West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 28, 1905, Image 2

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    West Side enterprise
Knlared tndrni1s Or., poUmo
ik-.v.iia-! matter
Subscrplion, $1.50 Per Year
KUBHrRtrrtoN rate
(Sirlotly la tTue)
rVr ,r '
Hlx month ... -
8lti(t copy
Kdla uoM lfl;nupTjlln:lmU1it.
Rlon rtUplny sdvrlln md known
on application .
In the judgment of this paper,
it would be unwise to invoke
the referendum on House bill
No. 370 in order to got at tho
school appropriations. This bill
carries appropriations amount
ing to over a million dollars,
including the state institutions
and a variety of other appro
priations. The people cannot pick out
any item or class of items to
pass upon but must vote upon
the bill in its entirety. Gover
nor Chamberlain did not see fit
to veto the bill as it stands
though threats were made be
fore it came to his desk. It is
not at all certain that a majority
of voters would favor turning
down the entire appropriation
and if they should not there
would be the trouble and ex
pense of an election for the
If the bill should be defeated
at the polls it would entail no
end of trouble and expense.
Every institution for which
money is appropriated in the
bill, would be held up and the
wheels of government blocked
unless money lenders should
come forward,and offer tojadvance
funds to carry out the purposes
of the legislature in making the
If money should be advanced
for the penitentiary, asylum,
soldiers' home, reform school,
blind school, mute school, state
biologist and for counties for
support of non-resident poor,
etc., there is no assurance that
money would not also be ad
vanced for the schools. All
alike have the sanction of a leg
islature and by his failure to
veto, the official sanction of the
Governor. The voter would
have no way of indicating which
of the items met with his dis
approval, and all that might
afterwards be allowed by a fu
"ture legislature or by the trib
unal of the people, would be
augmented by accumulated in
terest. Besides the institutions
affeeted would necessarily be
The indications of an early
spring are abundant. Crocuses
and other flowers are blooming
out. The warm sunshine of the
past few days has started up the
grass and grain, and sparrows
are building their nests. - It is
unusually . early and fears are
entertained by some that a con
tinuation of the genial weather
will start vegetation only to be
nipped by frost later. Others
however believe Nature has de
creed an early spring and their
faith is strengthened by the ac
tivity of birds building their
nests. These, it is cited are
rarely misled by weather con
ditions and an early spring may
follow this year to counter-balance
the late one of last year.
One of the weighty reasons
advanced in a speech to the leg
islature by Dr. Kuykendall as to
why the Drain Normal should
be kept on the state pay roll
was that the speaker, Dr. Kuy
kendall, began the, practice of
medicine at Drain and every
foot of the surrounding hills
was in memory, dear to him.
Get some curly-haired physi
cian to practice medicine in
your village a few years, famil
iarixa him with the surrounding
hills and hollows; then send
him to tho legislature and ttsk
for $-21,000 for a state school or
some other purpose.
It is fortunate for the state
the late president of the Sen
ate has practiced medicine only
in Drain and Eugene. Other
wise he would have bankrupted
the state with school appro
priations Tn his illness. County Judge
Coad has the sympathy of the
people of Tolk county, and the
WpRt Side Enterprise joins uu
every citixen in wishing for his
speedy recovery.
The day of securing state aid
for schools by "log-rolling" is
nnst. Hereafter, every school
must go before the legislature
or tho people on its individual
It is announced that "Jack"
"Matthews has retired as leader
of a faction of the Republican
v n
party. Can the party stand ht
This is "House Bill No. 370"
edition of the West Side Enter
The Improvement League" re
cently had an election of new
officers. Let's hear from tliem.
Now is the time for the Im
provement League to show signs
of life.
$100 Heward, $10O
The readers or this paper will be pleawd to
learn that there M ai ieav ,
eaae that x'lence ha been able to cure In all
it stages, and that I Catarrh. Hall i Ca
tarrh Cure It the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
,i.n..nl dluase. require
DC1UK m wit i. -
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
. . . -i .4 1 mai itf n n -
Cure U taken Internally, ai-iiu -surface
or thi yt
UU fcUC wv-
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of
by building np the constitution and aHlstlng
nature In doing Its wora. i f'"""-'
have so much faith in its curative powers
...... .!.., on Hundred Dollars for any
Mm. iucj "
cane that It falls to cure. fend for list o
Addreas F. J. CHEN EY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 7-5c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Winter Kates to Taquina Bay
In order to accomodate the many
rwnnle who wish to make a winter
trip to Yaquina Bay, the Southern
Pacific company will sell on
Wednesdays and Saturdays of each
week, until March 31, 1005, round
trip tickets, at low rate?, to Ya
nninfc and return, limited to sixty
days from date of sale. Those who
desire to take advantage of this
rate should apply to nearest South
ern Pacific agent for tickets. Agts:
Oregon City, Harrisburg. Aurora,
Hillsboro, Woodburn, Newbere, Sa
lem, Sheridan, Jefferson, Forest
Grove, Springfield, McMinnville,
Brown sville, Independence, En
gene, Lebanon.
