West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 18, 1905, Image 4

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    r l .1 tit-if ti
wrfk in IVriUi.d.
Mr. A. M. McUu.llmof .atk;
ai l Jrd-r-r.trtfe pRtumay,
M; Hwl Vaughn viud Lcr
5TanJm.ther Mm.JI.'W. Kwklaud
oyer Snr.il)-.
F. II. MwrrU. tbe IHa arvhi
lKt mi iu town t? 11
A program Ul U rendered by
Monmouth i'J Icdi-iidenre
"talent at tie lUiaar FriJjr uigiit.
Mi Cecil and Gene v Wileoi
spent over Sunday with their
grandparents at lilckrealt.
Mitw 1 'friti Uohannon is the
guntil Mr. and Mr. W. V. If"
land in the viciuity of Philomath.
Pell McCarty, a student of the
University of Oregon, is visiting at
tLe Lome ol hi uncle, Goo. W.
Mr. Fml Chamlwr and daugh
ter Minnie of Eugene have been
visiting relatives in Independence
the paet wek.
J. H. Moran Laa sold the Taul
Tachron place, a small farm near
Monmouth, to" Ira M. Jackson,
new comer from Southern Cali-
Mis PVarl &jaire, the milliner,
and Mra. Goodman are in the Me
tropolis this week.,
, Ice cream and cake will be served
at the Hazaar given by the ladies
of the Christian church, Friday
Elder 0. W. Capp of Tyler,
Texas, end Elder Blalock of Beaver.
Oregon, passed through yesterday
enroute to Albany to conduct gos
pel work
at th Baptist church of this city
. r . 1 1 m 1 1 1 n r i it
. . mi . i i ini? ironi t uum v v. v..-.
next bunaay. ine wonu reuunu- -
. . i-4 .ti, Various games were played, re
ed , revival song euuuw, . , - - . .. .
' a n -:n Mnrn. freehments served and a general
m ; iir rwii c viai. vtj cuutbi " v
, 1 V -I
in subject. -The Resurrection 0r """""
Christ;" evening subject, "The Res
iurrection of the Saints."
l!,eC..t,fth..k.reMr. A.) M, r IUir Usu .ud S VlV HIU B,,V
... ,!.;.' Mr. AtU'Ut f i'" liiff, ! v'- i.r.j U.ni.M far dtltUu r
McLmitlillo, Mr. Auut ti'1 ilr? j, svi.r,,',, ,f UlU r
Mm. Knox. M '"
Mt. tJrA. Kuuh.
M'im MU1 Cm rr l hni from
Ki-i.-C ya ati n.
Arrival from H1.mu pu ll
ni -ht t.at rr Mi""f Mami and
M.tla Hikeman. MUss I)t
trigg and NiUia Fratif. 1-rank
(Vlef Jirt, Uomeo tlouUt, Mr. Iral-
t and Mr. Hvbon.
Robrrl FowiU i f Monmouth baa
t een elt ted ta take the plac of
Mim Laura FoM.r in lb public
chod. Mi Kter rtoigt.ed t
finish her course at Monmouth.
llr the fine program at the
opera houe Friday night.
Dr. Butler was called yecterdy
to treat Wayne McCann who shot
himself through the tee. Mr. Mc
Cann bad raiNnl bis grille to
tb.wt at a jay bird and lowering
the muzile it discharged taking
elTect in the third and fourth to.
Admission 10 and 15 cents to the
Bazaar Friday eight, April 14.
B. T. Merrill, a lomWr man of
Carlton, was looking after bufines
iu Independence the first of the
The fifth Sunday meeting of the
Western Baptist Association will
bo held with LaOreole church,
Polk connty, Oregon, beginning
April 27th. A program will be
rendered. All Baptists aie cor-
diUy invited to attend and take
pVt in the discussions
Eld-r R. Y. Blalock,
Chairman Program Committee.
lUrtl'dar Turtles
Miss Oueen Dickinson gave
n..tD in hT vnnntr friends Wed- I nVtanirfwl
.ftarnivin In Vinnor Cif heT I rd.iM.n nhct Wl Out lookln2 for
I . i .t i. il,!.i Y. 1 1 r 1 t-.Tl I.. Ka mil lilt
r. 1 J nnnuior frill treachl lula Oinnaaj. nwuk vuHvrv.u, ireCy sou wsum -r
Rev. A. J. Ilansaker will lacn n,. w. : K nnt.kirt. of town
Caw hatU-r pa 0 stre t.
