West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 28, 1905, Image 2

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    West Side enterprise
MMin1 -
Subscrption. $t.50 Pet Year
(tttrMlJ IB Jvn
11 m
Pit iitonu"
Mi la a-n'r """ "
fUMdiat "" Wwia pw!itn'tit.
H.wa n 4lt.ly jUr,:nU um i
avpllMWitu .
TK. drefnrv of State 109
sent out to the various county
assessors blanks on which to list
the industrial products of the
state in connection with the cen
sus enumeration. In getting up
the form, the Secretary has fol
lowed the requirements of an
old law enacted in J SO I, the
last year of the civil war. For
mossbackism this form is en-
,'ll.l tn. first fACOn A and third
nn.m;...and in the rind for
sweepstakes no competitor need
enter. Neither Hops, Goats nor
Mohair is provided for nor
mentioned. The products of
Oregon forty years ago and
which, according to the blanks
furnished by the Secretary of
State, assessors must follow with
out any change whatever in mak
ing up the census report iu this
year of 1903, include wheat,
oats, barley and rye, corn, po
tatoes, apples, hay, tobacco,
wool, cheese and butter, horses,
niuies, cattle, sheep, hogs, gold
dust, barrels of salmon, baskets
of oysters, aud lumber, 2o
space is arranged for hops, one
of the leading industries of the
state, nor are assessors author
ized to make record of the num
ber of goats or inquire into the
number of pounds of mohair
sheared. Polk, the Blue Rib
bon county, will receive a very
black eye by such returns.
Marion, Linn, Lane, Bentcn,
Yamhill, Clackamas and Wash
ington will also suffer in the
estimation of any who may read
the census report being made
up on this antiquated form.
The absurdity of an enumeration
of the industrial products of the
state with hops omitted, is ap
parent to Fourth grade school
children of Oregon. Half a
million dollars worth of hops
were produced in this imme
diate vicinity the past season.
The output of the state was, ap
proximately, 18,000,000 pounds.
The maximum price received
was 32 cents; but computing at
SO cents, the hop yield repre
sented $5,400,000; at 27 cents.
$4,850,000. The production of
mohair is an important Oregon
industry entitled to recognition
v. Via census deoartment. It
- . i
is of special interest to Polk
lO VJJL Wv-"- " I
county on whoss hillsides graze
Anfrora eoats of wond-wiae
fame. Polk is- the home ol
goats that captured prizes at St.
Louis against the competition
of the world, and yet this in
dustry is not considered worthy
of mention by the census de
partment. J. L. Hanna, deputy
assessor for this precinct, is
made to feel the awkwardness
o tJ
of his position in making the
rounds as assessor and census
enumerator,, and finds it nec
essary to put in much of his
time explaining that under the
forms furnished and authority
given him, he cannot ask as to
the quantity of hops and mo
hair produced, nor goats .raised.
The West - Side Enterprise
eu 'ests that the Secretary of
. State recall the blanks sent out
' and, if he cannot find authority
of law for ioMfHins U- Jirc0 i
Industrie, at ieo
Wv blanic pacci in vn.eu
our U written "Hon." "GoAtt,
If the Secretary of SUU in
making out blanli for the enu
meration of industrial products
it a stickler far th UVyear oil
I . iV..m Via t n ..I rtiari'A It'CtI
Utors with gross Incompetency
. . II !i
III, mru iv ' r
:., r.M;n. It Sin la follow it
lit tv'IV
This census farce is up to thi
Secretary of State and lcgisla
ture. Which will father it?
President llofrr of th
lanutte Valley Pwiopmem
League might have been in the
leacuu nnziii inno iv ... i
he not attempted to throttle th
committee appointed to asce
taiu who wai nt fault as beUee
Tom Kichardson and the trans
portation companies, in calling
off the meeting of the Stat
'Ike" Bingham
bold bare statement that laws
not to the liking of railroad in
terests cannot be put through
the legislature.
What do the hep men think
of an official enumeration of the
industrial products of the state,
with hops omitted?
. -I
Missouri mules and tobacco
are so rare as to be curiosities
in Oregon, yet the State census
department finds place for them
to the exclusion of hops, goats
and mohair.
For years she heard her hus
band say,
"Can't we have pies like moth
er used to make."
At last she cried, "Why sure we
If you make dough like papa
used to make."
Ileal Kstate Transfer.
