West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 18, 1905, Image 2

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WU.TKHilAON. r.pnvH
absorption, $1.50 Per Year
r :
wa moiiih
rU..m iir aWr.l.l '"
The thing that ia tll0r
trehi? to to s.-o is that
,metimos the men and women
who hnv done well in h To son
curious inahil'.iy to tmin the.r
own children in the way that
lias mulled mceessfn'ly to them.
I think that all of us know p
pie who, became they have
worked liaid an, triumphed,
feel that somehow or other they
will span? their children. They
will foolishly spare their child
ren the acquisition of the very
qualities which have made the
parents triumph. Too often you
see the wan, and I am sorry to
eay, the woman, who says, "I
have had to work hard; my sons
and daughters shall have an
easy time." lie is bringing ruin
upon the children who says it.
Of course, you want to give
your children all the love pos
Bible, hut it is not right to mis
take folly for affection. When
von spare the child that which
alone will enable it to conquer
in after life, you are not doing
it a blessing; you are doing the
greatest wrong in your power.
Bring up the boy and girl alike
with the understanding that life
is not generally easy; that there
" will be plenty of rough times,
and that what they have te show
. is not a spirit that avoids diffi
culties and flinches from them,
but a spirit , which overcomes
them. Roosevelt.
. During one of hia visits to a
"courthouse, Abraham Lincoln
heard John C. Breckinridge
make, as it seemed to him, a
marvelous speech. It was in
defense of a murderer. After
court adjourned, the tall, awk
ward boy was so carried away
with the speech that he rushed
forward to shake hands with the
great advocate, but the lawyer,
with a sort of contemptuous air,
would not notice him. Many
5' years after he had beaten him
in the race for the presidency,
Iiucoln recalled the circum
stance to Breckinridge, and
thanked him for hia speech.
Hamilton Wright Mabie, in
an address to the students of the
Eastman Business College, said:
1 "If I were a ' young man or a
' young woman going but into
the world to day, I should not
dare to go unless I had given
myself every possible educa
tional opportunity r unless I
had made myself absolutely mas
ter of the thing I wanted to do.
I tell you, to-day, that the trag
edy of modern' life is the trag-
r" A v of the half-educated man or
5 woman. It is tht tragedy of
the manor woman who wants
to do something and can not do
anything welL." , ,
" The following were Abraham
T.innoln'a maxims for longevity:
v "Do not worry ; eat three square
' ' meals a day; say your prayers;
think of your wue; do counts
to your creditors; keep your di--roBimn
rood: steer clear of bil
iousness; exercise; go slow and
easy; maybe . there are other
things that your epecial case re
quires to make you happy, but,
my friend, these, I reckon, wiU
give you a good me.
i pri'o, they aro not the J
Katmus' of Independence
!f l -v.rvbr.dT S3 !!
making an effort at raiulhj
imnMvinfi'i wm way, I"
th roiirut Uck in kept M '
fortnight longer it enn be
Mr. Karotn lis left town.
1r and O. K. H
1.va sold tl ir interest
the Toledo Importer to A
Plark. Mr. Clark the
who centered the privilege
the people of Line
ami r.lk a representative, w
J. S. Cooper.
1 jidiea staittHl the -Clean
lVtuitifv" crusade in 0
Bun City. "Ladies are reap
iha perioral renovati
of Eugene and it due to tl
ladies of Independent that Hi
rtu n i talins on a hetter a
pearance than it has presented
in years.
ihv have been train
ed for y'ears, the time is at hand
when hop vines must again m
The Divorce Question IUcuhca1
Next to marriage. di force ! the
beet institution we hate in Amer
ica." It was with Wis epigram
that Ella Wheeler Wilcox launch
d ioto the diecusaion of the moot
ed aubject of divorce in New Or
leans, a subject which had been
prompted hv a question relative to
her opinion of President Boose-
Telt's allusion to the necwivj r
:..4 K the atales io the
framing of laws which will make
divorcee wuy to Ret.
Thereis no douot." conuuuru
r.- v;iAn. ''that Bometbintt
ill IB. " -
In order to check
OUgUt KJ m """" -
.i . . .3 tnatnt divorce, but I
cn think of no particular remedy
that can D appiieu. pmj - -aponrible
for the attitude which la
employed toward divorce, and re-
marriage, and tl is w toj "
must look for a remedy for this at
titude. One of the most potent
influences making for divorce is the
fact that so Tew women reauy ibw
how to love. Love after all ia the
solution' of most of the world's
problems. Women should learn
&fmv a man's whole
UUW W iuiw J
nature has been changed by the
v. f . nrA wife's love directed
F" " - k ...
in the proper manner, and a lire
J anvfid. ' which might
otherwise have been bankrupt at
. . . ' . j j; 4
the first tnreaienea ajBjr.
The Sin of Omission
Tisn't the thing you do, dear,
&m B vmao j
Which gives you a bit of heartache
... ' it .!
1 Tai t hA t htni7 w OH YB 101 UUUVUS.
At thA MttiDir o: ao buu.
