West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 07, 1906, Image 4

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    18 . ! ZZ IT I l i
I if 1 u
Dr. AlUn, Dentist, Cooper BUlg.
Dr. Zieber i home from Port
land. i?Ute K&ir begins Monday. Hep
temoer 10.
There are no brUer'wagons made
than the Milburn and fctudrbaker.
N .tii ran pa I. thanl at lllUtOH A
imon 'a.
Chop, chop, chop fel
Produce Co.
Tb delayed trab feast will te
held at Newport Sunday.
Go to the Hutler Produce Co. for
vetch, elover or cheat hay.
Thomas Davis, a.srssor for Ben
ton county, was down this werk.
Miss Pearl Pereival is saleslad.
in Grogs' store during hop picking
I. If. Ingram !ft this week on i
reconnoitering trip in Eastern Ore
Mr. Decksrbach, manager of th
Balem brewery, was in town yester
day. "
John Mills of Salem attended the trip
funeral fhe late Chas. Mattison
Tom Jackson, with about 100
Sileti Indians, are picking hops in
the Rose yard.
The Lee Willard company is
playing in Salem this week. Tbey
are expected here.
John Grant and J. J. Williams
attended the funeral of Councilman
Mattison Tuesday.
If you have hop land to sell or
hop yards to sell or rent, list with
Lyon & Dickinson, now.
If you are in need of dentistry
see Dr. Nehrbas over Inde
pendence National Bank.
You need abundance of So-boss-80
this weather. The place to get
it is at Huston & Simon's.
Wm. Mattison is up from Ab
toria, having come to attend the
funeral of his brother, Chas. A.
Don't forget the joint sale of Geo.
Whiteaker and Gld Newton at the
lat'.er'a place near Monmouth on
the 23th.
John Belt has been appointed
deputy Bheriff, to serve during the
season at the Horst hop yard and
in that vicinity.
Dr. Clay, of Salem, took in the
Hop Center of Oregon this week.
The doctor will make occasional
visits to the Krebs yard.
Mrs Goodman returned to her
home in Cottage Grove Wednes
day after three week? visit with
friends in Independence.
B. F. Smith was in from Lewis
ville tbis week. He reports that
twfintv or more Dickers can find
The Anthony Sovel ko.Uk and!
! kodak supplies of U kinds; alnoj
tuwrr;iju,a ,velopetf at Mciatu, 1110
I Independent' photographer.
I'hnn iiinkori will watch ill
column of the-West Side Enter
prise they will find thera are mer
hnii nrpnarid to serve their
" i c
every want.
Dancing at the Hose hop yard
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
rvenii e of eteh week during hop
pick inc. Good floor and excellent
Prof. Harry Bolt returned this
week from an outine on the Little
Nestucca. Two salmon weighing
twenty pounds each and hundreds
of trout were the rewards of his
hop yard.
daughter, Gladys, and Mrs. Sarah u ad roinlstrator of the estate of Hiram
Irvine and son, Charles, returned D. Foster, deceased. All persons hav-
this week from a month's outing
on Slab Creek.
return from Portland where he de- Administrator of the estate of Hiram
Hvered a couple of car loads of p. Foster, deceased.
mutton sheep
J. J. Williama was over from
Dallas with Sheriff Grant Tuesday
After looking over Ihe Lod yards,
Mr. Williams decided he could
alone pick cO to 40 acres of hops,
II. M. Ebbert of Monmouth, who
has been in Baker City since about
June 1st, was here Thursday. Mr.
Ehhort will no to Corvsllis this
week to engage in his business,
that of meat cutter.
G. W. Crimmlns, formerly of
Amity, has purchased the City
Feed Store from Y. A. Gray. Mr,
Grav'a family has already moved
to McMinnville, their former home,
to which place Mr. Gray will go in
a few days, after arranging his af
fairs here.
W. R. Siegfried, F. E. Bilieu nd
C. H. Davis are among the pickers
At the Rose hoo yard. These
young gentlemen have been doing
Btunts at the Baker theatre in Port
land the past season and propose
to get up a show in Independence
before hop picking is over.
