f M IfsropU TWICE A WEEK JLVH JL jdXYJL JLVXOJllf- w v in v"- VJ1JLJLV INDKri'NDKNCl', VOLK COUNTY, OKIXJON, AU(iUST 14 190G. NUMIiKIl 21 TIUKTDKNTJl YKAIt. fBB'MHHSS5.3.52-3Wfl TUB nS Thit U equal a declara (pe down fr POLK COUNTY BANK MONMOUTH, - OREGON. PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00 Trailed a general Unking l.ulnnm. Drjioulu received, Loans made, Drafts sold. Careful ami courteous atleilloiiKlveii all Hctwinln. Orruiiw M Iikxtk J. II. Hawley, Pres., I. 1'. Campbell, Vle Pre.., Ira C. 1'ow.ll. Csaliler J. U. V, llutler, K.M. Powell. J. It. Htump, J. A. Wiilirow, I. M. HiiiinMHi. Large Area of Valuable Tim bcr is Being Destroyed by Hie Rcglng Flames b obUti.ed. I further investigation proved that j am in Portland f .r the jurjxw or the same parly bad been i-m justj 'aeturicg Ctrl fur my ccij.ny. tul before the shot.tlnc toir.ff in lh FrPfltt'afPr anil fTfinil fi I. IV I hsvo convinced since I have THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK OAPITALSTOOK,$5O,000.00. H HIRKHBERU, President. " " A It HAM K EION, Vice I resided C. W.IRVINE, Cmiliier. DIRECTORS. H. lTirwnM7g, I)7V. fwars, It. F. Hmitli, J. E. Rhodes mid A. Kelaoli. ArnermlUnklngndeirmnKebUBinetrm..urtd. Loans nuwie. 'BUli glsoounteu. uomuierciai cretrna grmuicu. i-jiv abject to cneci. Jl Fierce fire at One Time Surround Ed Detroit anil Ilie People There Suffered from Great Heat Cililc Palace Hotel Independence T. Ul. Crunor, Prcprlcior Carefully Supplied Cable. Special Jlttcatlon 10 Ccmaertlal Crafle. J o UNDERTAKING Day or Night Calls Promptly attend ed to. Fine Parlor In Connection. An Experienced Lady AaataUot. Pftcne, mala 27$ Re$. 461 W. I BICE, JEmbalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by Oregon Btate Board of Health. INDEPENDENCE BICE 6r CflLDREdTII OREGON M44v 444444 444444 THE IIKLIE STORE Largest Country Store in Polk County POPULAK PMIUtU o I Unt 44444 44444 44444 44444 44444 44444 444444 444444 444444 GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dry Goods and Groceries, Men's and Bojb Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hardware and a general line of merchandise country produce:handled Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Wool, Mohair and Farm Produce Generally Bought. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Simpson Bros. Jlirlie, Ore. Albany, Ore., Aug. When hope dud about been abandoned worJ Rat received here today tha the tOAn of Detroit hsd escaped de struction from the immeni'e fore fire which in sweeping up the can yon of tha North Santiam. 'flu fire rnging in the dense, standing timler back iu the mountains and . 1... t. n. Tl, 1t reports are that the fir is eatirg its way through one of the finest belts of timber in the Cascade Mountains It extends for a mils and a half either side of tbs North Santiam River and has also burned op the Breitenbaih Canyon. Detroit, the largest town in the Santiam Canyon, escaped becaoae of the cleared country surrounding it. The fire burned over the heavy timber on all sides of the town. The conditions at Detroit during the time the fire was passing, were something terrible. With miles of foreat burning on every side and within a short distance of the town, the heat was all but unbearable and the smoke almost suffocating. If reports brought down by Mill City people may be relied upon, only the rain which seems to be ap proaching can prevent destruction of miles of valuable timber. The fire la now known to be the most destructive that has visited the North Santiam country since pioneer days. Numerous moun tain homes and a great amount of valuable timber have been de stroyed. The two mills at Detroit are thought to ' near enough the timber to make it impossible to save them. Railroad track has been rendered impassable, and log ging camps wiped out. Fruit Is Abuudant LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDING STABLE I. W. DICKINSON, Prop. Good Rigs for Commercial Men a Specialty. Good accommodations. Horses well fed. Fine rigs. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Telephone 2To. 293 Independence, Oregon W.R ALLIN D. D S. ...Dentist... rainless Extraction Cooper Building, Independence, Oregoa E. T. HENKLE, BarberShop. MAIM STREET, One door south of Posti Office. Fine Baths in ooanectionjwith shop Ikdepindmcr, B Obioow Tonsorial Artists- ITOTCnfrTHTLSR Next door to Little Palace Hotel Sharp Razors, Prompt Service. BOOT BLACK IN CONNECTION. W. G. iSHARMAN Merchant Tailor Bank Building, Indefhndkhcb, - Obiogm Salem, Or. Aug. 11. There will be a great abundance of apples and pears in this vicinity. Lloyd T. Reynolds, who lives near Chemawa and who is one of the most promi nent peargrowers in the valley, will begin picking his Bartlett crop next Wednesday, which he has contracted at a handsome price which he is not willing to