West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 24, 1906, Image 2

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    West Side Enterprise
WAI.TKK l.YON", Kmroa
l!nU"rl l Ii W"8l-"S Or, t
olll. is.xiiil-rl null"
"Meit me at Independence
hop-picking time."
The Indian wont J.ick any
hops in "dry" rountrie.
Subscription. $1.50 Pet Year
iiitrimvi ?il.
i'M-mrT!us hat
(StrMljr in Jvai.)
IVr ,l jjj
Hi iuoiiUii ,s
Mnfle copy l
He.lin no.ie 10 !n' P";
Rate on dltplay adverllning mJe
known on application.-.
Some are inclined to decry
the effort of W. S. U'Ren of
Clackamas to have the Direct
Primary Nominating Law so
amended eo as to regulate as far
ns possible the use of money in
campaigns. No argument has
yet been proJuceil against the
proposed legislation but the ef
fort is made to throw cold water
ou the proposal by aiming
shafts of ridicule at the activity
of Mr. U'Ren in legislative
matters. The government, says
the Oregonian, is divided into
four departments executive, ju
dicial, legislative and Mr. U'Ren.
This paper does net ussume to
account for Mr. U'Ren's inter
est in the adoption of the initia
tive and referendum amend
ment to the constitution and the
enactment of initiative laws
thereunder. Preparation of
bills and circulation of petitions
require time and money. Why
U'Ren's interest and whence
his pay are unanswered ques
tions. The work he is doing is
not carried on just for the fun
of it. Probably he has suffi
cient income to give of his time
and money is furnished by him
self and kindred spirits, through
patriotic devotion to the cause.
Then aside from pecuniary con
siderations it no doubt is a
source of great satisfaction to
Mr. U'Ren to see his ideas en
grafted in the statute books of
But what Mr. U'Ren has done
or is doing any one else may do.
He has no monopoly on legisla
tion under the new regime.
The privilege is held out to
every citizen and objection to
amendment of the Primary Law
11 i
or any other proposed legisla
tion because U'Ren favors it, will
not lie. That the Primary Law
be amended to regulate the use
of money is of itself meritorious.
Candidates lavished money too
freely in the late primaries.
Without legislative restraint,
corruption will follow. Regard
Jess of the inexplicable activity
of the U'Ren?, a law requiring
publicity of campaign expenses
should be enacted. Let the next
legislature take hold of the mat
ter. If it does not it may be
sure the people will at the elec
tion following.
The striker not having struck,
there was no strike iu Portland.
They are coining, twenty
thousand strong the hop-pick-
il.tdl not enter if I can prevent
it, E. II. lUrriinan.
On the roaring w aste of ocean J
on my tiny wave ahall to.
06808999989 9999 99869998900
oon my tiny
I'eautiful Willamette.
Ore 'on idivaicinn are handy
'at writing ill hedlh certificate-.
Federal Judge Hunt.
e 1 1 wL tin out
1 i i.:. .w..r.,1ni y I Ia'i in hia iH)
The Willamette I too low for " n w
" K W
The-i-meof-C, W. Fulton" iQy
would look nice on a federal in-
the boot to run ainco
and Eugene went dry.
10 a . . ...iI.,.h..Lam oak I i n m A
in New Mexico, Arizoniuus will dictment.-becretary Hitchcock.
be unanimious against joint
John D. is on hi way home
Wonder what he will think
when he bump into that Ohio
A Portland street car conduc
tor who has beeu working 17
years for the company is said to
be rich. Don't doubt it.
It will lequire a quarter mil
lion dollars to pay pickers to
save the hops in the vicinity of
Independence this year.
In the land fraud trials at
Portland, Judge O'Day should
! not object to shadows, as long as
his clients get the substtnse.
The newsgathering agencies
are mistaken in assuming the
public wants to be further re
galed with the Thaw killing
Bootlegging in "dry" counties
is not profitable when the offen
der is caught and fined $500, cs
was tho case in Yamhill county
the other day.
The Mexicans have never
found it a healthy business when
they went "gunning" for Amer
icans, and the threatened anni
hilation of "gringos" may not be
a one sided affair, as the greasers
will find out to their sorrow.
Dan Tarpley is nothing if not
original. He was convicted with
Puter and McKinley in the land
frAiirl hiisinpBs. Last week Dan
married and he had at his wed- gether with the proper vouchers there-
I J I .. t kin .AKlilnhin
din? all the land frauds defen
for, to the undersigned at his residence
in tlie Ulty or Jnnepenaence, in sum
dendents that could be reached, county, within six months from the
Brief and Breezy
Everybody would have more
money if it really wasn't any use
to them.
A miser was created to prove
how little real comfort can be got
out of money.
