West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 17, 1906, Image 3

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    flur urn tb Hull. r
'Idm Uii lijr ailiitil iwrliuil
f ll IJH'Ill f.-lltllt)- if III MM f
Ijilig laldliil will mil ("' M UI
la lh timntry, btil i!h hint I m fiHi
ini fr iMli. r ltMniion. lu iiiij aaudy.
() (Mill of I'Miif IxU'mI l.ltll'rllrHl II l"J
111" ipiflf -' ". . ' .
tei.tlLtloU llll.iftd I.. BM !
Up to m tuU tmk and pin'. Tl
plenty of f f III In ml nil aniuud N'
Turk. ai.ririiUiiri.1 M lt. l
Unit tli-ui'iKHali largely India eummer
rtwrt mid IW-I.I for ht i.
I'arta of II h id rrpuuilou (ur r.
ami early i-itulo.-. (nit that ttaa
If I In null of Umtf I xl'i ml I Tmh far
1xi)Bim mul ftiffMi, llm rMTliniMil
U lil ! I'M'!', mul alo general furiii
Ins; and dairying urHM, there In no
rraeoo la Uimmm Iml other Im'iilllli-
bave iieitlorted In nilit Unit lire stiff rrli.tf
from I mil rtiutallin and tioilili.it
wori Yni who fitful. Hint mum
Wlirw, I Hll Willi mill Him !......,
.ut to.-i. 1-l.i. k aolU n. w.Ht, lKil...r.i
liiK wllli hitvo only llm i-ru.l.-t know I-
,-,lK. of II HoilWlltl.-. of li-lnr..
WUrr-vr o....I.I..K grow, of luHf
...... l-..,r U.I..R . . ml,.. In,
ffi.,li. to Knv ml imy II w.y. It 1-1
oft,.., miM Unit rrruiu fl-M or .lirl.-h
f l. l.n- worm rultlvmintf. IVr -
Imp not for .1... .., run of ...r-
p... Mut ...HImhIh . ......Uiuily
,l.. ...,l II I. v..rT ooor .oil III-
....i i ti f..... .... -..II . ll.-llnit U nl. !
dffd-lii furl, tin w!l at nil -Hint I nb
oluti'ly ltiiHwlbl of priMlurtloii wlM-n
lroiTly tlllod. Itnlliin im-hkhiiU urowr
rli'li rrupa on llm rlndora and anhoa
prt iid over tho iHiid hy VruvltlN.
Ituula'a Una War Hero.
If Oimml Stofawd Imd tiled rathor
I Of m' onu riiii'iiuii- w-.m... .....w
fimn aurrcuiliT, a li orlBlmilly Bvj rN KU1 mlln u .m Th,.y wi,i,t i-c.m
4nt Hint lit would whru t'linrgitt with or ' tl. i' : rl for.. of tlnlr con
..... .ii uniiii iii if l lii'v woulJ tin loiiKfr l a
tint ilfftiitmi of Tort Arthur, lie would , '. ul lM.oxni., or np.
urtly Imve Immmi cmionlml and tho I r,.,r n,,nn. Mn it of iii o roiu-ite
, .i ....... ....... i.. ,...hii. ul nr.
I I ...,.,..1 Hi.. MI.....HI.-I.I r n mI
" -.
hero Ih-Iiik jilm-tsl on tho ruck liy uu-1
roauiTllta Who liovor miiollt-d Jiow.liT. ,
No doubt tho K"V,Tiiinfiit t'llquo who! Barm), ,,, x .a irUml., f tho .ci.
nilKlimiiMKiMl tlitl Wlir Would It fc'lnd to! pIi.iuM fall ci lulv..y lino tin Imnil of
tavt, tho tlKhllm out of tho way. j ";.o!- 1,
Tlioy may have taloa to toll w liou tho I wou, n aniiT thnn their polllna powr.
