West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 17, 1906, Image 4

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    FOK SALE At a bargain, span,1
4rar ulJ, bay tusrra, weilj
watched, gooj lookers and govl)
goera. C. w, I'r., KW,g Va!
I rC
Dr. Allin, Dentist, Cooper Bids'.
An Uuhinson U at homo from ft
trip U Southern Orron,
Jmc Hf'ijibj received a tcw,
louble-armKl sprayer fr0" Tuj"
Hup tfaturJay anJ hat set it to
work In the Perclvftl bop yard. It
Hointf ron peachy mow on the two ro" l t,n
tn.r.et In Impendence. j q( b
A. Win and eon were In from ! rfgittlerrd Jersey! through town to
I i . i I . r. -1
their Iwiville farm Friday
Hardly room to (stack vetch hay
o the field where grown, tbia year.
A good building lot In Indepen
dence for ISO. Lyon & Dickinson.
Dr. Zieber will be In, I)r, Butler's
va, m - V'VIUVt w " - -
office durinz the latter'a absence ing," yet several of tbern succeeded
lb nl ten days
Mrs. liOttie I ledges-Dorria at
tended the funeral of Robert Dorris
at Albany ounuaj.
U jo r MeA ot dentistry the capture of 500 Irou
- hrbas over Inde- That's nothing. Just wait unt
pendence National Dank.
Miss Ethel Sbafer is In Portland
for a two weeks' visit with her Bis
ter, Mrs. Marie Oosterver.
You need abuudanee of So-boes-So
this weather. The place to get
it Is at Huston & Simon's.
J. L. Hanna and family and V.
II. Roy and family are spending
the summer at Ocean Park.
There will be a danc at the opere
house Saturday night Music by
the Independence orchestra.
Judae Wm. Richardson of Spo
kane has been visiting with his
father and mother in tbia city.
Jess Whiteaker, Geo. Jones, Rob
ert Roberts and Sam Trvine have
returned from their fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Cusick of Spokane,
Wash., are visiting at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. F. C. McRey
Wm. McLaughlin, foreman in
one of the Spaulding logging camps
on the Luckiamute, waa down Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clodfelter re
turned to Portland Friday after a
week's visit with relatives in this
Mrs. Hutchins returned to Port
land yesterday after a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clabe
A dance is announced for next
Saturday night in the Horst Bros
hall at the hop yard. Admission
25o. Good music.
Miss Lucile Burt who came home
from Portland with a severe attack
of the rheumatism several weeks
ago, is cow improving.
Robert Dorris died at his home
in Albany Saturday and was, bur
ied Sunday. He was a brother of
the late Lake Dorris of this city.
Floyd Daly passed through In
dependence a few days ago on his route-to Salem on a business trip
way to the Siletz country to loofc at
timber land. Mr. Daly formerly
resided in Dallas.
Rube Dickinson and Word But
lor Inft. todav for the Bohemia
mountains in Lane county. They around Falls City and a scarcity of
will go by means of packhorses and laborers in the logging camps and
weeks. mills.
diy. They were purchased of Mark
lluribert of Albany and will be ft
valuable addition to Mr. Morrow's
dtiry herd.
The iogers were here Irt force all
day Sunday, and while they heard
reneated aeveral times "nothing do
in tanki.g up to a mildly boicter
ous condition.
Perle Locke and Clyde Williams
have returned from AUea and re
John Bolt gets back, if you want to
hear ft real fish story.
Mr. Hall, purchasing agent for
the Willamette Valley Co., was
through the latter part of the week.
He conferred with the regents cf
the Oregon State Normal relative
to the lighting of that institution
Dr. O. D. Butler, Luther Grounds,
Geo. Boothby and J. B. V. Butler
leave today on their annual hunt
ing and fishing trip. They will
take their vacation in the Alsea
country and will be gone about ten
Chas. May, a hop dealer of Al
bany, N. Y., was in town the latter
part of the week, inspecting the
Independence hop yards. He was
accompanied by Frank Durbin who
is his firm's representative for this
part of the valley.
