West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 17, 1906, Image 1

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PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Tr.nw.ot. a enerl Unking bu.lne. IhIU received, Loan,
n.ndl lZL"l l.Wul and courts, attent.on given .11 aocnun,..
J. II. llawlcy, Pre.., V. U Vie. Pn. I C Powell CWr
J. II. V. Butler, K. H. Powell, J. 11. Ktump, J. A. Ithrow,
Yards Free From Lice But
Reducllons In Former Esti
mates of the Output ,
H UlRSIIBERO.lWde, .7 OK, VI.Pr.-
DIRECTORS.-H. lliwchberg, D. W. Kears.
8m Ufa, J. K. Rbodfi nd
abject to check.
Cillle Palace Rotel
T. Ul. Crtanor, Proprietor
... - ... f n mam Hah (A Commercial f nit.
Cawuiiy snppiwa wdk. pviu . . &
Day or Night Call. Promptly attend
ed to. Fine Parlor in Connection.
An Experienced Lady AwUtant.
phone, main m R.
W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Fn" ftlrector' "
Licensed by Oregon Bute Board of Health.
Largest Country Store in Polk County
iniiKoii Bros.
r - IT . . . n nnirrn emDC
Dry Goods and Groceries, Men's and Boys Clothing,
BootB, Shoes, Hardware and a general line of merchandise
COUNTRY produce:handled
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Wool, Mohair and Farm Produce
, Generally Bought.
Simpson Bros.
flirlie, Ore.
C. L Menard Is Interviewed In New
York by Eastern Paper He-
Mnnvllle Wants Warehouse
toiler, came Ui
enter the field.
Indejendnce to
I. W. DICKINSON, Prop. .
Good Rigs for Commercial Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. line
rigs. Horses boarded by day, week or month.
Telephone 2To. 29 3 (
Independence, Oregon
Pmlnlesa Extract Ion
Cooper Building,
Barber Shop.
One door south of Poet! Office.
Fine Baths in connection with shop
Independence, - OsEOoa
Tonsorial Artists,-
Next door to Little Palace Hotel
Sharp Bason, Prompt Service.
Merchant Tailor
Independence, OKE80B
The hot weather bas been favor
able fjr haying and for preventing
the spread of hop lice, but will cut
down the yield. The big yield
prom Sued three weks ago is not In
sight. Of course there will be some
good yields in the bottom yards a
there always are, but the contin
ued hot spell at this season has
cut short the arming process not
ably on the uplands. Growers ad
mit a reduction in the estimate of
a few weeks ago must be made.
The market is strong.
C. L. Fitchard, an Independence
hop grower now in New York, was
interviewed by an eastern paper a
few days ago. To talk with Mr.
Fitchard, says the eastern paper, is
to contract the Western fever. No
more loyal adherent to the trans-
Rocky region ever crossed the Mis
sissippi. He has considerable prop
ertv near Independence, Oregon,
and speaks most interestingly of
the country. Picture a land teem
ine with ripening fruit; pears, ap
ples and prunes mellowing in the
sunlight; breathe deep the air la
den with perfume of roses; cast
your eyes imaginatively over far
stretching acres of waving grain,
upon bop fields exhaling the invig
orating elixir of vine and blossom;
and you have, according to this
exponent of the West, a faint view
of Oregon and its wonders.
In his interview Mr. Fitchard
inadvertently said Independence is
in Lane while she is in Polk, the
pride of the valley.
Hops are raised somewhat differ
ently in Oregon. There is no
spring grubbing. The plows are
run close to the hill and then har
rows are employed. The roots run
down eight or nine feet into the
black earth and cultivation is a
comparatively easy task. Instead
of the long cedar poles so common
in the Mohawk valley, stakes nine
feet high are raised and wires and
strings run across, forming a net
work for the eager tendrils. Trol
ley poles, eighteen feet high, are
also set ud and cord and wire
strung along over them. When
the vines are mature, a field pre
sents a truly beautiful sight, with
green archways down which one
may look to heart's content.
Of course they have pickers and
a picking season. But one famil
iar form and face is missing from
the Oregonian landscape, that of
the festive hobo with his proverb
ial tin can. Hooligan is an eastern
product, and confines his Titanic
labors to eastern scenes. It is the
townsman with his family, the
farmer with his wife and children,
who answer the call of the rancher;
and they come prepared to live and
to do. Tents are a necessary part
of their accoutrements. Wood and
water are supplied by the em
ployer; as for the rest, it is up to
them. Mr. Fitchard employs 85U
pickers; many of the larger owners
900 or 1.000. They come in cor
ered wagons, driving occasionally
50 or 60 miles and their etay ex
tends over a period of six weeks
Then, usually, they journey on to
Salem, to witness the state lair,
where doubtless the glib-tongued
fakir plucks clean the nimble fing
ered picker.
