West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 14, 1906, Image 1

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    i M. UiriJ
twice a wee
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
TmiPiK-U general banking t,iiloi-a. IhiIU received, l.'mua
made, Draft mUi, Careful and eurLui atte mioii given nil accounts.
Omt'ttUt ANO I!dKPT"lti
J, II. JIawly, I'm., I. 1.. CampHeli, VI.-. I're., Ir C. Tow!!, Ciwhler
J. II. V, I Jul lor, F.H.Powell, J. JJ. Htuiup, J. A. Wltlirow,
I. M. Hinii.
Slcel Hails Eoried ty Drill
Ing Sand Is Brcuglil lo
Surface Aficr 40 Ycnrs
An Enterprising TcIIow Conceives t!u
Project and titans op More than
$300,000 on Use Scheme
oapitalstook:, $50,000.00.
HIRSIIBERa, J'mUtrnt. A1SIUM JiEUOJf, Vke 1'mS.ien
0. w,KV2N!Lr '
DIRECTORS. H. Hire7ibe7j 1. W. Mm, H. K. Pmith, J. E. Hl-odea and
A. Nelson.
discounted. Commercial credits granted. Depoaiti receUed
object to check.
nnulA. ' Hilli
on current account
Citile Palace Rotel
T. W. Crcaner, Prcprlcier
Carefully Supplied Ca&ki. Special JUtcntlon Id Commercial trade. J
Day or Night Calls Promptly attend
ed to. Fine Parlor In Connection.
Au Experienced Iady AwMant.
nm, mm m R. u
W. L. DICK, Embalmer and Funeral Director.
Licensed by Oregon Btate Hoard of Health.
Simpson iro$.-
Largest Country Store in Polk County
Dry Goods and Groceries, Men's and Boys Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hardware and a general line of merchandise
COUNTRY produce:handled
Butter, Egg, Poultry, Wool, Mohair and Farm Produce
Generally Bought.
Simpson Bros,
jfirlie, Ore.
Good Rigs for Commercial : Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. Fine
rigs. Horses boarded by dayweek or month.
Telephone 2To, 293
Independence, Oregon
Fftlnlesa Extraction
Cooper Building,
Barber Shop.
One door aoutk of PosKOffiee.
Fine Baths in coBnectionwith shp
Independence, Oreco
Tonsorial Artists--
Next door to Little Palace Hotel
Sharp Eazors, Prompt Service,
Merchant Tailor
Bank Building,
Independence, - Obeggb
Mining I ir steel rails Is a new
industry. It is king carried on
profitably at Liberty, Texas. Forty
six years sgo 10.0SX) tons of steel
rtils were purchased in England
hy ayiidicate of wealthy planters
of that section and a rum bur of
New York men who were associ
ated with them in a proposition to
build a railroad up the valley of
the Trinity river. The rails were
paid lor and were brought to Gal
veston by water and shipped up
tho Trinity river by barges. They
were unloaded jutt below town
and piled upon the low bank of the
river to await their use. The civil
war came on just at this time and
the project had to be abandoned.
The members of the company were
either killed in the war or lost
their property and were scattered
about until the whereabouts of not
one of them has been known for
more than a quarter of a century.
A big flood in the river occurred
a lew months after the rails had
been piled upon its bank and they
were covered with a deposit of
sand. The river shifted several
hundred yrdri and more than SO
feet of sand and soil were deposited
upon the piles of rails, leaving no
trace whatever of them.
It was left to T. E. Nichols, an
enterprising citizen of Houston, to
bring the rails to the light of day. j
Several months ap,o he was in Lib
trty on a business visit when he
chanced to meet an aged negro
who was a slave at the time the
valuable cargo was brought over
and who was employed in unload
ing the barges. He told Mr. Nich
ols the story of the abandoned rail
road and said thct the rails were
buried under many feet of sand,
but he believed he knew the spot
where they could be found. Mr.
Nichols made a quiet investigation
i and found that the etory of the lost
rails was true. He could find no
claimants to the property and he
made a proposition to the town of
Liberty that if it would grant him
the franchise to recover the rails
he would give the town $1 for every
ton he mined and sold. His prop
osition was eagerly accepted. No
one thought he would be able to
locate the rails.