J. B. Knowlea brought in this
week some samples of apples
grown on bis place. One Graven-
steine. twelve inches in circumfer
ence and weighing one pound,
showed a perfect color and sound
to the core. The quality of apples
grown in Polk county by those who
care for them properly demon
strates that apple growing may be
made a paying industry.
FOR SALE Full blood Poland
China Boar and a few gilts, bred.
Chas. Iliff, Independence. 10-7
Notice to Creditors
In the Couuly Court of the State of
nronn fnr Pnlk rnuntv. lu the matter
. r- I I I ' .
employment in the I. M. Simpson of the estate of Hiram u. fosier, oe
ceased. Notice is hereby given that B.
r J OLl Kb 11 a uccu nppuiuivu j
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Irvine and County Court of Polk county, Oregon,
ra claims a-jainet said estate, are here
by requested to present their claims
duly verified es by law required with-
n six months from the date hereor at
r t. - tr: - v.llo i
1. r. uevenH 01 aiuto 0110
' ' , j mv office in Independence, Polk coun-
passed through yesterday on hib tyOreg0D B.F.Jones,
Dated Sept. the 5th, 1906.
Baskets g Tents
At Right Prices
And don't lose sight of the fact that all our
harneis is manufactured from California
oak tanned leather, guaranteed absolutely with
out flaws. It is the best and the best ia the
cheapest at any price. Tonts, all sizes and guar
anteed full size and weight. All lines of leather
goods in the harnM tradt.
' Also earry stock food and veteraary edieiae. Yea are
reepeetfully invited to call, laspeet oorstoek aad get erieee.
New Styles
,in Men
Boys Hats
The larger portion of our Fill Oooth has arrlvcJ
and e are thowing a very complete tine of new
and up-to-date goods in every department. Wc
Invite you to visit our store, inspect our goods and
get our prices. We will be pleased to show goods.
Dress Goods
Walking Skirts
Muslin Underwear
Shirt Waists
Shoes for Ginghams
Men Boys,
and Outing Flannel
Children Neckwear
J Laces
r Kid Gloves
I V V Silk Gloves
' Cotton Gloves
; Handkerchiefs
Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases
Table Linen, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Trunks, Suit Cases.
Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is complete, and we can
save you money in this department. See us before purchas
ing your supplies for hop-picking. We can furnish you
complete. Highest market price paid for country produce.
W. -A. tiessrsef
Men Paht Sixty in Danger
More than half ef mankind over
sixty years of age suffer from kidney
and bladder disorders, usually enlarge,
ment of prostate gland. This is both
painful and dangerous, and Foley's
Kidney Cure should be taken at the
first sign of dauger, as it corrects irreg
ularities and has cured many old mm
of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett,
Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered
with enlarged prostate gland and kid
ney trouble for years and after taking
two bottles of Foley's RidDey Cure I
feel better than I have for twenty
years, althoagh I am now 91 years
old." Sold by D. O. Dove, druggist.
A Clear Complexion and Bright
In most cases a sallow, blotched
complexion and dull heavy eyea are
due to poor digestion and an inaetive
liver. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
aids digestion and stimulates the lieer
and bowels and makes the complexion
smooth and clear. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup does not pauseats or gripe
and is mild and pleasant to take. Re
fuse substitutes. Sold by D. G. Dove,
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends who assist
ed during the illness and at the
funeral of our husband and father
we hereby extend our heartfelt
thanks and assurance of apprecia
tion of the many kindnesses.
Mrs. Mattison and Family.
When in need of fire insurance
call on B. F. Jones, in the Cooper
Block, who is agent for the Western
Assurance Co. of Toronto, Canada,
and the Ge'mania Insurance Co.,
of New York. Both old and reli
able companies.
in tne jusiice weuri ior mo juh
of the Peace and Countable District Ho ! I
o, ruin v-uuuij, vi v.vR-.
