West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 14, 1906, Image 4

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I ' I
l)r. AUIo. DttUt, Cor BiJ j 0. K krnc who lives r
. . a i tin iiiiiii i fi T niirriiiirti nil ziaie
K.J.k ui.i.ti.i l Me'-Mt : , . ' ,
The rain drove luany
into town thia wrtk.
Iwi in Kit-ratioii a olovrr bullcr,'
' the first machine of Ilia kind" ver
iU-ler 'niMr.(t. in ij.U wction of the
Mr. UUU.n ol l-asou was on ... t u- v . r now on
Ijokinn om tlt eoonlrjr llW wrt. Ji,j,Jy eoiti!et Jin of alml,
to I riiiinitvl and pattern hats, id
the tit v ttM four induction. J'iu the
cheapest of anyone', quality coo
.!r. J. K. Kirkland tit
Relem Vduedj to take in
Mr. CUreuco CloJlelter of Jef
fereon i here veiling Ith rela
tive. Mis Louisa Waller Ift thin week
f.vr Nehaleui where he uoes
teach this fall.
lVarl Cooper arrived in town
thin week. He ha been In 1'rairie
City, Grant couuty.
A carload of Uogue Uiver melon
at Butler I'roduce Co. to be ld to
merchants and peddlers.
If Yeu have hop land to sell r'
bop yard to toll or rent, list with
Lyon A Dickinson, now.
If yu ro in need of dentistry
Dr. Nehrbas over Inde
pendence National Hank.
Mr. Henshaw. traveling freight
agent of the Southern Pacific, was
Jiere the Grit of the week,
Mr. Morgan and daughter, Mies
Ada, of Portland are visiting with
Mrs. Lettie Huntley Dorth of town.
The up-to-date style in fall mil
linery can be seen at Mies Squire'
etore, Cooper block, Friday and
Mis Eunice CanfieU relumed to
Dallas this week, to the regret of
many friends made during her
ehort stay here.
Jan. Kyle, one of Jonathan
Bourne's confidential men, has
been here this week sellintt a car
load of water melons.
Mies Inez Warner, who formerly
lived here, but now of St. Johns,
will teach a school near Corvallis
the coming term.
Frank Masterson went to Mc
Minnville yesterday to arrange to
attend school in that place when
the Beesion opens next month.
Dancing at the Rote hop yard
Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday
evenineof eaeh week during hop
Dickinp. Good floor'and excellent
Tf Kr.r r.!rlrai-H will watch the
X 1 UJ
- columns of the West Side Enter
prise they will find ther are mer
chants prepared to serve their
every want.
If vou have a smali hop yard or
residence property in Corvallis, the
site of the State Agricultural col
lege, and bringing in an income,
see Lyon & Dickinson.
Mrs. Will Ormsby, who has been
unending the week with her par
ents, will return to her home in
Portland tomorrow. She will be
accompanied by her sister, Miss
Barbara Belt, who will remain in
Portland for the winter to attend
Ver-I Mill was not put out much
by the rain, a hi picker were at
work Wednesday afternoon. Mr.
Hill siy hi early estimate or hi
crop wait too low, and find now;
that he will make 1.HH.X) Imxea fn-;
stead of 1500. I
Sheep and goat are being killed
by Iw-ars in the Atsi-a and Summit
neighborhood and the farmer are
unable to rut an end to the de
struction of tbtir Hocks. Belter I
send fur Prof. Newbill. principal t f
the Woodlawn school. Portlam',
:and Prof. Mahoney of the Oregon
'State Normal at Monmouth,
W. W. Tercival was oyer Wednes
day from Salem. Mr. Percival has
two running horses over at the
Lone Oak track, having shipped
Chita snd Hop Yard Queen from
Rosebure. Chita won second mon
ey io each race ehe ran at Rose-
burg. Harvey Copelanu and Roa
coe Starts are riders for the two
R. P. Dickinson has Riley Coop
er' colt. Hons, at the Lone Oak
track this week. Hops v.as driven
over Sunday afternoon and went In
th two-year old race Monday win-
nine third place. Hops is con
ceded by horsemen at the Fair
Grounds to be one of the most
likely colts at the Fair this year.