InVfKtlKatlnir colilinlttot. of contitU-lln the mcamWie Ihoy w.mlil train In
' nolltlrnl anil imk l;i mibjii-l I norm w no
tionnl KiiN-iu puta tho liiiiok rake at woul(1 i,,,ir0 Coiiilli nc. liiKti-Hd of ml
work oil Iho war lieili. KlvliiKno, n now. In llio mlml of tha
it,. ir m. fill,.,l to nlve ua a
luiMloru I.ooiililiiit or nnotlior Travla lit
tho Texiia Allium, whlih. unlike Thor
moiylnf, Imd tin iiioHMoiiKor of tlofent.
tio nuiilo a IIl'Mi which roinovoa him
ill? lllliuv iihui .i.it. ........ i -
forovor from the rostor of oowarda In cuke evldontly I.h.U.nI upon the a.hotno
uniform iloaorvlni; tho t-ownrd a doom, j an rntorlim wetlBt.. lie mild that the
KiirIInIi. tior.nnu. 1'ron. U and Auiorl-1 projwll. njcnliiHt oqtlnl witTraue la duo
Boldiors .ompllmontod him and the I to the Joi.lou.y of moil, who think th.it
kaiser derm-nted . him. while all the women would e. llpHe then.. It Is expo
world fx.opt the .-.irpet kiiliriita of St. j dlent. then, not to chfillonp. the pre
IVieiKliuirt npplaudod. At fort Arthur tlomlnam-e of men In publle affairs;
ti-aa wlliieaa.Nl the t.nlv teal alubborn- almply let women flalm the rlKl.t to l
ohh In tlKht evhlblted l.y a KiihhIiiu I hoard In a ronaonnble way whenever
)rpa during I he war. The aurronderl their apeolnl Intereata are up for ctm
,,f it fortresa la luilee.1 n serioua mat-1 altleratl.m. Ilnvlnff partial repreaenta
Jer. but so la the uaolesa alauKlittr of . tlon at tl , polla. women would p-adu-
... ..ii.. ih.iIi. , iiniMc.itviw fin llio everolso
n iiarr aon ao lioaviiy otneiassou iia,'ij
vna tho Ittiaalau In January, l!Mi5. The
world will rt'Ki'et to believe that the
ohller who braved Tok.i' Kim fire and
NorI'b battailona for ton itimilhs aud
only yielded to fa to In tha end really
merits death.
It Is tho fashion for optimists on
tilings Chinese to attribute the fre
quent uprisings throughout the empire
to bandits. Hut tho great Talplng re
bellion, participated In by hundreds of
thousands of Chlneso and lasting twice
s long as the American Involution,
was at first sot down as on affair of
local bandits. Tho first lloxer devil
tries were credited to bandits. If that
o called imperial government headed
liy Granny Tsl An really is Imperial it
will ko for the scalps of all the bandits
far and near, otherwise the powers
may take n hand again. If they do, it
will be all day with the Pandits and
3rnnny Tsi An, who stands for them.
The last time honored Institution to
-come under the ban of the microbe
fiend Is the sponge, that apparently In
nocent and certainly Indispensable ad
junct of the toilet. It is said that it
must be systematically disinfected.
This is what la supposed to happen ns
it matter of course with Its frequent
.soap and hot water cleansings followed
fcy exposure to disinfecting sunshine
And air.
A lock of Dickens' hair brought $40
t miction not long ago. John Bur
Toughs, Jeanuln Miller, Mark Twain
iind others of our long haired authors
might make a good spec, out of the
Jiyproducts of their pates and still line
up well with close cropped James
Whltcomb Itiley.
Aguin we are reminded that nothing
Jg so bad but something worse can be
cared up. Kven a dish of the prover
Mal "biled crow" appeals alongside of
ome people's potted chicken and hog
4'hoiera sausage.
The seventeen year locusts now hop
ping around-the country will have to
-"allow" this peace loving age before It
tll believe the "W" on their wings
jitpells war.
A technical writer states that "man
iay now fly at will." That may be
true, but the old trouble about coming
lown right side up continues.