Under the guidance of the old
negro Mr. Nichols began prospect
insr for the hidden' wealth. He
used ground augers in boring test
holes. He bored eighty-eeven of
these holes before he found the
rails. They lay 35 feet beneath
the surface, and some distance
from the present channel of the
The discovery of the rails proved
to be but the beginning of the labor
of recovering them. The sand was
difficult to handle, and when the
excavation had reached a point
near the rails the water from the
river broke through and pumps
had to be employed to clear the
hole of water when the break
had been stopped. The piles of
rails have finally been uncovered,
and they are now being taken out
at a rapid rate. The rails are 24
feet long and are of a good quality
of steol. As an evidence of this
fact, Mr. Nichols has accepted a bid
Man Commits Theft of a
Watch end Is Caogfit
volver In Assisting Officers to
Quell an Insfplcc! Bio!
on of (bp big ite-l pUnti of Itiii
j At pic lh rail will brin
I Mr. Nichtil j,sOO0, U alxiut,
UMU.CXAI which he will hav e
pende.ii,, local!,, and removing jljg tJIUer AITCS! fl IUUIiy
them, and an aJJitioiial f lU.lifMJ to
b paid to tlio town of Libtrly.
The price of per tun (it which
lis has old tha rui! J th price on
thH bank of tha rivr. The pur
chasers bear all io t of loading and
shipping them.
1 Ii Law Mini Lly
I'ttiont Mao Snppoe a woman
makes it so hot for her husband
that l can't lite with her, and he
leaves her, what can she do?
Lawyer Hue him for support.
Patient Man Suppose she has
run him ao heavily into debt that
he can't support her because his
creditors grab every dollar as quick
as he gets it, besides run, ing his
business with their suits?
Lawyer If lor any reason what
ever he fails to pav her the amount
ortlered, he will lie pent to jail for
contempt of court.
Patient Man Suppose she drives!
him out of the house witu a flat-
iron, and he's afraid to go back?
Lawyer She can arrest him for
ratient Man Well, 1 don't see
anything for me to do but go bang
Lawyer It's against the law to
commit suicide, and if you get
caught attempting it, you'll be
fined and imprisoned. Ten dollars,
please. Good day.
o.liff, i iru-' r, h't i'l i ' .1 y
kaa not l"-f ulJiited up !
tn l.ftur. i tut rUlly .m,i,,!i d,
i.d Alfred Lsiul rti, tf M. l'u!,
nt of lh Mjtrlir i a e, i li6
!u tli arm, Tf lber tlranr
art shut, but tho mints ar 1 l
'nature of tl.eir ii.jutln ar H"t
! known h-re Hheriff Culver wad
! fxitifli d and et iln! ',( h fc-n
' itririHHlialely by Ira n.
John I Cooper Erandlsfics Big Be-!''"" "iIOf"J 8,,I :e "0 u
, The l.oppii krs wcrsi ffuiu ttci
Hess-Itaymoud yard, under lease
by Jm Hniri. a bupUujer ot ud
, city. They had !- on n eprrtj
all day and tuadu tronblw In t.'iO
aulooii at night, kt u thd Marilil
and pofeo, coaipoeed of Alfred Lam
bert and Norc Manavit?, went in l
quell the dtnlurbai.ee. TnmLle to-
' sued and the. hoolii:g Lcguu.
Maimcio and several others m
also badly beaten up in the uiclew.
Soiitbcrn Pacific Making Preparations
for a Second Bail Route from
Sao Fcancisco to Portland
San Francisco, Cal Sept. 11
The Call says:
"The Southern Pacific has de
cided to build a coast line railroad
to Portland at once. It will run
direct from Drain, Organ, to Coos
Bay and from Coos Bay to Eureka.
It will run over the Santa Fe line
to Camp Five, over the new line
hich it is constructing jointly
with the Santa Fe to Sherwood.
and over the line of the California
Northwestern to Tiburon.
"The announcement of the de
termination on the part of the
Southern Pacific to build a coast
line to Portland at once came as a
surprise to railroad circles. The
announcement was made that the
preliminary survey north had been
completed and that the coast route
to Portland had been determined
upon. Locating engineers have
been in the field for over a month,
and part of the final alignment has
already been completed. The fece
of engineers has been increased so
that the construction work may be
begun before the winter closes.
"It is generally believed in rail
road circles that the determination
on the part of the Southern Pacific
to build at once is to head oil a
possible hostile movement by the
Goulds, who are building the West
ern Pacific into San Francisco, and
who are looking with eager eyes
upon the Oregon Coast country.
Another Republican
Paper For Corvallis
Willis Smith, for years a news
paper man in Utah, and Milton
Morgan, a local job printer, will be
partners in establishing a new Re
publican paper at Corvallis. A
2,000 utfit has been ordered in
the east, including a two-revolu
tion, high speed Campbell press.
It will be a seven-page, eight-col
nmn weekly in beginning and
transform to a daily later. This is
the third paper in Corvallis. It
will be called the Willamette Cur
rent. The first issue will be some-
A drunken row which occurred
in Cooper' saloon Wednesday f ven j
ing came near ending srriously. j
Two young A llows, Henry Cor-:
ley and K. B. Henderson, strangers
here, were engaged in a slogging
match for the championship of
light-weight hoppiekers, w hen dep.
uty sheriff Belt and special police
man Tupper swooped down on
thtm and proceeded to gather thtm
in as recruits for the city baetile.
