West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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    t ,M. l!iM'l,in
NUMB I'll 41
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Trmui'U a araeral Unking t.u.lon.
made, Drafts ld. Capful and courteous
IVx.l( rrrrlved, I'o
iUriitloii given all nocuutiU.
Orru i tm iau Iiiiic.th
J. II. Hawly, Pre.., IM.. OmpMI, VI. Pre.., Ira V. Vome), C.Mr
J. J I. V. HutWr, K. . PowHI, J. II. Htump, J. A. Wlll.row,
I. M. HlmpwHi.
II 1IIR8IIBEKQ, Prwident.
I ULIl U II llUlllllIU p,own , IUJU. C0!!rClj01 of frg
V teUUSf, honorable ojbuiIoo; Jo
Honorable Mention, fetii XtirZ
M Diplomas BroagM itillT'v ETtiZZZ
Ifftma Fmn FIf l.norble mention; Wm. Finjua,
IIUlliC IlUltl Kill JVker. fruits ...I vi-nubl-a.
bronie medal; I) 8 t!i!!ia;, I li ,
tweet corn. honorable mention:
i '
i. jnn , wen raietn, imioni
honorable mention; J Jones, Inde
pendence, walnut, bronte medal;
A Verder, Salmi, tihrrr i, brunw
medal; P Kurre, Parknr Station,
egetahW, honmable mention;
V 8 Martin, Monmouth, potatoes,
honorable mention; II II Fragillo,
tjalem, vegetable, honorable men
tion; K Wolfe, FalU City, veg
etable, hohorable mention.
ills! from ftilch May U Selected
Folk County Candidates for ttie
Next Oregon Legislature
Nine hundred and nlnty styen
aaardw including 104 gold, lr'3
ilver ami 84S bronxe medal and
3'.2 honorable mention diplomas,
in lh showir a mads by the atate
ol Oregon at the Lewis and Cleik
The official lit of awards re-
C. W.IRVINE, Cahir.
DIRECTORS. II. Ilirschtwrg, D. W. M-arn, B. K. Smith,
A. helaoil.
J. E. Rhodes and
A Mocral banklnf and eidianK baaineao transacted. Ioana made. Bl'!
dZZ b Commercial cmliU granted. Depoal mUxl on eorrenl account
object to check.
Headquarter For
Fine- Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
Pipes la tadltm variety from cob
to bikr-root and final Mnchum.
Soda Fountain lot th hot days.
You ar awayi welcome.
-I. W.- ptoivmocmrTTgpr-
Good Bigs for Commercial, Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. ine
Horsea boarded by day, wee
Independence, Oregon
fW f a k h AM J
H. D. WHITMAN, rropntior
& A Home Industry Institution
Wort Called forTue.day Delivered S.ttird.r
Day or 'Night Calls Promptly ulteud
" ' ' t ed to. Fine Parlor In Connection.
An Experienced. Lady Assistant. '
Phone, main 27$ " RJ 461
w L. BICE, Embalnier and Funeral Director.
Ltuaed by Oregon Bute Board of Health,
Ilfnry Alfxandr, Ilpthfl, fruit,
hronie uifdal; C P Anderson,
Highland. Hartlett jx'ars, honor
able mention; II Putz. Dallas,
cherries and prunes, gold medal;
E Beeeley, Falls City, strawberries,
honorable mention; Mrs. James
Cooper. Independence, fruit nd
vegetables, brotie medal; Ed Coad,
Dallas, fruit and vegetables,
honorable mention; E Clark, Hick
reall, plums, honorable mention;
Henry Campbell, Dallas. Italian
prunes, silver medal; Isaao Dicks,
Polk Station, fruit, honorable
mention. H Alexander, Bethel,
Bartlett pears, honorable mention;
T J Fryer, Independence, collect
ion of cherries, honorable , mention;
Frank Fawk, Oak Grove, fruit,
honorabla mention; William Fuqua
Parker. Damson plums, bronze
To be serious about the proposed
removal of the capital u Portland,
there cannot be the least doubt
that plenty of signers can be bad
under the initiative law to get ft
vote on it, just as the same thing
can be done to have a vote of a
bounty of two-bits paid on every
coou skin or jack-rabbit scalp
taken in the state, and there would
be lots of votes for both proposi
tions. The initiative and referen
dum law is a wouderfully accom
modating measure when It works to
suit you. But it don t always do
that and Portland will find that
out in some bitter experience yet.