When in ned cf firs iniurancn
CU on D. K. Jonea, In the Cooper
Block, who I agent for the Vlern
AurancCo of Toronto, Canada,
and the (.le'tnania Insurant Co.,
of New York. Both old and reli
able companies.
DalljHoHt ftrrvlre
The steamers Alton and Pomo
na are maintaining a daily service j
nn In ThdtnendUioe. The Pomo-i
na leaves Independence for Salem j
and Portland at 9;00 a. uu Monday j
Wednesday and Friday. The AM
tona leaves at 8:00 a. in. Tuesday,
Thuroday and Saturday. For
further information call on, Mr. L.
Damon. Asent.
11I Ymi No Ice It?
The Astoria & Columbia River .
Railroad Co'a latent Souvenir
Book containing 12 half tone views j
of Clatsop Bvach and other foliitsj
of interest along its litis between,
Portland and Seaside is making the I
hit of the season. Everybody!
"BDIH allM VUU nijl vv .
your order early to avoid the rush. .
Mailed frte upon application to J.
C. Mayo, G. P. A , Astoria. Ore., or
C. A. Stewart, Agent, 24$ Alder St.,
Portland, Ore. 7-18
I H V47.
! 'Wm
I L r 1 f' I
BBB . k . f . . m -
Suits that will Impress vou at once as
the most Stlish and Up-to-l)atc you
ever tried on. The more vou look the
better you like them. Salem Woolen
Mill Store Ready-Tailored Suits have
made a hit with Smart Dressers In
this vicinity. Vou will know why
when you see yourself In one. Price
$12.50 to $25.00
A large assortment
Cluctt Shirts at $1.50
of the famous
Salem Woolen mill Store
The New Fast Launch
Leaves Independence Daily except
Sunday, at 8:30 a. m.
Returning, leaves Salem at 4:00
o'clock p. m.
LloenftN) Eiubliuer
v - 1 1
Boat subject to charter any Sunday onice Thoue 354; Residence 1'bone 851
-J U. ..M .I.li. IHUM'r..Ur.lC - - umvuvii
A. D. Pettyjohn A Son, Owners.
Notice to Creditors
President Ressler and 21 of the
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of . G.
Heath, deceased, by the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Polk County.
. .. 1 t i 1
1 ah persouB usviug tiaiiu. n"""
Summer Normal teachers, the legal the mm estate are hereby notified to
number required for a grand jury, present the same duly verified, to-
RjiUm aether with the proper vouchers there-
Saturday and made an inspection o the undersigned at his residence
J r in than ti or Tndenendence. in Bald
of the Capital City. The report n. wl,hln Blx month. from the
will De puDiisnea ai me normal date of thiB notice,
this week.
A. J. Shidev of the Sunny Slope
- - I
neighborhood lost about an acre of Heath, deceased
hay by fire one day last week.
The hay had already been shocked,
and but for the timely arrival of
neighbors who assisted in control-
ing the flames, other damage would
have been done.
Martin Van Buren Leeper and
son were down from Albany the
latter part of the week. Mr. Leep
er is the owner of Jhe large hop
yard known as the Leeper yard,
near Albany, ills purpose nere
was to make arrangements for the
shipment of some of the hop prod
uct to this place since Albany has
become a dry town.
H. A. Bowman of Falls City
passed through here Saturday en-
Mr. Bowman notes considerable
improvement and increase in pop
ulation of Independence since be
was here last, some twelve years
aeo. He reDorts plenty of work
O a.
The heavy work of harvest time
makes it imperative that you have
good, stout harness for your teams.
That's the kind we sell, and it's all
guaranteed flawless and California
Oak Tanned. Summer lap robes.
Also carry stock food and veternary medicine. You are
respectfully invited to call, Inspect our stock and get prices.
Dated and first published July 13,
1906. Howard E. Heath,
Administrator of the estate of . Q.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Auk. 10
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
This is a perfectly reliable medicine
for bowel complaints, and one that has
never been kcown to fail even in the
most Bevere and daneerous cases. For
aale by P. M. Rirkland, the Druggist
Asthma Sufferers Should Know
Foley's Honey and Tar has cured
I many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeleiss. Mrs. Adolph Jiues
ing, 701 West Third Bt., Davenport,
Iowa, writes: "A severe cold con
tracted twelve years ago was neglected
until it finally grew into asthma. The
best medical skill available could not
give me more than temporary relief.
