West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 17, 1906, Image 2

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llMllIlng IltMllH
W ALT Kit LYON', ti-mm
.'luiU- Wiihuulto at Maoist'
. . r, ,. i. ,J Uiuuua'f nnujr viotlumof llnght y
.lay u warum t-. frr. m w r d-brM ,,..u.,......;.
of the river lu re U l!a'll1i0i,,1ruiit-y it. wwrw arnvr-i j
-,W Inland-.-. Of, r-'-lttte linr i II Hlft Mnrtin friu LVIu F..V'. Ki-lury Ilj,
,n 'i. ii'i'r ,tult I r Im !' rt
IllKV I... 1.1 Kttllllllllll. OlMI SWIIU I -...I ! f Kllrfhl .l.. . Vi 7
c,i.MM;nn T.I Dfff Ycaf! i tl,.t rnrr-nt In . ..i.. .-urr.1 In ( day. "I
r , i
t a a j j" &!a!!4i-2i2
52ty vu - V-' , w v.,, vv..y w - O vv
C W W Tf
i'HM-Mii t i' fcT
(lrl lly lu l..")
lVr year
fi month '
tiinl co?
1UU on ;vlitf adwrtUin nmJ
known on -Heiii.J
i i , . - .... .. ... -
l .1. I... f... . r..w.. I.-.I i' ll IM ll I""".
mull K.UTN a. n i' i i , . . . .
, , . t M.ri... I- '( lHMrlll. Ill.l. -I
iti lit lll.li-J.vll.lfll.-0. VI". f(Ut ,,,,,,0. tmu M.f.
drowning lim '' nniroly ,,. l(ir, u.tui f Flv' Ktdory
. t ..t l..,rd i. I r fill V ll.irt mini- I'm iim.l n M " " HW ty
.v..:.. . .1.. ..v...... ! Iut. !ruW.
Itlrr. I'llilli; n" iv..-
ingt C hut wrek the rivi-r w
liv with pvtMiiiisi huthers ami
The fish liur h alrou-1 in
Have you hoen to the
tains yt't'
in on ii"
i,,, v.iw. ,,iSM ..'H 'fr'V'ism
A Trmjle I IhUIi
A ul. Iiniali'a UrfiltH't lrmlUfil
i .li. niiriii'n lk Iti lb ert Mi.rlll 8r cflk..
lllflt' l ii iri -f- ... ,
i i i I w hich chllit flnKT CiHilJ lt( IP-
the cu-tom. l'roperly 'J.JXlll)r,,1i.iu.lwk
it's a hcaltliful h well as r'oa'j uiiug n i-mlr provlm In HoIIkihI.
jnc reor'-ation. U' a nriviloge In 1U nmnnT Kmiih Mclvrr. t
.... l . i. ViiefUr. M.. irnilitl liulcl'l
more people living along t'? .V'..-; M lr.a,0 nUh
liaiiks oi me rivt i , u ouly vriJ ly lr,
Hi a U tU Uli of the beautiful llv blMHtverr. H wrlir;
themselves of. Hut in the ex-
KIiir' Nw
'Tlii I'
Take a
rest when you nae
"that tiretl feeling."
It is in onler now to say "the
recent hot weather."
The thermometer fall with a
dull thud yesterJay.
The way to prevent fores
fires is to prevent them.
I. in Ur. Kiiitf' New Dimtiverv uvn
Iiilumtirtn that follows a t'lunge lllv iif-fjuarutJ IM tuti tn.l
in the river on a hot evening, cold cur. t D. u. l' d.u .h.
the laws of common suMy rv",u T'
fchouhl not ho overlookeil. The nowel Coiiiplittiit in Clilhtrru
pleasing sensation should not be: During Hi mimiurr nioiiOm ohlid
accepted as a license to throw jreu ar Hut.JtTi m dlwinlom of Hi
. ... .1... ft.iip ... i ,. ,1 g UmeU whlth uliou Id retflve careful t-
Measure your depth, learn ll,ej,l)0m.nw)1I0nh bowei a.H.r. Tbe
course of the currents, and cn-j best medicine lu u for bowel com-
. i.p veiiin 8 wims Pla'"1 t'lmmberlain' rolie, c noiera
joj the ev piling sw mis. r n,.rr, ib.n.M t It i.romi.tlv
lruit-Creflteld are weak women.
They are fanatical, and alienists
will likely pronounce them in
If anv of th children are! sane, lhey certainly are mono- unn-a me injne onr
J ... . . , r, liret lu the Uuiled KU1M. Hallard'
missing, look in the v inameue maniacs as to iloiy i.oiiensin i ,Iorehouud BjTup haeiulned p,
Creflieldism, whatever that may uever equalled t.y any other line rem
... f. f ..!, a
The annual lecture about for
est fires is now on iu full blast
They have to come to Inde
pendence or Salem to get Al
bany beer.
It is said sealskin sacks will
soon double in price. Better
get you one now.
It is to be noted there is con
siderable activity among dealers
to contract for the growers' hops.
Sunday in Independence is
pretty much the same as in
most of the towns in "dry"
They say the ice plants at
Eugene can't supply the de
mand. Whew! it must be hot
down that way.
