g iss SMsa-sawfJfJ s 1 Social andPersonal. new Mrt.B. It. Walker aslu h'aletu Undluid lonoo was in Tort land oter Sunday. ilTrlonUtoLiw opera TU Hill Dro.olJ tbtlr clip of mohair to E. K. raddov ai Key. J. A. Me.r. was In from Huena Vista yesterday. Geo. Mclaughlin was In town on business yesterday. J. K. Johncon came down from Corrallis ywterday. Jy Powell is in Portland for a few faja. J. K. Johnson has sold his laun dry plant In Corvalli. Keraey Eldridge is the janitor at the opera house. n:.. vi. Hm tines was la iH IB vi - Falem Friday. Mrs Van Dornsife and Mr. Guy Walker were Salem visitors Saturday. t At.ril fool pranks rr. rxtrated Saturday night In Inde- pendence uui no T..a nniirh present to make an enjoyable evening of the dance Saturday uigni. am TrTina ia building a spacious .lition to his home residence on 3rd street. Tv,n StaDleton favors a bridge across the Willamette at Indepen Aence rather than a tree terry. fi. TlRsie Butler and Helen Coooer visited the capital city Saturday. , xr. Wm Praven and Mrs. S. B. Walker were Salem visitors yester ; ... ' ...1V.1 (111 " lMarfhaudcimlorvmUi f-r.u fira uii'.-4 t cf Aim'' A.IUUU"J P. N. Turner erwlnfrviu AlflU Ftiday. Mr. UwUUIn search ! iore. ir.v.i.ii!tc4 to rent, or rri a tdac. a line In the Twi-a wk We.t Side KnUrprUe will do the work. Slut la.t rert. Jaws CvnJ loal four sheep ana . valour more of hU Hoc tr.r killing doga. r t v,u. ore of the trustees ofKu.na Vista Lodg I. 0. .0 P. No. 21, who properly Sunday morning was in town yesterday. Prownirille icpl and others .v.- Wnndtmrn Natron branch UD tM . t .v.. crt,,thrn Pacific on the c;.u .r m.kini an effort to secure h 1V1V - - additional pepger tram srvioe. r T HrifT has completed his new water system for the town of Monmouth. A tower. 57 foet high, with a tank of 14.000 gallons capeg ity hw. trwle-l at a cost of COO. IMpea supplying diflerent portions of the town havs been laid . V lwAan and the new steam pump put Into operation. Monrouuw. now uses water supplied by the new system. Capt. Mitchell, two .N'eugbaur v- .n,1 the two Larson boys, making a party of five, came up I rota S&lem in a gasoline iuuu o... ftrnoon. They left Sa- lem at noon but having trouble with the machinery of their boat a;a nni roach Independence until 5 o'clock. The little launch will accommodate ten to twelve com r..M nd if successfully operat ed would be a valuable piec of property to ply tne upper r.T", a. a 1 aMa t n f r frh farden sik1, guran 1 grow, go la llut-' Fl tuon'a. trn A Si mini's. ... . . i Vi.1.1 lVaa at Piaions. Ileal of garden srJi at Huston A Simons, ..... llair Inyirator and Sewbro'e llerplddi for dandruff anJ falling hmit or dieeal scalp ald In tu!k, m o.. or applied If necewary by MwriA layiors, barber on C street. Field corn at Huston A Simon. Get your garden seed of Huston A Simon. iWd Cat and barley, at Cover dale, feed store. Sed wheat at Coverdale s Iced store. l it P 'AM Atm&iXhM I ft ' I II 1 1 I. S ,. b. - . n rf ! N T IS t i.ik uma boat tbat was run . . . , on to a stump and capsizeu ia Carl and Fred Reuf drove S,5JL l.L.oftb.Hillbrnth. from Salem Sunday and spent the day with their cousin uwrK' Reuf. r;.. Mabel. Mamie and Nina Bakeman were in Independence over Sunday. Carl Perciyal, a student of Benke Walker business college In . Port land, is home on a few days' yaca-tiou. Mrs. Geo Burton is quite ill. Miss Gertrude Dickinson 10 taking Mrs. Burton's place in the store of W. A. Messner. Mrs. D. Davidson accompanied ;atpr Mrs. Dorns to Salem Mrs. Dorris stays in the Capital City from Monday to Friday of each weeK. tt Pnnfcfv had an ODer iuio. -t- . v - ation performed yesterday in a Portland hospital. Airs. vuuCj son, George, and daughter Mrs. Arthur Moore are with their mother. Ed McLain, a former warehouse- ot Snver. ia successfully con ducting a general merchandise t. Oranta Pass. His son, C lui v - Onie, was recently married in southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson and two children arrived in Indepen dence Friday from Michigan and will spend the eummer here. Mr. Ferguson is a brother of Warren and Elias Ferguson of this city. TV Pilnt Knob mining people, of Polk county, are beading for their mines at Osceola, Kev. Jasper Rhodes, nn of the Btock holders, started Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell left Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoffman yesteraay. r?.a Mrrtle Wilson, who has i'itC' - J been teacbi" .or several months in Rhprman county, is home on a Miss Wilson's brother, Joel, has commenced a term of school at Biggs, in oner man county. Pomona Grange will meet in Independence Wednesday of next week. April 5. After the work oi the grange an open uession will be held to which all are invited. The meeting will open at 10 a. m. fall drowning one of the Hill broth ers. The cost ol the craii new w 410. 1 -Kutch' Dog Poisoned George Kutch's bird dog fell a victim to dog poison Sunday. It was a dog in which Mr. Kutch took ,rnoh nride and had taken special pains to saye Irom the poisoner abroad in the country. Having raked his back-yard as an assur- -a orroinnt TV1011 iOO UUg iiuvw Mew " 1 . allowed the freedom of the lawn gkAov- About noon, the uog was seen to scratch a smau piece nr hnlncrnd. Rftusace from the grass and before Mr. Kutch could Ket to him swallowed it. In a few hours he was a dead uog, Tim mi a Jones' shepherd dog got uU ftf noison Sunday night, but recovered. Archie Brown living on the Salem road lost his dog by poison kendallMlows the naroplo set by Senator Urownell, and is out with a statement PuU.. -ly lhat he is out of jwlitics and out to stay. The Senator from Lane Is ,hrewd enough to see the ' hand- tritingonthe walU' urrguu .. . L :k r.fViin noil- alMiui inrougu wn - - tjc.Brownsville Time. Uheuiuatle Vmlu Quickly Ue- 11 J er.m .rtiilsitinff tmlnaeharacterUtlo of rheuiuatlwn aeiatic arf .juk-kly relieved by applyio CbamberUlo'i Th irrent tla re!ieing pwer of th Hnlmeot baa been the urprine ana aengu w. -- .uffereM. Tb.iulck fllef from p' which it afford la alone worth many tlmea It co.1. Fur al by P. M. Klrkland, the droggUt. Iteward Offered V. the nndereianed, hereby offer the sums set opposite our respect ive names for the arreet and con viction of the party or parties guilty of putting out poison for In Independence. K. 11. A.nox, Citiiens, 100. W ba spiliig utr rfoat l ev-ry .IU ha-.hort Ul. h" S n ,Ul,irV sbouldtri. W arejrdy for.th t,rt ' gWd spring ovrm at f..r a liule ioi.ey,nJ also for the mn l.o wanl. the W.t that money can buy. $10 10 $20 H you want to Dress, visit t 1 .itUKn V it 1(1 1 I i A " SGHLOSS Wp MArxLHij V. BALTIAORk. Co., Egg For Ilatchln p. .;ivir lace wyandottes. full blooded chickens. Filteen eggs lor one dollar. Mrs. w. llello Krebs Bros. John Krebs, with a force of men, -nW town yesterday stringing a tAlnhone wire from the vicin ity of the Krebs hop ranch into The new wire was con- .... 1 . nected up with central last mgm and talk with people in me uireu tion of Sidney is free ana easy. r r A Dandy for Hums. Dr. Bergin, Pana, 111., writes: H of 2ra-V' , v ' I B , angggg 11 1 1 PAGE FENCE i-l ! Dr. Bancroft makes regular ' Lfl and euarantees all have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommend it to my friends, as t Annanf. tnere i uu uvbt x nui 'It is a dandy for burns " live on farms are especially liable to . . fr. Mil t aCiti many accidental cuts, ouruo, which heal rapidly wneu Bnow Liniment is applied. It should always be kept In the house for cases of emergency." 