Spaniards call her "La relna En a"
. nd pronounce her "La rayna Ayna,"
'. imt by any name she will be as sweet
to my dear Alfons.
Half al II foil.
im irf um l't ! uf Ht Jili
. ) .fikf, lliw fM.ll ii:;liti ludnsl,
Ht.a dii-l rrwul.jf,
lark HJMill Uiall'a UtlM-i!)f f the lal-
M, miiiiii-l wiili a i'litu fr raiei-
tH. it jiin nini ii i! i.i i:Mtiiiiiu'ii,
' Hi'l' Uub "ft"""1
lit llii Mii"M-iiclfiil tiet ', limy b
linllw.1 (khii l lli rn'iil ili -iiitra-lion
of I hi unrBil. liM Ul li
Hit ftuUUn tit m lrli'ii.iiiii frm llm
tlollititi' ul!i ry III lt lnu of rll-liii-itl
Hut wiuiiiiii, Iwl'iiiil wl'b the
rplril of lli In Mir, irful In y l-r
luniiiiii 11 U au lio lm llii tvrv
MUitntiv il irllaiiinl, rv. Mlliitf Hi
T.i(iI if lli friiullli lliT mul of
htl.iin II. Autlioiijr ti llii ritiiulr
rn.iln-l umilnii liiin r'iruU
ll'iii. Afii-r dki'd liliiit Hi" ili(i Hl nl l
gill KtittttM of woiiiiiu In l'ui;!itiiil, Mr.
tlolviMtko oliwrvs llml llrriil Mur-
- . i,
"' 1 Ml"'f," w,,","
'"'"'- """ ' 1
rl Ul ...X wo.imiu unT l..ov.
. "" '''' ' ...... . of r.-
t h-T
- ' I""'1"' "f",r -
! l!" giut c.,..,.! H.Htl..l
! rlUt- f-r w.....-u ...-;..,.l . nm..r,-
"- I-h t l.y wl.h-U w on wouUI
.'' rM-riwoniiUm .n.1 -rb... -
'I'" l'w-r lit lli poll. t U.I-:
Why hruM riot w onion ( l'li lh
iinrti form u n ! lorul ,'ollr Kii In -rry
Imrouiili ami it"k llml rv-ry liimilri-J
wrnni'ii OM iiili of tin mill-" limilil
Irgully -nililnl ti nmnlimli' on of llielf
unVr-r lo von? In tm , l. H.'n of mnmU r
of piirllnMiiiit for llii-lr ImrniiKli? 1 hi
would kivh rvrry Ihouminil wmmn ten
r.pn-i'iiiiit;M- at llm tM.lln In nhuIoii
ml liilvlllKi'iit l"irom:li im-ir unui r !
ri.-i)l.iilv' iihkIiI khiouhI lo Imndml
. ... .. ... Il.l'a In
wiit ..cwu , i . i
i'i r
rniMi.fnifiil no lntir-
, f . wm,i,i I.,. jii'in.iii-t. no
rlntir .iK. nl bn tK-rtniUil. no tliinaor-
aowrnma c.ii-.
To wmie nrdont ainTraBlsta this pro-
PomiiI to jrlve the Imllot to one woiiinn
In one liumlrod would tuvin like a
rowartlly roinproiiilw. hut Mr. lloly
ef the highest civic and political func
A Modern Jacobin.
In the person of SI. Olomenceatl we
hnvo before us a Jacobin, says V. T.
Stead, writing In the ltevlew of Ite
vlews. To quote:
M. Cknumreau la to mo tho most au
thentic Incarnation of tho revolution of
17WI now extant In Kurope. He Is the
revolution en bloc. lie dliares lis hatreds;
he hus lost none of Its enthusiasms.
He la a Jacobin reincarnated In the skin
of nn opportunist. After playlnn the port
of Warwick, tl.o klnif maker, setting up
rtnd pullln down ono ministry after an
other, ho Is now saddled with the re
apoiiBlblllty of office. And as If to aalute
the new minister the greatest catastrophe
In the annals of minlnK Is followed by a
strike of miners which made thousands
of men idle.
