WliyWcDon't SELL CHEAP Watches FIRST They brand you a Cliean John SECOND Ttmy do not give satisfaction Whilt with th belter grade you tiecome altachod to Ihein lor their fallhf.ilne. You (eel kindly to. ard ua and recommend u to your IrltMids. 80, you , It la to our Interest to aull voil tha beat waU'h possible for the least money. Oomo In anl we will help you it-led one. 0. A. KRAMER JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ZZ everybody's Column For Male, Kent, Wanted, Lost, round or iiuilar amice, three line 25 eta., one month 75 eta. FOR SALE At a bargain, span 4-year old, bay mares, well .watched, good lookers and goid oera. C. W. Price, King Val ley. 7-17 FOIt RENT. My farm of 227 acrea, four miles north of Inde pendence. Uood lay out for right imnion. Koi particulars inquire John Simon Independence, R.F. D. FURNISHED ROOMS Three fur niBhed rooms for gentlemen, at my residence on C street. In quire of Mrs. L. L. Whitenker. FOR SALE California Medicated 8oap, good for sores, chapped hands etc. Sold by Mrs. J. V. Richardson, Sr., Monmouth St KG US FOR SALE From import ed S Urown Leghorn stock, fl 00 a sotting. O. M. Sanfortl. Independence Oregon. 2 13 MEN WANTED Saw mill and lumber yard laborers $2.25 per day. Woodsmen if 2 25 to $3.00. tjteady work. Apply to B ioth Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore gon. FOR SALE Jersey cow young and fresh. Enquire of Thos. Reeves, Independence, Oregon. FOR SALE Two sets of double work harness. Enquire at Dick inson's livery stable. CARPET WEAVING J. J. Boler. south of the Motor line Indepen dence, is prepared to weave your carpet. Call on or address him FOR SALE Jersey cow young and fresh. Enquire of J. L. Oaron, Monmouth, Ore. FOR SALE J. I. Case 20-horse power threshing outfit, been run only 00 days; complete with; cooking outfit. 10 bundle racks, eteel water tank pump, ana iann trucki. Will sell at a bargain or trade far real estate Call on or address Edward Rex or Win. Simon, or John Simon, Inde pendence, R. P. D. EGGS FOR SALE Single comb white leghorn. Per setting If 1.50 or two settings $2 50. Address G. G. Hewitt, Monmouth. 5-6 EGGS FOR HATCHING From Silver Lace Wyauduttes; also Srst cla?s brood for sale. Mrs II. A. Bice. FOR SALE A good wagon, team and harnet-s cheap. Enquire at J, O. Davidson farm one mile northwest of Parker Station. SHORT HORN BULL Good shorthorn bull at Jones' feed Stable. Service $1. It will be remembered that Mr. Ml awber "went Into coals" while wait ing for something to turn up. If a bil lion dollar trust is really being formed to control the price of coal, something la likely to turn up sure enough. Unless Constitutional Democracy In Eussla meets with a holdup country delegates to tbe douma will soon Insist on being introduced to Mrs. Oar, kiss ing the baby and staying to dinner. A rare volume of Poe's recently sold tor $1,500, which shows that the coun try Is In no hurry to drop him because he was turned down without regrets by the New York Hall of Fame. lb loniwaa La ad I'roiraiMW. V ln'ti rmr'a mlnmiiu U-fur lh ilouiua. In auawvr In dxiimulla of tii t oiislituiluiisl iwiiHM-ritfa, itIImhI their prouramiua for land dis tribution swplnif dfiilul of tli rltit of julval ownership not only f laud, but of very other kind of pr- rty, bo w ullty of nilsoonsiruitlon ail raluinuy. Tha out and out aortal- lata liav aottio iowr lu Itusala and r nut without voli-o In Ihe uallonnl aatuulily. Hut aa a matter of fart tlm laud irograuimo framed by tbo t'ou otltutloual Democrat to tu-t the nfU of tbo peasants, which Premier Coromykln aw ma to bar confusod with that of tha Burial Imuim-rata who have been romlalujf every tliiiut lu felht to tha Ignorant uiujlka-gue no further In th way of couft-iitlou Uiau dota Uia Wyudhaui html iur haM act now working In Irrlnud. It la a toxical conclualou to the MnMnt "mnn- cliatlJu and amoltoratlou biguu by alcxaiiili-r II. and ini'rcly alnia to vx tend the illratiou of the nicaauroa of relluf luMiltuled by the niurdored war. It la not proiioeixl by the ruling rl inent In the douina to ronflacate, but to leu ite crown and other bind. In thHr addreaa to the Uirone the rprpuciita tlvna aald. "rarllameut would not be i doing Ita duty If It did not make a law for the aatlafart'on of the neede of the suffering peaannts by the aid of X rown domain, niouantlc lunda and the com pulsory exprojirlatlon of bind belong ing to the owners of eittatea." Tho crown and church Innda wore to be lea nod and expropriation applied only to landa lying untitled or now leaned for money or occupied by pennants who pay rental for It J work on the aen araio jiropc ty of their landlord. 