Range From Newport by
tlie Sounding Sea
Early Rust) c! Crowd to the Seaside
Removal cl Lite-Saving Sta
tionJetty Is Decayed
Hop growers of this county have
nen encour.geu ui mo wnvi m. ingoi
the Southern Pacific would haul yfCCZCS WQllGU UVEF MB lQ3$l ". th
. . tf If; 111. -..
their liop. 10 ;iciiiiinviii nr
within a preaoribed area, to be
stored In a community warehouse,'
provided they were finally shipped
i- .l -..I.I
over me line wneu iu. cun
announcement is made by the of
ficial, of that road that such an
arrangement cannot be made. It
!h truo such precedent ha. been
established, and the railroad com
pany maintains a hop warehouse
at Salem and at Independence, but
thtf railroad peoplo claim that thefe
were instituted when there wa
river competition with the railroad
Trannportation lines are under one
management now, hence the change
in policy. This is a frank adml.
eion of supremacy and ought to
convince the hop growers of the
necessity of encouraging the build
ing of a competing line of road in
order to place themselves on an
equal footing with the Marion and
Polk county growers. McMinn-
ville News.
While the railroad company
maintains a small warehouse at
Independence, it is not nearly large
enough for the business. Consid
ering the acreage of bops around
Independence the warehouse here
is wholly ipadequate and growers
have asked the railroad company
to erect a bop warehouse commen
surate with the business offered.
There is complaint every year of a
lack of storage facilities and the
railroad company ia put to the ex
tremity to ship the hops away as
they are hauled in.
Irrigation Congress
In Boise in September
The Fourteenth National Irriga
tion Congress will be held at Boise,
Idaho, September 3rd to 8th, inclu
sive. The mayor ot easn town is
authorized to appoint 5 delegates
and the president of each commer
cial club 2 to the congress, those
wishing to go from Polk should
make their desires known.
Little Blanche Russell
Tramped by Horse
Little Blanche Russell came near
beine trampled to death by a horse
on the James Russell place near
Monmouth last week. She was
. i
enjoying a ride on a worK norse
that was being used to elevate nay
into the barn loft. The horse be
came entangled in the traces,
bucked the little girl off and tread
on her chest, breaking one rib and
tearing two loose from the sternum
bone. Her life was for awhile de
spaired of but she ia now on the
road to recovery.
The Real Tlitnsr in Ancestors
"Have ye anny ancisters, Mrs.
Kelly?" asked Mrs. O'Brien.
"An phwat's ancisters I"
"Why. people you shprung from."
Listen ,-to me, Mrs. O'Brien,"
aafA Mra? TTfillv imDresBivelv. "I
come from the rale shtock av Don
ahues thot shpring from nobody
They shpring at thiml"
Brief and Breezy
Where there's a Jill there's i
Loquacity ia the mother of in
a r?rl with a new rine "alius
e - , -
hnz" trouble with her hair.
A railway collision is certainly a
bnmn of destructiveness.
A harness dealer calls his store
room a bridle chamber.
Aneeeis best when freBh, but
Two years ago 21,000 1 it's different with an office boy.
N'ewnort. Julv K. One hundred
and eighty-five eople came in Sat
urday evening and 410 Sunday.
It took eleven coaches to brin;? trie
excureibnifcts in Sunday. The hot
weather of the valley is driving
pnople coastward and this point is
getting its share. There has never,
this early in the season, been as
many people on the Newport and
Nye Creek beach as at present. If
the travel continues during next
month, this will be Newport's big
gest season.
The crowds are taking advan
tage of the tide for surf-bathing at
Nye Creek beach daily. There are
no life lines provided but it is con
sidered reasonably safe on an in
coming tide. All bathing is done
at Nye Creek. The Newport beach,
oreferred bv many, and being m-
side the bar, absolutely safe, is not
opened up this year nor is there at
present any prospect of its being
made the haunts of surf bathers
The life-saving station is to be
removed from its present quarters
nn Rnnth Beach across the Bay to
ihnold liffht house on the Ne
port promontory. It was never
clear to the casual observer why
the iife-Bavine station should be
located on the flat beach across tbe
Bay wheD so fine a lookout was
available on the Newport side.