France Is 110 longer the land of star
tling dramas and moves so steadily
that comparison of modern careers or
events with the era of the great revo
lution seems farfetched. Hut the
French revolution Itself moved slowly.
It was twenty-five years from the up
rising In 1780 to the Bourbon restora
tion In 1815. Perhaps there, is history
being made In Frauce, today under the
caiiu political surface, history as im
portant, if not as spectacular, as that
one hundred years ago.
That, discovery by n parole officer
that the reading of poetry to prisoners
stimulates a craving to lend better lives
after they get out of Jail suggests a
new vocation for budding talent. If
the cure holds good amateur versifiers
will have to be retained to write po
ems to order that "will fit the crime"
In each case.
It is becoming more and more diffi
cult every day to secure material for
that series of articles 011 "Self Made
Men of the Nation" without colliding
with the report of some grand jury or
Investigating committee.
Another good thiug about the prod
uct of the hen Is Its delivery in the
original package. No chance for mid
dle men to ring in 011 tins" consumer a
substitute ''eiiually'ns g.od."
Author George Moore's "Memories of
My Mead Self" is a book rightly nam
ed. The Moore vogue is nearly mori
bund In his native England as well as
In America.
Finish every day and be done with
It. You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no
doubt crept It. Forget them as soon as
you can.
tiUsuMtwe i b.
. ....... . ,
V. . twU, " mtuummmmuvr wm
I ...Intnl. Ml IU iwi.i-W o-r Ihcfw
lo i inMiilJiie Auiorl, an In Hw " '
tin 11 - ly elil.i-r Imitation or lulia!u.
r;lKklt4i iu ibi HK of liufcit'h
I., 1 Hi no, Ittf mul I tol do ollnr Hill
mine thai ),! jia.r kitow tU, itt(r
tbiiU ami l.itl.il ...Ii um It. Hut Ui'l a
few Aiiiotl'iiu riii aud M aod
I lion a Hrlitm who si-t aay frm
Iml, ie Ittki to.iltr) now, Jfitnly
j.url( would co lo tord.y lmduii.
Imliliii r lAJiiiboriiU hoar tl Uu
guugo of Ad'). mi. Tfinion. Arnold
and lltinklu lixil IIimm' 11. mtT UwhI
It. If llit rorrtiptlou ln ri 111 (lu Hrll
Ull latoM linlny art Hot "Hiib" thou the
loritl nlnuK rha'.KPti lla alK.ttili'ailoe III
rrokvlutf I ho ' ' li.
Wry roio .liy lh KuglUti at home
wort l tiir.il on their l jMtH'h,
and tho w liiMilmaati'T tbt lar that
rvoit lln lull -i..io of Iho staKt UtiVory
thli. but what It hiHili Ih. Ill other
l oiiiiliii . Ilii authority an 1.1. Iha
la the rllatlol of puiv aH-i-. h. mil only
Hie I ri-iich (iiko, t'.it ti nt of (ieriuany
aud Itimala. What a imble vt hl. la of
thomiht aud emotltui lh Kmrllali
longna can la' made I tail nhowu ua
the !). wher Utore 1 a rartety In
loon, forca and fii'lhuj. To thl end
phi) of mtIoiii puip iM aw uii-onry,
ph.ya of "tamp ran ly iinalm oil now
aday. The Irtilh la that the boat Knit
llah as w ell a the la-at imalola of any
toi.uue will U' met w'itli whore life la
tliiirncterlited by Mimat tiinieatuoaa.
Paaalon lias no time It pick Its words,
but will Instinctively put forth the lieitt
It line at command, and this will lie
those aoutonei-a drilled into tha mind
w hen language waa now to It and of
aorioua lin jrt.
Tha VanUhrd Wild Pigeon.