W W Linten and wife to C L
Fisher, land in 7-6; $3000.
C L Fisher and wife to Lillian C
LinteD, lots in Dallas: $1500.
A Bush et al to J S Cooper, lot
in Independence; $950.
J 8 Cooner and wne to J u
Butler, lot in Independence; $1000.
Marr E Gwia to Penis uonovan,
38.86 acres in 8-5; $2127.30.
Mary E Gwin to Anna btram,
17-14 acres in 8-5; $921.
A J Gump to Clement A Ramsey
199 acres in 7-5; $10,000.
Ida I Morgan ard husband to
Chas. D Ottinger, 1-5 int. in lots
in Ballston; $20.
J G and J P VanOrsdel to Mrs.
M C Farmington, lot in Dallas;
ix tt .TaanflrBftii and wife to Mary
A Ball, lots in inae pendente ; uv.
.. . . " i j tann I
TTnil Rtatea to John J Wise
man, 160 acres in 7-7; patent.
Frank Butler and wife to Chas.
d rAlin(v land in A n
Lillian 'Lawrenson to Augusta
Gorke, lot in Dallas; $200.
TCmmn Mnrnhv BrOWH to J P
Vo. n,-al0 ir.f) Acrea in 8-6: $760.
J P Van Orsdel to L Gerlinger,
same; $800.
m n it: tn V.t.tn. Trout
Jil V IXlglLIO
Spring Valley.
t atk ot Ohio, City o Toledo, 1
svanir t rhiitier nuksi oath that he t
genior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney 4
Co., doing bueinew In the City of Toledo,
County and State aroresaia, auu .
firm will pay the turn of ONE HUNDKED
DOLLARS for each and every cane of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the ne of
Hall's Catarrh Cure. FHANK J. CHENEY,
Sworn to before me and ubncrlbed In my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D,
(HKAi,.) ' Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ls'iaiten lnwrnnui,
and acta directly on the blood and mo
eous surfaces of the system Bend for testi
monials free.
F.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by all Druggists, Via,
Take Hall's Family fills for constipation.
Incredible Brutality,
It would have been Incredible bru
tality If Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syra
cuse, N. Y., had aot done the best be
could for his Buffering son. "My boy,"
said he, "cut a fearful gash over , his
eye, to I applied Bucklen's Arnica
u.in n-hinh niek v healed It ana
gaved'his eye." Good for burns and
ulcers too. Only 25c s.t A. P. Louie's
i .wr-n riTitrii rsirp
HLbi LL I tU IlllLl IHLO
frctty Cane cl UM U Pulled ott
Ca the local rioor Ecticca
Dallas and Konmoulh
it.in. t.iiudoii tWMUlff. an eld
aid hltihly rpxtd cltiaon, diisl
ThurdT uihU Mr llfntley wai
L n Jrt pacm,P, county, New York,
1 1 t .
i When but email lxr
II - --
hit parenti moved to Ohio and
from th-'e to .MUhhran. While
sti!l ht a young man hi iterling
rtV, niM.rt.Hl itelf DJ
Wil-Lifted county treasurer of Mich
igmwumjwri""" -
aftprward K tsl chairman of hoard
J Itf-n 1.ji ,Kilr n ctiv part In
ll J MV 'v"
puWioaffAtra and lis yar laW
wMtlfcted miaUir from thi
. . i . t
county. KxcfptinR tne iav
year-, during whloh tim poor
hlv. pwlu.h'd It. Mr. Bentley
had lwn one of our loremoal cm
ions in all matters of public In
terest and his dmiae I dutinct
Utf to the coiumunity.
Talk about fait work tn laaket
ball, wrll! We certainly had an
exhibition of it in the Normal gym
nasium Friday night. A ; team
from Dalian College Played a team
troin the Normal and it was m
nrettr a same a has ever been
pulled off on the local floor. Eith
er team could gv carda ana
s pad to many of the college teama
that have appeared here and still
akin 'era bv a city block, ex
cellent team work and fancy goal
throwing by both teams kept toe
fair-ized crowd of pectator on
tip toe with excitement. The first
half ended with the Normals lead-
br a score of 14-7, and the
Bnal core waa 27-21, the Normals
havinir the lone end of it. Tony
Teats, of Dallas, acted as referee
and Fred Sloan, umpire.
Countv Custodian of Cah J. E.