20c, ow Sold by A. o. Jbocse. About Bheumatism. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of reme dies have been suggested. To say that ... u la therefore, a bold licau u 1 ' ... statement to make, but Chamberlain s Pain Balm, which enjoys an extenEive ... . 4. In Yt A sale, has met witn greai iuo " lnunf nfthii disease. One appli- UCBblU"v , cation of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds or sunerers nave ,fiw tn Twrmnnent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief apd costs but a trifle? For sale by P. M, li-iraiaau, mo gist. For Sale. T.tuU Palace Hotel building Dronerty and two residences. En quire of J. M. Starke Chamberlain's Coujrh Kemedy the Uest auu ikKr- hntr it for croupy children, ra'lroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people nuy i w ' -i'. gay Moore Bros. Eidon. Iowa. We J more of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy than any otuer amu. tken the lead over sev- eral other good brands." There la no question but this medicine Is the best M 1 n,ilta anil that can be procureu iwr . . . -t. .1 ,1 ...on anlllL COIUB, nutuiv. ...... .Muuri it alwavs cures ana cures quickly. Bold by P. M. kuk land, the druggist. Health Is Youth. Disease and sickness bring old age. Herblne taken every morning before breakfast, will keep you in robust health, fit you to ward off disease, it cures onstipation. biliousness, dys epia, fever .kin, liver and kidney complaints. It purlt.es the woou clears the complexion. Mrs. D. w. emitu, writes April 3, 1902: "I have used Herblne, and find it the best medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it. 60c. Bold by A. 8. Locke. S.vcanyou.lopamim.W? ThU i. .he fc that I. built for jr. It I. hull Tho motto f tho com4 oftll0bet,,ut,ru.t.,at.Uycar9o, jr . - pay U not, ,ow cheap, hut how god. f ho U . fenco o the ,kr . :;nco tTuslittl out of Bhapc, ota; f r.Tioan material, nencu u --i' "5" o--. , of cheap mater Thtfro aro iattcrng 0 iust hatched. Remember J. E.WILSON, Local Agent 1 ... rit rK Kn. 441 Indepcndenco Oregoi 1 assists yon to erect tho 1'a83J B.T.UBNKLE, BarberShop. MAIN STREET, a.. J -i Pnat Office uneuuut ovu" v - - , Fine Baths in connection with shop W.H.JASFE1BS0N Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral Director. lR'iy when Desired. TvnTT-PTTNnESCE - - - OKEGON G. A. HURLEY Attorney at Law and Klnfaru Public. Collections Promptly Made Titles InveHtigated. East Side Main fitreet, Oregon INDEFENDENCS, " I ' -L First Class TS Millinery ( " t ' VA Hats Made v ' ? To Order.. ) - , y j r miss rwn ?quu i C ClStrut. Tndepeaacncel Bicyksl Bicycles Be Swell and -Hicie the Snell Sr?ell $25-$40 itchell$2 Tire, niiiglo tube, (Jouble tube, Clincher, all ; kinds aU prices, $4.50 to $10.00 per pair COASTER BRAKES, Thor, Now Depar ture, Now Morrow. Sundries of all kinds. , Some snaps in second hand wheels. 'I . I C a Mb n. w JC cxperc rpauwy 1 i l-4 WJ-" t 0 fredhoopeH C Street FISH AND POULTRY MARKET Fi8h, Oysters. Clams, Crabs, Beef, Pork and Dremod Chickens E. E. Yarnell C. Street Independence, Oregon Eggs For Hatching From thorough-bred brown leg Fiftv cents a setting. 1 - Mrs. F, Reese, South Indepen dence. Carpenter work and General ji'". Prices Itoasonal)le- Bell 11 Ma''! OSCAR HAT 1 Attorney-at-udw CAMPBELL B0ILDIG OKEq UALLAB, work to be satisfactory.