1-and to t f inil f.ii- o now must t paid for very much r.a Lincoln proponed a comiilwry anle to the nation for mauumlnalou of the sluvca at the be ginning of tho war. The douma'a l;.nd protrrauitue spe cially exempts from expropriation pri vate estates not exceiHlIng In extent the limit fixed lu any given dlHtrlct for peusant occupiers; also grilling binds belonging to villages, municipal land and estates of r-emstvos, cdm-atioual and benevolent Institutions. This plan would not inuke war uion Individual ownership, as the premier charged, but would strengthen It by defining in law the prluelpl nnd extent of Individual owucwhlp. The programme of the ItUHHlnn socialists Is sweeping nud promises tho peasants free land that Is, on paper, but tho peasants them selves seem to consider It a wild scheme, Impossible of realization. The truth Is that tho land programme of the doumn aeema to outside view high ly conscientious nnd conservative In stend of radical and sweeping. The laud Is there, and starving peasants need it. It Is one thins to toll tlie:a to seize It and quite another thing for tho government to acquire It and dis tribute It by due process of national law, having regard for the "greatest good of tho grentest number." Londoners are alarmed over the vi bration caused by heavy street traffic above her subway system. Doubtless the big cities must face a new danger In their underground railways. Every one knows that a squad of soldiers or any body of ninrching men lireuk step In crossing a bridge, no matter what Its si7.e and strength may be, for none could withstand the vibration of the concerted action. Even the tread of a dog mny make a bridge shake because of tbe regularity of the vibration. Sci ence assumes that the shock caused by moving trains may be absorbed and made hnrmless, but to what extent re mains to be seen. Atlanta Is getting ready to have an exposition In 1010. As our world's fairs have followed the "course of em pire" lu a pretty straight line west ward since 1870, beginning at Phila delphia and ending at Portland, It Is about 'time to swerve southward and show that American civilization doesn't stick to one rut. Tho international postal union has simplified the postage muddle by fix ing the unit of weight for letters at one ounce for all countries, the same as It Is In the United States. The ad ditional postage has likewise been cut down from 5 to 3 cents for each ounce above the single rate. The young king of Spain likes what the boys call a goot time, and he will probably soon-regard the throne as "in tbe way." There Is nothing lu the re cent history of his country to glorify him, though Spain has improved in con dition on account of the merited thrash ing she has received. The one objection to placing the pic ture of John Paul Jones on a postage stamp Is the certainty of a revival of the old gag about that being the only possible way to lick him. A genuine earthquake can make mis chief for a sea level canal as easily as for a lock system. All canals look alike to Nature when she gets to tear ing things. Wltb tin ore selling for $SG0 a ton at the mines It Is all right to say that a person rolling In money "has got tbo tin." f IlitwbU Ptosis ra. When fmt caUinltlr Ilk tl Hal tlimr fliw, lit (lalvwiUMi tl.U tin and the dtwirui'llnn of two Kranclaco iwwp away palace of wi-altli and tha victim go to work In flor Ihfiu ami treu lo build Ix-iiiT, w li-ir of jtha Hold plonwr ai'lrlt of tm Amurl- cau iph- It I . Uo rat with tl It la an umior 10 wiong i icMt lii-rolc rllliu-iis aul to dw-ll lu Ilia lit ml wuor such thing re not phruitiieiinl, but come aa a matter of roiirae. Hut tuere are unher alded calttiultlea all over till lrd country tvrry day thai point the enuie moral. Korent Urea, tornadoes, cloud burnt and rain flil. toauy nothing of Inuu merable fire which wine out town and village, are coUMiMiKly driving coininuiiltl.