nnnns- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nail There are no lifller wagons made than the Milburn and Studebaker. Vuu can ret tbetu at Huston it Simon's. Dr. Allin, Peutisl, Cooper BlJg Ted Cooper ia Lome from New . . 1 ... 1. L . f... urani iioienson is uuroe jroiu ...... , , . , . . , 1 ha Anthony Scovrl kodak and loruauu. , . ... - . .... .... muii supplies pi u iiuid, airu :?unuay in Buli .looped at McCaleb'i, th 1 Independence photographer, Jo firown waa in from Airlie Saturday. Dr. Zieber pnt rorl!tiJ. Dr. E. J. Thorn ion waa iii New port over Sunday. Vetch, clover and cheat hay at the Duller Produce Co. Mr, Babbitt, son Dick and sm ter, Mica Bowden, went to Newport baturday for a short outing. The will occupy the Carson cottatre. Anions; the Polk county girl ho will teach in the Portland , n , , ichools this year are Mia Mollis! Go to the Butler Produce Co. for , , , ,, i . , . i . t i I'll iin' ii mill .iaipo i run m uikT- vetch, c over or cheat ha v. Virgil Johnson, merchant, pot A.J. M.ipley t.asbeen engage,! ma(itt.r anj elation Mnt .t Airlie. to teach the Highland school. WM circulating among the hop- Henry Patterson is up from pickers at Independence yesterday. roruanci 10 eiay over nop picung 5r d Mrg- Lou IInk of Bill Davis, theexcruciatingly fun- Pendleton are visiting their par v mm nn from IWrvdale ent. Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Stans r ... - j ur.day. berry, and will remain during bop Mrs. G. A. Wilcox is visiting New Styles in Men and Boys Hats The larger portion of our Pall Goods has arrived and we are showing a very complete line of new and up-to-date goods In every department. We Invite you to visit our store, Inspect our goods and get our prices. We will be pleased to show goods. pc:i S p JLJ DD w l I o picking. erty to buy. She thinka of moving I to Independence this fall. iih'U tnnt. Mn. Frenrh. at Mr. A. J. Catee wag up from Tniy TWrh. McMlnnville the latter part of th . week looking after residence prop iUlBS UQICU VWJTI OUICI IBIU1 number of ber young friends Fri- If hop pickers will watch the Mrs. Ed Owen has been visiting columns 0f the West Side Enter her daughter, Mrs. Linn Davidson, I prise they will find there are mer ia Portland. chants prepared to sery their Archie Parker and family haye ever want returned from an outing in the! Dancing at the Rose hop yard Alsea country. Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday Miss Mary Clodfelter is up from even,ioK9 ' eha week hP ' ln!.btn. nn.l Anna an) a.n.llart IUII1IUU Tiaillll UVI DID.VI, .u.a. I- ( The many friends of Mies Lucile f!lov Rnhinsnn will nreoidfl at a r . j . i r Durt were pieaeea 10 greet uer chair in Kutch & Taylor's barber gundayt She wa8 out driving for shop during hoppicking. the fifBt tim6 B;nce lhe Berious ill- If you haye hop land to sell r ness that kept her confined to her hop yards to sell or rent, list with room all summer. Lyon & Dickinson, now. I Wm. Ball has returned from If you are in need of dentistry near Jn. where h h"vbeven aee Dr. Nehrbas oyer Ind eDf1a8efor e0m!, weterkB W,tth .hl' . xT-.:i n.v. well-drilling outfit. He sunk five wells in that neighborhood, each of You need abundance ot eso-dosb- whicb was put down more thaa 8o this weather. The place to get ioo feet. it is at nuston a oimon s. . . , . Dr. Thompson is in receipt of a W. G. Sharman and family re wedding card announcing the mar turned Saturday from their annual riage of Miss Addie Fuller to Mr. tuting on their Alsea ranch. Samuel E. Phelps, at Centralis, t, -.1 o v . Wash., Sunday, September 2. Mies Rev. Brouillette, a Presbyterian , . tj . . . .. ! . . , Fuller was a resident of Indepen- minister of Newberg, will pick . , T ,,. j dence fifteen years ago. hops in the McLaughlin yard. State Land Agent Oswald West Mrs. Retta Powell and daughter pa9Be,i through Sunday on the way and son, Miss Lois and Barns, are .. . . thia gide ofCor. from their summer's vaca- va,ig Wbi9 BtirrilJg up the monkevB in the land business as a J. E. Kirkland, trainer for the vocation, Mr. West does a little in S. S. Bailey string of horses at the hops on the side. State F4ir grounds, was over Sun- northbound Southern Paci- day. fic train Saturday was nearly three Don't forget the ioint sale of Geo. hours late. It was five minutes to, n..-..i. a fiiA Wctinn ot fVm five in the afternoon when It latter', place near Monmouth on Ped out from Independence and home tion. Dress Goods Shoes for Ginghams Waistinss Men Boys. Cfl,coej Women Walking Skirts and Outing Flannel Underskirts Children Neckwear Muslin Underwear pjw Embroidery Shirt Waists J Laces Wrappers f Kid Gloves Kimonos I Sllk Gloves Underwear v Cotton Gloves Hosiery . Handkerchiefs Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases . aw . mmm a 1 Table Linen, Napkins, Lace Uurtams, irunKS,oun oases o n. of niAz nf ef nnln nnl fjmnv cvrnnnrinA is fiomnlete. and WC Can 4-1-.: l 4- CA iia lirkPkin riiivnlina. save you inuiiuy in tins uejnuuuuin. v; utnuv mm Trnn r ciiinn complete. Highest market price paid for country produce. NEW GOODS W. A. 1iessner LOWEST PRICES LEADING STORE OF INDEPENDENCE Why Fret and Worry the 28th Charles Jones, formerly of Dove Island, but now located on a ranoh at Yaquina Bay, is here for a few days' visit. Miss Elva Taylor arrived Mon day from Baker City and will spend three weeks visiting with her parents here. nearly nine in the evening when Portland was reached. The oo casion of the delay was the wait for the C. & E. train lrom Albany which was held in the latter place awaiting the East Side train which was three or more hours late. Trains are usually slow during the season of moving hop pickers to the yards. Hop Baskets g Tents At Right Prices And don't lose sight of the fact that all our harness is manufactured from California oak tanned leather, guaranteed absolutely with out flaws. It is the best and the beet is the cheapest at any price. Tntsf all sizes and guar anteed full size and weight. All lines of lathr goods in the harness trad. GEO. DUNHAM THE HARHESS MAN Wc.; Also carry stock food and veternary edlalaa. Yeu ara reepeetfuily Invited to call, !pect onratoak aad gt pricee. ham vnur rh!M hat. n wvffro nnld. You need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive cure for Colds, Coughs, Whoop ing Cough and Ironchitls. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Falls, 8. D., writes : "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Hore hound Syrup on my children for five years. Its results have been wonder ful. "Sold by D. G. Dove. "Make the Sun Hay While Shines' There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers whieh are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, di arrhoea and cholera morbus may at tack some member of the home with out warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which Is the best known medicine for these diseases, should always be kept at band, as Immediate treatment la nec epsarv, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by P. M. Kirkland, the Drug- glst. Children In Pain never ery as do children who are suf fering from hunger. Sueh Is tbe cause of all baby's wbo cry and are treated for sickness, when they really are suf fering from hunger. This is eaused from their food not being assimilated but devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them U eease crying ' and . begin to thrive at onoe. Give it a trial. Bold by D. G. Dove. Salomons In the JusI ice Court for tbe Justice of tbe Peace and Constable District No 6, Polk County, State of Oregon. Ross H. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs A. O. Griswold, Defendant. Ta A. 0. Griswold, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and an swer the Complaint of the plaintiff in tbe above entitled action on file in the oflice of tbe Justice of the Peace in the above-entitled Court, on or before the 25th day of September, 1906, the day named or prescribed in the Order for Publication of this Summons, made by the Justice of the Peace in tbe Justice Court for the Justice of the Peace and Constable District No. 5, Pelk County, State of Oregon, being the County and Precinct where the above-entitled ac tion is pending, and jou are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer tbe said complaint as herein required, for waot thereof tbe plaintiff will aply to the above entitled uouri for the relief demanded In said com plaint, namely, for a judgment against you for tbe sum of $30.00, and costs and disbursements therein. This Summons is published in tbe West Side Enterprise for six consec utive and successive weeks, beginning with tbe Issue of August Hth, 1908, and ending with the issue of 8etember26tbf 100ft. nader and in pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by B. Wilson, Justice of the Peace in the Juatica Court for tbe Justice of tbe Peace and Conatable Distrlet No. 5, Polk Ceunty , State of Oregon. Dated thia 10th day of Aurust, 1806. Date of first publication, August 14th, 1808. Jfc Jr. Jones Attorney for Plaintiff. i DOVE'S DRUG STORE j Value Received in Prescriptions We "do Job Printing A vtroatrlrtHrtn mav he tiAAix In two WAffl. Tt lUBV be t)llt UD all H IT lit. but tbe drugs and chemicals used may be stale, or "off standard." Or tbe Ingredients may be exactly right, and yet the full effects be nullified becitUke it ia poorly compounded, or put up carelessly, In such case, no matter how low the charge, you don't get value received) which is the essential part of the transaction. When sickness comes, consider well tbe reputation of the driifrglHt to whom you take your prescription., One thing v.e perhaps need uotuiM, if you bring it to us you are sure to get value received every time. MC. WILLIAMS, MGR. AT LOCKE'S OLD HTAND INDEPENDENCE In Great Demuud Tbe demand for Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy here has been so great that I have scarcely been able to keep it in stock. It has cured cases of dysentery here when all other remedies failed. Frank Jones, Pikeville, Ind. This remedy is for sale by P. M. Kirkland, the Drug gist. Don't Grumble when your Joint acne and you Buffer from Rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get In stant relief. . A positive cure for Rheu matism, Burns, Cuts, Contracted Mus cles, Sore Cheat, etc. Mr. L T. B.gy, prominent merchant at Willow Point. Texas, aaysUhat! be finda Bal- lard's Snow Liniment tbe best all round Lintment he ever used. Bold by D. G. Dove. llovr to Avoid Appendicitis Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Onno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures nli .nti Annah notlnti hu ut f m 111 a i In b. UUIUUIV tiUBM uavwu jj dviuiuimiiuB tbe liver and bowels and restores ther natural action of the bowels. Orl no Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Kpid by D. G. Dove, druggiak Don't Be" Bine and lose all interest when help la with-' in reaeb. Herbine will make that liv er perform its duties properly, . J. B. Vaughn, Elba, Ala., writes: " Being a constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver, I have found Herbine to be tbe beet medieine, for these troubles, on the market, I bar used It constantly. . I believe it to be tbe beat medicine of ite kind, and 1 wish all sufferers from tbeee troublear to know tbe good Herbine has doner me. Hold by D. G. Dove.