It is hard to climb to the top of
the ladder, but it is easy enough to
slide down again.
Sometimes the things we do the
best are the thinge that are not
worth doing at all.
The biggest fool tiling and we
all do it is shaking hands with
trouble before you meet it.
Love after several sights is worth
three times as much as love at first
sight any time.
A wife' yearning capacity should
never b lareer than her husband'
earning capicity.
McMinnville, Salem and
other points are having public
meetings and scientific talks on
dairying. What's the matter
with Independence where there
is a big creamery ancf in one of
the best dairy counties in the
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the uu
dersigued has been duly appoluted ad
ministrator of the estate of E. G.
Heath, deceased, by the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Polk County.
All persons having claim against
the said efttate are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified, to
I set 'em ogoin' and now en
joy looking on while Roosevelt
finishes the job. Tom Lawoon.
Land fraud indictments have
... -
a decided tendency to make ue- j
fondants sick. Francis J.'Vti'
Please see that no tresspass
ing is permitted nor fire started
on my 11-7 claims. Horace (J.
I'm done with Holy Rollerism
if "Joshua" don't come and fill
his date as he said he would.
Maud Hurt Creflield.
Jail the wicked Standard Oil
officials. I've had nothing to do
with the concern for twelve
years. J. D. Rockefeller.
A Tragic t'luisli
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak In the great North Sea dyke,
which a child's fiuger could have stop
ped, to become a ruinous break, devas
tatiog an entire province io Holland.
In like manuer Kenneth Mclver, ot
Vanceboro, Me., permitted a little cold
to go unnotioed until a traglo finish
was only averted by Dr. Klug's New
Discovery. He writes: "Time doc
tors gave me up to die of lung inflam
lualiou, caused by a Leglected cold;
but Dr. King' New Discovery saved
my life' Guaranteed best cough and
cold cure, at D. G. Dove's drug store.
50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
date of this notice
Dated and first published July 13,
1906. Howard E. Heuth,
AdminiBtra'or of the estate of E. G.
Hatb, deceased.
Oscar Hayte"-, Attorney. Aug. 10
present moro opportunities for tho home-maker, or for tho inventor than
anv mutiny under the in. Development is rapid and tho increasing
value of city, town and country property will mako any man rich who has
tho foresight to plant his dollars in real estate. Itoing free from extreme
heat or cold makes this wonderful valley an ideal plaeo of residence.
Dairying, fruit-raising, stock-raising, hop-raising, grain-raising, tho poul
try business and many other avenues that are open for the money-maker
makes it possible for the Willamette Valley to support in thrift a popula
tion ten times as great as at present. Helow we give a partial list of tho
many bargains in town and country property to be had at this tune : :
loo Acres $5fooo
No 1 A choice farm ofJlOO
acres 3 miles from Indeiendence.
All in cultivation; good improve
ments; price 1500). This place
cannot be beat for the money.
At $5o Per Acre
No. 2 Choice farm 3 J miles
from Independence; good improve
ments; 9-room bouse with hall;
barn etc; all in cultivation; good
land; 150 per acn.
7-Room House $9oo
No. 11 Lot and 7-room houRe
on Main street; household goods,
carpets, bedding, etc., go with the
property at $900
No. 10 Lot and 5-roora house,
barn etc , good location; $700.
No. 9 Lot and small 5-room
houi8 in Independence; $285.
No. 8 House and 2 lots,' barn
etc , good location; $900.
4o Acres $2,8oo
No. 4 Tract of 40 acrea, 1 mile
from Independence; (J-roont box
house; barn, silo, wind-mill; 2 acrea
in hops; some orchard; rit good
hay, grain or corn land; $2H00.
At $15 Per Acre
No. 5 Stock ranch of 1C50 acres;
all fenced; buildinga; part good
hop land; good range and easy of
accestt; worth investigating; price
$15 per acre.
Frame Building For $35o
No. C Frame building and lot
formerly used aa blacksmith idiop;
good location adjoining Spaulding
CoY mill property, $350.
No. 13 Good house and one or
two lots with barn for sale; $900.
No. 7 Good dwelling and half
block, sightly home for $1050.
NO. 14 Three good building
lots in Independence at $125 each.
Two separate companies are now ready to begin tho building of electric
car lines from Portland into tho valley, thus creating competition and the
lowering of both passenger and freight rates, which will still -further
strengthen confidence and create a greater demand for rural property.
Every town in the valley near the Willamette river will eventually be
come a thriving manufacturing center, as all tho essentials are here the
raw material uad adequate transportation facilities.' Better invest now.
