West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 10, 1908, Image 1

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Mi r ii t h v v jf n r
Special Attention" Gvico Ore
gon and Washington.
In Many Parts of State by the
Development Leaguers and
1'roffMor 11. 8. Trr, occupying the
chair of riiy.ical Geography at Cor
null Univcrity, U the author of a
geography now ued a a text book in
a vaat number of school throughout
the United BUK end in revwing thi
book it paying especial attention to
the development of Washington and
Oregon. The Portland Commercial
Club ha furninhed Professor Tarr
very complete data on Oregon,
together with a number of thoroughly
repreaentative picture, and gonuine
Interest on the part of the author ia
apparent from a rejuet for further
photographa of speciflo subject.
Washington' commercial bodies will
aee that the "Evergreen State" i,
properly taken care of.
The Lo Angeles Time, the greatest
paper of the aouthweat, include in it
market report grain quotation for
the Pacific C-'ant, It ia aignifloant
that only Portland and Tachma ap.
pear in thi connection. Thi i also
true of San Francisco paper.
No section of the union aurpaasc
the Pacifio Northwest in the excellence
of ittt publio school, and Oregon com
munities are manifesting their interest
in the State University by urging
upon the state liberal appropriation
for the maintenance of thi institution
in a way that will enable it to reach
its higheHt efficiency. Publio bodies
throughout the northwest appreciate
that institutions of higher learning
are a factor of the greatest importance
to eastern people who contemplate
making their home hero.
California people are planning to
return the . visits made that state by
the people of Oregon and Washington
probably the first excursions will be
made at the time of Portland's Rose
Festival in June. At even this early
date, too, the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition at Seattle is being dis
cussed in Ihe south.
A series of meetings under the aus
pices ofthoOregpn Development Lea
gue are to be held this week in Ashland,
Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Al
bany and Stay ton. lone held an en
thusiastic meeting last week that last
ed until two o'clock in the morning.
Seventy new members were taken into
the Commercial Club there.
Eastern people are already beginning
to arrive on the spring colonist rates.
The disposition is to seek the smaller
towns and the majority of these look
ing for country places intend to enter
fruit growing or dairying, two indus
tries especially attractive in Washing
ton and Oregon, where they bring
greater returns than in any other part
of the country. i
Joseph Hall of Newberg
Writes Interestingly.
We must first have the berries be
fore we can dry them, hence a few
words on that line. Perhaps there is
no section of country in the United
States better adapted for the produc
tion of black raspberries than the
Willamette Valley, in the western
portion of Oregon, and if other sec
tions of the valley are not on the look
out Yamhill county will be the ban-
tM-r rotuiiy,
Oregon .rlu-- it" 'tl''r drid
fruil equal in value to the drid Mack
ruaplfrry. Kr the t two year
they have mM for fl.W per ton do
livenM at the railroad station and the
product thi year (1107) about New
berg and Hpringbrook waa ovi-r Un
ton, or aUiut .'(XX).
Ten yar ago but little as done in
thi line. When I wiahrd for plant,
I received I'tit little encouragfinent
from nurwrir in Salem and parties
in Portland. Reason given: btndie
would dry up Ufore berries were ma
tured. That i the ce in corns aoc
tion, but not In all; not in thi part
of the valley. ,
One acre of eround produce from
$100 to f 150 worth of berries yearly.
If rroix-rly gathered the drying i
eauily accomplished. Some advocate
whipping the ripe fruit off in the
nlace of nicking it, drying in a dryer
and then running the dried product
through a fanning mill. The method
followed here i to gather the fruit by
hand, dry on tray in the sun, if the
weather ia favorable; and in eight
year experience only ,one year gave
me any trouble in that line. We
have many prune dryer here and the
trava are taken out and used for thi
purpose. Thi year a few at firt were
dried in a dryer: after that all were
dried In the un. It i cheaper and
la trouble to dry the trays in the
lun, and the fruit i juat a good if
not better. The fruit will dry in tray
In the un in three day generally.
Tray are easily made of lath and
muslin cloth-S foet x 4-four foot lath
for ide and three foet for end and
lata evenr nine inche apart. Tack
the cloth on tightly, then , nail etrip
of lath around the outside extending
one-half inch above the cloth.