Salem is a kind of under dog iu
Two Saloons end a Sfsre
Burglarized Thursday
Snifters Tretcd Ten 3rd Indepen
dence and all Trace Lost. Kaf
tricirc Heavies! loser
Thursday innming a well plan
ned robbery w ctrrifd out at
Dallas in which' two scloons ar.d
one store were robbed of about 12:20
in oath. Matthew' saloon was the
heavii-ft lof t-r about I NO Iwinj;
tccurfil fro;n it. ?h-riir Ford hit
bad two deputies on the track of a
couplf of men who had been at
Dalhtu a! I of YVrdn-wday and who
were suspected ai the parti- who
commuted tne robb-rv. Thv had
ben traced to Independence -but
all track was lost of. throi her .
It is thought possible one of them
took the 11 o'clocc train Thursday
morning toward Corvallis.
The parties were well acquainted
with the arrangements in the dif
furent saloons at pallaa and must
have been there for some time.
They broke in the big plate
windows in order to make their
the paper war with Portland and
I'arxer, uannon p-unm, uiuu
j i vi i. n..j... q.lom l i thre are many onlookers who will
medal: Vlo la (jarrtner. raiern. ,coi- . J
' ' , i combatants iiiiJli,,J'U-WMU.,
tion; Mr. Gregg, ISalston, appies,
3. Conner, Proprietor
Little Pa
Special Mention to Commercial Trade
Neat Rooms, Carf ally Supplied Tables -
. Oregon.
Independtnce, . &
honorable mention; IE Guthrie,
Monmouth, fruit, honorable men
tion; William Gorbut, Dallas, frnit.
bronze medal; Mr. Gausence,. Mon
mouth. Balwin apples, honorable
mention; A B Gibson, Salem,
plume, silver medal; Robert Howe,
Dallas, fruit and vegetables, gold
medal; J R Haselton, Independen
ce, fruit and vegetables, silver
medal, W T Haley, Independence,
fruit, honorable mention; D Hedges
Independence, peaches, silver med
al; Hugh Hayes", Dallas, silver
prunes, bronze medal; Mrs E H
Hibbard. Dallas, fruit and vegeta
bles, honorable mention; May
Jordan, Oak Grove, apples, honor
rble mention; J B Knowles, Dallas,
vegetables, bronze medal; D L
Keyt, Perrydale, prunes, honorable
mention; S. P. Kimball, Dallas,
silver prunes, bronze medal; H
Mott, Independence, fruit and J
vegetables, honorable mention;
Mr. McAleonthany, Snlem, Bart
lett pears, gold, medal; George. Mc
Laughlin, Buena Vista, apples,
honorable mention; J B Nun,
Dallas, fruit and vegetables, gold
medal; C D Narion, Balaton, fruit,
honorable mention; H S Plumer,
Dallas, fruit and vegetables, Honor
able mention; C L Parker,- Dallas,
collection of frail, bronze medal;
Ruth Ruble, Salem, fruit and nuts,
bronze medal; George Rockliff,
Dallas, fruit and vegetables,' honor
able mention; George Rogers,
Monmouth, peaches, bronze medal;
Cassis Stumps Monmouth, figs,
honorable mention; O M Sanford,
Independence, -Italian prunes,
Bilver medal; P Traglio, West
Salem, erapes, honorable mention;
Frank Feiala, Salem peaches and
vegetables, bronse medal; Mr ver
onlar. Salem, berries and cherries,
honorable mention: Belle Wolfe,
collection of berries, bronze medal;
Mrs. F A Wolfe. Falls City, fruit
tohlpft. ftilver medal: C P
t li va v v j - -
Wells, Buena Vista, fruit; and
vegetables, honorable mention;
N I Wise, Perrydale, apples, honor
able mention; J West, Salem, col
lection of prunes, bronze medal;
com Datamu riUZiJ,J2 'UKlmUiZ
but they will not go so far they
cannot unite later and may again
try to do up the rest of the state
under the leadership of a demagog
ic governor and Editor Scott in
damaging the system of public
education and paralyzing the state
government, so that it cannot pay
its honest debts to JSormal school
teachers, as is the case now. Not
"everyone knows that Portland is
the central point of Oregon." It is
less so than Salem, . but both are
out of the way and expensive to
reach, for most of the state. For
the. reasons stated by The Ore
gonian as warranting a removal of
the capital, when the Btate has the
railroads that are sure to be built
and with the help of irrigation has
acquiied a large population, the
capital will be moved to Prineville
or some other point really central
as to the whole state. That time
is a lone way off and in the mean
time, if Salem desires protection
from Portland, and she needs the
help of yotes. let her- square her
self with the re6t of the state as to
several mattetsv notably in helping
to nlace the state in a position to
pay its debts and giving reasonable
and liberal sapport to the state's
educational institutions as they
are now located. ABhland Tidings.
The Presbytery of Willamette
met at Spring Valley on Tuesday
evening the 24, to ordain Mr. W.
W. Edmondson, who is eo well
known in this city. He passed - a
amfnalion-"'beforrthe Presbytery, j
The church at Spring Valley gave
him a unanimous call to the .
pastorate of that church, and he j
was installed pastor in the presence j
of a very large congregation that
assembled on that occasion. TheJ
bxercises were intensely interesting.