It I said that th- prfaei. -r pigeon,
once tho cluirai -'r:lo bird of the
American woida. "tm-cially In the re
gion of the grout 'a 'tea. and which al
uioat wholly .aaptw"oi nliout forty
year ago. I aga'n In evidence. A few
birds seen hero an 1 there iu favored
spots from fline to time have Indicated
that the specie had not died out. And
recently the truthful and observant
naturalist, John Burroughs, discovered
a flock of over a hundred In the Hud
aon highlands. Sir. Burroughs thinks
that the vvl'd pigeons will come again.
In tlie flrat half of the nineteenth
' century It was no uncommon sight to
I see closely packed columns of the pas
aeiig T pigeons miles In length. Natu
ralists of tint time reported the snap
ping oMhe limbs of stout strees under
j their weight when roosting. The noise
of their cooing resembled the whirring
of millions of snare drums. The birds
were harmless to crops, and the farm
ers looked upon them as no more than
meat They were shot and clubbed to
death aud shipped In loose bulk like
rcg-tablea to market. Owing to the
great slaughter by the people, aided by
several extremely cold winters and
late springs forty to fifty years ago,
tho pigeons disappeared. Game laws
recently enacted for the regions which
were their haunts have preserved a
few birds, nnd as they are very rapid
breeders will, If left alone, re-establish
their numbers and again delight the
eye with those immense flocks In mi
gration every fall and spring.
Natives In tho track of the Vesuvius
disasters seem to turn the eruption to
good account. Rations were dealt out
to the "needy" for weeks after the
event, and contributions poured In
from the outside and from tho swarms
of foreign visitors. These reported that
the natives encountered appeared well
clothed and well fed nnd were disposed
to boast over their adventures and the
dangers passed when the volcano was
angry. No Bll'k or maimed were to be
seen, and glories of acute suffering
caused by the eruptions had to be tak
en on faith.
What the doumn members want Is a
constitutional machine that will keep
up a continuous performance whether
the parliament is In session or not.
Tbey doii't propose to let the autocracy
undo their work during parliamentary
recess. In other words, they take se
riously the czar's avowal last October
that he "effaced himself." The people
went Into the game for "keeps."
The fact that 10,000 Americans reg
istered themselves among the visitors
at Shakespeare's birthplace last year
shows that the people over here honor
the divine William even if they do not
run after his drama on the stage or In
In the hall where the douma holds
forth the chairs, desks and inkstands
are screwed down. Still, if the mem
bers only let their names fly when they
got In a mood to row things there
will be n chance for a crop of cracked
Since Mark Twain Insists that he
does his best writing while lying in
bed it Is simple kindness to state that
be has not been compelled to lie in bed
much of late or else his publishers are
In a conspiracy to down him.
The truly full name of the gaikwar
of Baroda Is about a yard long, and
from the riewpoint of the simplified
spellers It Is sadly In need of a course
of Carnogle treatment.
fell tnniori
In Hi ("ounly urt tf Ilia HUte f
1 iir. m lor I' Ik County, 8. K. Itvlnr,
I'laiullff, l-'l A. Urltlow, la-frtid
lit 1 Jil Ilia liatite of the Htale ft Ore
gnu ttt are bnvt.y itiiiiii.micd aud rc
tilrrtl lo ap-ar alii! anvwtr lite com
plaint of th plaintiff la the above en-tuli-l
null now tm (He In lb ftlr of
lli ("Ink in t b a'aiva ml Hied Court
on or la-fore I he lat day im-nllim!
ami named r iwfit-i Iu lb order
for publication of Ibl rniiniiimi mad
l.y lit County JuJgauf folk Couoly,
Mat f Orrifon, being lb County
whrre the aUiv eiillllrd anil i pond
ing Iu ll County Court of ld Coun.
ly and atale, wlilt h ald order I hare
Inaftrr rrfrrre.1 In, Itvwil.oii or la-fwe
IX wrok from Ida tly -f I be flrt
publicatioii Ibeifiif. and you are liorr.
