West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 18, 1905, Image 3

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Saturday In Independence
April 15, 1005 Ms a
Very lively One
ticusc for Idleness llcrcuboais
I And Much Kurt Before Hop
j Crip licked cad Sarcfl
I InJeii.dimce U the ihriv
? Moimvrciftl rentr r f a ,rojMUi
-..(iiin nf lliK r .ukUV. ii tbe vr
'diet of disl..tertrd t.twrwi
'town Saturday. Tit busy cirs
V tb h ji U'klng -aun were r
Ctltmi, when tbne.la a Con)r.ntton
f of atrwttratiio. TL picture was
different howevrr in that the throng
during hop jilckiug lnn is ruade
up of 1 fro'U (f n'' ,1,'r
bll Saturday's crowd m mad
op almost wholly of bom peoi le.
ll wii mostly fsrmers la wagons,
backs and buggies from I'ulk end
Marion counties.
Their utUatun was principally to
lrJ sud all day long. tb rack
provided at Miner's stora, that
roeoca for fanner's loams, m In
use, M m every bltcblog post in
town. Often did farmers alight
from from tbelr wagon end square
boggle and back up at Messner's
by lifting lb rear end to tnsk
room for one mora. A row of teams
wat alao linod up at tbe Wilaon
corner in front of tbe bank on
iionmoulh street during tbe day
and Dickinson's and Aa Taylor'
liyerj stables bad all the could do
in caring for teams.
A characUsrUtlo of Saturday'
crowd was tbi stood bumor and
spirit of cbeerfulness that prevailed.
Erervbody waa In that happy
frame of mind that favorable ipring
weather, growing crop, glowing
proepecU. and prosperity generally,
Inspire. Training, treilislng end
plowing of hop, price or livestock
nroiDfcu of the fruit crop, good
roods, and ferry facilities, were
topic dtacuaaed by knoU of men
n tha street.
fUturdev was ft li day Jo Inde
pendence and there l do place for
doll one In iigQU mere u no
nira and do excue for an idle
man hereabout, until after tbe bop
crop ia harrealed and avd next
falL With tbe Increased nop acre
age, new bop houee to build and
-jfitnnal acreage to cultivate and
pick; with the prospect for a fair
grain, graw and (run crop, , ww
two saw millt tunning in place) of
. a; a vear ajtoLWita l cream
err manufacturing tha product of
- 1
1800 cow and increasing u dum
month: with a big Hour
in( in operatlooj wlUx a de
mand for houses greater wan
.nni. mrxA avarv carpenter busy
and contract ahead; with a ; tile
ir nrkina a force of men ana
a brick factory to start up in a few
rv dav Is a busy aay
in ai.r..rt f the Bine . Ribbon
Connty ot Oregon and busines will
grow la intensity a tha day I go by.
Amnntr the prominent . Polk
oounty cHlwna on the streets of
Saturday were:
Marshal 8a?er, of Parker; Joe
k. atAok shipper: 1 John
8ampter oi Cooper IIollow; , Mar
RorafTord of LuokU
mate; Dr. Crowley of Monmouth;
C. N. MoArthur and Mt. .JJurca ;
SS5SSWr,lfc, ankle. The
Rickreail; D. B. Taylor, irom b Um working a
n-ntAn rion ranch: Win. Maokey, a
hop man from the Marlon oounty
aide; Mr. and Mr. Cookie, Mr. and
Mrs. Bnd Alexander, Ben Mason,
CoDStable X. H. Moran, Oeorge
McLaughlin, Wash . GibMn, 7. J.
Rueeell, Chas. Leonard, J.
Knowie-V W Beyensi Jodi
MorrlsonDaye Btapleton, Al Ver
non, Rickreail; Leonard Kreb,
Carl DeAnnond, Henry Mott, O.
V. Boots, '
MrsTHenrietta Wells is "Visiting
in Buyer with relatives.
Mr. Hand of Albany met Vlth
k T..t.. of the I. O. O. F. last
tiii'l UI f Jit,i!i limn lit
b U ! J 1 1 g l.r.
Our rn-w store If t'.f 1 In t! e
Nah building,, U rHl'ug In or lr
lit fit' ihij'. Mr. Nr) the r
julrUir ! r i liii iii tl.e !lMin
U. It Mk"ll I.M lintel into
tha IVvena Imut, Imrii.g vicntl
I be Nih bull ling.
