TWICE A WEEiv Side WES' ERPMISE fJL V KIXVKNTH YKAU. INIKIKNIKNOK. POLK COUNTY, OREGON, A PHIL 4, 10u-. viniiH't) POLK COUNTY BANK. Incorporated. MONMOUTH. J. II. IIawi ky, P. L. Cami iskix, l'rtnitlent. Vico PrciJont JltA 0. PrtWEIX, Cashier. ti4 Capital. Pihktoh-J. If. Hawley. V. L Butler, John 11. Bturop, J. A. Withrow, V. n. roweii. Transact General Banking una tyallable throughout the United HtaUw ana Canada. THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK OJVl'JTJYX. BTOOK, S50.000.00. tt tiihKllliKRri .MdVnL C. W. IKV1SE, CwhWr D1RECT0U8.-1I. II ineUUrj, &K7v7mllh. 3. E. KLodes end A. Nelii. A anrl txinklni and ii 'inifi biiln dl0n!X lu,;-rrr.lcmi.U gr.nll. object to check. DAVIDSON . Ht4quArUr For Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies Pl. Id ndU- rk1y from fob So4 FovoUln for ti iKrtfcy. DAVIDSON & HEDGES C STREET INDEPENDENCE, OREGON j LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDING STABLE I. W. DICKINSON, Prop. Good Kiga for Commercial Men a Specialty. Good accommodations. Horses well fed. J?ine ri. Horses boarded by day, week or montu. Telephone fro. 203 THE MONMOUTH LAUNDRY H. D. WHITMAN, Proprietor X?A Home Industry Institution GOOD WORK, PROMPT DELIVERY OUR WATCHWORDS WorK Called forTe.d.y Delivered Seturday UNDERTAKING pay or Night Calls Promptly attend et to Flue Parlor In Connection. An Experienced Lndy Assistant. Pfcone, mam 27) R-W , i mrr rmlmlmer and Funeral Director. BICE & CfUBREdTH NEWLY tQUlFPED. GAS LIGHTS, STEAM 3. Conner Salem, iGLHawkins Marble anil Granite 'WZZ.A'-i.. per floiiomentsanU Head stones Cemetery work etc. bee mm ... . 90 I Aiier - .""Sr .m ha prepared to '; X transferor otherwise y I attend yourbee..Wi carry supply- tall on or address. s,,,,,,,-ii"ii OREGON 50.000 CmplIl, I. M. fiimpson, J. B. V. Eichange business. Draft old AISUAM N KI-fcON.jVlce rretiden transacted, lmn mule. Bill iMi.lrl on current aecoa... & HEDGES Independence, Oregon HEAT ALL MODEM CONVENlENCItS Proprietor Oregon THE STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE BEST ON THE MARKET i .f durable and economical power for punining water, wiring wood, run J superators, aim ubcb on the farm. ..,. FULLY GUARANTEED H. M. EDGAR AGT. In&peodenc Oregon Notice To Public Havimg purchased Charlie Hub bard's wood-eaw, I am .now pre- parod to saw your wood, Sam Muhleman PHONE 394 ; INDEPENDENCE DEEDS OF DARING Hcnle and Wright Spoiled As Accomplices of Renowned Tracy and Merrill. Harry Tracy cl Unparalleled Criminal Record, True Till Death To Bis Assistants The aensational and bloody es capade of Harry Tracy and David Merrill in revived by the diacoyery of the two men who fupplfed thuu with guut to al'oot their way out ol the Oregon penitentiary. Harry Wright and Charlie Monte are the two who must face the charge of accomplice! before the fact in the crime nf the two ilea- peradoee. It has been nearly three year since Tracy and Merrill took up their nflci agamut the world, and how and who amuuirled fi rearm to them In th9 Salem penitentiary has remained a profound history until now. It was on the morning of June 0, 1002, Tracy and Merrill made their famous break from the Oregon pen- tentiary. Ikth were laborers in the stove foundry where most dan gerous pruoners are employed. The foundry gang bad been count ed off to Guard Frank Ferrell, and marched by bim, with military pre-1 ciaion. to the shops. Tracy and Merrill each worked at the head of a row of moulding boxes and next to each other. Over night the box es are covered with board lids. Whon Tracy and Merrill uncovered their boxes, there lay exposed with- n thr-ir itraso a 3U-30. ciju ore rifle each and ammunition. With mad- like fury each seized a gun and by ranid hrinir instantly threw all the other prisoners and some of the euarda into a panic. Inside guards are not allowed arms, and Frank Ferrell was shot on the spot before he had time to realize that his prisoners were armed. Tracy then gave his attention to the north wall guards firing through the windows from withm the shop fhile Merrill, with gun in hand nd firing promiscuously, ran down , lone passaee-way to the store room for a ladder. John Stapleton and another Inside guard barely es caped by dodging through side oors and keeping out of sight. Panic-stricken convicts jumped through windows and Burged through oater doors over the "dead line'' to eEcape the armed despera does. Incram, a life prisoner from Linn, in spite of himself encoun tered Merrill. They grappled. In gram was naturally the more pow erful, but in the life and death struggle for the gun, Merrill man aged to pull the trigger when tue wHAtion was aimed at Ingram s leg. Freeing himself from the wounded convict, Merrill seized a ladder, thrust it through one of the south windows of the shop and began firing at the guards on the south outer walls. It was the original mirnose to scale the south walls. B. T. Tiffany was the guard direct- lv in the way, and unwilling to face the fire, leaped from the wall tr