In the spring a i man's fncy t
lwaj turns In ll Mg'i paint, j
llustvn t Simon have tliU sl-Tbe
:Hshrio.VViKUuis. A jci J int ,
for eviry jiuriHse IIutoo t-j
m n. !
S. W. T. Rdy Ar I'aint Man J
Seo window ttt Hulon iV; Simon's
store. j
See the Big Taint Man in Hua- j
ton & Simon's window. j
at Pnverdle's fifd 1
t,irt at f-00 jr bufhel.
Our line of vthiclen are new and
up-to-date. You do not have logo to j
ihe metropolis to see the latwt '
styles. Ten to 15 per cent savljj
by buying of us, K. M. ade Vv. ,
Sola agents for Clark, Anderson!
ud l'Uniip vehicles.
Dr. F. E. Slater, cf Salem, has '
purchased the practice of Dr. C. S.
White, and will be an equal part
ner from now until the doctor leave
for Tacoaa, Wash., where be!
will locate on or about October 1st.
Dr. Slater comes to us well recom
mended as a medical man, and
tdands high in his profession at the
capital. He has also purchased
Dr. White's residence, and will
soon locate bis family here Ger
vais Star.
Dr. Slater Is known here and
had made op hU mind to locate at
.. . t. - .,, Via nlaria Wr
111. IUII I! L IM1 k UtB I'lHII. ' -
Dr. White is the Oervais s iy
Thal'alh kiml ol rlll.lt '
U it Mia.. t J
$ci)Ios$ Bros- $ go.
"Correct Clctfcc' makers
It li"HAM TAII.OKKP ll.r.iigln'U
It ii rut n U.e iirft
It UeornHl In tvery t)l rllruUr.
Kveiy.aiUiri.1 I. .hH lo f t tUlj ami o n.k.l to
In hnUig, e.ll... tMitton Imlea, ami sU tl.e U-t-iN .f tin
..lnK,ri htlu. nl IslulW up .!. "in. rrhni t tUr
tUr.ard. iul . .. Witfr .a.. nnu h i t uir that
liii..;u r.U' Inruiisnt tulloring.
Tl.e pfrture l.o a .t. ) n UHklnsmit, llutt f 'f
lra ttd !P..-rl tf .iitllt. a st-nlU ii.an'. Meal il
rjiiOltiu-- ar-t iiuxteratk'n. Wl.at l i J"'l bik
asuitastliU In rich, -iriu CUUoH aid flu.it!e
i r
." , ' ti v
J Hit 4T "s-
, I: .4 :
1 :.!-.H
, a s a
Jit So Cow
a Price Jl$
G. W. Jolhunsom Co.,
v. ' . .
twyJL A VAX m -
PrtKert ViitBidps and bride ,of
, rortlanl.are quests at .tiie ' Little'
Tralace hotel for a few days. Mr.
Whitesidea boarded with Landlord
' T C TnrlanA .. Drill : Vila
VOUUtau iu vi
honeymoon trip included a stop at
the Donovan hostelry in' Indepen
dence. ;
' The Odd .Fellows at , their .re
gular meeting Thursday night
elected the following delegates for
grand .lodge to be held in Portland
thefirst week in June: Riley
Craven, Joe Hubbard and Geo.
