West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 24, 1906, Image 4

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Dr. Ail tit, iMitiit, Casper IW
( . f
Jrm arl Kn t i nm frin ihw
1 " .
Ji tvU" evrry day ; f r
Kou-i- Ui N'irl Fund
J ui C .10, j :
Tha lUur Hour Kraliig Club
uat at Mia. ICHthum th
Up! if tli ttctk Mid adn-ird vlF.i'r
I fv-r the )ar. Th newly lcl-d
t ! . ti. ik i ii ...i
j wi.ii.rr ari; r. iwjs.
broh-r, Charli, !. gn up Into j,. Mr, Cunkey, k,
Waahingtou. hify
Mi. J. C. Morriton and dausl. ... ii,ir.i i. ...a,.,!..,,
oupl ( rti veiling with L,ij
, l-f. Mi.. er tna et left 0 wofk on ttl HmWNr.
UV- ( 00k "Mlt, Ki,ulf 'l r4 0N-eM' lPuUr r- hultu. railed. Mr. Lrilt Infcnu.
NTrL .ort.Nr.port. Mr. D.Ih.rdlh.t ovn th
i Hie i pnicwn. i
tli ocin it Nje Ciwk HanJy.
JnoiUoUrlf, fleia hop r
wa iii f Independent HAtur.iy.
2 1 ' V
A jixui" builJIns?, 11 in Indjxn
dene fur 10. jL'you Sc lickinon.
F'eunnVnS Torpin liw 'U
thft bftrbT eh.p to C V. Phwr.
li.lt (HNidenoc vreUeYh"
l . i. I.ll'u.,n!(
i wi.KlnUhlV.X, bnhAt quit'.
KiriiWi'f rvrluritl ii spi
ting in Munmoulh, ber former home
pt.Jt lirpii'i'fiH fa rort!il J, Ckht t $ iU ihe 'cet it rmcbed, h will buSd on
jlerlt. , ? litof th wek. !! Hiul that r- down the eot tin to C JUr.
Vil)rJ i'rutm W-f'on t.ip "t it not to well natr.miieJ I.jtla l a nun that not only ulka
i.Newjwl thi yenr, . but build.
Th fla3i urtr.i on tbrir! Iiniqcndfiic Cirvie N CU buy
annual climb' today. A party of jilfcted thd roter of otlicrri: 1". (J.
CO Ifft ' Portland. ' The' objivlive; N , InHU Hoojkt; (5. N., Conio
point i Mt. Baker. ( 1 Hubbard; Hauke, Mahall Wal-
. .... .u I...", i lace: Clerk, Katheyn Jufn1; Ad.,
H,tf Portland iMBt I But,Mi ' M" M Oiayj
, . i .i ';. Attend.. Ntllie Uirsrd; taot. O.jh
n hour in town KrJ'y on tbr B
Cora 1U11; Mgtu-iau, Clara Tur.
vine; Manager,-Mr Hur!ry.
When in iid of. fire ineuranc
Udii ft. Kionr. in tho CV)or!
Block, bo ii agent far thtf Wf8teru J g
way from the Kn b banquet.
A woman building la cost 170,
0U0 i lo tx rectfd at tha Corvah
li Agricultural College. II. Snook
of Salem necured the 'contract.
Many are lbernw;lvc
! . t 1. .w. if:, a An innnn.
Lonn Hedwell and J. S. Cooper ' , . ..
main at home in the hop district.
Mica Opal Hall, a former resi
dent of Folk Cuonty and later a
teacher in the Portland public
school. 1 "pending the maimer in
Alaska. ' '
Mr. Will Walker; Mrs. K. C.
Eldridee, Mr. E. Nelnon and Mr.
O. D. Hutler entertained the Read-
ing Club at Mr. Walkers, yeeter-
Cha. McCready and A. S. New
ton came down from the tall tim
ber beyond F1U City Saturday
returned from Newport yesterday.
J. 1). Winn, the litiena Vista
real estate man was in town Satur
day. Cha. LiveBley, Horst' Salem
representative was in town Satur
day. , Mr?. Geo. Conkey and sieter
Mis Opal MePev'tt are at Nye
Soon be time for another race
meeting at the Independence race
Miss Orbie Taylor is visiting her
Bister Mrs. Willard Ireland in Cor
vallis. j A new front with corner en
trance, is being put in at the Gem
Colonel Sam Damon writes
from iBleton, Cal , where it is 110
in the shade.