the eround outside, followed ty John Duncan an unarmed man taken on that morning to be taught the beat. The remaining guard who patroled the south wall was young Bair, and he it was mat turned Tracy and Merrill in their course. Barricaded behind pattern boxes, round after round was fired at Bair, but he not ojily engaged the concealed foe by returning fire but drove back the frightened convicts frr,m over the "dead line " when it seemed that a general break was on. Unable to dislodge Bair or silence his firing, Merrill ran with his ladder around the corner of the hojw. tat It against the tatt wall out vf ranee of l!lr's vuri and lb two convict deliberaUlj tnoutit-d the outer wall. For a raou which I her none U-ft to tell. B. H. T. Jonea, stationed on the eat wall. allowed the desperate convicts to crMs the ojn court and scale the wall (probably while he u watch ing in another direction) without drawing fire from his gun. Once on the wall, Tray fired at the window of Guard Jonea atatlon and the ball pacsed throush the eerier of his body resulting fatally. The der-peradoe s showed no un due haute in leaving the wall. It ia ao easy matter to swing from the wall to the ground outside. Bui two years before, Tracy bad organized a plot to escape and aboutr forty iellow prisoners were let Into the secret of It One "e.juealed" and frustrated the break. This time, Tracy deter mined to take pone into his confi dence nor allow any but Merrill share in the opportunity to escape Before descending the wall, the ladder was lifted from the inside arttl placed on the outer side. Having cleared the wall, Tracy and Merrill again turned to the south, their original course. Thev encountered Tiffany and Duncan whom they had driven forn the wall, crouched behind a column on the outside. Taking Tiffany's gun, thay carried the two as a shield from Bair and other employes whe by this time bad mounted the wall and were giving pursuit. Two hundred yards from the prison walls, Merrill turned and shot Tif fany, while Duncan fell and played dead. With the world against them and they against the world, the cause of Tracy and Merrill was a Jrperat one and they played it to t?i IttUs.v Therr etjry baa boen told. Tracy made tor himself a record that has no equal in crimi lb no equal in eneni- nal annals. For two months he .... , .. , continued his career, shooting down officers who threw themselves in his way, killing his partner in crime, leaving men bound and gag ged in his wake, making men, wo men and children do his bidding like slaves and throughout his course he played true to the parties that smuggled guns to him in toe Oregon penitentiary. The gun in his possession when bis , remains were found in a barley field in east ern Washington bore no tell tale. To prevent the original gun being traced by number, the barrel had been taken from the stock and thrown away and replaced with (concluded on second page.) W. 0. W. CONVENTIONTO MEET Chance TO Visit Los Angeles In April At Greatly Reduced Rates The Southern Pacific Company will sell, on April 12th, 13h, and 14th. round trip tickets to Los AnrW at greatly reduced rates, on t nf thn Convention oi nuijuuu. v , Woodmen of the World of Wood craft, to be held at Los AngleB April 18th 1905. flail on nearest Southern Pacific agent for rates and full particulars. Uod. E. L. Smith For Governor. Hon. E. L. Smith of Hood River, ia being urged to enter th race aB o;r)ot for srovenor but seems unwilling to do so. The Irrigator is of the opinion that no better sel ection could be made by the voters than Mr. Smith, and he ought to be made to see that it is to the in terest of Oregon that he allow the use of his name. There is no man in the state who would be surer of election, if nominated, than the genial president of our associated development leagues. Irrigon Irrigator. BUENA BURNED Horsl Bros.' Riverside Ranch; Also Destroyed By Hungry Mldoight flames Sash and Door Factory at McKInaifille Seduced to Ashes Vlihout a Collars Insurance The Buena Vista store bnrnikl at an early hour Sunday morning. The Iom of building and content was almost complete. The prin cipal exception was money stamps checks and books kept jn a little fire-proof safe. With the building went the stock of eooda owned by McReynold Bros., the- post office and the fix ture and paraphernalia, of the Odd Fellow, liebekahs, Woodmen ane Circle lodges. The building was the property of the Odd Fellows. The lower floor was leased fo McReynold Bros, for a general merchandise store and poet office. The upper floor was a hall used by the four local lodge. . The Odd Fellows carried a policy of 11000 on the building and McReynold Bros. 2'00 on their stock of goods. The building was nsured through B. Wilson of Indo pendence and the stock of goods through 0. V. Boots of Monmouth. The stock of goods was worth in the neighborhood of 14000 and the building 12000. The fire was discovered between 2 and 3 o'clock Sunday morning. The Odd Fellows lodge had held a meeting