Itch itlngworm
E. T. Lucas, Wingo, Ky., writes, April
25, 1902: "For 10 to 12 years I had
been afflicted with a malady known as
the 'itch.' The itching was most un
baarable. I had tried for years to find
relief, having: tried all remedies I could
hear of, besides a number ot doctors. I
wish to slate that one single application
of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me
completely and permanently. Since
then I have used the liniment on two
separate eccasions for ring worm and it
cored complely. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold
by A. 8. Locke.
Notice for Publication
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon,
February 25, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has riled notice
of his Intention to make final proof in.
support of hfs claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver, at OregoD City, Oregon,
on April 12, 1905, viz: Frederick E.
Howe, one of the heirs of Mary M.
Howe, deceased, H. E, No. 12329, for
the S. of N. E. of Sec. 18, T. 9 S
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz : John
Cline, of Pedee. Oregon; John V.
Ron co. of Pedee, Oregon ; Paul Ronco,
of Pedee, Oregon; Sarah Ronco, of
Pedee, Oregon.
For Rut. iKeot. Wanted or similar
notices thr lines lu this coin in a,
wnt: on month "S cents.
FOR 8AL12 Frfh milk cov.
.Cnquir of C. K. Tedrow. three
miles south of Monmouth.
FOR 8ALK Thoroughbred whit
Wyandotte egg tor sale at ?0
cent's per setting. II. 0. Soely
West Independence.
tt'ANTKn Young horse, to weigh
about 12.V) pound", gentle, not
over seven year old. W. W.
Black, Independence, Oregon.
FOIl SALK 15( bushel A 1
seed oats; also quantity of Defi
ance seed wheat. Address or
phone Evan Kvans, Parker,
- Ore.
FOUND A pair of black kid
gloves. Enquire at this olllce.
A writer In American Medicine say
that the United States bank bills In
general circulation cannot compete
with most foreign money In deoeuey of
appearance. Abroad, lie soya, bank
notes that come Into private po-s.slon
are fresh, cleun and crisp, ami ho cite
the custom of the Itank of Eiitflund to
cancel, destroy and reissue all note,
oiled or not, that ure presented tor
payment Money has been accused of
spreading infectious diseases, aud per
haps our progressive health authorities
will one day Insist upou periodical
cleaning tip of the stock In circulation.
War Is declared against chest pro
tectors, padded vests aud other like
devices by IlriXLsh medical authorities.
The spine, however, especially hi the
region near the shool-er, should be
kept warm, they say. The thin back
waistcoat is "the undertaker's best
friend" and mainly responsible for the
hacking cough. A close Dttlng shoul
der cape of Manuel or other warm nia
torlal worn next to the skin and cov
ering the base of the neck is a good
protection and can be fashloued so ns to
avoid clumsiness.
It seems to have been a case of "like
master, like man," when the Russian
soldiers looted the shops and lluuor
saloons at Port Arthur after the white
flag went up. The officers rifled the
army treasure chests and despoiled the
privates of their lawful pay.
A sixth moon has been discovered
doing a periodical trick at lighting the
planet Jupiter. Now, if a couple of ex
tra moons could be sent this way ths
gas and other lighting trusts would
abolish themselves and footpads turn
to honest callings.
Afraid of Strong Mediclnea
Many people suffer for years from
rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so
rather than take the strong medicines
usually gives for rheumatism, not
knowing that quick relief from pain
mny be had simply by applying Cham
berlain's Pain P.ahn and without taking
any medicine internally. Rev, Amos
Parker, of Magnolr, North Carolina,
snnered for eight years with a lame hip,
due to severe rheumatic pains, lis has
been pcrmanantly cured by the free ap
plication of Chamberlin's Pain Balm,
lor sale by P. M. Kirkland the drug
gist. Slietz Bargains
Depoe Charley has three bargains
in land on the Siletz. It will pay
any one wanting bargains in land
to investigate.
One 80-acre tract lies on pictur
esque Devil's Lake. This is an
ideal summer home, good fishing,
good pasture, good tourist camp
ing ground. The caecara tree
grows on this place. It is offered
for $12 an.acre.
Another 80-acre two miles from
the mouth of the Siletz, near the
cannery can be bought for $10 an
A third 80 acres lies on the south
side of Depoe Bay and is all prair
ie land on which fat cattle are no'w
grazing; can be had for $12.50 an
The owner invites any one want
ing a piece of land to come and
look at these tracts and then be
governed by his own judgment.
Address Depoe Charley, Siletz,
Begins with the symptoms of a common
cold ; there is chilliness, sneezing, sore
throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarseness
and impeded respiration. Givefrequent
email ' doses of Ballard's llorehound
Syrup, (the child will cry for it) and at
the first sign ot a croupy cough apply
frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment to
the throat.