Conkey. ' " " ,
It will be news to some, , espec
ially new comers, to learn that the
Peoples Cash Store last week pur
chased 19 coon skins, 14 skunk
skins, 2 mink skins and 4 muek
Savs the Eugene Reeiater:, Over
at Independence a big 'bunch of
delegates to the state convention of
the Development League which
convenes in Portland April 26 and
27, will be accompanied by a brass
band. Eugene and Lane county
should be well represented at this
" convention. ., r
' Plans and specifications are be
ing drawn up by an Albany arcbi
tect for a new store , building and
lodge hall for the" Odd Fellows at
' Buena Vista. ' The new structure
will be 30x60 with lodge and re
, ception room overhead. .,; Mr. Neil,
successor to the: McReynold Bros.,
' has opened up his store !n the
Liggett building. ' ' '
Ppmi.n.nnna.1 renort of E. W.
Elayer, pastor of the Methodist
: church. Independence: Since Oc
tober 16, we have received 24 mem
bers into the church. The regular
attendance at Sunday School has
increased from 35 to 84. An Ep
worth league with 30 members
and a Junior League with 36 mem
bers have been organized. Thir
teen have joined the Ladies Aid
Society. Congregations are large
and prayer meetings well attended.
Miss Marie Jones pleasantly en
tertained a nninber,,of -her ip(u3L.
Friday evenisg. it being the occa
sion of her 11th birthday. Deli
cious refreshments were served and
a merry time was had for' several
hours. The hostess was the recip
ient of many pretty and useful
presents. The invited guests were:
Minnie Chambers, Vivian bite-
aker, Cora Walker, Ruth'Hddge,
Genevieve Cooper, Marie Byers,
Laura Aldrich, Emma Ilenkle,
Nellie Damon, Erma Gilpin, Loy
McCandless. Beulah Bramberg, Le
on and Roena Sperling, Queen
Dickinson, Bessie Hartman, Eva
Hansen, Gfetcben Kramer, Teddie
Irvine. Arroirt Young, Marion But?
lerRoy McCandless, Elwood Hart-
with them in the outskirts of town
and was robbed of his gun and
iAtriincf I
Our Harness Store is Now
Full-up with Harness Goods
Health Is Youth.
-4 J i V
I)ieiwe and olcjiu -tring old aife.
ll-rblfle taken every morning t fore . iv
brakfat. will kp you In ronuat, v.;
benitu, ni you i u u. -.-. " ; ii
mmm oonstibatton. blliousneiw, dj-,M?
. Robes
kepi In an
Harness Store V
The final debate of the College,
Debating League of .Oregon State
Normal School t Monmouth Fri-
day night of this week.
This.-wiir.be a measuring of
strength between Monmouth and
Albany College teams. Monmouth
has won over ' McMinnville and
Albany over Newberg. The judges
y-a 1 t t .' .
selected are Uoyernor unamoenain
W. A. Wann and President Cole
man of Willamette University.
This will be the moBt interesting
debate yet held and will be well
wortk attending. The subject is
"Resolyed that. Reciprocity is ' a
better Method of Regulating Our
International Commerce Inter
course than a ' Protective Tariff."
In the debate with " McMinnville
Monmouth had the negative. On
this occaeson the Normal boys will
take the negative. , , , ,
"There will be present representa
tives from Newberg, McMinnville,
Albany and Monmouth. A busi
ness meeting of the debating League
will .be held on the same evening.
fTr. Bancroft makes regular
k,, visits and guarantees all
work to be satisfactory.
pepsUvtSver skin, liver and kidney
complaints. It purine tne okjoq anu
clears the complex loo. "' " a
-Mrs. I. W. Smith. Whitney, Tex.f
writes April 3, 1902: "I have twed
Herblne, and Hnd It the best medlalne
for constipation and liver troubles. It
does all you claim for It. I can highly
recommend It. 60c, Hold by A.' B.
Locke. ,- , I
. i . -i - .' 1
" , -.- j. , -v -
The Very Hest ltemedy for llow
; cl Troubles No Family "an
jiftorA to lie Without It. T
r rerard Cbamberlaln'a Hollo, Chol
era and I)trrhoea Remedy as ons of
tbe very best remedies for bowel troub
les," saya Mr. J. W. lianlon.'editor of
the Despatch, Oellla, Georgia. . "I
make tbta statement after having used
tbe medicine Id my family for several
years. I am never wunoui u.
family caa afRrd to be withcufc a
bottle of tbis remedy In tbe house. Jit
Ih certain to be needed sooner or liter.