Both parlies bad a number "of
friends present, and the room beicg
crowded, Henderson gave the of
ficer the slip, while friend j of Cor
ley grsthered around him and the
officers and attempted to prevent
hrtn being taken to jail. Tupper
was compelled to draw bis revolver
for protection. At this stage of the
game John R. Cooper came from
behind the bar with an old, rusty
pistol swinging in the air and de
dared war on all who tried to
interfere with the officers. He
meant business and cleared the
house in short order. After getting
their man in the lockup, Tupper
discovered that in the melee he
had lost his watch Fortunately
Belt saw Corley pick up the watch
from the saloon floor, -but at the
time thought it belonged to Corley.
Proceeding back to the jail they
accused him of having the watch,
but he denied it. On being told
he was seen to pick up the watch,
be dug down in the lower regions
of his clothes aud produced the
Henderson was later hunted up
nd taken before Recorder Sbar-
man, where he pleaded guilty to
fighting and paid the usual fine.
Corley elected to fight his case
and asked for a trial, which was
had before Recorder Sharman yes
terday afternoon. No use. All
the evidence tended to prove him
guilty of the charge, and so the
Recorder thought. It was five and
costs, making the total $7.50, which
Mr. Corley 's friends dug up and
paid iuto the city's exchequer. No
sooner paid and released than spec
ial policeman Tupper had him in
tow on the charge of petty larceny.
preferred against him in Judge
Wilson's court. It's easier to plead
guilty than to go to the trouble of
hiring an attorney (especially when
there are no attorneys to hire) so
Mr. Corley wajtzed up to the lick log
and asked the Judge "how much."
Twenty-five was the minimum, so
the young man could do no less
than take his medicine, which will
have ample time to show its good
or bad effects while he takes advan
tage of the next twelve days of leis
ure to ruminate while sojourning
at Dallas and partaking of Sheriff
Grant's hospitality.
Critical Conditions facing Hop Grow
ers It It Turns Off farm Alter
Present Rainy Spell
No very great damage has yet
been done the hop crop by th
rains ol the past few days, jet
growers are on the anxious seat,
dreading the possioiiity of heavier
rains, or a clearing up Iwith warm
weather to follow. Some few re
port vines down, but to no consid
erable extent. All the yards urn
picking right along, though the
conditions are not favorable for
pickers and le?8 progress is mad
than if the weather had remained
clear. There is no report of pick
ers leaving in any numbers, except
from the Krebs yard south of town,
and those are moiliy Portland peo
ple, who become easily discouraged
when the conditions are not en
tirely to their liking. Most growers
are trying Jo remain cheerful under
rather a gloomy prospect, though,
you can see they are apparently
"whistling to keep up their courage."
Rural Mail Route
Growing in Favor
Mr. A. Parker furnishes a few
figures and data illustrating tho
popularity and growth of the rural
ronte service in Polk county. His
route covers 25 miles and Mr.
Parker went out on the first trip
from Independence about threa
years ago, remaining on the same
route ever since. His sales for the
first month amounted to only $6.80,
while the sales for July, this year,
were more than $16.00, which is an
average at this time. In the thno
months of hib first quarter he han
dled an average of 2000 pieces of
mail per month, while the report
for the last quarter shows that he
handled more than 14,000 pieces of
mail, more than double the amount
handled three years ago. Theie
are now eight routes in Polk coun
ty, besides two routes which extend
into Polk from pobt offices in Mar
ion county.
of $38 per ton for the rails from 1 time the last of September
Bloody Tragedy at
St. Paul Tuesday
Salem, Or., Sept. 11. One man
killed, another dyinsr and three
more or less seriously injured is the
result of a shooting affray wbick
took place in the saloon ef William
Murphy, at St. Paul, this county,
about 9 o'clock tonight, the out
come of a drunken brawl in which
a crowd of toughs from Astoria,
hoppickers, and Town Marshal J.
A. Krechter and posse figured
Marshal Krechter is killed; an-
Plenty of Warmth
Tom So you've been married a
yearl Now, say Gus. honest Injun,
does your wife greet you as marmly
as she did at first?
Gus Warmly? She fires up
every time I open my mouth.
Possible Explanation
"I wonder why the editor prints
the marriage notices directly under
the death notices?" queried the
typewriter boarder, as she glanced
over the local paper.
"I don't know," rejoined the
fussy bachelor, "unless it is to re
mind us that the fools are sot all
dead yet."