- from tlielr h.uiie. leaving wreck iM-hliid and bringing Mverty to thousand who have only tlylr bare hands with which to rtor wh. they have loat Capital I alwaya ready to rebuild a city ou an tabllhed com mercial alte. Hut the farmer bna only bla miiiM'Ie to fall back ou; the farm village must Ix'glii wltb atiaiitiea aud struggle along for year uutll It reach ea the palutgd cottage aud brick atore atage again. Here la wbert tbe Amer ican spirit I aeen at It Client, the aplr It, the Indomitable pluck that uerved tbe early ploneew when they punned from the coast through the wilderness barrier over the plain and acroas the Ilu kits. Their case I not so dramatic aa when a city Is rased In a night. Tbclr sufferings are unaoen, almost un noted, by the world, and they etrugglo to their feet again uuchcered except by their own courageous hope. A I5IM to Abolish. Borne of the radical labor meinbew of tho Hrltlsu house of common pro pose to abolish the house of lords Just to get rid of the p'r as an obstacle to lalsir legislation. This recall Bandy'a plan to "Joost abolish sin" when It was found that the existence of evil was a touTh imt for theology to crack. Abolishing tbe bouse of lords Is not, however, au original Idea with the lalxM men. Tbe commouew of England have often yilked that way, but the upper chamber Is there yet with Miwer to obstruct legislation "of the people, by the people, for tlie people." The particular act of the lords which raised the Ire of the British working men was their refusal to bar foreign laborers from the English markets when tbt-iv Is a strike ou. The labor Ites threatened to appeal to the coun try ou this single Issue unless the gov ernment should take action to oust the lords from power. It Is not at all probable that the bouse of lords will ever be nbolislnd at the bauds of labor or any other factor In British polities. England would not be England with out Its lords any more than without Its crown. So the labor men and all the commoners who stand for aboli tion on general principles must make the best of It and look upon the lords evil as the orthodox world does upon the mission of sin something to keep good people busy. Africa Is a remarkable case In point where a land scramble did not lead to International war. Great Britain has secured perhaps the only share of tbe vast territory In which men of Euro pean descent could live and prosper. France about equals Great Britain lu the area of her African possessions, but one-half of her territory lies In the great Sahara desert. Together these powers now control nearly two-thirds of Africa, and each of them alone con trols more than any other two com bined. After a few samples of earthquake prediction by that new bureau of seis mology the public will be In a mood to echo the sentiments of the alleged horse thief who was strung up a cou ple of times and then let go, "Might as well kill me as scare me to death." It Is refreshing to observe the manly and generous attitude of Nogl In de fending Stoessel against the attacks of the bureaucrats of Kussia. Nogl knows better than any one else that the Rus sians had to get out of Port Arthur, no matter who was in command. Mr. Carnegie has arranged for the publication of a book on the Chinese language. If spelling reform Is not part of the scheme at present It Is bound to come, for knowing ones Bay 'that Chinese spelling is as twisted as the writing. Perhaps the douma did not make It sufficiently plain to the czar that If he grants amnesty to the political prison ers the douma would arrange to se cure amnesty for him. What becomes of all the buttermUk that happens in seasons when drinking it is not a iad always has been and very likely always will be a mystery. H. C. Wells, the English writer, says America will produce a Shakespeare. Now the American authors cannot be seen because of the blushes. 1 The chapter entitled "Exiled to Sibe ria" is one of the things of the o:1 regime In Russia still bearing the legend. "To be continued." Nuniinoria In lb County Court of tbe Htaie of .')... .. p,.ii 'n,ftrt . Irvlnr, riaililKf, V Kll A. Mrrlilow, Ivfrul nl: In the liameof ll htaie o Ore gon yu are hrrly aunimonrd aud r Ulrd la apjvwr ami answer tbe coin plaint of lb plaintiff la Iba alve en tilled suit tiuw ou file In the i.fllr ot tbe Clerk lathe above entitled Court on or In-fore the last day ineiit lotted and named or piescrlbrd la tbe order for publication of this Numinous made by the County Judge of Polk County, hist uf Oregon, being tbe County where tb above entitled aull I pend ing lo the County Court of aald Coun. ty and Slat, which aald order la here inafter referred to, to-wlt, on or utfr six week from lb day of lb first publication theieof, and yn are here, by uotlfled thai If you fall to appear and answer the aald complaint as bete In required, tbe plaintiff will aply t tbe above entitle! Court for lb rllef demanded lo hi