NoexcuBefor poorly-fed horses
next winter. Hay is too plentiful
and too cheap.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Robinson and
little daughter are making a brief
visit in Portland. '
Mr. John Osborn and' daughter,
Mrs. Lettie Huntley spent Sunday
at Gladstone Park.
If you are in need of dentistry
eee Dr. Nehrbas over Inde
pendence National Bank.
Mrs. Dougherty of Portland is
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. P. M. Kirklandj ' ' 1 '
You need abundance of So-boss-So
this weather. . The place to get
it 'is at Huston & Simon's.
Frank Whiteaker and Sam
Irvine are preparing to start to the
mountains by team, tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mi Bonier,, trav
eling evangelists are holding night-
With hop and skip and jump the
There's dancing in the feet when in
the heart is song. . ; ,
Youths Companion
rune Co of Toronto, Ctnl
and the tie'mania Insurance Co.,
of New York. Uotli old and reli
able companies.
The New Fat LuuncU
Leave Independence Daily except
c; ii n ,t at R-SO ft. m.'
. J " J wua.uw, - -" "
and spent Sunday in their former Returning,, leaves Salem at 4.00
home town.
hia brother James, of Portlaud, are
visiting old friend in this neigh
borhood. They were both in Inde
pendence Saturday.
Victor Rebekah Lodge at McCoy
has elected and installed officer as
follow; Miss Bertha Munker. N.
G; Mies Stella McKee; V. G; Mr.
Grace Steward, Secy; Mrs. Dora
Miller, Treas.
Mrs. Tom Fennell left Sunday
for a visit with Mrs. Suie Fennell
Pipe, who has just returned
from Berlin and io now at ber
home in Eugeue. Mr. PipeB has
been pursuing her musical studies
in the old country. '
Tn Monday's Oregonian appears
an article from B. F. Jones the
lawyer of Independence advocating
the "See America First, idea. Mr.
Jones is in Jove with the Ecenic
wendtrs of the Pacific slopes and
bo is every one that has visited the
COast. , , . ; ".
With all due respectB to different
beers handled in this town, each
Weinbard beer guarantees its beer
as to quality and purity. With
tha Inrarn i mnrnvfimen t made this
O o tj w " r- - - J - "
ly meetings on the streets evenings, year they are enabled to offer the
. : . i 1 . A knQ.
J. 0. Davidson of Pomeroy and Boat eubject to charter any Sunday
e market. io, convince your
self, try it. On tap at T. J. Gilpin.
We Do Job Printing
The heavy wor-k of harvest time
makes it imperative that you have
good, stout harness for your teams.
That's the kind' we sell, and it's all
guaranteed flawless and California
, Oak Tanned. 'Summer lap robes.
. THE HARNESS MAN Indpndnct.
' Also carrv stock food and veternary medicine. You are,
respectfully invited to call, inspect our stock and get prices.
WANTED MEN At 12:25 per
day to work on the Pacific , Rail
way.& Navigation Co' road from
Hilleboro to Nehalem. Apply to
G. W. DeBord, Independence.
Sunday motor for Airhe leave
Independence at 7.30 now instead
of 8:15, th former time.
I , x, lr r
. . &?sb K EL fcL
j 'W'f
'M yif
IB ?'7!
W'c arc ready to furnish relief to
sweltering men. ' 5
W'c have cool, smart-looking
clothes lh.it catch every breeze.
If you want, comfort try a two- ,
piece suit.
o'clock p. m.
lem COooIet! IHili Store
Clocks! Clocks! Clocks! i
Licnel Enibalmer am! Funeral
Olllo I'lioue Kettidence I'lioiu- S-H
Office atairt In Uaoper Block
and between sailing date.
A. D. Pettyjohn A Son, Owner.
Ilnw'ii This?
Honarul U'.rphnnw and mlllliitr IuhI
We offer Ona Hundred Dollara Reward tor ne(ig Hlgheatoanh price paid for all
nj caw 01 caurru luai cauur, ui ium vj
Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CHENEY A CO., Tolede, O.
We. the ad'n'.nrt. haT. ln r J. Id(J ,ldence8I1(, liuen Vlata War.
Cheney for the 1H5 yeara, and beiieye iiira i
rwrfectlT honorable In all bualuem trans
action and financially able to carry out any
obligation! made by bia firm.