Mrs. A. Vliet New Castle, Colo.,
writes, March 19, 1902: I think Ballards
llorehound Syrup a wonderful remedy,
and so pleasant to take. Sold by A. 8.
The Oliver Has
No Side Draft
It has tho leit Hitch on tho market
and is the easiest to manipulate.
A better metal and more
of It, put in just the right
place snd a new depar
ture in beam aud handle
construction has made
the Oliver tUeel Plows
famous. Their work is
Leave Independence K. Albany
daily. 8 P. M J for Corvallis. Mon
days, Wednesdays, Fridays, and
Saturday at 8 P. M.
Leave Independence for IHrtland
dally, 9 A. M.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collections Promptly Made Title
East Side Main Street,
A safe durable and economical power
for pumping water, sowing wood, run
ning cream seperators, and many other
uses on the farm.
lnaVpnfcnce J J Ortym
HtartllnK but Trtso
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chicago
theater in which nearly six hundred
people lost their lives, yet more than
five times this number or over
3,000 people died from pneumonia in
Chicago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one of
these cases ot pneumonia resulted from
a cold and could have been prevented
by ths timely use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. A great many who
had everv reason to fear pneumonia
have warded it oft" by the prompt use of
this remedy. The following Is an in
stance of this sort: "Too much cannot
be said in favor of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and especially for colds and In
fluenza. I know that it cured my
daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and 1
believe saved her life when threatened
with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Lo
gan, New York. Sold by P. M. Kirk
land. the druggist.
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
February 25, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler hos filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon,
on April 12, 1905, viz: Frederick E.
Howe, H. E. No. 121150 for the H J of
H VV 4 H of S E J Hec. 12, T. 9 H.f
R. 7 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: John
Cline, of Pedee, Oregon; John V.
Ronco, of Pedee, Oregon; Paul Ronco,
of Pedee, Oregon; Harah Ronco, of
Pedee, Oregon.
It will pay yo" t0 ke,'l' Chamberlain's
colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in
your home. , It costs only a qunrter.
Sold by P.M. Kirkland the druggist
1 jfaY?
er4idIrtH' to. -ai- - - " I
Cull for Warrants
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 17. 1WS.
All warrants endorsed. "Not Paid
for wsnt of Funds," prior to May
(5, 1901, will U paid upon prosen
tation at tho ollice oi me wumj
Trsasurer. No Interest will bt al
lowed after this date.
J. K. Heeiley,
(lountv Treasurer.
Geo. T. Rogers 4 Co
Pnlnlr Kxtntction Cooper 8u!!llo,
Independence, Oregon
Undertaker, Embalmer, aud Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Desired,
The ImlcjH-mleme
Carrie the Cele
brated Coggers JUbcstos fjand made
none Better
G L Hawkins
Dallas, Ore,
Marble anil
Monuments and Head
stones Cemetery
work etc.
Chickens For Sale
A few Kilver Laeo Wyundottes, a bar
gain if sold this month.
Mrs. W. L Bice.
' ii '.-'-TV J I
Oiicers Cbillcd Plows
5TVtJ Will scour in soil whore other will not.
Thcv are unsurpassed in quality and
Kiritclat Home Accomodations
Monmouth, Oregon. lUin tl per
djr' I). M. HAMPTON'
Barber Shop.
One door south of I'ost Office.
Fina Iialhs in cttn:lion with shop
Hpoilffil Her Urmity
HarrlU Howard, of W. 34lh Pt.,
New York, at one time had her beauty
spoiled w ith skin trouble. 8 ho writes: ,
"I had Halt Rheum or Kctem for
years, but nothing would cure It, until
I used liuiklen'a Arnica Halve." A
quick and sure hcsler for cuts, bums
aud sores. 2Ao at A. K. Locke's drug
Merchant Tailor
Rank liuilding,
Ishki'Kxdknce, 0oo.
Ixivmi Inilptwrc
liiiivilh sod Atrll
7::n a. t.
HM p. in.
Iftvaa Alrlls for
Moninoutli iul
9m a. in,
lift p. in,
Imm fin iim lor
MonmouMi snd
I rOO p, m.
7:30 "
l.'ves Moninmith
for Jnili'iidBiir
B m.
p. III.
t:M "
S;0S "
I hidipi
oa p. m
leaves Iiiitii(in"
rtiilirw for Mon
muiilimml Oullss
a. m.
S:1A i. in.
,'v-s Monmouth
Tor Alrllo.
7:W, m.
:M l. m.
L'vm Mnnmoutb
for ltttllsn.
11:2 a.m.
t-.m . m.
Meet every Wed. night
In Mitchell Hall.
Artlwir Monro, C, l
J. W. Itlchardson. K. of R and 8.
Fine Wines,
Cigars, and Beer
on Draught,
or in Bottles, at
Independence, - Oregon
i. L. SMITH; Proprietor.