complaint, namely, tbat the defendant be foreclosed of all Interest in said projierty, aud equity of redetuptlou lo aald mortgaged prop. rty. That the same be sold d the pmoxeda thereof be applied to tbe pay men t of tbe cost and expenses of Ibis ult, and counsel fee in tbe aum of 125.00 and of the amount due on aald not and mortgage, wlib Interest there on at tbe rat of 8 per cent per annum from the 2tb day of October 1901, and that aald defendant be adjudged to pay any deficiency tbat may remain after applying all of aald money aa aforesaid, and for such other and fur tber relief aa to the Court may eeetu Juat In the premise. This summons I published lu the West Side Enterprise once a week for six successive weeks beginning with tbe laue of Friday, June 22nd. 1906, and ending wtli the Issue of Friday, August 3, 19D0, under and in pursu ance ol Ihe direction contained In an order made by the Hon. Ed F. (,Vad, County Judge of Polk County, Oregon, being the County where the above en titled auit Is pending In the above en titled Court. Daled this 20th day cf June, 19O0. Date of first publication thereof, June 22, 1906. B. F. Jones, Attorney for Plaintiff. Siiii.inoMS Jn the Justice Court for the Justice of tbo Peace and Constable District No 5, Polk County, Ktate of Oregon. Hoss II. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs A. O. Griswold, Defendant. To A. O. Griswold, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aud an swer tbe Complaint of tbe plaintiff In the above eutltled action on file in 'the offlee of the Justice of the Peace lu tbe above-entitled Court, on or before tbe 10th day of August, 1900J the day named or prescribed in the Order for Publication of this Summons, made by the Justice of the Peace in the Justice Court for the Justice of the Peace and Constable District No. 5, Polk County, State of Oregon, being the County and Precinct where the above-entitled ac tion is. pendiug, aud you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and auswer the said complaint as herein required, for waat thereof the plaintiff will aply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, namely, for a Judgment against you for the sum of $30.00, and .costs and disbursements therein. This Summons Is published In the West Side Enterprise for six consec utive and successive weeks, beginning with the Issue of June 29th, 1906, and ending with the issue of August 10th, 1906, under and lu pursuenee of the directions contained in an order made by B. Wilson, Justice of the Peace in the Justice Court for the Justice of the Peace and Constable District No. 6, Polk County, State of Oregon. Dated this 28th day of June, 1906. Date of first publication, June 29th, 1906. B. F. Jouea Attorney for Plaintiff. Salem, IndependeucelMonmoutb Stage Leaves Independence daily from Little Palace Hotel at 8 a. m.; re turning leaves Salem Club Stables at 3 p. m. Fare Irom Independen ce 50c from Monmouth 75c. John Calahan, Prop. West Side Enterprise for job work. Notice to Creditors .. In the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk Couuty, in the matter of the estate of Mary Menerva Davidson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Mary E. Chappell has been duly appointed by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, as Esecutrix of the estate of Mary Menerva Davidson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their claims duly verified as by law required within six months from the date hereof at the office of B. F. Jones at Independence, Polk County, Ore gon, Mary E. Chappell, Executrix of the estate of MaryJMe- I nerva Davidson, deceased. Dated July 10, 1906. Sunday Excursions on the Corvalli A Ks.Ufo It. l:. TO NEWPORT AND RETURN Sunday Excursion la Newport and return on lb Crvsllls A Kattern ICailroad will leave Albany .' .' .' EVERY SUNDAY at 7-M a. in., Corvalli at 8 a. m., ar riving In Newortal noon. Return ing, leave NewKrt at ft -10 p. 10., giv ing 6 I 2 hours si the finest resort In the west. Health, rest and pleasure lor the weary worker. Three-day and season tickets from all H. P. or C. A E. Hints will be good going or re turning on 8amlsy excursion trslns. rroin Albany, UrvallIsor I'lilloinatn $1.50 For tbe Round Trip Connection at Albany with tha Eu gene local going and tbe south bound overland on ret irn. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. lves lodept-a dence fur Mon mouth and Alrlte 7:l a. m. !l: J p. in. iMfH Indrpen' oeiiee for Mon nioutuaod Osllss ll-no . m. S:I5 p. m. 8:"u a. n. IVves Monmouth for A I rile. 7:.r0. m. a-.:! p. m. Ieavs Alrlle foi Monmouth sntf Indrpendeuoe, ) a. m. :6 p. m. leaves rmllas lor Monmouth and iDdvpeudeDoe. lffl p. m. 10:00 a. m. ' lves Monmoutt fur Indepi-ndenm :40a. m. l:l p. in. 2:K) ' 6:4.i ' 8:00 Leaves Indepen dence rr Mon. 2:05 p. m L'ves Monmouth for Dallas. 11:1 a. m. s-sii p. m t:9li in. OREGON Shot LINE Union Pacific AND 3 TRAINS FROM TORTLAND DAILY Through Pullman standard and tour ist Bleeding cars daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Spokane, tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tour ist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago and Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the bast daily. ; 70 HOURS HA Portland to Chicago II No change of cars THE COMFORTABLE WAY. TO SPOKANE ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICSGO, ST. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS CAST AND SOUTH. ii) overland; trains .daily 1 THE ORIENTAL I IMlTEb AND THE FAST MAIL DAYLIGHT TRIP ACROSS CASCADE AND ROCKY MIS For tickets, rates, folders and full information, call on or address, H DICKSON, City Ticket Agent, 22 3rd St,., Portland. 8. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A. 2nd Avenue and Columbia Street, Seattle, Wash. Weglve expedited service on freight. Route vour shipments via Great North ern. Full luformatlonfrom Win, Harder.'.Gen'l. Agent. . r Portland, Ore, ; Stage Line I hereby announce to the public that I will start up a stage line between Independence and rialem immediately after the river boats stop for the summer. I will do a general passenger and freight busi ness. Frank Russell. A' HOMER LODGE No. 45 K of P Meets every Wed. night In Mitehell Hall. E. N. JOHNSON, C, C. J. w. Richardson, K. of-R and 8. mm ffll BHfii m i -41 Vlli.fll b4iat saflr ci HsmIwooJ ICECREAM. taai ae af erssia bsuif fund fuf thasM pas by ch Utr o!iu aura tied lot ' th MauiMtur cf . IliMlwood Cuttsc f I Sj.-tioiitHuaaa, fsaaa i i r ibtr aalasil f l snv cturactar ia lissat- 1 1 wood le Qssm, In rids- II a) sad trrKxxKasa Wta u clw actual rkrhaaa of II Ks cream of which it fell naao&ctarad. Only Mrll frail, vfctabfeor ast Lton 11 ajrf4saBarU4rlarf 1 r r n it r. m. iir,uu mm WHEN YOU SHOOT You waat to H IT what rou are aiming at ' be it t:rtl, bjt cr tnifiU Val e Tir thou count bf fthonttnjf STKV'tSS. lor 41 yrs STUVtNS ARMS h carthd ofi I K EM IfcR HONORS lor AC CL'U AC 7. Our Loci R!i!as, Shotguns, Pistols Sen i 4 1 ' m utr i- 1 t it'Hi e Caiai I f foilil.i-t outfit. A f.-r fRiti nt tin!- H ahnotsr. Sal ) tl hTBVH 4. 1 1 yijti f j.n-t M-tai. hi; dirett, 1 1- frrtraj. ft tmvi r JJcauiih:lth!-cnlrT Aluminum H'-neer will be turwiu-dea I. r so ccuu m f taropt- i, Stevens Aras d TccI Co., P. O. Eox093 CHIC0PKS FALL3, LIAS 3., V. S. A- GL Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite Monnmente and Head stones Cemetery work etc. Farmers Feed and Hitching Shed Jones Big New -Barn Teams 10c, Saddle Horse 5c Rig9 as well as teams Ikept in the dry. Horses boarded Jby day, week or month. J. N. JONE5, INDEPENDENCE Your Liver is out of order, You go to bed in a bad humor and get up with a bad taste in your mouth. You waut something to stimulate your liver. Just try Heroine the liver regulator. A positive cure for constipation, dyspepsia and all liv er complaints Aire. i-. Ft. Worth, Texas, wriits: "Have usei 'Terbine in my family for yeuis. Won!- can't ex pr"fesb.atl think slx,tit I . Kveiy t dy in my household sre In ppy a d we I, and we owe it lo Herbiue." r5 Id by D. G. Dove. All the World knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has i'0 superior for Khuematism, iStifF Joints, Cuts, Sprains, Lumbago and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will alwajs use It. Any body who has used Uailard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. All we ask of you Is to get a trial bottle. Price 25c, 50e and 1 1.00; Sold by D. U. Dove. Feel Impending- Doom Tnefee'liug of Impending doom in the minds of many victims of Bright'a disease and diabe"es has been changed to thankfulness by tbe benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure incipient Bright's disease and diabetes atd even in the worst cases pives comfort and relief. Slight dis orders are cure! in a few days. "I bad diabetes in Its worst rorm," writea Marion Lee of Punreatb, Ind. "I trixlplirht nbvsicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." boia djt D. G. Dove, Druggist.