by I... lined that if you full to apirar
and awrr tb aabl eoiiidalut a bete
In rtvjulffd, lb plnlnliir will aply U
lb tv enlillo,! Court for III roliof
doutaudial III bl (otuplutnl, naiiirly,
that tb ilefeiiilaut U forrcliwd of all
InlerrtiU Iu said profity, and equity
of redcinpllou iu said wortgageti prop
erty. That the asm be aold and the
tirutwetli thereof be applied to the pay
ment of the coxta and expo UM-a of this
suit, and ciuiia.-l fooa 10 the mini of
f 26 00 aud of the amount due on aaid
imle and mortgage, with Iniereat there
on at the raU of 8 er cent per annum
from the 2!th day uf October 1904, and
that aahl defendant be adjudged to
pay any deficiency that may remain
after applying all of said money as
aforesaid, and for such other and fur
tber relief aa to the Court may seem
ljual In tb premise.
This summons la publistiea iu ine
Weal Hide I-'nterprlae once a week for
alx aucceaalve weeks beginning with
thelaeueof Friday, June !nJ. HXX,
ami ending with the iaatie of Friday,
August 3, 1906, under end in pursu
ance of the directions cntitained In an
order made by the Hou. Ed F. CVad,
County Judge of Polk Couuty, Oregon,
being the County where the above va
tilled euit la pending in the above eu
titled Court.
Dated this 20th day cf June, l'JOO.
Date of flrat publication thereof, June
22, 1!X6. H. F. Jonea,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Kim. moits
In the Justice Court for the Justice
j of tho Peace and Constable District No.
5, Polk County, State of Oregon.
Kotw 11. Nelson, Plaintifl", va A. O.
Griswold, Defendant.
To A. O Grlswoid,' Defendant: In
the name of the State of Oregon yu
are hereby required to apear and an
swer the Complaiut of the plaintiff In
the above entitled actlou on file In Jt lie
olllce of the Justice of the Peace 10 the
above-entitled Court, on or before the
10th day of August, 1906, the day
named or prescribed In the Order for
Publication of this Summons, made by
the Justice of the Peace iu the Justice
Court for the Justice of the Peace and
Constable District No. 5, Polk Couuty,
State of Oregon, being the County and
Precinct where the above-eD titled ac
tlou Is pending, aud you are hereby
notified that If you fail to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein
required, for waat thereof the plaintiff"
will aply to the above eutltled Court
for the relief demanded in said com
Dlaint. namely, for a judgment against
yeu for the sum of $30.00, and costs
and disbursements therein.
This Summons is published in the
West Side Enterprise for six consec
utive and successive weeks, beginning
with the issue of June 2!)th, 1906, and
ending with the issue of August 10th,
1906, under and iu pursuence of the
directions contained in an order made
by B. Wilson, Justice of the Peace in
the Justice Court for the Justice of the
Peace and Constable District No. 5,
Polk County, State of Oregon.
Dated this 28th day of June, 1906.
Date of first publication, June 29th,
1906. B. F. Joues
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Salem, Iudependeuce.Monmoutb
Leaves Independence daily from
Little Palace Hotel at 8 a. m.; re
taming leaves Salem Club Stables
at 3 p. m. 4Fare from Independen
ce 50c from Monmouth 75c.
John Calahan, Prop.
West Side Enterprise for Job work.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Polk Couuty, in the
matter of the estate of Mary Menerva
Davidson, deceased.
Notice is hereby siven that Mary E.
Chappeil has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Polk County,
Oregon, as Ewcutrix of the estate of
Mary Menerva Davidson, deceased.
All nersons having claims against said
estate are hereby requested to present
their claims duly verified as by law
required within six months from the
date hereof at the office of B. F. Jones
at Independence, . Polk County, Ore
gon, Mary E. Chappeil,
Executrix of the estate or Mary;ftie
nerva Davidson, deceased.
Dated July 10, 1906.
on ll.a Curva!!.
A KaiUirn It. It.