There must be something do
ing in the timber land business
around Medford, judging form
the appearance of the Medford
The social season in hop yard
circles opens with a banquet and
blowout at the Krebs yard and a
dance at the Horst yard Satur
day night.
If the lone highwayman who
"held up five stages in California
the other day should enter com
mercial life, he certainly would
be a "captain of industry" in no
It's refreshing even in this
kind of weather for a newspaper
man or printer to get hold of
the McMinnville Telephone-Register.
It's the neatest thing go
ing, typographically.
Some talk of Uncle Sam be
ing asked to insist that the Ger
man government compel the
German insurance companies to
pay their San Francisco losses
home concerns to toe the mark.
ho, last week dared Max Alex
ander to go to the court house,
get license and be married.
Alexander called the dare. Now
f.hev are married. Miss Good-
- j
hue visited here two
" I controls anv unnatural Imwent-aii "Ml
Esther Mitchell and Maude j the .Whether it t In a child or ,y j
. . .. . . ft. I.I. . ...J
ti) adult, roraaie uy i . f. iv.r'"j
Ihf Pruyglnt.
Abraham Lincoln
was limn who, aca!iiU all oddit, at-
Thev certainly are mono-jtalned the hlgheiit honor a man could
be. Poor weak women!
t ,iwlv. It is a nure cure for Lougna,
i-ei " . .... i.... ... .ii
LOHIH, IJriMlL'UlllK, juuuciii."
Merev east her pitying glances Pl.monarv ,,.,,. Kvery mother
down. Let mankind reirain
from harsh utterances of ven-
treance. Along the even tenor
of their way, they were lending
respectable, if humble, lives
when discovered by that master
of women's lives
power turns the mother from
her babes, the sister against
brother, and in defiance of Na
ture's law, defies the family tie.
Crefiield selected his subjects.
He knew the weakness of Maude
Hurt and Esther Mitchell and
they were completely entangled
in his hypnotic mesh before
family or friends were warned
to come to their rescue, the
most disgraceful and revolting
things they may have done,
were suggested by their master,
Crefiield. His suggestions and
teachings have resulted in mur
der, but it must be borne in
mind that whatever part the wo
men have enacted and may en
act in the unnatural crimes,
they are only instruments of
Creffield, who marked them with
the declaration, "Frailty, thy
name is woman." Maude Hurt
and Esther Mitchell occupy fel
ons' cells, but be it remembered,
they are women, weak women
and would be today leading nat
ural lives and lives of respecta
bility but for Creffield. There
is a man, so called, in the case.
Man is at the bottom of it. De
moniacal as their deeds may be
termed, the demon operating in
their hearts was aroused and
directed by man.
The Smile
! that won't come off, appears on baby's
face afier one bottle t White's Cream
Vermifuge, the great worm medlciue.
Whv not keen that smile on baby's
It would be more to the point face. If you keep this medicine on
for Uucle Sam to compel the hand, you will never see any thing
else but smiles on hie face
Blackwell, Okla., writes:
liUn ItrtKiV UTQB tTOOVIuh fl tl ft ffptftll.
OflUJ " jvv. ,
Afi Dfilla ftnodhue of Salem. Would not eat and I feared he would
while Visiting in Lewiston, Ida- die. I used a bottle of White's Cream
M rnni Fnta onrl ho hoa nnr hari A. RICE
Cl IllJlUgC L1U uu uuw "
day since." D. G. Dove.
should keep supplied with thii won
derful cough medicine. Bold by V. O.
Twenty Year llatlle
'I was a lier in a twenty year bat
tle with chronic piles and malignant
ar.rua until T irind Huekleu's Arulca
whose occult Halve, which turned tlie tide, by cur
ing both, till not a trace remain,"
writes A. M. Bruce, of Karnivllle, Va.
Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burn and
Wounds. 25c at D. G. Dove's drug-
A Hard Lot
of troubles to, contend with, spring,
from a torpid liver and blockuded
bowels, unless you awaken them to,
their proper action with Dr. KingSi
New Life Pills, the pleasanlest and j
most efl'eclive cure lor Constipation.,
They prevent appeudloitis and tone up I
the system. 2oc at D. O. Dove's drug ,
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed exec
utor of the estate of William J. Ililf, de
ceased, by the Conntv Court of the
State of Oregon, for I'olk count) .
All persons having claims against the
arii.l noluta art J ! hu notified to pre
sent the Fame duly verified, together;
with the proper vouchers tnerelor, to
the undersigned at his residence in the
City of Independence, in saiii County,
within six months from the date of this
Dated and first published June 1,
Executor of the estate of William J.
IlilT, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
prcHonN inoro opjMiiiunittea for the homo-maker, or for the inventor titan
anv rouiitiy un.lcr tln huh. iVviloj-nunt i rapM ami tho increasing
vaiuo of eitv, town aiul i-cmntry property will make any man rich who ha
the foreMglit to .!ant hii ilollam in real estate. Hoinj? free from i-xtreino
heat or eohl niaken thi womlerful valley an Ileal place of iei.lenco.