The tender word forgotten," '
ffc latter von did not write;
The flower you might have sent,dear
Are your haunting ghosts to-night
The stone you miga uto
nt nf a. brother's war, '
trui w - - -
X HQ Ul Ul UO vowu
You were hurried too much to say,
a1 1 Jk A am
The loving toucn oi me buu, ui,
That you had no time nor though t
. for,
With troubles enough of your own
The little acts of kindness, j
t5oeaaily out of mind; ( .
These chances to be angels
Which every mor uuun,
m in niarVit and silence.
- ... t l.U
Each chill, reproacniui wtuu,
When hope is faint and flagging,
And a blight has dropped on
faith.- ,.r y. ,y ; -., -
For life is all too short, dear,
And sorrow is all too great
To sutler our slow compassion, j
That tarries until too late. ' ,
And it's not the thin you do, dear,
It's the thing you leave undone,
Which gives you the bit of heart
.. ache, 1 1 ?:
' At the setting of the sun . n t .
., , . - Bfargaret K. Sangster. ,
' Eeports of the Austrian depart
ment of finance show that,' daring
the decade, 1892-1902, 'Austrian
and Hungarian emigrants to 'this
country have sent home money to
the amount of five hundred and
fifty-two million dollars.
hlli-la Uttrgatn
IVtx" CharUjr h thrHi Uris
in land on tU tt Ul l')'
i.t one wanting bargains In Ud
(o lnvtigt.
0, iV,. i Uitt V.cs rn r;rt'r-
Ivir Lake, Thi is an
ld-l suiumef home, god flshtnK,
gtHHl ptur, gl touriit camp
ing ground. The c'ara tree
Rrowa on this plane. It ' eOVreil
for 112 an aci.
AnotherSO-aerelwo mllea IiMn
the mouth of the Bileti. near the
cannery can be bought for $10 an
A third SOacMslieson the louth
aide of Pepi ny and i ail prair
ie land on which ft cattle are now
grating; can he bd for 112.50 an
The owner inritea any one want
ing a piece of land to come and
look at then tracts and then W
governrd by his own judgment.
AdJress Dejxe Charley, Wl ti
Atwut a million Ulerams are
sent every day. In IW1 the total
waaSa4.SIS.-l71. Eojland ent
ninety-two million, four hundre.1
and aerenty-one thousand. Nn
cornea the United States, with cine-
tr one mi!lion. three hundred and
ninety-one thousand. Germany,
Russia, Australia, flelgiutn ami
Italy follow in the order named.
Notice or Final Settlement.
In (ha miiur of the adnitalatratloo
Of tbe i state of Leah Nichols, deoMMd.
Notice Is hereby given thai Ira
Pnw.M iha administrator oT the eaUte
of Tah Nlchola. decvaaed, baa ren
dered and prent for aetUement and
Sled In aald court tbe floal account of
tale administration ef eaid eateU; and
that Monday, tbe first day or aiay,
1905, at one o'clock P. M., at tbe court
mom of aald court at tha oourt bouse
In bald Polk eouuty, baa ben appoint
m, hv th aald court for tbe settJemeot
of aald avowant, at which time and
nlm in neraon Interested in aaia
estate may appear and except thereto
and contest the aame.
Ira C. Powell.
that I have my reserve dynamo
ready for emergencies, I respect
fully ask you to consider the
comfort, convsnience,' cheapness
and safety of electric lights.
Put a liuht In each room of your
dwelling, have a meter installed
and get light for less money
than you now pay for coal oil
Meter rates for residences:
10 cts. for each light installed
and 5 ctf, per Kilowat for cur
rent. ' A Kilowat is equal to
18-18 0. P. lamps burned for
one hour. - '
t m -. ! t ' -
r 33 ' ;":
H )l
i f
U '
I ,.,li.iaiy.iiW
f II I ' - .WB' T., , Ml 1 1
R. Wi. WADE & CO.
THE xCpbl
Iaaay ffi ff ssaawafaafJeWBjssss
SSS Examine our Clark Buggy,. - Price $100.
Uheumstle Pains Quickly
Tt.. Y.nwMatJn nalns charaeterlsUe
of rheunlallam and aolaUoa are quickly
relieved by applying UnamDeriaio a
Pain Balm. Tbe great pain relieving
a tha liniment baa been the
surprise and delight of tbowanda of
sufferers. Tbe quloa ruer iroai pua
which It affords la alone worth many
times Ita cost. For sale by P. M.
Klrkland, tbe druggist.
Gomllis i Eastern llailroaJ
No. 2 For Yaquina:
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. M.
;Corvallis 1:48 p. u.
Arrives Yaquina. .. . 8:20 P. at.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a.m.
Leaves Corvallia.... 11:30 a. W.
Arrives Albany 12:15 P. at
No. 5 For Albany-Detroit: .
Leaves Corvallis, . ... . .6:00 k. u.
Arrives Albany. ..... 6:40 a, U.
Lv. Albany for Detroit 7:30 A. M
Arrives Detroit 12.-02P.M.