divulge. The pears have to be of a certain size and well packed, ready for shipment. Other growers in this neighborhood have also begun pick ing. TARGET FOR PISTOL PRACTICE Ross Nelson Has Narrow Escape From Whizzing Bullets Fired at Him From a Long Range Ross Nelson thinks it's bad enough to be tossed around by a savage young Jersey bull, but to stand up and be made the target for pistol practice is still more dan gerous, even though the man be hind the gun proves a poor marks man. Saturday evening just before dusk, while standing in the yard at the Nelson home just north of town, a man came up the road and when within a few hundred feet of Ross, pulled a pistol and took two shots at him, neither of which took effect, though one struck the house and the other struck in the yard, Ross didn't lose any time in get ting to a place of safety, which meant the inside of the house. 'direction of the NeUon home and wis seen just afterwanU in the ilge ff town coiiiing from tint di rection In addition the same party it known to have purchasrd a pistol and tome hellt Iroin a lors.1 hardware More a few dnjrt previous. It looks like a deliberate attempt to commit murder, fiut-h men are, nut eafe in any com HHifiily and should he confine! either in jil or in an asylum. Mr. and Mrs. JM. Hmith, Mr.) Another of the towns in Oregon and Mrs. Tracy Slant. Mr. d , that vottd dry at the late election Mrs. Walter Williams and Mrs. j voted a et charter under the Cha. link un,-l through from constitutional amendment, Free Vole for New Charters In Effort to Gei Saloons Mailer Will be Means of Taking the Question to t!ie Supreme Court fur a Decision Dullas Friday on their way to New port. Tiie Town Without a Marshal Two Days Because of the resignation of Avery Morphy, Independence was without a city marshal several days last week. R.J.Taylor rnd Andy Tupper were applicants for the position and circulated peti tions asking the Mayor for the ap pointment. There was no partic ular objection from any source to either of the gentlemen, and Mayor Paddock hesitated about making the appointment without consulta tion with the city council. Two attempts to get that body together failed, with the result that the Mayor late Saturday evening ap pointed Mr. Taylor, with the un derstanding that it would hold only until the next meeting of the coun cil which will occur on the 20th. Much Excitement Over Rich Gold Discovery t Ashland, Or., Aug. 11. The town of Lakeview is deserted, every able bodied man and boy in the place having started for the Coyote Range, about 40 miles northeast of that place, to stake out claims in the new Eldorado uncovered there by Loftus brothers, prospectors, who have been working in that district since last May. This in formation was , convened in tele phonic dispatches received here from Lakeview this evening. Fabulous in richness is the strike in the Coyotes, it is reported. A vein, running from 60 to 100 feet in width, of gold-bearing quartz which runs from $40 to $100 a ton and is constantly growing richer as the miners progress, has been traced for a distance of five miles. When the news reached Lake- view a couple of days ago every man and boy in the place who was able to handle a pick started for the scene of the strike. Trades and professions were deserted, the people, one after another, being seized with the gold fever and dropping their occupations, rushed away in a mad search for rapidly gained wealth. Every rig and horse in the vicinity of Lakeview has been pressed into service by the prospectors hurrying to stake out claims in the rich district. The monster vein uncovered by the discoverers of the Coyote Range mines iB free milling ore and is of such a decomposed nature that it is worked with the utmost ease. Plans are already being made for the transportation of machinery into the district, and within a short time a new town will be estab lished by the miners, near the site of the proposed mill. The gold is found near the Nevada line and the ore iB said to be of the same forma tion as that found in the adjoining state. water yesterday taking its alongside CoijuiJIo. Freewater and Co(iii!lo are the only two places that have by the medium of special elections voied for saloons but there are several others which are seri ously considering the advisability of following suit. Uoleea some legal action it taken by the temperance worktrs to pre vent the exemption of dry towns from the local-option law under the provisions of the constitutional amendment, which permits cities to enact their own charters, special elections may soon become the order of the day all through the dry belts. Some other cities are holding off until the issue has been settled in the courts. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, president of the Anti Saloon League of Oregon, has an nounced that a test case would be made. Anti-Saloon Leaguers, Pro bibitiooieti and temperance work ers in general declare that the cities have no rght to adopt charters that conflict with the criminal code of the btate. They contend that the local-option law is part of the criminal law, as it provides penal ties for its violation. But the other side is just as emphatic in its con tentions that the local-option law is not part of the criminal code and upon thid peiul hinges the question whether dry towns can be voted wet. There is much significance at tached to the Coquille and Free water elections, as they show that unless the local-option law is a part of the criminal law, much of the effects of the last election will be undone. Many of the cities which are now dry voted wet, but being linked with other districts could not overcome the heavy pro hibition vote. They were voted dry against their will. Among the Oregon towns that may hold espec ial ejections to adopt new charters so that the sale of liquor may be licensed are: Enterprise, Lostine, Joseph, Wallowa county; Wasco, Sherman county, and Eugene, Al bany and McMinnville. n here that the railroad has none Vj furnish. "This is the lime of the yesr for th regular car horlg hut have hern able to pull through ll e espon without closing duwn io former years. The Sun FraneiCf embargo, however, ha settled thing for the mill men and the railroad io, th't year, for there are still 3,700 cars tied up in the Bay City, arcurdirg to Mr. Krtitlpchnitt, auperiiitt-mliit of maintenance and operation lor the ilarrirnan system. This iiuiiit.er forms a goodly per cent of the Jim?' entire equipment and a lhm i iiri rOiHfit-f. Irt f-ftiprt a P'ace movement, we are lookine for an early ehut down." MANY MILLS TO ClGSE DOWN Lack of Cars for Shipment of Lumber Will Pesult in Temporary Sus pension of Great Industry Unless relief is obtained in the present car shortage all the mills on tht Southern Paoific system in the state of Oregon will have to close down, according to A. C. Dix on, manager of the sales depart ment of the Booth-Kelley Lumber company. "Our company was short between 450 and 500 cars in July" said Mr. Dixon, "and we will be Bhort about the same number in August. Un less we secure relief in a very short time our mills will have to be olosed. "All the smaller mills in interior Oregon have given notice that they will close by the end of the month unless more cars are furnished Very Fine Fruit the Result of Spraying Peter Kurre, who lives a mile west of town, brought this office several apples yesterday of the Red Astrican and Gravenstein varieties, which would certainly bo prize winners if placed in a contest. He will have about one hundred bush els of the Gravenriteins, for which be expects to get a fancy price. The frnit shows the beneficial ef fects of spraying, and a number of people who have examined these apples say that fruit raisers in this vicinity cau raise and put on the market at good prices apples as good as these when they realize the importance aud absolute necessity for careful spraying. Porfad Hop-PicKers Preparing to Come Speaking of the coming exodus from Portland to the hop fields the Journal says: Large numbers of east side fam ilies are making arrangements to take their annual vacations in the hop vards of the Willamette val ley. It is estimated that Portland will furnish about 8,000 pickers this seasou, and of that number the east side will furnish at least 6,000. Agents of the larger yards, in the vicinity of Brooks, Indepen dence and Salem, are making a house-to-house canvas in portions of the east side, explaining the ad vantages offered, at their respective yards, . in the way of camping, grounds, amusements, etc. Hun dreds of eaEt-siders enjoy no other vacation than the annual invasion of the Oregon hop yards, which will begin this year about August 25th, and last for nearly three weeks. Many an east side youngster will make enough money picking hops to buy his winter clothing, and not a few will be able also to provide themselves with school books for the coming year. The Southern Pacific railroad will carry practi cally all of the pickers to the fields. A few families make the trip by private conveyance, camping over night, thus prolonging the outing. Two Abk Liars. Two amateur hunters in the northern woods once saw a deer, and both fired at once. "That is my deer' said A. "I shot it." "No, you did not," hotly replied B. "It is my deer, because I killed it." A third party was approaching from the op posite direction with fury in his eye and a club in his hand. "Which of you two rascals shot my calf?" roared the farmer. "That fellow B. just now told me he did it," said A. And B., now thoroughly alarmed for his personal safety, answered: "Ha lies. He shot it himself. I saw hinx do it, and IU swear to it." XaW pool Mercury.