Pairying, fruit-raising, htock-raietng, liop-raining, grain-raising, the p.jul
trv ImsineM aihl many other avenue that are open for the money-maker
make it punHihle for tho Willamette Valley M mipport in thrift a popula
tion ten timen an preat a at present. Hvlow we nive a partial list of tho
many harnain in town ami country property to he had at thin time : :
loo Acres $5,ooo
;0 rlioicA farm of KW
crea ." milea (roni Inilepenih'iice.
All in cultivation; good improve
menu; prion 500X Thi place
cannot ba heal for lh money.
At $5o Per Acre
No. 2 Choice farm 3J uiih'i
from Independence; good improve
tnenti; 9-room house with hall;
barn etc; all in cultivation; good
land; 50 per acn.
7-Rooni House $9oo
Ho. 11 Lot and 7-room house
on Main Mreet; houwholJ goods,
carpetf, bedding, etc., go with the
property at I'JOO
j;0. 10 Lot and 5 room houce,
barn etc., good location; 1700.
fC0i ) Lot and miall 5-rooin
lioui-e in Independtmce; $2S5.
jjo. yMouse and 2 Jots, barn
etc , good location; $!HX).
4o Acres $2,Soo
No. 4 Trad of 10 cr.'. 1 mile
from Independence; o-rooiu box
limine; bam. ailo, wind mill; 2acrea
in hops; aome orchard; T good
hay, grain or corn land; 2800.
At $15 Per Acre
No. 5 Stock ranch of IC'iOacrea;
all fenced; building; part good
hop land; good range and eay of
accene; worth investigating; price
$15 per acre.
Frame Building For $3So
No. (i Krante building and lot
formerly used as blacksmith shop;
good location adjoining Spaulding
CoY mill property, $3.'0.
No. 13 Good house and one or
two lot with'barn for sale; $'.KX).
No. 7 Good dwelling and half
block, sightly home lor jf I (J."0.
NO. 14 Three good building
lota in Independence at -f 125 each.
Two separate companies are now ready to begin the building of electric
car lines from Portland into the valley, thus creating competition and tho
lowering of both passenger and freight rates, which will still further
strengthen confidence and create a greater demand for rural property.
Every town in the valley near the Willamette river will eventually be
come a thriving manufacturing center, as all tho essentials aro hero the
raw material and adequate transportation facilities. Hotter invest now.
Lyon &Dickinson
Real Estate Dealers, Independence, Oregon
j OP IVPr Ur tyibPr
Farmers Feed
and Hitching Shed
Jones Big New Barn
Teams 10c, Saddle Horse 6c
Rigs as well as teams '.kept in
the dry. Horses boarded by
. day, week or month,
ago. The lady made no such
dares in Independence.
The drowning of Mrs. Marie
Parks and Miss Anna Hartman
All the World.
knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment
has do superior for Kuurmatism, Stiff
Joints, Cuts, Sprains, Lumbago and j
summers ' all pains. Buy it, try it aud you will
alwavs une it. Any btdy who has
used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a
living proof of what it does. All we
ask of vou is to get a trial bottle.
Price 25c, 50c and f 1.00. Sold
(i. Dove.
....BY THE
Modest Olalins Of ten Carry the
Most Conviction
When Maxim, the famous gun in
ventor, placed his gun before a com
mittee of judges, he stated its carrying
power to be much below what he felt
sure the gun would accomplish. The
result of the trial was therefore a great
surprise, Instead of disappointment.
It is the same with the manufacturers
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. They do not pub
licly boast of all this remedy will ac
complish, but prefer to let the users
make the statements. What they do
claim, is that it will positively cure
diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the
stomach and bowels and has never
been known to fail. For sale by P. M.
Klrkiand, the Druggist.
"-IWe Do JoD Printing
. Makes the Liver Lively
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives
permanent relief in cases of habitual
constipation as it stimulates the liver
and restores the natural action of the
bowels without irritating these organs
like pills or ordinary ca'.hartiee. Does
not nauseate or gripe and is mild aud
pleasant to take. Remember the name
Obino and refuse substitutes. Sold by
D. O. Dove, Druggist.
. Only 82 Years Old
"I am only 82 years old aud don't
expect even when I get to be real old
to feel that way as long as I can get
Electric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H.
Branson, of Dublin, Ua. feureiy
there's nothing else keepH the old as
young and makes the weak as gtrong
I as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspep
I sia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or
I chronic constipation are unknown af
; ter taking Electric Bitters a reasonable
'time. Guaranteed by D. G. Dove,
'druggist. Price SOc.
Most Important
In the runnmgSof a bakery is cleanliness,
You will find.'everything scrupulously clean at the
Monmouth Bakery
Fresh Bread baked everyday. Every loaf marked with the initials "J. R."
See that you get the J. R.f bread. Cookies wholesale and retail
Successor to
A. S. LocKe
Bring them to us. No substitution
here. You get what your doctor
prescribes. Prescriptions carefully
and accurately compounded by a
Graduate Pharmacist. Prices con
sistent with quality : : : : :
V 1