West Side enterprise Kttr4 si UJh!"' Ore, r1' Subsoription.$i. 50 Ptt Yat TSiireoxs tftl. fiimo (Strictly in advance) Tsr tea 10 Kg MMatM " legte eojy t4i notices 14 eeate S'! rttofett. Kates 4ipl7 drrtil sa4 aeea applicative. If j-ou only knew it, this idea! fall weather. The ruau Who goea hunting for trouble) should not feel tut appointed when he finds it. f-!i 1 - Ho will Astoria hold a sue cussful regatta with its citizen! all red hot at each other over a third rata custom house appoint ment. The Oregonian tnakea this unkind prediction: "Look out for rain September 10. State Fair and hop-picking will then be in full swing." Portland's latest directory, now on the press, claims 178,705 population for that city. Now listen to Tacoma's howl and hear Seattlo's screech. The city council will do a good turn when an ordinance is passed abolishing tho ' oard signs that swing out nfenace ingly over the sidewalks. assxmsa. i- Within the next thirty days therft will be a quarter of a rail Jioa dollars distributed for hop picking in the Independence district. See that you get your share. A car shortage bill and an auti-pass bill are two measures that are likely to be introduced at the next session of the legis lature by the Polk county de e gation. Nearly all the hop yards in the Independence diatrict are owned by white men. They are men who have h.d experience in hop culture and treat their pickers with all due consider ttion. Under the heading of "Car Shortage and Bankruptcy," the Oregonian warns the railroad people of the danger of the in itiative being invoked by the people. Representative Elect Jones of Independence has already served notice that he will be on hand again r at the next session of the; legis ature with his car shortage bill. Though be and Judge Harris were turned down at the short session of 1903 Jones is not in the least discouraged and with the sentiment much stronger now than it was irr 1903 to back him,itf is quite likely a car shortage bill will be put through at the next session. And ' while not radical, it may be depended upon that Jones will get up a bill that will meet tbe demands of the time. Valparaiso. Earthquake experiences are not new ones in the city of Valparaiso, which next to Santiago, is the larg est city in the South American republic whose domain extends along the shore of the Pacific for many hundreds of miles. In 1822 the city wae nearly destroyed by an earthquake and its progress since has been repeatedly checked by lib mw muk". Valparaiso, In ike latest consus figure obtainable, was eccordsJ Kultln of nearly 1200,000. It it !ocat on narrow U Ip of UnJ at the head of tbe bay of Valparaiso and it only 60 tutlee north of fcant!ef, the eapUol of Chile. It IS one of the old cities ol the new world and has a growing kipping which tbroeg the bay. The latter U sheltered frees all quarters eseept the north, which renders tbe barbor lees safe io winter the at ether seasons afibe yaar. Tbedty eoataiai theatre. aaUtfes, hospitals and a number of eeienlifio and liurary institutions. Tb streets, tbangb . aerrow, ara well paved, and tbe bones, gen erellj two atorlea high, ara gayly painted and provided with baloobl m. The i parts from . tb plaea, valued at. ebont 19,000,000 par annom ere chiefly copper, oppet ore, gold aod silver, wheat, Hear, tallow, bldaa aod woal, and tbe trade f tbe port is with the Eur opean countries aod tb Uaitad Slates. Valparaiso was bombarded by tbe 8panish fleet in I860. Few Uvea were lost bat a large part of the city wis laid ia ruins, the damage beiog estimated at more then 110,000,000. It will be re membered that it was in tbe port of Valparaiso in 1891, following a rerolation against President Bal maoeda, that aa attack was made br Chileana on a number of sailors of the U. 8. man of war Balti more," which disturbed the rela tiona between this aoverameol and Chile, aud war was only averted by Chile making an ample apology lo tbe United States. Life fa A PDMle Life is a puzzle, All sanes avow, But never to vexing A problem as now, Since the muck rake's been busy And stirred such a etew, Nobody can hardly Know juBt what to do. To eat you must decide on You will or you won't; You'll