West SMc enterprise VAin:uiL'ox, r.mrvn SabsorpUon, $1.50 Pet Vest tt r , in.n Hlir ,.,... r. rather ! B WWiburn, Silvtrton, Mt. of Mar- This is ilevil'i'motl ft f Titer rt enough Interested in ngriruUurnl (uiauils is this vicinity to support strong grange ortfanitation t Inde pendence. t Deeds 01 Daring . (luXTisri n rKM nnsr ru ) tba barrel from another gun of th tame caliber. It reroainrd for i?berUr James Culver of Martin county, IVjuity Sheriff Harry Mlnto and Warden Frank CurtU of the penitentiary to M-cure evidence rjveallnn the Iden tity of the partiea furnishing tbi guns. A!W iwft veara and ten month ion county are adive m propar-j the. oncers aro convinced ther in j a display jor inc Clark Fair. County JuJ?e fecit is also taking an active interest. He attend" meeting over the county and personally encourages the people to take an interest in preparing an exhibit for Marion county. The people of Marion are to be com men Je J for the enterprise they are manifesting. But what thev are doing in Marion is be ing" done for Marion county and not for Polk. It is time interest in Polk county's exhibit should be general and every citizen of the county exerting himself or herself toward building up the Tolk countv exhibit. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe o"f Falls City is in charge and upon application she n-ill give directions as to grow ing, preparing and placing any thing you may have for the ex hibit. The folk county coun, liav tba evidence that will con viot Harry Wright and Charlie Monte, r.'tb served in the Oregon Iteniientiary with Tracy and Mer rill, ltoth wfM discharged from Driaon a few daya before tba out break and the iuppoaition it tbat Tracy had it arrange with them to bring the guna over tba walla at night and cache them at the work ing place of Tracy aid Merrill in the ahopa. Harry Wright id an Oregon re form school boy aa well aa an ex convict. Since hia release from the penitentiary he baa been cor.7tcted of grand larceny committed in Kittitas county, Wash., and is serving a 3-year sentence In Waila Walla under the name of Mutehart. Monte is back again in the Oregon WILL TKV KK.Ut 810! CMC ItSdc la UielcaJ and Improve ment Order u! Tfce Day At Munmoutti THC!! Dabaticr Ls" arranged for McMlnoville College tm to inet the Normals next Friday night In the Normal As tembly Hall. Monmouth will taka the negative on the tame question that the teams were to have de bated Wore. Several change hare Iwn made In the team and the. following gentlemen will repre ent the Normal, Messra. A. H. WheeWk, Herbert Coffey and Grave Crowley. The germs and microtaa of afreet improvement hav struck in deep on our citiiena and aa a result a force of men and teams ia engaged in grading and draining several of the moat need streets. A consider, able amount of money ha been raised for hauling gravel and it i expected that a radical improve mentwill result therelroui. There ia not a day but home-seekers may b aeen on our streets and if Mon mouth expects to Ret her share of these people she rot get alive and stay alive. A meeting of tht Civic Club will be held Tuesday evening for 'the porpoe f out lining a plan of cleaning up work to be done this spring. Mrs. E. E. Smith of Seattle visited relatives here Ust week. J. L. McWborton and family of Missouri are the gueets of L. C. L. Moore. Mr. McWborton is very favorably impressed with this coun try and will locate here. Miss Carol Huber has gone to Gilliam county where, she will penitentiary doing a six-year term for Ui-opiiv committed in Pendle ton in 1902. H was sentenced Jipend the summer, under the name of "v. Fenrett. Both were suspected of the daring deed of carrvinff Runs over the -hieh should take the lead in prison stockade at the time of the the matter, has not been very ressive in assuring for Polk first nlaee at the big Fair, but the people make generous al lowance for the illness of the County Judge. Since the pre BidiuV member is almost on bis feet again, preparations for the exhibit will no doubt