K!mrNih lias Murmd bomr
after a short iit aith bU prei.l
I'rtM !tii a rylrre ai'l l bM
at the M, K churth neat PufxUy
morning. This ia tin regular day
glfor rvuri iit tbia church.
IMi-Bfe lo lb Willamette
Valley ImitroTement 1$ ibould
reiwrlloQ. A. Hurley Indepen
dence H I bey Xect to g i to Port.
Und the 'ih and 27lb. int. 3 ev
eral ba lgnifiei their Intention
o go.
Mits MaWl Wbeelock is 'it
ng at LtFar11'
Frank Fiwher of Portland was
hereltH week on business.
Mrs. Will Peek ley of Oakltnd, it
visltina st the home of A. J. Haley.
M. U. Orabaw, ol Grsvelte, Ark.
s here visiting bis brother James
The Freabmen are makiug elab
orate preparations for tbelr annual
reception which Is to be given lo
the Normal enembly ball, Apr.
Our ps inters are all busy and
the reault of their labor is contrib
uting matetially towsrd tb lm
proyement of our city' appear
Miss Msud Hawley ha return
ed from McCoy where she has been
Pierce Wees, of Crowley, was
bare transacting businea Wednee
p -
in mm crn
Exlatlni conditions warranted
the action of the Clackamas Pomo
na Grange In petitioning the City
Council for the Installing of public
nrinaia in Oreaoo City. Tb re-
oueat is not to be considered as a
loke or a laoebabl matter. There
exists in Oregon City a growing
nnad for tbts urinals and it W to
be. reirretted that tbcity'a traight
ened circumstances financially
" ' M. .
will likely defeat fayorable actio n
by tbt Council oa this Bubjeot at
this Ume. Orecon City, Jinter
nrtsa, Hava always btlleted Mr,
U'Rea would force just ucn
condition of affair at Oregon ttty
l. St" '
Arrc.iei Saturday.
Thoush there wera many people
lo town Saturday, there wa but
on disturbance It arose over u
arrest of a man who bad imbibed
more than the law ollow and was
heemninB bolsterou. When In-
formed by officer walker N ana
Taylor that li waa in their custody
h nffamrf resistance. A scuiao
nsnad which deyeloped the fact
that the booay man wa something
of an athlete, and Asa Taylor, in
fWint of whose Btable the arrest oo
rrB,l waa called on for aseisUnce.
flnmmonfld by botli father and
policeman, Aea did their bidding
and tb three escorted the man Ho
tk. .i.hnnan. In tb scramble
IUW vsi'"" -
the lea of the unfortunate man wa
....ti4 man had been working
few days n the Kreb' ranch and
Leonard Krebs being in town had
Dr. Butler drewbe wound and the
man oared for at the Little Palace
BOteL,,'. v.'r .'J-h'! V.Vt.'f.' ' ; '
Uewre Uol f Olatmeata for C
,jrrh tbat Contatn Mercury.
vl.r,rywlll sur.lr dtroy
smell and oomplrtel esrsnsn Whole
lurftl. 8cU arttotoa should
woept oo prewrtptlons from repuUbls phy
tb. nf tb.r will do U toa
Md M tha too you oan possibly d.Ht. Mm
th.m. Hsirs Caurrh Cur., m.nutaoturd
by J Chsnsy 4 IX. 'Xolrfo. O.. oontolnsj ao
Swy.aad to uke Infrsslly. aatlas MU-,
" ' . .... ki. .hl muooos surfeoes
Cur. h. sur. you ei n. i i-m.
r . n.nrfmillaToledo, Ohio, Dy
- , . I
Vf !, HU"tiC, V!it-t or iil!f
iii.(U li.rvH Him In Oilt etiiiuu(
FOIlVALK bushel
-hl osU; a' n'isntily of
i.M -.iirtii, Au'irva tit
jihnna I'ran Kvans, Parker.
FOU HALH. -In town of Mon
iiiotuh '2 acres land, houe, barn
and orchard on tame. A bargain.
Apply ti John Nichols, Monmouth.
tOll HA LK Fine black uiare;
Weight I V Jb., ag 0 years
enquire of Clarence McCalel
four iiiilos wrst of Mornuouth.
select iei. of P.lack Min
or ai, I'rart fiyineite t t; t Pekln
Duck. AUo .1 pens uf Minorras
and 5 pairs (iuineas f ir eale.
