Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson are visiting in Portland. Mrs. Kate Herd arrived yester day from California and is guest at the home of Mrs. Henry Hill. The family of Roy Young arrlv Miss Iora Shank was a passen- ... Portland Sunday. t.... ti.1 returned from Jed from Sherldau Saturday and .Ui in Albany Saturday. will Ue . . n... mnloved on the leo. Ivose piate Hfra Frank LiUCSS was in land over Sunday, i. Mm. Zurawalt came down" from Corvallls Saturday. Mr. McElmurry of Albany visit d relatives here the past wees. i. Mm fieo. Wilcox visiV 1UI ed relatives at Cornelius over Sun day. across th river. xtr. Pnnleton. mother of Mrs. A. ' W VJ Huston, returned to her home in Portland Friday aKcr a sever i weeks' visit with her daughter in thiacitv Don't forget the Grand Ball, the 22, at the Auditorium. SOCIAL TIME AT HEADING CLUB r r . . rv.nVatf h heen in ij. ,i mra. ucn. wn.vj - foul feiti- Miss Maggie inuwr viteu u " r , c.i,m Pridav night was the VIX to be given at San Francisco in euest of Miss Bessie Butler Satur- May, nd has received her card of Mr, P..,l Jofco.n wu cJW to eo.Ut f over 1000 .oio .a - York, of seventy pieces illness of her aunt. attended "Trial k T,- hfii Friday night. Ha ; mrinr to put on "Queen Esther" at .Albany in the near future. Miss May Webster has returned from a three month's visit al v ooa land, Cal. . m r t?v A. J. Huosaker oi nc- Minnville will preach next Sunday .1 iUa both morning and evening a w Baptist church. Frank Coquillette rstumed from California yesterday. Horn. lna, ai. - , Mr tml Mrs. Ernest Chas. Irvine is spending a week John80n in independence, Friday, in Portland as the guest of Mr. and February 17f a 80n. Mrs. Fred Doaty. Mf aod Mrg. MiHon li. a xi ra rUrence Ireland of rrs-n tn Oass Valley, last mi, auvi ... .j. luiuunwu - n-.-.n;. vmta in Independence u - Kftv,. bov. Mr. and Mrs. VUl TBlllO w i neve wy over Sunday. McGowen formerly resided in In- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black of dependency Dallas are visiting relatives am. DIED friends in Independence. Watson died at his home m;h Mo Adam returned to Cor- TnaDendence Sunday Feb ..Hi. Monday after a visit with rnftrv 19 .t the age of eighty-one. her aunt, Mrs. D. B. Taylor of this Mr Watson had been confined to hiabedfor several years, having U.n atroke of paralysis. 11 k ravior a new , uwpv. . - li. c. lay . , . rived iQ indepen house on nis isrui uVl.u - vallis is com pie tea, ins carpeu- wuw - - T I 1 w wife and a dauehte. Mrs ters, Wm af er auu -. - Faneral D. E. Mcaaam, u - th in fourteen days. Rev. A SWELL 5MOE made in all leathers and style. The Leisure Hour Heading Club 1 if 1 . .. aiiof, . ntrtineil U euili'Buur iivi nnnn llV Mrs. 1C T. Henkle, Mra. A. Nelson. Mrs. W. H. VVal 1.. 1 m rr. nutler at the Uttpr'a home. An important feature of the drawing contest ItlVv I IIUW fnr which priies were offered. Each lady was given a pieoo of lane which be was to sew on to the cloth, making .n nntlinA nf lomt aiven animal. Mm. Ed Owen received first prize v... -, m- nronounced the no II V I nui - t beet, while the booby fell to Mrs. Sarah Irvine, refreshments were uml nl a verv pleasant time whs enjoved by all present. A ftr the social part was over, time was taken for the annual business meeting of the club. Officers were elected for the year as follows: WrB. IT, a. tl. "U.u,u, dent: Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Vice Evangencai enure pii,lnt' Mm. fJeo. Conkey. Jec A tVOivui a retarv. ..... A eoaimitlee lor me selection "i 1 .. .... ... In Tlnnna. there are n uin-n'" new book, was appointed,' cons.sw -" -: . We ingofthe following ladies: Mrs. - " - th ' wiie5 D, Butler, Mrs A. 8 Uc e. M- w-- - fo Sarah Irvine, Mrs. Ld Owen, Mrs. of u A yT77 l I II II M II if If , ? SHOE L. 7 ( Ixpflict: $3.50 t LOUIS. W MAKERS 1 MV 21 X vvnn tmc NARACTt)i people's a$b Store INDEPENDENCE Elmer Nash is home. At the hour of going to press, I.e. 0. A. Wilcox. ART EXHIBIT FOR MONMOUTH SCHOOLS F. A. L. SperUng nas purCnaeu officiatine. Burial Brooks property now occupied by j Q Q The Durchase price r AOB mJ v" was $800. The property was own took cemetery. ed by Mrs. Brooks, of The Dalles. Prof. Crawford, teacher of the Wesl Salem school, and Solomon Crowley were in town Saturday in the interest of the tfapiiBi cnurcu of the coast. MATCH GAME OF BASKET BAIL The first match game of basket un ihn BPftson was mayea in uau v w - .... ... 