die if you do, And you'll starve if you don't. If you're sick disease threatens: In drugs dangers lie; If you take then you're poisoned; If you don't you will die. Th air's full of microbes; ; To breathe it is death, And yet, to be living, You must draw yonr breath. All money is tainted, As bad as it's painted, But to live you muit have it, . Whether painted or tainted. In water is typhoid, In wine ruin's brink; So when yoa are thirsty There's nothing to dnnk. Our grandpas and grandmas, Who were not so wise, Just ate, drank, and physicked And lived good, long lives. But we, with our knowledge, Fear from darkness so dawn, Doomed if we stand still, Wrecked if we move oa. No step oan we take, bat We fear we will rue; Alarmed if wt don't, Scared green if we do. Yes, life is a puzzle. i And bitter our cup; We can't guei it right, And we won't five it opt Baltimore American. Another Good Man 6dm Wrong? Ha neglected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first signs of kidney trouble hoping It would wear away ana ne was soon a victim Of Brixht's disease. There Is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney. Cure la taken at once the symtoma will dissapear, the kidneys are strengthened and yon are aoon sound aod well. A. R. Base of Mor gantown Ind bad to get , up ten or twelve times in the night and , bad a severe pain in the kidneys and was cured by Foley's Kleney Cure. Held by 1). G. Dove, druggist. Salem, Independence Monmoutb Stage Leaves Independence daily from Little Palace Hotel at 8 a. m.; re turning leaves Salem Club 8tables at 8 p. m. Fare from Independen ce 50o from Monmouth 75c John Calahan, Prop. everybody's Column i- . u.i. ut. Wikifcl. Lot. funmt or tiitillar uta,Urt Haoe -i - month 74 tta. WANTEIV 10 tons of good 111 bay, deliver! at lUWa bop yard Address A.J. wbiteeker, lode jttiidrnce. FOR SALE. Steam woodeaw, 6 hore power engine, ft-borse power boiler. A good bargain, ham tluhlmen, Independence, Or. WATCH FOUND. An apea feeed watch with string attached found oa the ideee of J. IU Stump an alia wast of Monmootb, Call at this ofiee and describe watch. . roil RKNT A 40-aora bop ranch for a term of one w wrea years. Houm and barn on plae. Land for aty with plao. Eoquix at this, oflo. WANTED Te rent a email reach of 50 er 60, aorta, furnished on .ahexeSi Experienced iadaiyiag, farming endear slock.Ad dreoW. H. f)ickns, Indpn. -dene. . 1 J WANTED A reliable peraon to onadoct a boarding bout daring hop piokiog eea. Eaquir of O. 8cbalU, at Oitenhelmer'a hop yard. FOR RENT A farm of U80 acras at Crowley station; 250 sores ia cultivation. For further par tie ulart laqalr f J. M. Craven, Independenoe, ure, FUBNISUED ROOMS Thre far Dished rooms for gentlemen, at my residence on C street. In quire of Mrs. L. L. W hi leaker. FOR SALE California Medicated Soap, good for eores, chapped hands to. Sold by Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr., Monmouth 8t. EGGS FOR SALE From Import ed 8. 0. Brown Leghorn atock, 1 1.00 a settiog. O. M. Sanford, Independence Oregon. 2 13 MEN WANTED Saw mill and lumber yard laborers (2.25 per day. Woodsmen 12 25 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to ' Booth Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore gon. FOR SALE Two seta of double work harness. Enquire at Dick inson's livery stable. CARPET WEAVING J. J. Boler, eouth of the Motor line indepen dence, is prepared to weave your carpet. Call on or address him FOR SALE Jersey cow young and fresh. Enquire of J. L. Caron, Monmouth, Ore. EGGS FOR SALE 8ingle comb white leghorn. Per setting $1.50 or two settings $2 50. Address G. G. Hewitt, Monmouth. 5-6 FOR SALE A good watcon, . team and harness cheap. Enquire at J. O. Davidnon farm one mile northwest of Parker Station. SHORT HORN BULL Good . short horn bull at Jones' feed Stable. Service $1. Cured Hay Fever aud Summer Cold A, J. Nusbaum, Bateavllle, Indiana, write : "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so .dis tressing that it Interfered wjtb my business. I had many of tbe symp toms of hay fever, and a doctor's, pre scription did not reach my ease, and I took several medicines which seemed to only aggravate my ease. Fortun ately I .insisted upon, having Foley's Honey and Tar and it .quickly owed me.,. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the! same sue eeas." Sold by D. G. Dove, Druggist. Unnecessary Expense) Acute attaoks of nolle, diarrhoea and dvmntM-v Aoma on without warning ad .prompt relief must be obtained, TbereJ no necessity, of .Incurring tbe ezpeoss of a physician's service in suoh cases if Chamberlain's Colio, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. Adoseof this remedy will relieve the patient befoto a. doctor could arrive. It has never been know to, fail, eren lq tbe most severe and dapHerous cases and no family should bo without It. For sale by P. M. Klrkland, tbe Drag- gist. ' Notice to Creditors Inihe County Court of the dtat of Oregon, for Polk County, in the matter of the estate of Mary Menerva Davidson, deceased. Notloe la hereby given that Mary E, Chappeli baa been duly . appointed by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, as Executrix of the estate of Mary Menerva Davidson, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their claims duly verified as by law) required within six months from tbe date hereof at tBe office of B. F. Jones ( at Independence, Polk County, Ore- J gon. - Mary E. Chappeli, Executrix of the estate of Mary Me- , nerva Davidson, deceased. I Dated July 10, 1906. i CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE . . . . BT THE BTJTIiEU PRODUCE CO. G L Hawkins , Xel.Or. Granite Moaatuan aad He4 toitM Cemetery work . ete. Farmers Feed and Hitching Shed Jones Big New Barn Team 10c, Saddle Hore Be Rig a well a teara ;kept io th dry. Uorwx boarded by day, week or month. J. N. JONES, lproPENCE HOMER LODGE No. 4ft K of P MeeU every Wed. nlgbt Io MlU-hell Mall. E. N. JOHNSON, C. C. J.' V. Richardson. K. of R and 8. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPBELL. BDILDING, DALLA8, OREGON. b. f. j o; n:e s A TIORNE Y-A T-LA W NOTARY I'UU LIC Office upetair ia Cooper Block INDEPENDENCE, OREGON SCHOOL OF MUSIC VOCAL aod INSTRUMENTAL Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt Miss Florence BowdenS State Normal School .MONMOUTH. Cooper Building.. INDEPENDENCE. Licensed Embalmer andJFuneral Diieetor Offlee Phone S54; Reatdeaoe PhonejMl IWDEPBNDMNCE - - - OREGON Portland Flounng Jill Co. General Warehouse'and milling busi ness. Highest eaab price paid for all grains; also grain taken on storage. . F. C. M'REYNOLDS .MANAGER Independence and Buena Vista Ware a heusea, Kotiee to Creditors ' j Kalian Is herabv elven that the uA-i derslgned has been duly appointed ad-1 mmlstrator of , tbe estate or u,. u. 1 FTnitth. deceased, bv tbe County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Polk County, j All persons Having Claims against j ths said estate are hereby otiOed to present tbe same duly verified, to-1 .thr with the orooer vouohers there for, to the undersigned at his residence in tha Citv of Independence, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 13,' 1906. Howard E. Heath, ! Administrator of the estate of E. G. Heatb, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Auk. 10 n I BIkNTItSTRY DR. NEHUBAS The Very Best york apd Material ' AT THE WCST REA8QNABLE PnI(Tf8 t extrmeitng With S9(irm Car $1.30 !. vm tm lswni s evs.e rimf Attariatewlibbeetteelb fAI aad AlitsnlaasalialBM pf 1W fmm mUh all mf. DBNTISTJIT Most Important In the runnmg'of a bakery Is cleanliness, You will find.'everythlng: scropuloutly clean at the Monmouth Bakery Pmh Bread bked every day. Evsry kf m.rk.d with lh Initials "J. P." Sec that yo get the J. R.Wd. Cookies wholeisle and retail JOS. RADEK MONMOUTH, OREGON. We Offer 526,000 ONTARIO, OREGON 5 SEWER BONDS Denomination - - - $500.00 Population - - - - 1,800 Price $103.99 A- iatensS At this price the .investment nets' 45 Per Cent fmto trtUlan wriUU Bankers and Ltunbennens Bank . How, to. Keep ; Your Jewelry Clean You can havr rtice, clean Jewelry and Silvejwara if you . . will try a bottle of that Silver Polish sold by , . ; Also fine for Q9 Ma A i'JO flsle with bse teeth $19, aad Gold lining oaly wHt mr aae .;i".Sf9pn4 5vStark gjtrjptf "z Portland, , Oifigpri w ' Jeweler and Optician ; cleaning glasses