West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 03, 1908, Image 1

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    VVICH A WI53r
NO MB!'. It
GOOD W 0111(1 "
Mass Heeling of Saturday
Dig Success.
Will Canvas fairy for' Slock
and They are (o Rf port
Next Saturday.
Hutiirdny at l" oVIik k llii' luiin
Iiicil Mini a number of former nu t at
lh dHTii liouxi lo iliiM-iin wit) hikI
IIKIIIIK I.M.kihJ? tit till' f-tilhlildlllll-lll
f u cunniry lit thi '1h". Tlu in
i iiifiit weather kt many out. of
toWll 1.j'lt' COilMIJIllllie
there wu mil 1'ifK11 crowd a
Wotllll IlliV l.thl-rwinO ln-4'll ill nttl-ll-
.1 .,,.- TIiim, uri'vi'iit were very en
tliiiitic aii'l ull fitvurt-! the idea of
,.rv mill llll-ro IH 11" doubt tllllt
v 'J
one will ' l"lt "'' IH'"r '",,ir''
Ti... ini'i ihil' wim citlliil to oriliT by
Mr. ltutli-r hihI W. A. Jlewni-r
-l4-t'l tcinjMitHry tlmiriiiiiii ami B.
Jones mrrctury of thu nui-tiiiR.
obhfl of the iim-tinjr wan utatotl by
flic chuiiiiiun uml Mr. Join mude
talk on tint iuviti)iution of tin- Sili ni
cannery made Friday 'by hiiimelf ami
other. The ditnt hit l--n iiierciuicd
in capacity the t year nnil aft
jmyiiiK all ixmiwh mil f.'KMK) for ox
ti-iiMoii work there wan a even jmt
cent dividend declared fur the toe It
holders. Tin' idunt rcircMnt an ex
iH-iulitiireof 10,(XK. The Jirico i.aid
.Iminir lhi.s Memoir for raw material
a: aiiIf (eiilln) 13 a ton; cherrieH
is., u i.,.im.l! venrn. f.'iO a ton and
(truwbeme, four cent a jiouml
Tii..r urn onlv ureoared to can fruit
VooJlmrn in I'littiii)? in n!fl 1,000 can
jicry mul n a can lurry i hut one titei
toward Kettinjr a larger lioimlution we
-ilfee tho country arounil owl
hum iioimlato rapidly.
Thin art of tho htato him been
given over almont exclusively to hojw
anil thus when hoim are a good nee
everybody in happy and has plenty of
money, but when hopx are down the
eonwociuciico in that everybody in blue
and tho country goes to the dopi.
With good cannery hero thero would
; Cm., he not let; than onclhird of
the hop plowed up and the land given
-,r t,i tirodueiiitr tomatoes, or other
crops that would bring in good re
turns at nil seasons and thus relieve
tho situation. ; , ' .
The cannery at Brownsville, has paid
30 ier cent on the investment mul
land has doubled in value was the
Btiitoiueut of Verd Hill who visited
Corvallis and Albany last week and
who met one of the stockholders of
tho Brownsville plant in tho latter
city. The land has been cut up in
email tracts and where ono family
lived before tho advent of' the cannery,
I ..: I'..;,,., ilnin.
now live aim u mo living
well. ,.
Ttm nnestion came uii whether or
pot tho fanners wouM furnish the raw
material to keep u oaunery busy if ono
were erected here. Replying to this
Mr. Nelson said that if the cannery
were built tho farmers would cover it
up with products. V Other farmers
talked along'the same lines and Wl
favored the caimeiy,
' On motion of B. F. Jones, a com
mittee of seven was appointed by the
Chair to solicit lor stocK in uio can
nery and at the same timq to get
agreements from the farmers to fur
nish so much product for canning.
The following were appointed; . u,
f, 2"" ' 'll. I" I f i
mel ilml lh if ..