No. 4 trom Detroit:
Leaves Detroit jZ:oo P. M
' Arrives Albany 6:15 P. u
Lv. Albany for CorvTs 7:15 p. m
Arrives Corvallis .... 7:55 p. u
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the 8. P.
south bound train, as well as giv
ingtwoor three hours in Albany
before departure of 8. P. noitb
bound train. ' " ' 1 I
..- ,,' ' -i i i : i" - ' y ' '
' Train No. 2 connects with the
8. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany
jrMnir direct service to JXewport
and adjacent beaches. 1 ' ;
Train No. 3 for Detroit via Al
bany, leaves Corvallis at 6 .00 a. m.
and connects with the B. f. Al
bany-Portland local ' train leaving
Albany at 7:00 a. m. Train' No. 3
leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a.
m., arriving there at noon, giving
ample time to reach the Breiten
bush hot springs the same day.
Train No. 4 connects at Albany
with the Portland-Albany local,
which arrives here at 7:10, and
runs to Corvallis leaving Albany
at 7:15 and arriving in Corvallis at
7:55 p.m. ' ; J .
' For further Information apply to
F. H. Cobtis, Acting Manager.
T. Cockrkll, Agent, Albany."
H. HI Cbonisb, Agent, Corvallis.
Fish, Oysters. Clams, Crabs, Beet,
- Pork and Dressed Chickens
E. E. Yarnell
C. Street Independence, Oregon
lias Frictionlcas Hearings,
Carbon Steed Tans,
Carbon Pteil Ilihs, and Iiraca rods,
Tower is constructed of Kxtra Heavy
Carbon Steel and thoroughly galvaulied
Get Our
A Dandy for Ilurna.
Dr. Bergin, Pana, III., writes: "I
k... ,,a itallarJ'a Boow Liniment;
alwaya reoommeod it to my friends, aa
I am oonfldent there ia no wwt
'It la a dandy tor burna.' Tboae who
live on farma are esjieclally liable to
aivdiantal puta. burns, bruteea.
which beat rspldly when Ballard's
gnow LlDlroeut Is applleu. it auooiu
always be kept In tbe boose for eases
of emergency." 2ftc, Mo and 1100.
Sold by A. B. Locke.
if - r
Through Pallruan standard and toas
1st sleeping cars dally to Omah., CM-
WTh Q f -.- .
toKansas City ; through Pullman toaa
Itt sleeping ears (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago and kansas Oitv;
roolinfng chair cars (seats Iree) to the
7--a J.IIm
7(1 .PottUnS6 ce 70
IV Mo Change of Care v
Chicago Halt Lake, Denver, - .
Portland Ft Worth, Otnaha,
Special , Kansas City, Bt. 4.30 pm
9 :10 a m via Louis, Chicago and
Hunting- East. ! ' '
Atlantic Bait Lake, Denver, , 1
Express Ft Wortb.Omaue,
8 : 15 pm via Kansas City, Bt 10 JO am
Hunting- Lemts, Chicago
ton; and East.
StPanl Walla Walla.LewIe- .,
Fast Mai) .too.Bpokane.Wal.
oamvia lace, Full man, 7:39 am
8pokane. Minneapolis, 8t
, paal.DulothJUU. , ;'
, , (J wankee; umcago , '
h J. 'and East.1 ' - - '
For San Francisco TC very Ave days at
8 :00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Dally, except fcunday, at
8:00 p. m,; Saturday at 10:00 p. m.
Dally service, water permitting, on
Willamette ane Yamhill rivers. . .
For fuller Information ask, or write
yonr nearest ticket agent, or
, ,. ... A.L.CRAIO,
' ' " ' "' -' General Passenger Agent.
Tbe Oregon Railroad eV Navigation
Co, orwand, Uregon.
Notico To Public
Uavimg purchased Charlie Uah
bard's wood-saw, I am now pre
pared to saw your wood,
Sam Muhleman
Ivjrys For llatcblns;
From -silver lace , wvandottes.
fall blooded chickens. Filteea eggs
lor one dollar. -airs. W. L. liloe.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public;
Collections Promptly Made Titles
iHDSrssotxcE, -i Oasooa
LmM le4Mn- Alrlle ftw
danaa tut Man. Monmouth aaa
mauib aod Aliile ladapandaaaa,
.,, f Ma.sa. 1-flO a. .,,., .
tJO p. n. fcuS p. .
M a, ra.
t i p. m. '
I. l.'vaa Moo moo th
ltes Mnnmoutb fur Jndaiwodaoae
Sir alrlle. t-0 a, m.
TflOa. m. P-
p- :
1,'im Monraoalh fcJB "
tut Imllm. umr ldpaiv
'IH a, w.: ' 4.aoa fur Moa,
im p. , tes p. m
0w. ?. Rodgcrs $ Co
Salem - Oregon
lino Winett
Cigars, and Deer
on DrftUfjht,
or in Bottles; at
Independence. mo. Oregon
L U SMITH? Proprietor.
Maeta every Wed. night
'-"J-'.l I Mitchell HHI.
Arthur Moore, w
J. W. IUohardson. K. of R and a