be hurried forth. The Lewis and Clark Club of Independence hare set a good example in tak ing steps to secure a fruit dis play. Every town and locality should be active. We are in the contest. Polk is the best county in the state. For two years in succession ehe lias won Wa Wmium aeainst all compe tition at 'the 'State Fair. She or,f afford to lose out at Port- i,i Ts than two months till the Fair opens. Let Pkep akatios be the watchword. Qfr,W there was $30,000 .r. of mohair sold in Dallas, yet, according to the official enu meration of industrial pro ducts, Oregon has neither goats , mohair. Near $1,000,000 rtr, of hops' were grown in piv nonntv the past year, but if the census report is to be be lieved, Oregon produces no hop3. . There is no evidence to prove that Sam Simpson sat on any other point than on the banks of the river at . inaepenaeucc, when composing that classic poem, "Beautiful Willamette." outbreak and both were ahadowed, but positive evidence was lacking. Wiight was in hiding several months after the outbreak. The evidence in the hands of the of ficers will be submitted to the grand jcry in saesion at Salem this week. JONES OF UXCOLN IS STILL ALIVE It cannot be officially said of Willamette valley. people we are nf nrunes. According to the census enumeration of pro ducts, we have no prunes. Only two months till the tMpnt will touch the button the Lewis and Clark Fair swing open. Tbfi Man Behind" will now give way to "The Man with a Hoe." The man who is satisfied with himself ia terribly disappointed in other people. B. F. Jones of Toledo, ex-joint ronronentative of Polk and Lin coln, is stirring the people of his ooontv ud on the importance ot preparing a display for the wwis nd Clark Fair and taking aavan- tage of the opportunities now open ti verv lodahty in Oregon. 'T,pt ns remember." says Jnen nvanklin Jones, "that each of Ore gon's thirty-three counties will try to be Johnnw-on-tbe-spot wnen u to advertising her own in terests. Lincoln county, with her ;iao nf roast line and four bar bors, one of which is destined to be h. ffntnwav to the Orient, berncn. alluvial valleys, with her 'fifteen K?tHnn foe.t of timber awaiting tne U"" " Knn of labor and capital, and Hitchcock's proclamation to place ?f nnnn the markets of the world; with her twenty thousand acres of tide land and a dairying country eecond only to Tillamook, and a i rHmntfl almost perfect; with a sum mor rBnrt already famous, cannot afford to lie down and sleep the eolden opportunities away. It be hooves us to get a move on us and get out suitable neat, nice, unique, up-to-date literature in a concise form, with suitabjo cuts, showing our bays, principal public ouua ines. and coast scenery. In fact, we want to get in on swelling tiae. Mr. W. E. Hridwell has return- ed from Portland where sue nat been attending a business college. Howard Guynne, of Portland, Is visiting relatives here. t,. J II Herren has eone to Seattle to spend the summer with her parents. Miu Ellen Johnson, the ,S$r school superintendent, spent Satur day and Sunday here. W J. Mulk-v returned Saturday from Eutrene where be has been for eome time looking after bis farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell left Sunday for Nevada where they will soend the summer at me p; int. Knob mines. Before leaving fnr tba irold fields, Mr. Howell gave bi residence two coats of white nnint. cut down a new sidewalk and gaye his property a general firin uo that is worthy ot emula tion by every citizen of Monmouth. Thfl Hon. Ike" Bingham, mem- Kor nf tbe late legislature from Lane county, makes the bold state- mDr,t that laws not to tbe lixing oi tbo railroads cannot be enacted by the legislature. This statement discloses a peculiar state of affairs indeed and presents a tnougnt tor sideration by the people ova - -t Viann the members of Ufa V liJf7 - . . tbe legislature are elected. .Brownsville Times. 