'l ,ii!t U v It t h
(,-, (..Ml .I"
! i! itf...i.l
U v hli Ii -km.! I l.jiii' I- " M
t.l running liiiilii il 1hi "H'iid'1
I.. .-.ii y I I i f Hi 1""" i ii-lii i i-f
jif. t friol ir l I I -ll f.r ifoi.K
nirf l ilii m fe. Thl i a j;l
ji. hl ain! a lew m r. miM
(atOllV li!lnl"llll MlK'llll
I'oiiiIm I riuiht out iliirins thn ili
i iiMioti itrrn thil a fiiin-rr i.uld
bring iimrv jxuphi hi ii", lht lin n
wuiild In ho ln-ioi (hi n to iwihI ay
fuf hi! lO pii k boi, thii kiH iin
thouonllila of lI'illuH al ln'IIM Ihilt rv
i lit tint fr llint urpe.
1 l.i-ri' i mi iiu!unil-.l d. maud for
aiiami!it. l lmmki luiuuiei iur
ruhuih. miiinith mul i-iiiiii'kin. all oi
whirh do wi ll herr mul arn vrry ro
Th lui'tiiiK ihi ii MiJjuiiriiiil to fini't
antn next haiuni.iy i iiio ojira
hoiixe In Ijnir the ri-jnrt of th coin
inilliw mul ii 1m i to trv Iiuvii koiiii'
cH(ikirii prmenl who h;ivu hml vx
H-rieiire ill fiiiiiTH- an that tin y can
tell lie) fitriuera what would l (he
inoct prolitablu croj. to pluiil.
Jones, Arthur Moore, ' V. Hill,-F.
Huntley, W. W. Biitlor, Ross Nelson
and H. Hirschberg; the committee
was authorized to ascertain the price
0f a suitablo site for the cannery..
. In speaking of the probable yield of
a otnesMr. Huntley said that he
. .i,oftu1 from onethird of ah'
Adtr the firrl of April all new
paper wilt have to allix a one cent
lamp to all papers eot to tub-
briber morn than uu year iu ar
rears. In lumt ay tbu will wotk
a hardship on country publiaherg,
but in the eud they a well a their
ub.-cnbera will be btiitluitU as it
will lib away with the credit sys
tem, the bane uf fXistenee to the
coutitrj editor, it is just a t-asy
to pay the ti ret oi the year lor a pa
per as it la to wall two or three
years aud as a rule it is much east
er. Allcouuiry papers are willing
to exleud credit tu their lrieiidsaud
many of them du so to an unlimit
ed ex leu t. This baa giveu nee to
a feeling that the liuuie paper does
not amount to much or the editor
would not be so anxious to get sub
scriber a at any old price aud pay
aoy oid time. Proportionately the
couulry paper gives iuore lor the
uioney luuu any bUbliiess man in
any liue ot trude, yet lie is sup
posed lo be giving but little by ma
ny people and he is largely to
biuiue lor it liiuiself. lie should
set greater vulue on his product
and then people will have greatei
respect lor him. I'oliovuiig is the
ruling that goes ihlo til eel April 1.
tote. 440, parugraph , 4: " A
reasonable lime will bo allowed
publishers to secure renewals ol
subcciipuous, but uiih.gs subscrip
iiuus ure exprtbbely renewed after
the term lor which they are paid
within llie follow ing periodB ;dai-
lie- wilhm three mouius, tn-week-lies
within tix uiuuihs, seuii-week-
lms wiihin uiue rnonlhs and week
lies wiitnu' one year they shall
not be counted iu the legitimate
list of subscribers, aud copies mail
ed ohvuccounl thereof ehull not be
accepted lor mailing at' the second
ciuso postage rate oi 1 cent a pound,
but may be mailed at the transient
second class postage of 1 cent for
each four ounces or fraction thereof,
repaid by 6tam ps affixed . The
right of a publisher to extend credit
on 'subscriptions to his publication
is not de ied or questioned, but his
compliance or non-compliance with
this registration will be taken into
consideration in determining
whether the publication is entitled
to transmission at the eecond class
postage rates. ;
In Oregon by People of Ike
Easlern Slates.
Tie Jute in Prize Conies
are Having Strenuous
Independence, Or., March 8, 1908.
The annual meeting of the Inde
pendence Driving Club. Will be held
atthe city hall on Saturday afternoon.
March A7th , 1908, at 3 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of electing a full board
of directors, a president, secretary and
treasurer and for the transaction of
any other business that may proper
ly come before the meeting.