Wholesale DmgglsUi, Toledo, O
nll' Catarrh Cure la taken. Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the ayatera. iTeetimoniais aeni
ree. Price 75 cent per bottle. Hold ay an
Drugglata. '
Take Hall'a FamllyFllU ferconntipatloa
Asthma Sufferers Should' Know
Foley' Honey and Tar bag cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bues
iog, 701 West Third St., Davenport,
Iowa, writes: "A severe cold con
tracted twelve year ago was neglected
until it finally grew into asthma. The
best medical skill available could , not
give me more than temporary relief.
Foley's Honey and Tar was recom
mended and one fifty cent bottle en
tirely cpred me of asthma which had
been growing on me for twelve year.
If I had taken it at the start I would
have been saved years of suffering,"
Sold by D. G. Dove, Pruggist., . i.
Cured 'a Comrade of Cholera
Morbus and Saved Ills Lire
"While returning from the Grand
Army Encampment at Washington
City, a comrade from Elgin 111., was
taken witb cholera morbus and was in
a critical condition," says Mr. J. E.
Houghland, of Eldoh, Iowa. "I gave
him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remeey and believe saved
his life. I have been engaged lor ten
years In immigration work' and con
ducted many parties to the south and
west. I always carry this remedy and
have used it successfully on many oc
casions. No person traveling or at
home should be without this remedy."
For sale by P. M, Kirkland, the Druggist.
Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt
Miss Florence Bowden
Portland Homing II Co.
gralna; also grain taken on storage.
Here We Are
Real Estate Bargains
Large and email tracts at price
that are right.
The following embrace only a
few of the many bargains we have
to offer: , .
N0i i 570 acres, 400 acres clear
land, about 250 acres under culti
vation, fair improvements. Price
$25 per acre. Very liberal terms.
No. 360 acres, about 7 acres
under cultivation, log house. Price
No. 6 320 acres about 300 acres
under cultivation. This is a No.
1 farm, well improved and a fine
location, r Price $45 per acre, i - '
No. 7. For Sale 6r exchange 'for
acreage 5 room house and two lots,
barn and chicken house. Situated
in good growing town on S. P.' K. R.
No. 938 acres all rich garden1
land close to good market, 15 acres,
under cultivation, 8 acres A 1 pil
ing timber, young orchard, berries,
etc., house and barn arid other out
buildiBgs. Price $2,250.
No. 1020 acres, all under culti
vation; good bottom land; about 5
miles from Independence; price
.$1200. Easy term.
For sale 28 J acres all in cultiva
tion young orchard, 5-room house,
barn, good well of water, i mile
from rail road station in Polk Co.
A nice little home. Price $1800.
Easy terms, .
For further information call on
or address J. D. WINN
Buena Vista,
Will Interest Many
Every person should know that good
health is impossible if the kidney are
deranged. Foley' Kidney Cure will
..lira lrldnntr Rnd bladder disease in
I every form, and will build up and
State Normal School, MONMOUTH. Btreuethen these organ so they will
Cooper Building.. INDEPENDENCE. form thelr fun0tloD8 pr0perly. No
danger of Bright' disease or diabetes
Tlf. j TU DniMfinn. if Feley'a Kidney Corel taken in time.
WO dO JOD Printing JsoldbyD. O. Dove, Druggist. .
Tho Gilbert Clock with tho le
Lux lViululum ia tho lot time- -kcejtir
on earth . Call and get
one. Alfo fine line of rings : :
CHASE, The Jeweler, M0,!"' I
Ooer Indtpmndancm Matlonat Bamk
The Very Best Work and Material
Fillings 75c up
Crowns $4 up
Extracting 50c
Extracting With Sonnoform Gas $I.SO
Jonnaform Cmt Free In Extracting for Plaif
.SO Plalm with btjt fmth only $9
Jt $13
A f 15 Plate with best teeth
and Aluminum iinlngonly
fr1f A 20 Plate with best teeth frit?
plU and Gold lining only
I thoroughly undmrstand my butlntr and will
provm thm tamm by glotnga written muaram '
fa with all work.
Ovr lndoponimnco National Bank
Phone 309
The shortest route to Salem ia via
Hall's Ferry. The ferry has started
uu and will convey you across tho
river at any hour : , : :
i ' if
Most Important
In the runmngjof a bakery is cleanliness,
You will find'everything: scrupulously clean at the
Monmouth Bakery
Fresh Bread baked everyday. Every loaf marked with the initials "J. R."
See that you get the J. R.bread. Cookies wholesale and retail