But anyone who has kept in touch
with tbe way things have been
done in Oregon in the psst, will
readily explain that some individ
ual owning property on South
Beach secured the location of the
life-saving station at the less desir
able point for his personal benefit.
Now, however, it is to be brought
across the Bay and the old light
house is to be re-fitted.
AU that remains of the $900,000
spent by the government on Ya-
quina harbor, are some toredo-eaten
piling and ragged reefs of rocks ex
tending out into the bay. Ihe gov
eminent expenditure was wasted,
and yet Yaquina Bay affords a good
little harbor. The influence that is
behind the neglect of this harbor,
and the waste of money already ex
panded will probably be brought to
light some day.
A common source of complaint
with guests this year are the lack
o f transportation facilities ana
booze. The old T. M. Richardson,
that transfers passengers from the
terminus of the railroad at Yaquina
to Newport, comes in for the keen-
... i i
est criticism, liegaraiess oi mo
Hiz of the crowd, they are all, in
cluding women and children, herd
ed on this boat and a 6Cow it car
ries, and the trip across the bay, un
der the conditions, does not leave a
pleasant impression of Newport-by-tbe-Sea.
To add to the discomfort,
the crowd is forced to wait at the
Yaquina wharf going and coming.
Probably this branch ot the service
will never be improved until the
muck-rake press pays its unstinted
Mrs. F. W. Treanor and little
daughter, Bernice, are here and
have taken on the ruddy seaside
Miss Pearl Squire is here admir-
1 ig the millinery that cornea from
ber store, and sclin.4 as critic at
urf bathing.
Glen Ireland bs quit horse rac
ing on the track, and Is foot-racing
e beach with all who profese
to epenl.
Frank Mutkry i agtin doing the
honors at the Al'bey Hou with ail
the grace of a French dancing nias
ler. J. 8. Cooper was ln-ro SumLy
with hi grip.
J. Kirty, the m-wing machine
man who achieved notoriety at the
Biilem Skidoo, w here like a duck
the first of the week.
B. F. Jones proved hiniftlf an
ocean swimmer in the sutf Sunday,
but lost his laurels 00 the Leach
foot race in oontume. Jones ex
celled in swimming, but it is claim
ed he lost in a f.wt rnce against a
man with one arm and a cork leg.
Mrs. W. G. Cresy is spending a
jew days at ber old home, the Crea
sy House.
Mr. A. W. Vernon
Hiss Buelah liangate
Married, in Portland on Wednes
day. July 11th, at the home of N.
M. Moody, uncle of the bride, A.
W. Vernon and Miss Buelah Hun-
gate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. 8. Hungate of Molalla, Clacka
mas county. Mr. Vernon is one of
Polk county's best citizens and hi"
many friends join in congratula
tions on the occasion of this happy
event. The newly wedded couple
is at home now on Mr. Vernon'e
farm six miles north of Indepen
dence on the Dallas-Salem road.
Fixed All Bight, to His Mind
An automobilist who was touring
through the country saw, walking
ahead of him, a man followed by a
dog. As the machine drew near
tbem the dog etarted suddenly to
cross the road; he was hit by the
car and killed immediately. The
motorist Btopped his machine and
approached the man. "I'm very
sorry, my man, that this has nap
pened," he said. "Will five dol
lars fix it?"
Oh, yes," said the mao; "five
dollars will fix it, I guess-"
Pocketing the money as the car
disappeared in the distance he
looked down at the dead animal.
'I wonder whose dog it was?" he
A Ballad ot Vegetables
A potato went out on a mash
And sought an onion bed;
"That's pie for me!" observed the
And all the beets turned red.
"Go 'way!" the onion, weeping,
"Your love I cannot be;
The pumpkin be your lawful bride
You cantaloupe with me."
But onward still the tuber came,
And lay down at her feet;
"You cauliflower by any name
And it will smell as wheat;
And I, too, am an early rose,
And you I've come to see;
So don't turnip your lovely nose,
But epinachat with me.
"I do not carrot all to wed,
So eo, sir, if you please!"
The modest onion meekly said,
uAud lettuce, pray, have peaBi
Go, think that you have never seen
Myself, or smelled my sigh;
Too long a maiden I have been
For favors in your rye!"
"Ah, spare a cuss!" the tuber
"My cherryshed bride you'll be;
You are the only weeping maid
That's currant now with me!"
And as the wily tuber spoke
He caught her by surprise, .
And, giving her an artichoke,
Devoured ber with his eyes.