Robs H. Kelson, Plaintiff, vs A. U.
Griswold, Defendant.
T. A. O. Griswold. Defendant: in , I
the name of the State of Oregon you !
are hereby required to appear and an-1 1
swer the Complaint of the plaintiff in
the above entitled action on file in tue
office of the Justice of the Peace in the
hove-entitled Court, on or before the
2th dy of September, 1906, the day
named or prescribed in the order ror
Publication of this Summons, made by
the Justice ef the Peace in the Justice
Court for the Justice of the Peace aad
Constable District No. 6. Pelk County,
State of Oregon, being the County and
Precinct where the above-entitled ac
tion is aendinc. and jou are hereby
notified that if yoa fail to appear and
answer the said cemplalnt as nerein
required, for waat thereof the plaintiff
will aply to the above entitled Court
for the relief demanded in said com-
liini. namely, for a judgment against
you for the sum of $30.00, and costs
and disbursements therein.
This Summons is published in the
West Side Enterprise for six consec
utive and successive Weeks, beginning
.th th. luua of Auanst 14th. 1906. and
ending with the issue of 8eatember26tb,
1908, nader and In pursuance 01 me
direetions eentained in an order made
by B. Wilson, Justice of the Peace in
the Justice Court for the Jnctice of the
Pcaee and Constable District No. 6,
Polk County, State of Oregoo.
Dated thia 10th day of August, 106.
Date of first publication, August 14th,
1908. Jou
Attorney for Plaintiff.
We do Job Printing
j a m in m m i m mm in m n w in a awM in a m-tm
Value "Received in Prescriptions
A nrescrlption may be noor in two ways. It may be put up all right,
but the drugs and chemicals used may be stale, or "off standard." Or
the ingredients may be exactly right, and yet the full effects be nullifies"
bpenuee It is poorly compounded, or put up carelessly. In such case,
no matter how low the charge, you don't get value received, which
is the essential part ef the transaction. When sickness eomes, consider
well the reputation of the druggist to whom you take. your prescription.
One thing we perhaps need not add, if you tiring It to us you are sure
to get value received every time.
nl ,,, ,1, ,,, in ,11 1 im- t r m- t- tt tit nt mi in -fcH in
Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting
Dr. Thomas Finn, ot Boonsboro, Mo.
who has oractlced medicine for 82
years says he has used every prescrip
tion known to the profession for treat
ment of kidney and bladder mseaaes,
and says he has never found anything
10 effective in both chronic and acute
kidney and bladder trouble as oiey s
Kidney Cure. It stops irregularitlea
and builds up the whole system. Sold
by D. G. Dove, druggist.
General Robert 13. Lee
was the greatest General the world
has ever khown. Ballard'e Snow Lin
iment is the greatest Liniment. Quick-
lv cures ell pains. It is within the
reach of all, T. H. Pointer, Hemp
stead, Texas, writes: "Thia Is to cer
tify that Ballard's Snow Liniment has
been used in my household for years
and has been foand to be an excellent
Liniment for Rheumatlo pains. I am
never without It." Sold by D. G.
Dove, druggist.
Daefness Cannot be Cured
Btatb of Oh 10, City or Tomsdo, I
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie 1
enlor partner of th. Arm or F. J. Chen? St
Co., doing business In the City or Toledo,
County and Htate aforesaid, aid that Mid
Arm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDREU
DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall'i Catarrh Cure. FRANK J.CHENEY, .
Sworn to before me and subiorlbed in my
presence, this 6th day ot December, A. Dv
(HkXl.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally,
and acts directly on the blood and mu
oou lurfacea of the system. Bend for testi
monials free.
F. J. CHENEY St CO., T.ledo, O.
Bokljby all Druggists, 75c.
Chamberlain's Falsi Balm
Thia is a liniment, remarkable for
Its graat power over pain. It quickly
allays the excruciating pains or rheu
matism ana makes sleep and rest pos
sible. For sale by P. M, KirkUnd, th
Druggist. - ' "