Thomas C. Nye, an old-time resi
dent of Oregon, died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Miller,
;n no 11 Wednesday, seed v
vears. He was born in North Car
olina and came to Oregon 41 years
aeo. He settled in Umatilla coun
tv and resided there continuously
until about a year before bis death.
He was a member of the Masonic
fraternity. The remains were
shipped to Vancouver, Wash., for
About 90 per cent of pickers in
the Lake Hill Hop Ranoh, owned
by J. F. Groves, are Indians, and
amonz them are some extremely
iLseA men and womtn. Mr. Groves
ays he has two pickers who are
past the century mark, one being
105 veari old and the other 11.5.
The latter is a Grand Rnde and
was born in the Oregon country
and has spent his entire life on
this coast, with the exception of
the time he was wun me ui
States army during the Mexican
The New Fast Launch
Leaves Independence daily except
Sunday, at 8:30 a. m.
Returning, leaves Salem at 2:00
o'clock p. m.
Boat subject to charter any Sunday
and between sailing dates.
A. D. Pettyjohn & Son, Owners.
New Styles
in Men
Boys Hats
TIo larger portion of our Fill (louJs h arrhed
and e are ihoing a my compute line of new
and u(o-Jate gooJs in every department. We
InvKe you to visit our store, inspect our gooJi and
get our prices. Wo will be rkited to ihowgoodi.
Dress Goods
Walking Skirts
Muslin Underwear
Shirt Waists
Shoes for
Men, Boys,
fS !
3 (
o I
Outing Flannel
Kid Gloves
Silk Gloves
Cotton Gloves
Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases
Table Linen, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Trunks, Suit Cases
iiippiii. "
Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is complete, and we can
save vou money in this department. See us belore purchas
ine your supplies for hop-pickiug. We can furnish you
complete. Highest market price paid for country produce.
. Iessne
And don't lose sight of the fact that all our
harness is manufactured from California
oak tanned leather, guaranteed absolutely with
out flaws. It is the best and the best is the
cheapest at any price. Tents, all sizes and guar
anteed full size and weight. All lines of leather
goods in the harness trade.
Also carry stock food and veteriary aoediclae. Yea are
rwfuily invited to call, lipect ourstoak aad gat yricea.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, (or Polk county, in the matter
of the estate of Charltb A. Mattisou,
deceased. Notice Is hereby given that
N. H. Mattison has been duly appoint
ed by the County Court of Polk Coun
ty, Oregon, aa administratrix or tne es
tate of Charles A. Mattison, deceased.
All nersona having claims against said
estate are hereby requested to present
their claims duly verified as by law
required within six months from tne
date hereof at my residence iu Inde
pendence, Oregon. N. S. Mattison,
Administratrix of tne estate or
Charles A. Mattison, deceased.
B. F. Jones, attorney. ,
Dated September 10th, 1906.
it It's a Reputation
vmi are after. White's Cream Vermi
fuge has a world wide reputation as
the best of all worm destroyers, ana
for Ite tonic Influence on weak and un
thrifty children. It Improves their
digestion and assimilation of their
food, strengthens their nervous system
and restores them to health and vigor
natural to a child. If you want a
healthy, happy child get a bottle of
White's Cream Vermiruge. sola Dy
D. G. Dove, druggist
Chamberlain's Couifh Remedy
Acts on Nature's Plan
Th trinut nuccessful are
those that aid nature. Chamberlain's
nmitrh Remedy acts on this plan.
Take it when yo J have a cold and it
win allav the eouKb, relieve ine lungs,
aid expectoration, open the secretion
and aid nature In restoring me gyaiein
to a healthy condition. Thousands
have testified to its superior excellence.