Lyon &Dickinson
Real Estate Dealers, Independence, Oregon
Harry is as crazy as a bedbug
Mrs. Thaw.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrlioeu Itciuedy
This is a perfectly reliable medicine
for bowel complaints, and one that baa
never been known to fail even In the
most severe and dmiKerous cases. For
Modest Claims Often Carry the
Most Conviction
When Maxim, the famous guu in
ventor, placed his gun before a com-
, , e t 1 t.A .,nfn1 Ita r ft? I (1 If
uiwoii wni " - ""wP)v - 1 fill liee OI J uugeo, uw oiRicu no vui j'"n
sale by P. M. Kirklaud, the Druffgiet poWer to be much below what he felt
1,1 ,U,U Thfl
The Smile surecnegun wuuiu nwuiupii"".
I 1 Un 4Mil tirna i harfifora A IT Wilt
mat won 1 uome uii, oppetuo uu uauj a
Successor to
A. S. LocKe
face after one bottle ot White's Cream
Vermifuge, the great worm medicine,
Mrs. 8.-.
else but smiles ou his face.
Blackwell. Okla.. writes
"My baby was peevish and fretful.
Would not eat and I feared he would
die. I used a bottle of White's Cream
Vermifuge and be baa not had a sick
day since." D. G. Dove.
Forgotten but not dead. Dr.
James Withycombe.
Oh, for more convicts to par
don! Governor Chamberlain.
They'll not Oslerize me for
p.nother year yet. Prof. Gatch.
Even in h-1, they make it
hot fur IIolv Rollers. E. Cref-
field. . ,
I'm perfectly sane looking
from behind the bars. Harry
Salt to save and water to
bathe everybody Newport-By
I'll leave ungrateful Seattle to
rot on the banks of a frog pond.
J.J. Hill.
. . TT !
I'm not as sman as narvey
Scott, but can beat him reform
ing. Col. E. Hofer. j
Oregon is my oyster and Hill IWe Do Job Printing
surprise. Instead of disappointment
It is the same with the manufacturers
, ... v 1 of Chamberlain's cone, cnoiera uuu
Why not keep that smile on b&by a j jjiarrhoea Rmedy. They do not pub
face. If you keep this medicine on . . - ,., remedv wm ac.
JJUI UUttBL Ul Uii t-u'o ..... -
....BY THE
compllsh, but prefer to let the users
make the statements. What they do
claim, is that it will positively cure
diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the
stomach and bowels and has never
been known to fail. For sale by P. M.
Klrkland, the Druggist.
Makes the Liver Lively
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives
permanent relief in eases of habitual
constipation as it stimulates the liver
and restores the natural action of the
bowels without irritating these organs
like pills or ordinary cathartice. Does
not Dauseate or gripe and is mild and
pleasant to take. Remember the name
Obino and refuse substitutes. Sold by
D. G. Dove, Druggist.
Bring them to us. No substitution
here. You get what your doctor
prescribes. Prescriptions carefully
and accurately compounded by a
Graduate Pharmacist. Prices con
sistent with quality : : : : :
Only 82 Years Old
"I am only 82 years old and don't
expect even when I get to be real old
j to feel that way as long as I can get
I Electric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H.
I Bruuson, of Dublin, Ga. Surely
there's nothing else keeps the old as
I young and makes the weak as gtrong
; as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspep
sia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or
1 chronic constipation are unknown af-
I ter taking Electric Bitters a reasonable
jtime, Guaranteed by D. G. Dove,
druggist. Price 50c
Bowel Complaint. 111 Children
During the summer mouths child
ren are subject to disorders of I he
bowels which should receive careful at
tention as soon as the first unnatural
looseness of the bowels appears. The
best medicine in use for bowel com'
Abraham Lincoln
was a man who, against all odds, at
tained the highest honor a man could
get in the United States. Ballard's
Horehound Syrup has attained a place,
never equalled by any other like rem
edy. It is a sure cure for Coughs,
best medicine in use for bowe com- BronchltlSi Inrlueni!a and ftli
plaint is Chamberlain'. Colic, Cholera '
anil Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly
controls any unnatural looseness of
the bowels, whether it be in a child or
an adult. For sale by P. M. Klrkland
the Druggist.
- A Hard Lot
of troubles to contend with, spring
from a torpid liver and blockaded
bowels, unless you awaken them to
their proper action with Dr. King s
New Life Pills, the pleasantest and
most effective cure for Coustlpation.
They prevent appendicitis and tone up
the system. 25c at D. G. Dove's drug
Pulmonary diseases. Every mother
should keep supplied with this won
derful cough medicine. Sold by D, G.
Twenty Year Battle
"I was a loser In a twenty year bat
tie with chronic piles and malignant
sores, until I tried Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, which turned the tide, by cur
ing both, till not a trace remains,"
writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmvllle, Va.
Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burn and
Wounds. 25c at D. G. Dove's drug-
West Side Enterprise for job work.