Rev. T. B. Griswold of Albany,
the Moderator of the Presbytery
presided. Rev. W. 8. Burch of Cor-
vallis preached the sermon and
Rev. Dr. Thompson of this city
offered the prayer of ordination.
The charge to the pastor was given
by Rev. I. Q. Knotts of Albany
and the charge to the people, by
Rev. Dr. Holt of Portland. " Most
excellent musio was provided by a
choir from Salem. Rev. Mr.
Edmond6on has been eminently
successful in his work in that
field and is greatly esteemed by the
entire congregation and communi-
ty- '
An aut'ifnuii !! h h ptm
it try i r g to gtl iraJichife lo j '
at in Stlnti following iu.uifduf'--ly
lh imprtT-.-ment in U ?
of a n buiHipK nd laylrg ol
wires undtr groju l by Pjrif'o
Ftatea. Thrc i very tin
latiifiClory in th Capital City.
Maiden i:iT.rt '
The Central Oregon F ar" is lh
name of a new paper launched at
Fonfil thin" w k . Follow iii!? isone
of its rtlVt:
A stranger at Condun Hik
ing at the bill, after having used
the long distance telephone.
"Why, in Portland, ' he iJ, "yoa
could telephone to h tor Cfly
cents. "leu," anf wired the op
eratur, "but that's in the city litn-iU"
Tute lMk Ulit Dry Out
Water and Fortet publi bed by
the California Water and Foretl
Asiriatioti prints an article de
scriptive of the Klamath Basin ir
rigation project iu w hich it is 'e
lated that upper Klamath lake is
all in Oregon, covering an area of
57,000 acres and its outlet is Link
river 1 1 Kiamalh Kalis, with a fall
of 56 feet in 11 miles to Lako
Ewawna, thence into Klamath
river. Little Klamath lake is on
the boundary line raoefly ia
California, fed from Klamath river
by a channel through which water
flows at flood season, tod returns
again at low water to the Klamath,
Little Klamath covers an area of
30,0X1 acres, nd the marginal
swamps about 50,000 acres. Tula
lake is . nearly ell in California,
covering 50,000 acres and ban no
outlet. Clear lake further east is
mostly in Modoc county, and is to
be a storage reservoir,, while Tula
lake, left without supply by diver-
fy fifiet z2 fati ZaJLlx.
feet per year.
The Autumn Hat
You can't help feeling interested,
no matter what vour position
life, in the tilt oi the autumn hail
If you are very emotional ami-
somewhat susceptible to beauty in v
hats and in their wearers you say
the "tilt" of the autumn hat.
Some o them are dreams, 60ng
and poems, there is no denying.
And now and then there is ont
that may be more aptly described
in the less delicate term "peach."
But they tip, they tilt, they dip
and bend in a bewildering way.
To plunge to the front or to one
side while they rear in the back or
at the other side is the chief char
acteristic of the new hats. In fact,
it is by this trick that you know J
them, and you must admire then-
for it if you expect to remain in tho
good graces of the lady wearers.
in '
Official Statement of Polk County's Wealth
A request comes to this paper to publish the summary of the asseea
ment roll in full. . '
It follows:
Acres tillable land, 115,871 . . . . .
Acree non-tillable land, 284,875. ...
Improvements on deeded lands, .......
Town and city lots,, . .. .. . . .. . . -.
Improvements on town and city lots,. .
Improvements on land not deeded,. . . .
HCRP WCYTWFFK I Miles railroad, 69.59. .,
IlLllL ttLAl IILLUL... tiA(yrftnh and telephones, 154.50,
vivjj. a
Three nights high class amuse
ment at the Opera House, Inde
pendence. Miss Margarita Fischer
and her own supporting company
will open a three (3) nights en
gagement in the Opera House,
starting Monday eve, October 30th.
New people, new plays, new spec
ialties, new costumes. They will
present for your appovoal on Mon
niirht. the laughable comedy
entitled, "By Wits Outwitted."
Change of play nightly. Prices:
Adults 35c; children 25c; reserved
eeats 50c Now on sale t Locke's
drug store.
Railroad rolling stock,.
Steamboats, engines, machinery,.
Merchandise and stock in trade, .
Farming Implements etc.,. .-. .'. -.
Notes and accounts. . .
Shares of stock, 1073,; .
Household furniture etc., . . .
Horsea and mules, 4179,
Cattle, 7960, ........
Sheep and goats, 33161,
Swine, 2447,
".J.. -69.9MI,
. . . .156,510
Gross value of all property .... .
Total value taxable property,. . .
j No of Polls; 1265, polls paid, 36.
. .4035,750