Beezley and Recorder of Records
E. M. Smith spent Sunday here.
Pres. P. L. CampbeL', of the State
University, Eugene, spent Satur
day and Sunday here.
C. I Murphy is home fr a few
,1,.v' vif.lt. Mr. Murphy is in tie
employ of Underwood & Under
wood, of San Francisco, as superin
tendent of agencies and has Cali
fornia, Oregon and V astnngion ae
his territory.
Amos Fletcher, a McCoy rancher,
was here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H- Teale, former
residents of this place but now liv
ing at Goldendale, Wash., are vis
iting here. J "
Four families arrived here from
Michigan last week in search of
homes in the 'Blue Ribbon Uounty.
George Hood and wife, of Oak
naiif am visitine at the
toaia 0f y, u. Jonnson.
Dennis Donovan is building a
house and barn on the land re
cently purchased by him from the
Gwin estate.
Mrs. Mary Hooker visited rela
tives in Lewis ville Wednesday.
' Bertha Burbank ia staying with
Mrs.Tena Hastings.
"Ernest Bush of Parker has been
visiting relatives here this week.
John Taylor is a guest of his
, . vrr8 p JohnBjn
SlSier Jirs. f. jx. v u
Mr. F. A. Lint of Montgomery
lost a valuable horse Ihursday
night with lung fever.
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs
"Several years since my lungs were
bo badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, 01
Wood.Ind. "I twk treatment with
geveaal physicians without auy bene
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Honey and Tar, and mj lungs are now
as sound as a bullet. I recommend it
in advanced stages of lung trouble."
Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough
and heals the lungs, and prevents se
rious results from a cold. Refuse sub
stitutes. Bold by A., a Locke.
l'ggs For Hatching
From thorough-bred brown
j horns. Fifty cents a netting,
r8; F. Reese, South Indepen:
' der.ee.
?aycanvou.Uraininut? TM. 1- thence that in .built fur you. It 1 l.ullt
of tho lwt material that -0 year- vtvst'ivn ran p-t-l.icu. Th motto of tho com
janv i, not, how cln-ap, but hr K.hh1. Tho Topo U the only ring .tcol wovon
fenco on the i.tarkot today. Thero are nonio imitations however, but th.-y aro built
of cheap material, honco a cheap light weight foneo once cruflictl out of al.apo, ahvuyi
out of riiajHS KenumiWr ' Tftgo fence ie mode of l'apo wire. There aro patterns of
lago fence built to hold any kind of ntook or fowl between tho lluffalo and tho chick
just hatched. Ho member
J. E.WILSON, Local Agent
flUts von to erect tho Pago fence. Hell l'lione No. 441 Imlejandonco Oregon
Fur Kale, lltent, Wanted or similar
notKft-a UlN ! 10 HUB nunum,
i cut: one month 75 evnU.
FOR SALE Fresh miu cows
Enquire at this office.
FOR SALE Hmall lot of hop
roots, enquire at Star Grocery.
FOR HALE-r-Thoroughbred white
Wyandotte eggs for sale at 10
cents per setting. If. O. Seoljr
West Independence.
FOR SALE English Cluster and
Early Fuegal hop root; also
hay. Hill Broa.
FOR SALE 1500 bushels A 1
seed oats; also quantity of Defi
ance seed wheat. Address or
phone Evan Evans, Parker,
FOR SALE Mrs. J. V. Richard
son has for sale at her home on
Monmouth street, California
Medicated soap. This soap is
eool for sores, chapped handa,
Manic hands, dondrutf etc. 10c
per cake or three for 25c.
FOR SALE. In town of Mon
mouth 2J acres land, house, barn
and orchard on same. A bargain.
Apply to John Nichols, Monmouth.
FOR SALE Petalama incubater
and brooder near' v new. Gallon
S. Welch, Independence,, Ore
FOR SALE. Seed oats, fine qual
ity. Enquire of Chas. Ihff, In
select pens of Black Mio
orcas. Tearl Guineas and Pekin
Ducks. Also 3 pens of Minorcas
and 5 pairs Guineas for sale.
C. I. Ballard, Rickreall Oregon
FOR SALE Pure blood Barred
Plymouth Rock eggs for eale
$1.00 per setting. (Phone 145
farmers line) J. F. GroveB
WANTED A girl for general
housework. Inquire Monmouth
Hotel, Monmouth, Ore.
FOR SALE A good second band
buggy. Enquire at this office.