W. W. Percival, President.
B. F. Jones, Secretary.
Tim Kxii-iitive Committee of the
AiiiiTii'ini AnMK'iJitioii of rasKiiger
Audit la im-etiiig 111 Chleiigo thin
wit to divide upon (ho details of
their convention this eoming summer,
to be In-Ill in belittle. J. II. O'Neill,
of -I'ortliiiitl, is a iiicmlier of this Com
mittee', and w ben he left for thn Kant
lust Friday carried with liiui a most
cordiul invitation from the Portland
Cimiiiifrc.ini Club to include at least
two d.tyn' sojourn in the "Uone
City in the itinerary of the Associa
tion's NoitbweKlern trip. Their
frieiulIinciK for Oregon bus U-eu mani-
ftled " by the Traveling pabcnger
Agents on innumerable occasions.
Mr. John Hurler, who will superin
tend tho float for the Kwe Festival, in
une, is an exert in this line, and for
many years has had charge of this
ature for the "Veiled Prophet" of
tU. Louis.
Various organizations in the Oregon
Development Lengue are adopting a
pecial letter-head for use during
March and April only something so
triking that the colonist rates can-
not be overlooked by its recipient.
BiiMiicss men are using the same eta-
tionery. Already answers are arriving
to advertisements inserted in the great
est agricultural, fruit and dairy jour
nals of the country by the League
about the middle of February, and
long lists of enquirers are being sent
to tho ditVerent commercial secre-j
taries Whose organizations tifliliated
with the Stato body. Hundreds of
thonsunds of pieces of literature are
going fast from every part of Oregon.
Every mail carries its .message. Es
pecially valuable are the fruit bulletins
and report of the Oregon State Dairy
Association Kent from the home office.
The Los Angeles Information Bureau
maintained by Oregon reports a num
ber of people coming north immedi
ately as a' consequense of its few
weeks' work.
"The trend of civilization has always
been westward," said Henry Watson
Cornell in a lecture recently delivered
before Portland Business Men, "since
it crossed Asia to sweep through
Europe. Immigration is now flowing
West through the United States 4with
irresistable force, but the Pacific Coast
is tho limit of this great tidal move
ment, and here iwill be found the
greatest cities of the world. The soli
dity a.nd 1 substantial character of
Portland must impress any .visitor',
while the vast tributary district of
"bothOregon and Washington repre
sents greater wealth than can ever be
taken from the erold mines of the
Marcht15th has been named by the
judges of the Commercial Club's $5,000
contest as the date when their labors
will probably be completed.' It is
proving an arduous task to judge the
hundreds of papers submitted.
j pNiii, blunt mat ami tihttiita lo
no machine iviia ii.lnp whmt mk-
i public Mut'inriila for tint Imiii-fil vl
h prepln,
IIu lel!a lh puopla of Oregon liow
thi-y tan fleet Ulun nl No. 1
b-giaiaium and atill be astured of a
rcpubli an creator. Th plan i.
iiuple, Oregon ia a republican
tale. M.u gara lUmevrlt 43,000
plurality. Sim baa a tlaUweut No. j
I Ifpuhlieaii candidate for ths-
Let lbs republican voters vote
for thii candidate, and let the dem
ocratic otir vole lor their can
didate. This is equaro aud honest
and fair and will destroy the pariim,
as Judge Lowill.T. T. Ueer, Harvey
Hcoll and other fear.
Lrl the people demand that all
candidate to the legislature eland
for llalement No. 1 aud then Jet jf
i ....... i.i;...... ( .. ii. !
statement No. 1 republican candi
dale for lha senate.
This will incure the selection of
the people's choice and it will aiso
insure the selection of a republican
senator, as the stale Is republican
I y heavy odjs.
Why should an overwhelming
republican slate fear to trust a sen
atorial electiou to the pepubiican
voters? We can have reform and
still have strong and influential
parlies. But in order to have clean
parlies we must have uo machine.
The people must be the dominant
power East Oregonian.
Independence, .Oregon.