Fntiday Kictimlona to NVwjmrt and
re 1 urn oa the Uorvaili A Katern
lia.lroal will leave Albany .' . .'
al ?:.'') a. in., Corvallla at 8 a. 11.., ar
riving In NeKirt at noon. Koturn
iiiK, leave MWkiiI at ft :j0 p. 111., giv
ing 5 1 -2 hoora al Ibe lineal roaorl in
tha weaL Health, real and plenaure
(or the weary worker. Three-day and
oon ticket from all M. P. or C. &
K. ointi will I good going or re
turning on Sunday eirtiraion train.
From AlUoy, Corvalliaor Philomath
S1.50 For the
Round Trip
Connections lit Albany with the Eu
rfne local ffoimr and the south bound
overland on return.
leaves Indepen-1. 14-ave Alrlle foi
denco for Mon-r Mon mn.i lh a4
mouth and Alrlie I I ndependenoe,
7:Kl a. m. I a. m.
H-.m p. in. ! 6;05 p. m.
tyeuve Indepen
dene for Mon
mouttiand IHilnut
11:00 a. m.
I ', p. m.
H:nl a. in.
L'vea Monmouth
for Alriie.
7:). m.
H:30 p. m.
leaves Intlaa lor
Monmouth and
1:0)1 p. no.
7:S "
10:00 a. in.
1,'ve Monmouth
for lnde(x,n4eno
9:40 a. m.
l::l p. to.
2:) "
6:4.5 "
8:X "
leaves Indepen
dence for Mod.
2:1ft p. m
1,'ve Monmouth i
for Ihillaa.
11:2 . m.
a to p. in
h:2o a. 111.
Shohj LINE
and union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tour
ist Bleeding cars daily to Omaha, Chi
cago, Spokane, tourist sleeping-ear daily
to Kansas City;through Pullman tour
ist sleeping cars (personally conducted
weekly to Chicago and Kansas City;
reclining chair cars (seats free) tb the
East daily.
7f) PortlandtoRChicago 7(j
I v No change of cars
AND THttA&l rviAII.
Vnr tickets, rates, folders and full
information, call on or address,
H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent,
22 3rd SSt., fortiana.
8. G. YERKES, A. G. P A.
2nd Avenue and Columbia Street,
Seattle, Wash.
Route your shipments via Great orth-
l l" 11 11 n nrmn on rn 1
I Wui. JiarderrjGeu'J. Atfeut"
I Portland. Ore.
Stagre Line
I hereby announce t the rmblio
that I will start up a stage line
between Independence and rialem
immediately after the river boats
stop for the summer. I will do a
general passenger and freight busi
ness. Frank Russell.
Meets every Wed. night
iSCXW In Mitehell Hall.
J, Richardson, K. of U anil H.
it utd ia ia
of llMtlwoed
buaijac of
enam txinf as
sured for thtt pue
pom by ck Wr
vol urn aupptictl lot
' lit mauictur ol
1 Iticl wood Butter r 1
CNoiIbomca. lelttin
- or other iaiml or
chemical com poo ad of
ay character kin HcU
yrooi lc Cream, iai rich-
aaat ad smoothaeat bung
eta to the actual rkhneai of
ah cream of which it at
maaubcturcd. Only par
fruit, vegetable or out flifor
are seed ia coloriaf or Barorkng
ke Cram
r or Mnit-liy P. M. KlrK'uud
0a"Y0U IAKCr
W fr. u
nne s" '
S 7mi asrrm- u in n
farlfle SrfU;-t
fniia r own
ffa't!r) - 4.
wrleiM i'i
ta 1;. a. '.,
Cm" .w.
a-tinr.lnr H ' . -
thr Ut ami
nH If I. ftu,.h wrl'
? v r-r f. rat
,u 1 1 .-.It 1. iy
tOt It l-l I''
lh ,l.ll.-li .. -. " r '
Tlu f..p tb m-.-w V w
It-. la Kli.lt-11 t.i
.Ai .rv T.. ,:nw nur
Ir .
a.i..r..l t
n ni ..