4 Notice. Standing rigs after 9 P. M. 25c I. W. Dickinson. Thomas G. Greene one of the authors of the direct primary law, explained to a Peoples Forum audience in Portland Sunday, something of the pnrpo&a of the law. He said: "T5ut the liw was not the creat ure of simple inclination nor the whim of some set of men wno nau hobbies to ride. It was th out- r on universal desire on tbe UUUID " " " part of the people for. relief trom the established political rule, ay that it is not meDt a revolt from a party creed, but rather a swinging of the pendelum back towards the simplicity of the first days of the Renublic when the Nation was, strictly speaking, a government of for and by the people, not an in strument in the hands of political bosses or parlies. The. direct primary law was simply the call of the people for protection, the cre ation oi an instrument by which thev could shield themselves from the effects of politics and tna eviis of machine rule." EVERYBODY'S COLUMN r Vl. 1 1 ten t, Wntd or imH.r HUomi Hire ln-"lii M e'Mu. ll,icitti ! llX'lltll ,a WHia. FOR FALK Small lot of ho ro.Ua, tniulr at HUr tlroiry. FOH HAI.K Engl!h Clutter anj Krl i'netl ben rvtr; mj. Hill !'. FOH SALE bushels A 1 eedtat;ls.ijuantiiy of Deft- anee seed wheat. Addreaa or ..ln.w. Kva"-. Tarkf-r, Ore. FOR SALE Mrs. J. W. Itkhard. ami Im at her boint on m i a " t - - - Monmouth street, California Medicated eoap. This soap is good for aorea, chapped hands, i.i.k ,,1 .lon.Irutr etc. HV? per cake or three for 2"c. FOR PALE. In town of Mon mouth 2 acrea land, bouse, bam nod orchard on same. A bargnin Apply to John Nichols, Monmouth. FOR SALE Pwtalum Incubater mn.X hr.Ki.Iir near'v new. Call on - 0 S. Welch, Indepndcuc Ore EGGS FOR HATCHING From aelect ren a of Plack Min orcaa. Tearl Gumeaa and Pekin Pucks. Also Jf ea of Minorcaa and 6 pairs Goineaa for sale C. I. r.allard. Rickreall Oregon FOR PALE Pur blood Rarred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale 1.00 per setting. (Phone Ho fifmnri line J. F. Grovea. FOR SALE A chh1 aecond band buggy. Enquire at this ollioe. FOR SALE Hogs, boats weigh r .Iwnit T.- lbs. 1'lack Uros. Independence. FOR BALE At a bargain, a good county store. Enquire of W. L. Bristow. Airlie, Oregon. EGGS FOR SALE W. T. Haley rn furnish a. ffeW HettltlCS of Blue Andalusian eggs, 15 for SO cts. Ieave orders at Star Gro- ceiy. The Very Heat Uewsrdy for ItoW el Trouble No Family Van Allord to iUt VTHIioiit II. VI renr4 ChambwWii'a folio, Choi era and Diarrhoea itemed? aa one of the verv best reiuedl tor bowel Irolib- lea," my Mr. J. W. il anion, editor of the Despatch, (.Mm. (Jeorgla. I tttke thin tuU-iovnl after having ueJ the me iiclne lu uiy family fr aeveral eara. I am naver without It." No family caa afford to be without a little of ihla reuiady lu the bouaa. It ia certain tu ha neeel aooner or later..; For aale by F. M. Ktrklaml, tbe drug- glat. SUta llarjfalns Depoe Charley has three bargaita i land on the Sileti. It will pay any one wanting bargains In laud to investigate. One 80-acre tract lies on piaiur aaoue Deal's Iane. inis i an Ideal summer home, good naning, eood pastore, good touriBt camp ins ground. The cascara tree orrowa on tbia nlace. It a offered 6-- " for $12 an acre. Another 80-acre two miles from the, mnl th of the Siletz. near the kiiv m ' cannery can be bought for $10 an acre. A third 80 acres lies on the south side of Depoe Bay and is all prair ie land on which fat cattle are now grazing; can be bad for $12.50 an acre. The owner invites any one want- ins a niece of land to come and t tliAan tracts and then be jirvoh governed bv his own judgment B - . Address Depoe Charley, , blietz, Ore. . I wmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm I y. t u Rod A i it.naF f Ointments for Ca tarrh that Contain Merenry. fa W. .NdlK'O of I'lnal WettleiHiMit. la the lnt f of lli adiiiliil.tratl iii of thai stale f I ti N ioU, dafl. N..ih- ta hrr;'y given thai Ira V. 1'nacll, h adioitiUlralt.r of tha ralata f l-a! N!elMU, doeKl, haa tali irvl aod prawn trd fir arllleiuetit anil AM In aal l wurt lit" filial aw'Uiil ,il.Iii!ilraliil f l'l LI; auil that MfMay, rt dy r May, IwA, at olio uYIw I'. M., at Hie court riwmiofaald court at lha eoiiri tiouta la kal4 Tola enuuty, haa in at point mi by tha said oourt fr tba aUWat f aald aw'Mid. at bleb lioia ami ! pmt mi) im tlilertwlrd In all ,.