CAPITAL, 825,000
OrricEH axo Di;cVoiiB:
W. A. Meaner. Pres. K. Hofer. Vice-Pres. 0. C. Patiick.Casb
Win. Iliddell F. N. Slump. J. P. Kogers
R. M. WADE & CO. :3
Wih to cull your atti nt ion to the f.u t that
tin y now have a complete line of
; The Petaluma Incubators and Brooders ;
ThcKiicgg lmfching inaehines have e!f heat regulating lamps
and adjustable therinometern, so that you do not have to oj-n the
door to see what degrees the heat is. We have from a 51-egg to
321 egg capacity, and for larger si.i-s we can order on hhort notice.
Now is the time to get themachine so you w ill lie the firt to get
your fowls on the spring market.
Manager. ,
See Us Before Placing Your Order.
R. M. Wade & Co.
By purchasing 50,000 shares in
the Utah salt mine, owned by
daho sheep growers. Oregon
sheep men receive 500 tons of salt
annually at the cost of mining,
which at present prices means a
saving of f 3 per ton.
Notice is hereby given that the
uuderBiened has been duly ap
pointed administrator of the
Estate of Andrew J. Newman, de
ceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, lor Folk Coun
ty, and has qualified. '
All nersons having claims
gainst the 6aid estate are hereby
notified to present the same duly
verified, together with the proper
vouchers therefor, to the under-
gned at his office at Indepen
dence, in saii County, within six
mouths from the date of this
Dated and first published Jan
uary 31, 19u8.
B. Wilson,
Administrator of the estate
of Andrew J. Newman, deceased,
Oscar Havter. Attorney. ow
w ,
PAID CAPITAL 530,000.00
Trannct a general banking and
received, Loans maiie. Drafts sall.
PXchsnge tunireFS. Depnsita
J. H. Uawley, Pre., P. L. Campbell, Vit-e I're., Ira Powell, Cashier
, J. B. ,V. Culler, K. t. Powell.' ii. B. .Stump,
, I. M. Shfipsou.
The Noisy Few.
Senator Jonathan Bourne in his
open letter to the republican voter
of Oregon declares that the opposi
tion to statement No. 1 is composed
of a very few noisy politicians who
wish to return to the old method of
auctioning off the United States
This is plainjtalk, but it is to
the point. Senator Bourne is a
At Indeuendeuce, in the State of Ore
gon, at the close of business,
February 14, 1908. .
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
0. 8. Bonds to secure circulation
Bunds, securities, etc. -Banking-house,
tumlture and fixtures
Other Keal estate owned , - -Due
from National Banks (not reserve
agentB) -'' - - - "
Due from State Banks aud bankers
Due from approved reserve ageuts
Checks and other cash Items -Noma
of other National Bauks
Fractional paper ourreney, nickels aud .
. cents - ' - -
Lawful Money Kkservk in BanIe, viz:
-Specie- - - - W.320 75
Legal-tender notes 1W :M20 76
Redemption fundwlttt U. S. Treasurer,
(5 percent of circulation) t
1113,590 91
1,440 44
12,000 00
30,598 58
17,932 11
10,500 00
21 93
16,245 m
40,053 49
022 8-J
, 200 Otj
139 4
625 00
The sportiest thing on wheels. 20 horse power, 45 miles
an hour. Price $1100; with doctor's lop, 114U.
II. M. EDGAR, Agt., Independence
Total -
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
less expenses and
5"0,000 00
10,000 00
11,096 66
. 12,050 00
720 00
146,993 75
9,730 71
Sl,45 74
354 63
(272,891 49
Undivided profits,
taxes paid - - " " "
National bank notes outstanding -Dividends
unpaid -
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit -
Time certificates of deposit
Certified checks ' -
Total -
. State of Oregon, Iga,
County of Folk,
I O. W. Irvine, Cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
O W. IBVlJNUi. uasnier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day
February, 1908. :
B. WILSON, Notary Public.
COHRKOT-Attest: D. W. Sf-ars, J. K. Rhodes,
H. Hirschberg. ,
To the People of Polk County
Ii yoiir .Bread is not good
look to your TTeast. If it is
O. K. look at your brand of
Floiar. The chances are that
it will not be
W. T. Hoffman
M. Tillery
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.
T Xifc" d
nao. iui