Saturday night and ad journed about 11 o'clock. The origin of the fire is not definitely known. There was a new air-tight stove In the lodge )oom ftnd it h nnsnible that an extjloeion of the . ... r " .. . . jArMj Some one might have dropped a Weatarted lighted dear or it may have started from fire left in the stove of the room below. Buena Vista Lodge, I. 0. O. F. No 24 is one of the old lodges; of the state. It lost its hall by fire once before in 1867. Last year the members spent near tlOOO improv ing their building. The trustees are G. P. Locke, C. C' Kays and M. J. Krutz. They will hold a meeting to night and the probabil ities are will decide to rebuild. The McReynold Bros, had bar gained for the sale of their stock of goods to a gentleman from Eugene but the transfer had not yet been made. A fire at Riverside Ranch, seven below Salem Friday night or early Saturday morning, cleaned out a hop store room 5UxU leet; a halinff room attached; a Morrison . f" 1 Annlu rf mess: a nop car, vol yuuu twine, tied ready for use ana a ouantity of hop sacks. r ' - -i . A Riverside Ranch contains over ono ftores and is the property of TTnr.t Bros. It is in charge of Jodie Morrison, and 114 acres is in Hnns. Mr. Morrison bad not been r. thfl ranch for some time his at tention being given to the big hop ranch near Independence. The loss will approximate $1250; the amount of insurance, unknown As there was no one working at th nlaoe at the time, there is no plausible accounting for the fire except on the grounds oi iuwu diarism. A telephone message states that the sash and door factory at wc Minnvilla burned Sunday night Ii was a case of total loss without any insurance. The proprietors hfien neeotiating for insurance and pending a contention over rates the fire occurred. Grand Jury Meets The Marion county grand jury was convened in Salem yesterday nvettieaU among other j lands. It is allo-rd that 'lum- 1 en have l-en ued in tbe at''!i cation to purche school larulu, the ram as in government lands. Evidence against the partle 1 leged to have carried guns over the prison walls to Tracy and Mevrill will also be considered bv the grand jury. Callii g of grand juries La come to be a rare occurence of late year since the enactment of the law authorizing district attor neys to file Information upon which cases may be tried. It is only for special investigating pur pose grand juries are now con vened. 15! Sale of .Mohair There was a big sale of mohair in Dallas Saturday. The Folk county pool of 50,000 pounds and the Yamhill county pool of 40.000 pounds were sold to the highest bidder. The Yamhill pool was sold to Theo. Bernheim &Co. at SI J cents. The Polk county pool to JI. S. Fen- ton. 1 It is underalood that Fenton bought for Bernheim & Co. Other buyers present were. Herman Met rger, Wm. Brown & Co., Mr. Ray and Johnson & Hibler. There was also a local association pf Dallas people including Ralph Williams E. C. Kirkpatrick and Gene Grant that did some Bidding and helped to run the price of Polk county mohair up to 32. DALLAS ELECTION - HELD YESTERDAY Dallas beld a city election yester day. Result, Ed Biddle for mayor; Harry Cosper, councilman at large; Conrad Staffron. First ward; Wil son Ayers, Second ward; Frank Coad Third ward. Total vote. 259. Biddle's majority over Andy Muir 1 69. ' AIRUE CITIZENS ASK FOR DEPOT Peoole of Airlie are asking the Southern Pacific to rebuild a depot station at that place. Airlie had a depot but it burned seven or eight years ago and box cars have been made to answer the purpose of a depot building since. "The incon venience of hunting up an agem;, and the looks of the thing of trans acting business in a box car, has stirred the patrons and citizens of the town to ask for a depot build ing,' remarked a citizen of Airlie to the West Side Enterprise. A peti tion for a depot and station facili ties has been prepared and put m P.ironlation and is beinsc generally signed by citizens of Airlie, Kings Valley and Maple Urove. How it is Don The Oreson State Grange Bulle- tin, discussing the manner of put ting bills through the legislature, says of normal school bills: A bill of this kind is generally introduced and most earnestly ad vocated by a representative from the locality to be benefitted by its (ii?e. meets quite often most de termined opposition, but even then it becomes a law by a combination of all those who have similar de signs on the treasury of the State. Of late, however, those, interested !r, ifcialnnd of legislation have suc ceeded to have their designs on the treasury of the state incorporated in the general appropriation bill thereby escaping from the danger of a possible veto by the governor, or even defeat in the legislature itself. Much dissatisfaction prevails in Hillsboro over the change in post masters. 'B.P.Cornelius, a man against whom nothing is alleged aucceeds Post Master Waggener. an old soldier whose administration had been satisfactory to the people. land will laieftaittxt Of- Hamy Douglas,