nf 1 It. .,. .i.l- 'li:i'iil--r- 1 i '! Iili:-il:'''' J i .. r i. -t I. n it'll ii v ' III imv I'V' I ''"' ,; , , i ,, . uiH - IT"'. Cl ,1 a :.." :i.-i HH (,; ( tiMiilvriBin' vi.iu. f ' i:. -.-; . , : ': ItriVHi. . " .. ...... ,.!,:. I I It,. t l;iv ...... ".,v,i: i.iul-' u -,. , -id,. Hi- ' " (lllll'll ..- ! I!m iIiim i. iiml li ,H .1 ,U l.r...ll.nL' lillll."-:H 1H. il:inU h- live nun r..i. -i-iiinc-. At l-i-t I "f,"v ","tl" r "'!"" f...u:rr..ii, '" 1U'H-I.V, vvlii.-l.-v... uixl I "P'.- frl ,, ! (, uikI now, 11. mi l' . )m f-.Hy rw.ov..r...l. 1T'"" ',f (.ulil .,,, I --ul.l iiol l''t't- " ,,,n,,ntin Mytu ttt (nmU-lla." tliolilW our .U-or liltlo l'-'.V-' "r hiI i-y 1. M- KirlilHiid. l ,i ' ' ' H' -.- r o ii,- i .v'.n ! ! " ; . HN t-.l" i- -t-'k v -;! ! :vi4 l'l :" ' Kv. ! I III A Nw York vo!i'ii iys tlmt .woninn should not t. jtiven tl.o franehiee bOHUe thy cannot, be iair. ThtTH h alwBj'i ih lroxi(lo Lottln as a luffrenort. tHi'piul l m :i for t'ronp. '-HliU'HliiiKin f3tc:i!lPi't nnu-dv for mIiIh uikI t!ro,'H,niinn.U'r-Cough lU-ri'Hy h inuquaifd us u cure for w.ii),"V Huriy NV J,a,,n of Woynetown, lnJ- Whon ulveu hih.ii s Mm oroupv t-odfctii iii-ar, Huh it-nady will pr. v(iiUli-iitiiK-k. It, I MHWl6Ui:wruU.Vif Mumy Uioiif"'"' f lKm.(-B. For by J, M. Kii Ulaml. Jl.r..Tin.'.Mill!of'ortliii1,l-ftil''i-,omc yrstcrtlMy iiiovnini; fttlr f.n ox t null. I visiHu-m with Mw, Dr. But hr. I. -,t uio .Shoulder. Whittlicrri-salliiigfroiaa Rrnln or liv.iu rh.-itniii' io jmiM. tl''ie in nothing so goml for h hone nhoiihi.-r s tllmui l,rl,iiu'rlfi Kttf".- Arpl.v it fw'.V and rub (be jmri.M. vigorously, ut each tl)1v,i,.ti,!) ihhI i iuU:U i-ureiHWnfllri. For frtla ly P. iM; ," Jfi'-s. O. T). ButliM-wcnt to-'rortkml yesihmky for a brief visit wiH" frioiuls. A Life at. Stake. Your Hfo vniiy be ntstnke wlien yon notloo aiiv ign of kidney or bbuUk-r trouble BsCriKbt'H diseB and diahctis start with a Miht- j.-r(rularlty Umt could bequi. kly (Mir.'d bv Foley's Kin ney rtuedy. Conimence taking it at tlio firnt sign of danger., ,. D G. Poye. ( i , v '.A . " i . :; h; ' ' I' . ... . . ' - ... i 4- J, i - 7 i '. i:" .; I ! ( -i) - ; 1 ins consists of tiie very be,:.!; V7 or- jsteds, Serges, in all colors, such as black jfoiue, -;;vS3''and Piiztures.-Th.ey are made to' sell- from $10 to $25, the' swellest; line of 01c tiling in the cit You will never have the opportunity to buy a Suit at act ual cost again. If you are thinking' of 1?h11i Morrison went lo ' Toi-tlund jwtordny for Ki','cia1 w1icii.l-"t.roat- mout. ". ,, .' ; ' A Narrow Es?!p Many ppople hw a narrow eseapw from pnonnionirt and cnnsnnipl ion as a rwult of a cold that hanfta on. Foley V TTorcv nnd Tar cures cousha and ooI.Ih ,,o m.iH-r h'iw "?V fPa,0(1 nd "0 v-nts Ti'H'uinonia and coneumption. . Refuse fmbsditntss. D. G. Dove. FRIEND TO FRIEND. Tlie personal rccommcndaiicns of people who have been cured of co!.?:;;-; and eclds by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple ;nic!e of trbde and com merce over a large part of tho civilized world. " ' AN INSTANCE. ' Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, h id bi-cu troubled with ' a very bad cough for over a year. . ' She iys : " A friend boaght bottle of Chambicklain's- Cn:cti Remedy, , brought it to me and insisted that I should til; si'.. I did . aoand to lay iurpriaa it huprJ four bottles c& ' oaicd laa l Utjr coagh.' . . . H. Ilirschberg, Pres. A. Nelson, Vice Pres." C. W. Irviue, Cash. lependence National Bank ; Incorporated 1889 TRANSACTS A GENEIUL BANKING BUSINESS getting a suit come and let us show you the line and we won't have no difficult J in selling you one. All new and up-to-date clothing, at actual cost. 1 t-n o'lf sairrp.'ifB Ml v tines All our other lines of goods will be slaugh tered away without regard to; cost or: -value, such as Shoes, ; Hosiery, . Gloves, Under wear, Muslin Sheeting, 'Pillow Case Tub- k"aslin "uiider- ing, Jj.ress. urooas, , uaim wear,' Dress Skirts,. Tailored Suits, Shirt .Vaists, Lace-Curtains, ;'Lace, Embroider- ies Hats ,and;: Gaps, -Motions, and in fact, a complete line of everything. We must sell out by the 1st of April, therefore come and buy your goods at your own price. Respectful Yours, ;Jnte vest Paid on Time Deposits Director?: II. HirPoMrp,' A. Nelson, D. W. Sean?, B.F, II E ii A. GROSS, Manager INDEPENDENCE, - ' - OEEGOIT 1. i