C. I. Psllard. Pii kreill Oregon
FOR HALE A good second band
bugay. Enquire at this n:!lce.
FOU HALE II gs, ihoaU weigh-
inir aUiut 75 Iba. Illack tiros.
Inile jeniltoce.
FOU SALE At a bargain, a good
county stcr. Enquire of . L.
Dristow. Airlie, Oregon.
can furnish a few settings oi
Blue Andalusian ejrge, 15 for 50
cU. Leare orders at Star Gro
cery. FOR SALE Seed potatoes. En-
quire of M. L. McGowan. Inde
pendence, Oregon.
FOR SALF Three lots in this
city. Finely located. Enquire at
this office.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred white
Wyandotte eggs for sale at oU
cents per setting. II. O. Seely,
West Independence.
BAROAIN Nice high grsde P. C.
pigs from my thorough-bred
boar 1100 each. Good sows
with younger pigs and some
good stock hogs. Also silo and
new corn cultivator. A. J.
Whlteaker, Independence, phone
Monmouth, 1x2.
FOR SALE Mrs. J. W. Richard
son ha for sale at her home on
Monmouth street, California
Medicated soap. This soap Is
srood for sore, chapped hands.
black heads, dandruff, etc. 10c
per cake or three for 25c
FOR 8ALE One first class run
about buggy and a fine stock
addle for one-half of their value
Enquire at this ofSce.
FOR SALE--Oak poet.'' Enquire
. of Allan Johnson. Monmoutn,
- Oregon. ' N ' "'
To tiie noaebone. tbe DMekret akm,
the aDpsarance vt Mm moon, coma and
bevmeas Joints bae bean 1AW1
asnr atasdard of popular Weather prog1
Doatlcatloo found ta tb alleged doaa
emMoOas betwewa the yanrlnf notae
of bamtnlna telegraph end tuluplwna
wlrae and the weaiber ef fbe roiwwug
fM dara. Tbla dtacorenr wa made
by Uenr Bock, a Oermea whoae tUle
of jwofaeeor eree to Wa announeameai
rartsta decree of etedlbUMy; -The
hainmta Of the wine, tte professor
sAptaiae. mnweneea Dy me strengu
af the wtad. the tanaksa of the wtnw
and Vartooe eaoaee which are la turn
affected by temperature and other at
BMM&faerte coodtttooa." ' Of eottree the
offldal forecaatere treat llerr Boca's
mthod of obaerrmaoa wtth dertalon.
as ihey de all atteaapta te foretosU the
weather frots pbanoeB 'wtthla the
tight and bearing ef the eotmnon oaro.
TTiiiisittiiilnea ths TrrifT bnrean are
Terr far fro' tnfantble.' While their
aysteih of eoQeetlng at a central ponn
Ati bIboA from best-rations at many
different points giree them an adran-
tage erer the ordinary CKlaaa u pre
dieting the coatee -of- general storms,
the' public stlM -bae to depend ' rery
largely for 1U InformafloQ regarding
loral dtotttbcince iroon ' those eigne
which Adam doabtleea tteted ia the
mrdfln of Bilan, One would hardly he
Justified irn' maklag1 afleira of great
pHh and moment bang opon nia own
weather predlettona,' bet It may be
worth while- to ey some attention to
the simple algnala which onr forefa
thers found so useful.
., H-U.l 1 " ' IK'!".-? -
, An eieetsioal eew; for eotttng down
treea ts among recent lurejUuns de
cttbed la the Bcteatflle American. Tha
trees are felled by bomiag through tha
tru&k does to the groood with a wise
heated by the eurrent Item be oper
ated at a ax distaece faam the edee
trlcal pm&4 .
A I I U V U Xrsi Ljaa 'J Lrtss U J Xss L'.zz
Defl- 1 1
13 ....... - - fTy-j-r-r ' " -
1 ti:i i 1 1 i :i 'i i i ,i TrrnHv jj
, 1 n
1 t Hi :rT I
4: , , 1 1 , a-li. a-.V . I
$ ZtZ: HO AJfti. f j
Fay can you etoj. a minutv? This U tlu fenco that h tuilt fur you. It i tuilt
of tin- bt et niaU-rial thai '20 years of ex jK'rieneo can produce. Tho motto of the com
pany is not, how cheap, but how good. The I'ago is tho only spring tl oen
fence on tho market today. There aro eome imitation however, tut they are built
of cheap material, hence a cheap light weight fenco once embed out of shape, always
out of shape. Remember I'age fenco is wade of Tape wire. There are pattern of
Page fenco built to hold any kind of stock or fowl between the Buffalo and tho chick
just hatched. Remember
J.E.WILSON, Local Agent
assists yon to erect tho Page fence. Bell Phone No. 444 Independence Oregon
Pool Your Wool
Geo. E. Brey
Independence, . Oregon
Storage, Commission and all other charges c per pound:
Sacks Furnislied
Will aleo buy at highest market price if desired.