Foley's Honey and Tar was recom
mended and one fifty cent bottle en
tirely cured me of asthma which had
been growing on ma for twelve years.
If I had taken it at the start I would
have been saved years of suffering,"
Sold by D. Q. Dove, Druggist.
Cured a Comrade of Cholera
Morbus and Saved Ills Life
"While returning from the Grand
Army Encampment at Washington
City, a comrade from Elgin, III., was
taken with cholera morbus and was in
a critical condition," says Mr. J. E.
Houghland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave,
him Chamberlain's ColicCholera and
Diarrhoea Remeey and believe saved
his life. I have been engaged tor ten
years In immigration work and con
ducted many parties to the south and
west. I always carry this remedy and
have used it successfully on many oc
casions. No person traveling or at
home should be without this remedy."
For sale by P. M. Klrkland, the Drug
gist. ,
Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt
Miss Florence Bowden
State Normal School, MONMOUTH.
Cooper Building.. INDEPENDENCE.
nd Funeral
Office upstairs In oper Block
Portland Flouring Mill Co.
General Warehouse and milling busl
new. Highest cash price paid for all
grains; also grain taken on storage.
Independence and Bueua Vista Warehouses,
Here We Are
Real Estate Bargains
Large and small tracts at prices
that are right.
The following embraces only a
few of the many bargains we have
to offer:
No. 1570 acres, 400 acres clear
land, about 250 acres under culti
vation, fair improvements. Price
$25 per acre. Very liberal terms.
No. 360 acres, about 7 acres
under cultivation, log house. Price
No. 6320 acres abdbt 300 acres
under cultivation. This is a No.
1 farm, well improved and a fine
location. Price $45 per acre.
No. 7 Eight lots in Bnena Vista
good improvements, Price $600.
Easy terms.
No. 938 acres all rich garden
land close to good market, 15 acres
under cultivation, 8 acres A 1 pil
ing timber, young orchard, berries,
etc., house nnd barn and other out
buildings. Price $2,250.
No. 10 20 acres, all under culti
vation; good bottom land; about 5
miles irom Independence; price
$1200. Easy terms.
For sale 28 acres all in cultiva
tion young orchard, 5-room house,
barn, good well of water, i mile
from rail road station in Polk Co.
A nice little home. Price $180U.
Easy terms.
For further information call on
or address J. D. WINN
Buena Vista,
Will Interest Many
"Every oeraon should know that good
health is impossible if the kidneys are
deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure kidney and bladder disease in
every form, and will build up and IS
strengthen these organa bo tbey will
terform their funotlona properly. No
danger of Bright'a disease or diabetes
If Foley'a Kidney Care la taken in time.
Clocks ! Clocks ! Clocks !
The Gilbert Clock with tho De
Lux Pendulum is tho hest time
keej)er on earth. Call and get
one. Also fine lino of rings : :
CHASE, The Jeweler,
Ovmr 14
The Very Best Work and Material
Fittings 75c up Crowns $4 up Extracting SOc j ,
Extracting With Sonnoform Gas $1.50
Sonnfrm Cat Pra In Kxtracttng fr Plaft
Jttia.SO Plal with bmft tmmth
A $15 Plate with best teeth ft, try
and Aluminum liningonly plU
A $20 Plate with best teeth'
and Gold liningonly
1 thoroughly understand my butlnttand will '
provu thm tarn a by giving m mrltfn muarant
tmm with all work.
Over Independence National Sank
Phone 303
Did You Ever Try Glasses?
Some people receive great'
relief from wearing glasses;
others entirely cured. If
you have any optical de
fect wo can find them and
lit you with the proper
glasses. Yours for glasses
O. A. Kramer
I A.
The shortest route to Salem is via
Hall's Ferry. The ferry has started
up and will convey you' across the
river at any hour : : :
We do Job Printing
gold by D. G. Dove, Druggist.