These tray will hold from 16 to 18
pound of bcrrie each and are easily
handled by one jtertnn. They can be
placed on rack or on poles placed on
the ground, anywhere where conveni
ent. They are cheap and will last
many year. While the berrie are on
the tray all stems and leave can be
removed and the fruit come off per
fectly clean. If the heat should attain
to 98 degree or 100 degree in the
shade, shade the-fruit or it will be
Do not permit the fruit to get too
dry and yot do not remove it while
too moist. Place the dried product
in a bin if there is a large quantity
and shovel it over once or twice a
week till done drying fruit then sack
in sugar sacks, both kinds being used.
Here the berries are sold as soon a
The rows are planted eight feet
apart and the plants 4 feet in the row.
. They are easily raised, dried, and
find a ready market with good prices,
llecetpt Is Easily Prepared at
Small Cost, aud Many Swear
By It.
Mix the following by shaking well
in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful
doses after meals and at bedtime:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsapanlia; tnree
ounces. A local druggist is the au
thority that these simple, harmless
ingrediants can be obtained at nomi
nal cost from our home druggist.
The fluid is said to cleanse and
strengthen the clogged and inactive
Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad
der weaknesses and Urinary Troubles
of all kinds, if taken before the stage
of Bright's disease. . .
Those who have tried this say it
positively overcomes pain in the back-,
clears the urine of sediment and regu
lates urination, especially at night,
curing even the worst forms of blad
der weakness.
Every man or woman here who
feels that the kidneys are not strong
or acting in a healthy manner should
mix this perscription at home and
give it a trial, as it is said to do
wonders for many persons. .
The Scranton (Pa ) Times was first
to print this remarkable prescription,
in October, of 1906, since when all
the leading newspapers of New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and
other cities have made many announ
cements of it to their readers.
Great Oratorical Contest for
Friday, March 13111.
The Second Time State Meeting
lias Been Held to City
of MonmoutL
Eight year ago, Monmouth bad
tbe pleasure of entertaining the
intercollegiate Oratorical Asocja-
tlen of Oregon. The annual meet
ing ha line gone the. round and
returned to Monmouth ega n. In
those eight years, the student at
tendance in the college belonging
te the aoclation hat more than
doubled If the Quality of the ora
tory baa likewise improyed, thi
contest will be a memorable one.
The speakers, subjects "and insti
tutions are as follows:
MoMinnyilU College, Joseph O.
Richsrdson, The Trend of the
Pacific Unireisity, W, E. Gwynu,
National Stability.
Oregon Agricultural College, E.
K. Callaway, A Nation's Need.
Oregon State Normal Sohool,
Mrs. O. A. Brysnt, A Prophetic
Willamette University, Clarke
R. Belknsp, The Twentieth Cen
tury State.
Pacifio College, Uarry Maxfield,
Training for Intelligent Citizen
University of Oregon, Bert W.
Prescott, Mercy That Condemns.
Albany college is a member of
the association but will not have
an orator this year because of his
withdrawal from school on account
of illness. Careful preparatiou is
being made to secure good music
The Normal Girl's Glee Club. The
Faculty Quartet, Mrs. Babbitt,
and an orchestra of ten pieces will
each contribute. The orchestra
will entertain the audience for a
ha'f hour preceding the regular
program. College songs and cheers
by several hundred youthful, en
thusiastic partisans will also en
liven .the occasion. An elaborate
banquet will be served in the gym
naaium immediately after the con
test. Covers will be laid for one
hundred and fifty. The orchestra
will also furnish music for the ban
quet. Each institution will be repre
sented officially by eight delegates
one member of the executive com
mittee and one or more members
from the faoulty. In addition, as
many students as desire will come
as rooters. It is expected that
Pacific University, Pacifio College
and McMinnville College will
charter a special train to return
after the program. Not less than
one hundred fifty and probably
four hundred students from visit
ing colleges will be in attendance
It will be worth coming miles to
see and hear those picked young
men and women, the flower of tbe
higher institutions of learning in
this state.
Monmouth and Polk county will
throw wide their hospitable doors
iu honor of the great occasion.
The growth of the fruit canning in
dustry in Oregon has been remark-
alle in the pitnt year, and tbe outlook
i, for a vontinul growth in thi
In 1'JOQ there were four fruit tan
neri ia the Willamette valley. In
r.M)7 there were seven. In 19Kl the
combined capacity of these canneric-
m C3,(XKJ canes. In VMfl it a 75,
OX) raiu. In the prenent year there
are under construction or fully plan
ned three more, making a total of ten
and two of hmt year' canneries will
double their cujwcittie. It U expert
ad that this year the output 'will be
very large, w ith a capacity well above
150,000 ca.