Call aind See
Our Line of
aeaaaaeaaeaBBBSBBBBsw Basaaeai sasaaeBeaeasj aaaaa
& Graven :
..f '1 i'l tlW
gi w-r ill l
' Barn Money for '
SUMMBH T.,p. V:;
Every boy enjoys k ' change of
air and the fan to be had in the
moantains or at the seashore, bat
not every boy's father can afford,
the expense. Wouldn't it be jolly
to earn tbe money yourself?
There is a way that is as easy
as it ia sure. It is by gettiog sub
scribers for TOWN XlSD COUN
Hundreds of boys all over the
country are doing this and yoa
might just as well have your share
of the profits. "' . " .,'
gend a postal today and we -will
end you complete instructions,
together with, a free outfit
ft netei Bids., , J. anfsiai
' There is on horse for every three
persona in the United Btawa, -
Ann Ken one licensed dritit
ins place to every four hundred
and thirtyeix Inbanitants.
" About ithenmatism.
"There are few disease that inflict
more torture than weumMiwu u
there Is probably ho disease for which
such a varied and Useless lot ef xeme.
dies have Ween auggeeted. To aay that
it can be cured ia, . therefore a bold
etatement to make, but Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, wbloh enjoy an extenUve
.... i , atv ormL Hueocea in the
treatment oi thia disease. One appli
eaUooof Pain Balm will relieve the
pain, and bundreda of aufferere have
testified to permanen ure "
Pain Balm afforo
rochqulck relief and eoeta but a trifleT
For sale by P. M. Klrklaad, the drug-gist.
' m
(Q. Kloore.
! Ask the Agent for Tickets
Al ivinu','. sunYIA j ."..ivi
to eeoKaei
at. touie e . eoiwTa
! for tickets' rates, Elders and full in
formation cailon or address a. mCK
SON City Ticket Agent, 128 3rd Bt-i
Portland. ... .
8. G. YERKE8, A. G. P.A.
Corner First Avenue ft Yeeler w ay ,
..t . AitnA oArvlna on freisnt.
Route your sbipmenta via Greet
fr,U . ' T..ll InfnrmaMnn from
WOnnerWm. HaxderTni Agent.
Portland, Ore.
W.R ALUN D. D. a
PaOnleM Katoaettoa
Cooper BoSKUdc,
n-u. .t4'a nnvinctton of meat.
4U."i""i""- -
since 1840, has increased , ESy
eren per cent., find the production
of grain tour hundred and twenty
percent. I
Oe icpcrtci Pcrcfccrcasu::!:
owned by the folk Coonty Percheroo
Horee Aaaodatlon, will make the
season of 1&Q5 as follows :
Tamer's Ti M, tiVJt
Bldlsjor Dwrf SUtlt,
TERMS $25 to Insure, due wheB mare
is known to be with foei, or parted with
Care will be taken to pretest accidents,
bat will be responsible for none.
Jl IJ. !
UnderUker, Embalmer, and . Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Deelred.
. GA80LIHE EtiGlllE
k . AnrMm and aconomical power
for ;pnmpi8 wtor ewing wood, rua
ning cream separators, and many other
ases oa the term. . i
, ... H. M. EDGAR AGT.
fofeptadsoce J J Otegoo
Carpenter work and
General Repairing (
Prices Eeaeonablo. BU Phono
Leave Independence for Albany
daily,' 8 P. M; for CorvalliB, Mon
"dayBWednesday,' Fridays, and
Saturday at 8 P. M. ;
Leave Independencs for Portland
daily, A..M. ,
W. G. ;;SHARMAr4f
Merchant tailor
v:i : Bank Building, ;
Independkncb, - ' 000-
Dallas, Ore.
'i, v jrfl'arMe and
' IT1
Monnments and Head-
work etc.
LI "i
week. Mr. Hand I an architect)
old by Druejisw.