WANTED To buy a email dog,
state price wanted. Address
John L Longley, Independence,
Ore. -
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Iloney and Tar as a throat and lung
rcmedv. and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are otrerea
for the genuine. Ask for HJLikjX o
Honey and Tar and refuse any substi
tute offered as no other preparation
will give the bhuj6 satisfaction., it is
mildly laxative." It contains no opiates
and is sftfent for children ana delicate
persons. Bold by A. h. jocKe. ,
Startlinfr Mortality . ,
Btatltics show startling mortality,
frotu appendicitis and peritonitis. To
prevent aud cure thene awful diseases,
there is Just one rellahle remedy, Dr.
King's New Life Pill. M. Flannery,
of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago,
eays: "They have no equal for Con
stipation and Biliousness." 25c at A.
g. Locke's, druggist.
- - . it
fi i-fc. rr
-p 4--a : vr
The Colonel' Waterloo,
rni.nirl Joho M. FolW, ot Hony
(riv, Tis. nearly mrt his Wattr.
Hi, from I.lvr and Kidney irouuie.
la a rcut lettt-r he says: "I was
nearly dead, f the complalnU, aud,
.itt.miirli I erlrd my family doelur, Ik
did me no I"1; I got a & bottle
of your great Klertrio Illttra, wtucu
I consider tlKm the Ul
medicine on earth, and tliauk !.!
ir.va vou lb kaowlifdae to ihm
them." Hold, and guarantied t cur
I)jHaia, Jtlll.mn. ami Ki.iu.-y
Vlm-tum, by A. S. Uk; druggUt, at
&rtijatottle. " " ' ;
Merchant Tailor
Bank Building,
. Notice To Public
Havimg pnrrhased Charlie Hub
bard's wood-saw, I am now pre
pared to saw your wood,
Sam Muhleman
CarpenUr work and
General Repairing
Prlcca Reaxonable.
Ilell I'hone
Barber Shop.
One door south of Post Office.
Fine Baths tn connection with shop
lNDKPKSl'KNCE, Oreoom.
Leave Independence for Albany
daily, b P. M; for Corvallis, Mon
days, Wednesdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Leave Independence for Portland
daily, 9 A. M. '
IfOMEIt LODGE No 45 K of V
Misets every Wed. night
Tn Mfrnhftll Hall.
- Arthur Moore, 0, C-
J. W. Hichardson, K. of R and 8.
Pfttnlonn Extraction
Cooper Building,
Attorney at, Law and
Notary Public.
Col lection a Prom ptl y t M ade Titles
. ' Inventigated.
Eat Side Main Street,
Here loy$
Earn Money for
Kvrv loy enjoy a rliango ol
air and th fuu i b had in tht
mountain or at tli Miiliir, hut
nul irrr lijr' fiitticr can alford
the viimiih. Wouldn't It I Jolly
to arn th uiotisf yotirn'IfT
Tl.rr It a wr Hst U a -r
a it It ur. 1 1 l ly iMiD.tf ult
rrilm(rTOWN AND UllS
llundn-J of Ih.j all ovr tli
country are doing ll.U and yu
ii'lfiit jut a wiill have your lrt
o( the profits.
Fend a imwuI today and we IU
nd you runiUi intractlum,
otrtlir with a tree outfit.
town ana Country Journal
tut Mf H4., 1 ), CiUlmli
Ixavo Inderwit'
dnnnii f.r W.iii
UK.iilh unit Alrll
1-m a. tii.
.10 p. in.
fna Iiidi't,n"
1ii fur M.iii
muutnaud t'H
- I HO a. m.
1 p. in.
L'vr Minniiuth
rr Alrllo.
7: via. in.
3M p. hi.
1'IH Mrinnioulh
rr I'iim.
M l . m.
t,m p. iu.
; lmt Alrllo mi
Munmiiuiii ana
I Ayr rnllM NK
WoiimoiiMi and
l-oi n, ni,
T: "
fur Iiiilriiilooo
, . m.
p. ni.
; "
yM IfldcpMI.
!! a un,
3KM p. m
Geo. T. Rogers $ 00
Salem - Oregon
Fine Wines,
Clears, and Beer
on Draught,
or in Bottles, at
Independence, - Oregon,
I. L. SMITH; Proprietor.
" FirstclasB Home Accomodations
Monmouth, Oregon. Kates $1 per
dy' I). M. HAMPTON