,:H i
1- t
1: i.ur
. f li
it Oil
,. il.-
-. -attr will v- il
fr trUl. lh' I' ' ,' ',
v.. lt aril it ill i:. ! i '
1 p.- .t. .Mi.a
nr 11 Mae.
,m aiar "turn It nt "t
' t.rt.r "i"i . 1
ketilM tlKi-.i.l. nf I'. 8. '"'t
r . 1 .1.,. !,.. t
tli il;ia:ts ' ' ,
m- .tur .n tti.. 1 r. .
I lt. l'. S : hi '- r b.e. i;m
... 1. at lhro K ,
K1.S t'l.KA -1 -T- t"
S.IJ.;,! r ' .
anv other niai'iitiii-. im
Irati it our anil i-i-' aralu. '
fur i-lor akim.nliie li w"-"
S Ilaud S-irat r f.-r null)
band aparatur tina twin
-. , f i rr
: Imp !iin
f knun' it ia
,. th- v. a.
nun diva
Ihi'!i ilrliKin-vi.-M
M nt thf U.
,r. Nn iith'
tu itial tha
lh. l':i:i-AU).Tl-
raa r-ipoaltHin, ami . v i"1- 1 v : - .
b"tb. U. S. S ..r.,t r In mi- . ra-i..l tMt .
It will outwe.r r oilw i-partor, 11
after year dulnfc- l d. UJ ""
"V-AYs'Toi: rvsi-l.l-li. I". S S rpr-
mVU over what c uld be afirmed in ta old.
adTanuee of our free trial of'er and make t
, ", rh. 'oii- firm. Skl-n la both w.r
and ninre out the n .ult In jour ou war.
You will And the .-pnriitor will par fnr IU-AJ
In a year. We a, ll it on May term and wtH
Uk. In payment. J 5
u one ct for tha aepamtor. and "
a" the year the machine will all b -patd for.
Write7 today for c.t.loeiie "g"
i if
' V'l'
1 .
4.L i
if-Vrf JrTP rr ' '
aagbi juztzssi JJliat-i. m k. .aar- a.
Tl'e ilifferencebebveen Hitting: and Misslnfr Is thedifr
f'ron e l.etween an Accurate aild an Inact urnte Arm.
t'l.i.' se widely liisrnminatel t.et a b 1 l-A I-.NS1
l-.-Ttv venm of experience Is behind our tru-il and
pr,--.'trf line of
K i II o Telescopes, Jitc,
ak yourtieaieranti insist w-.,- ... , - --r
..1 i!'p Stevens If-. P9 catalog dfucribing
onliiCbriiVENS. ".n".. . entire STRVKN'S line.
tannot obtain, -" si..iUi-j j ril)u t!y illustrated, ami
rect, fxpresr frcfaiti,on eon.i;n joints on Shoot-rrceiptofi-.Ml.?
pnVe. liutr '"' -iitt. V.tc
Beautiful tutt-e-t:olor Almttinum Hamri " wilt lt
warleJ tut 10 teuti ia stu....
T om-f3.TT-TPXTf3 ifrlfQ A WT TffT. C ' f
W 'CincorEs Falls. Mass.. I .r..A.
GL Hawkins
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Ai'onuments and Head
stones Cemetery
, . work etc.
Buy on Credit I
this $60 Machine for $25
freight prepaid.
T . . kl.t,..rin ll .n.
bead, ball baaring, lock
ititch, double feed, 1V
threadtng ahnttle: ha
aotomatic bobbta wtndas
and other UteBtlmpreTe
menta. This Is the ANTI
the aaie machine genU
are ak ing yon fi0 for. A 11
attachment! gowith eacli
machine. Sold for onlr
.e -1. mrlA TT. .nT h I..
. ninucrnoc C1TII rtftllt aROWiS
irnrhon'Sh'oTd' ?o oda w. -lil.hii. tfrei.M
KSSlo. toi rr,m.et.-.ur new CltBIT p.a..
Cevurtx Furniture Company
173-173 First St. PORTLAND. OR.
.IIW.I IUll.,1
hr 1