Tt counteract any tendency of a cold
ta ralt in Dneumenia. Price, 25
nt. TTMslie. 50 cent. For sale
O. Grlswold, Defendant: In
I Value Received in Prescriptions
e of the State of Oregon you I ,t
In the Justice Curt for the Justice
of the Peace and Constable District No
6, Polk County, Btate of Oregon.
Koss II. Nelson, Piaintltl, vs A
Griswold, Defendant.
Te A.
the name of the State of Oregon y
are hereby reauirsd to appear and an
8rr the Complaiat of the plaintiff in
the above entitled action on lile in iu
office of the Justice of the Peace In the
above-entitled Court, on or before the
26th day of September, 1900, the day
named or prescribed in the Order for
Publication of this Summons, niaae oy
the Justice of the Peace in the Justice
Court for the Justice of the Peace and
Constable District No. 5, Pelk Couuty,
State of Oregon, being the County and
Precinct where the above-entitleo ac
tion is Dendiue. and jou are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear aud
answer the said cempialnt as nerein
r.nnlrd. for want thereof the plaintiff
willaply to the above entitled Court
for the relief demanded in saia com
plaint, namely, for a judgment against
you for the sum of 30.00, and costs
and disbursements therein.
This Summons Is published in the
Went Side Enterprise for six consec
utive and successive weeks, beginning
with the issue of August 14th , 1908, and
ending with the Issue of Seeteraber26tb,
1906, under and In purauence or tne
directions contained in an order made
by B. Wilsen, Justice of the Peace in
the Justice Ceurt for the Justice of the
Peace and Constable District No. 6,
Polk Ceunty, State of Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of August, 106.
Date of first pubheatien, August 14th,
1908. Jouee
Attorney fer Plalatiff.
A nraaorlritinn VllflV 1)41 Tin fit in two wars. It may be put up all right,
but the drugs aud chemicals used may be stale, or "off standard." Or
the ingredients may be exactly right, and yet the full effects be nullified
because it is poorly compounded, or put up carelessly. In such case,
no mutter how low the charge, you, don't get value received, which
is the essential part of the transaction. When sickness comes, consider
well the reputation r.r the drupglst to whom you take your prescription.
One thing we perhaps need not add, if you bring it to us you are sure
to get value received every time.
We do Job Printing
Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting
Dr. Thomas Finn, ot Boonsboro, Mo.
who hat practiced medicine for 82
years eay he has used every prescrip
tion known to the profession for treat
ment of kidney and bladder diseases,
and says he has never found anything
so effective in both chrouio and acute
kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's
Kidney Cure. It stops irregularities
and builds up the whole system. Sold
Uy D. G. Dove, druggjst.
General Robert K. Lee
was the greatest General the world
has ever khown. Ballard's Snow Lin
iment is the greatest Liniment. Quick
ly cures ell pains. It Is' within the
reach of all. T. H. Pointer, Hemp
stead, Texas, writes: "This Is to cer
tify that Ballard' Snow J,inimeni nas
been used In my household for years
and has been fonud to be an excellent
Liniment for Rheumatic pains. I am
never without it." Bold by D. G.
DticJ'ucss Cannot be Cured
Stati of Ohio, City oip Tolkdo, I PS
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he 1
senior partner ol the Arm of f. J, Cheney A
Co., doing bunlneHB in the City of Toledo,'
County and Htute aforesaid, aad that Mid
firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLljAR.fi for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use ol
Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY,
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day ot December, A. V.
(Heal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken intrnally,'
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for testl
mnnlRlH free. 1
F, 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Boldjby all Druggists, 75c.
Chamberlain's Paiu Balm
This is a liniment, remarkable for
its great power over pain. It guickly
allays the excruciating pains of rheu
matism and makes sleep aud rest pos-'
sible. For sale by P. M; Kirkland, the"
. Dove, druggist.
by P. M. Kirkland, the druggist.