(( waV alHiearaiiil aorpi iw rwa 1 auti i-"iiU- tht aaina. Ira 1 1'owalt, Adiitlulatralor. Nwllce lor I'utiirnliwu tiara htmkxt oruiK imxioti, .anl oinea at trfHi City, Oregon, February il IWX Notice la heiehy glvan thai lha fob lowtlnf liaiiiiHi settler baa (lied notlea of los Intention to nissa final priMil lo aiiHirt of li'a claim, and that said prf will U iniMle lfor Ilia H-fc-Utar od liwrlver, at Oregon I'Uy, Or K". oil AHI 12, lisw via: Fiederlck K. Howe, out of the lielra of Mary M. Howa. deoraml. It. K. No. I'-'S-, fT tht H. I of N, B. trf. It, T. R, it. a v. lit tiamea tha folio lug wltneaava to pniTt bit eontlnunu rettdeiiea utMin and rullivailoii of aald land, yli ; John Cllna, of Pixlee. Oregon j John V. Iloueo, of r.l-e, Orrgout Paul lUmeo. of Pe,ie, Oregon I Hart toro, of I'tdue, Oregon. AI.C1KHNON K DltBrtHF.K, lovl.ur. For the New Comers Benefit this summer Better Have One Put In Your Store and mm " Notice for Publication DEPARTMENT OV TUB INTtlKIOB, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, February 25, 1906. NTfitlfffl la herebv eiven tbat tbe fol- lowiDg-named settler baa filed notice of bis Intention to make nnai prooi in support of bis clttim, and that said proof will be made before the Iteglster ,i n..,lv.r. atOreeron City, Oregon, on April 12, 1905, viz: Frederick E. smell and completely " 7 ' 7 . o 7 u -i rn q u i - fl- n ir t ii rout ii ii e iiiuvuun i u iv a jtt n fii n iia t nvju. i H HMTII W lit: u cmw" ' " - ,v4--'a- iirface. Hnf h artk-le ithouia nerer ve umm l)Jia79a M e.-uintinn from r'PUla)le phy alclann. an the damage they w,ll do In ten fold to the good you can possibly drl ve from them. Hall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo, O., contalni no men-ury, and la taken InUraally, acting di rectly opon the blood and mitcona aurfaeeB of the ayatcm. In bi'ylng Hallf Catarrh Cure be aura you get tbe genuine. It la taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J, Cheney 4 Co. Tedtlmoulala free. , old by Dniifglsla. Price , 76c. per bottle. Take Hall'a Family P11U for constipation. R. 7 W. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous renidenee upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: John Cline, of I'edee, Oregon; John V. h. of I'edee. Oreooti ; Paul Itonco, nf Pedee. Oregon ; Harah Eonco, of Pedee, Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DREBSKR, Reglater. 0. C. T. CO'S. STEAMERS PMIOM, ALTONA. OKCOM Leave Indeentlnno for Albnu) daily. H P. M ; Ux Corvallia. Mon daya, WVlnrsdaya, Fridays, and Fatonlaya at 8 P. M. Iava Independent for Portland daily, 9 A. M. noMru umw. no 4 ic trf v 5 MteU every Wed. nlKht '7 JO illiu'iiru nan. 1 Artlmr C. f J. W. Hleiardsu. K. of H and 8. W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor Bank Iluilding, Imdetexdicnck, ' Oiitooa. MOTOSiLINe TIME TABLE". INDEPENDENCE 4 MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. avea Indi-iwo- anr for M,n. niuuth and Aim T a. m. a aa y. iu. moutoand I'allaa ll-rtia. m. a l l p. m. L'ea WoiunoMth fur AlrliK. T:'i a. m. :V p. m. Vim Moiimoutti (or oallaa. tl:3 a.m. a:iHi p. ni. ', Imi Alrlt f"f M.mmoiuli ana linlrvrinUno. a. in, i4 p. m. !, IVIIaa lar Moiiniouth and ItMlvpoUdrnca, I -W p. m. iaM Jtiinmoiilh ll Jnirmll(lmiO frWa. ro. I Mi p. in. ' ;l ' a;U0 " avi !ndr(o. den- Air Mon, 3:0ft p. tu . COTTON HOP TWINE I 6(0. 1. Rodflcrs d Co Salem Oregon MORE CANDLE POWER ATA BETTER RATE THAN YOU NOW PAY Call mo by phono and get Full Particulars Satisfaction Guaranteed! LL.vSMITH Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Deer oi Draught, or in Bottles, at TOE I. L. SMITH SALOON, C STREET, Independence, - Oregon I. L. SMITH; Proprietor. J, CALBREATH ii W.R ALLIN D. D.S. ...Dentist... Palnlea. Kxtraotlon Cooper Hutldlt... , . , Oregon Independence,