For sale by P. M. Klrkland, the drpg-
gist. - -.- - - :
The pig iron produced in the
United States in one year would
Liake a column twice the height
and size of the Eiffel Tower. Tbe
iron and eteel rails, if made Into
one rail, would be eighty-one feet
wide at the base, just as high, and
a mile and a fifth long.' ''The coke
used in blast rfurnacea would ' fof m
a colum fouf hundred feel square
and six thousand, five hundred feet
high', and the limestone used would
make a column two hundred feat
square and five thousand, live h an-
dred feet high. v (. , , ; . ;-
Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy
tbe Uest and Most Popular.
"Mothers buy it for croupy children,
ra'lroad men buy it for severe oougbs
and elderly people buy it for la grippe,"
ay Moore Broa. Eldon. Iowa. We
sell more of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy than any other kind. It
seems to have taken tbe lead over sev
eral other good brands." There Is no
question but tbl medicine la the best
that can be procured for coughs and
colds, whether it be a child or an adult
that is afflicted. It always eures and
cures quickly. Sold by P. M. Kirk
land, the druggist.
We challenge comparison of prices, quality considered, with any store. Don't Co away
. . .t . . t . I . - ..:l -im!n rtip prwls. V
from home lor anytrung m uunun um 7 v.... &
a' (
ToYAqcisA Bat .Which To TeorLa
t VVibhiso To Exjov Natcbb's Bkao
iikb Pkoves 8o Poi-ulah.
Tbe low rates In effuct from joints on
the S. P. to Yaanlna Kay jlurlnit the
winter, which provikl ao popular with
tbe people wishing to view the laut!-
of nature at that magnificent. seaside
retort, have been extended daring the
.k ,.f A nrll. and ticket will be sold
on Wednesdays and Saturdays until the
hat of April, good for return at any wnw
op to May 31, 1005,. , ; , , ' .
The month of April should be a fayor
lt one for visiting the easide, where
"SmiliiiJ Spring her earliest visit pays,
and where the health-giving oreezei oi
the Pacific will banlnh "Spring Fever"
ahd other ills to which flesh is heir.
, TllBOTOH Tickt Arbanoembnts.
, Tickets from all East side points to all
West side points, and vice versa, via the
C, & E. are also on sale by the C & E.
at Albany ; and to all East side points
on the 8, P. by the C. and E, at Corval
liitfn which bagtjage. can be.,, checked
through to destination, thus avoiding
delay and annoyance to . passengers
traveling between East and West side
points. -t.-.: " --I.,'-..
Full information in regard-to rates,
etc., can be obtained from any 8, P, or
CAE. agent or from W. E. Coman, G.
?. A., 8. P. Co., Portland, or T. II.
Curtis, Acting . Manager, C. & E. K. B.
Company, Albany, Oregon, . tf.
Bicyles! Bicycles!
, ; ; J Be Swell and
; : ' Pide the Snell-;
Spell $25-$40 pitcbell $25
- 1 Tiros, single tube, double tube, Clincher, all
' kinds all T-ricefl, $4.50 to $10.00 per pair. ; ; ;
COASTElt BUAKKS, Thor, NcvvJ Depar
' ' "ture, New Morrow. ',' Sundriee of all kinds.'
,;; : Some snaps in eeconcl. hand vyhoela. ; i?
: H. M. Edaar .
C Street I ,V'-Independence j
The Bank of England stands up
on a piece of ground valued at two
hundred and fifty dollars a square
foot. If the bank ever should find
itself pressed for money' it could
eell its site for thirty-two million,
seven hundred and seventy thous
and doUars. r
t S
F; "rt'Clas
K Winery
Hats Htxde
To Order..
mi$$ Pearl $QiiK