Canneries are now in operation
during the season at Afthland, Grants
Pans, Eugene, Salem and Yoncalla,
and the new canneries are for Med
ford, Monmouth and Newberg. Prep
aration are being made for cannertee
at Itellas, Wood burn, Corvalli and
Monroe, and it i probable that other
will be erected at Roseburg and Went
The Southern Pacific ha fostered j
the canning business largely and to
it effort in part is due the great de
velopment of the state in thi di
rection. It is stated by officials of
that road that hitherto Oregon ha
never shipped more than 100 carload
of Oregon-canned fruit in any cne
season. But with fair crop conditions
thi season it is expected that ship
ments will amount to 250 car. One
official say he think in five years the
state will be shipping 1,000 cars of
canned fruit east.
Business men all report a ruining
business Saturday.
Mr, llattie Whitney is home again
after a two weeks visit with friends
and relatives in Salem. -.
Allen Johnson ia delivering slab
wood at the evaporater to be used in
drying prunes next fall.
Mrs. Josie Byrd and son, of Spokane
Wash., will make an extended visit
with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Wolver
ton. J. E. Dunton, a normal graduate
now teaching at Balls ton, was shaking
hands with old students and friends
The newly organized lodge of I.O.
O. F. will meet every Monday evening.
There will be initiatory work in the
near future.
The Monmouth Creamery Co., have
commenced on the creamery building
and will soon be ready to have the new
machinery installed.
The farmers are now busy planting
fruit trees and berries in order to sup
ply the cannery which will be in oper
ation the coming summer.
Example of Rope River
Valley Gardening.
Two persons engaged in truck gar
dening near Medford, Oregon, have
given out a statement regarding the
cash receipts from their 20 acres of
land for about 10 months and it shows
that they have reason to be proud of
their efforts says the Salem btatesman.
Thev claim that they would not
sell their f.irm at any price. What
thev rerjorted is as follows: "Here is
the record from April 10, 1907 to
January 17, 1908; Amount of gar
den truck sold, $2250, alfalfa hay sold.
and now on hand, ?220, and besides
this thev have $100 worth of garden
product now on hand and not sold
Besides this from two cows they have
made eight pounds of butter each
week which would add another $100
to the aggregate, and again the family
living haa been made from the land
but this is not counted in the receipts.
The total receipts, not including th
livins of the family, is thus 6hown to
be $2670. From eight acres of land
they sold $1000 worth of potatoes, and
from one-third of an acre of land sold
$320 worth of onions, and berries of
different varieties they realized $269
in cash." '
Klioa Robertson and sister. Mr?.
Falls Citv. visited over Sun
day with their parents in Monmouth.
Independence, Oregon.
CAPITAL, S25,000
OrncEKs and Directors:
W. A. MessDer, Pres. K. Hofer, Vice-Pres. C. C. Pslrkk.Caab
Win. Riddell F. N. Btump. J. P. Rogers
E. M. "WADE & CO. 1
Wieh to call your attention to the fact that
they now have a complete line of
The Petaluma Incubators and Brooders
These egg hatching machine have self heat regulating lamps
and adjustable thermometers, o that you do not have to open the
door to see what degrees the heat is. We have from a 64-egg lo
324 egg capacity, and for larger sizes we can order on short notice.
Now is the time to get the machine so you will be the r.t to get
your fowls on the spring market.
See Us Before Placing Your Order.
WEN R.1L Waflo-& Co.
' PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and exchange business. Deposit
received, Loans Biade, Drafts sold.
Officers and Dirkctobs
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. U Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. 8. Powell, J. B. Stomp,
I. M. Simpson.
Milliard Bros-
A 11 kinds at reaeonabl prices.
You get firgt-olasB ork here.
Porcelain Baths
Bootblack iu connection
:- To the People
II yom? J3read is not good
look to your Yeast. . -. If it is &
O. K. look at your brand of &
Flour. Tlie chances are that &
it will not be f
W. T. Hoffman M. Tillery p
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co. I
C. Puryine & Son
Altering and Remodeling a
Drafts, Plans aBd Estimates
Independence, - Or.
of Polk County
.v J"c?v .a. .Svv
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