1 1 1 Q.i.,.J.if ..aninir the Atmeuc nan DOfcuiuB Thi mnmnera ui mo nmnieuiuiB who uv i ca, will give a Colonial social at Hence team under Captain 0. D. .. Wonoorlnv eveniDe t:j thn Rickreall team m- m v null 1 1 1 v u wu j - - rv n mi niiu huw aUdl it"" - 1 a.uv Feib. 22. All members are earnest- under Captain Lee Burch. It ly solicited to attend and make an provej a good amateur game ana Li- -or,5nir ' il 17 v 12 in favor of Inde- eDjuyu' o.vui.ue rmuuoo Much interest is being shown at pendence. u rriBfitinss now in prog line up mc o ..... . , .. ir.ll J ; . ,hnv.n in n. . .1l 1 m 1 .niBH inrKi ress at tne jnemuuiBii tuum. i nicKrean-rk.uoci u-- this city. Rev. Elayer, the pastor war(J. Burch, center; boutnwicx ft,AT V. r.hnrch of Independ-1 j Tv,ne. euards. ?a rnn1no.tine the meetings. Tnr1nndence-Byers and Hurley, T.J.C0verdaleandF.F.Jaynes " have each purchased a lot nortn i a pood turnout 0f Layton Smith's residence on ourtn " . street. Mr. Jaynes has comment " - - k defeat like the erection of a new residence on The d 1Dgraiftted .4 .aw l 1 LI UC E I TV A WW w lot, having tne w . fayor by up, while Mt. uoveraa e . . cheer(J for BOoh to take steps toward ouuamg. s- concluBion of IAAJVAivw- cramft. v, stool Xr TTrfieland concert tQ.v Onndell acted as referee (XUVCB Wv, I vu that was to be given at the opera and jed Cooper as umpire. Deeu uui""' . ,,..( 1 A Tnr tnanrianM n H I. I1K I I IBT.POTIALIl V BUwWD " ence oniy w muopuu- r . . dates will be nuea ai wuuuiuu.u mom t-"- ,7 , and other points as advertised, nomenal, the most difficult cases of The concert will be given here later, displacement, ovarian disease, etc., nor tindlv to treatment. Chief Charley, commonly known the eflex 8ympt. as "Depoe Charley" a citizen ot tne conditions. SUelz Indian reservauon w . backache, ovari- Independence Saturday. He wa 8tomach and on his way to rortiana, wnere u ; . or. will make arrangements or space Osteopathy re- for an Indian exnimtat me o fa al. and Clark fair. . 'inatance. All men urn - w lMn" I - The comic opera irai - uij a rV a nn Cunid or au Angel. " - - - ... i at k nd of an angei enough." Mr. and Mrs. Mears were in rv...lH. last Saturday. iner nrt nreachina in th Methodist The Turner collection of pictures church Sunday this being the first . . .. .r :.. T iAr ratne on me nnnn t nir Of reprOClUCUODB oi , . the world's famous raasierj leces ui wor celebrated artists will be exhibited , T ..5.. A!dg 0f the respect in the Normal chapel, under the Irenes held their regular auspices of the Training Depart- u ,,gl week 1 1 - - 1 Tkliiwl " mem, on unu;, u.""v 1 . , J r .1 Allh . ntnlr I nilHH JUBVIIO w'. 1 ;m 1 i 1,1 : K Uat nf next week, one 1 ne proms wm ue iuymicu uom nictnres and statuary to adorn tne is nisseu in uuUfc walls of the different school rooms. j E ells will go to his claim Kn una pun A fiord to miss the op-l :n mountains week alter Av ' y - I IJYOI III ' nortnnitv of BeeinK these great pic 1 .. .i tares ana oeannx F -; a,,. . . htt ..didini. at While the hours 01 ine eimcn 0 " . .... r m n xt Thrtdire meetines from now to spring will t) z:w 10 o w 1 . uu i.wi d "v! 1. j. - iw. Thinw are eetting busy along iii-iii f ! 1 purn iihv. iitib iuui 1 n w formal programs will be rendered, church lines m 11 I asioiiows: ...iMfi-it r0.J. 5-nn P M.. music. rii 1 innu a a w w - address on the "Twelve Most Fa- Mrs. Jam visited relatives nere mous Paintings" by Mrs. Ellen Tuesday. Pennell, music, his ranch nea Mias Nancy Piatt returned from a two weeks' visit with her parents near Scio, Tuesday. TUlnh Davidson attended th masquerade ball at Independence Chas. Allen returned Sunday Thnrsdav. 8:00 P. M music, ad dress on the "Sargent Pictures in t.h Rnston Library" by Mr. Ma- honey; music; address by Mr. T. Newbul; music. -V- ft rl IT If MtM. awaw. r rid A o:w i mM ujubiw, uno. . ciees by different primary grades; from a week's visit with his par muBic: address by Mrs. C. A. Rice; ents in Kings Valley. music. yred Suver and uoas namoer Friday, 8:00 I'. M., music; hain killed five coons lately. dress by Mr. A. . Campoen, v J , .Am i. in nA FA. Steele Sunday. 15 cents, with season tickets per- MisB Lulu Locke returned from mitting the holder to attend , as McMinnville Thursday. aftenashe wishes, for 25 and 50 jas. L. Davidson is thinking of I . 4 1 cents, , locating again in our neignuornooa 1 Pedee. Cleve Parker who has been . 1. .t.:. ;w anendinff several weeks at his ine peopie 01 vuia liumiuuui.; -r . are talking of extending a telephone home here returned to Independ- m 1. . t ... r 1 I Arm a fill tlfl a V. i line from Mr. maais- 10 reuee. j PnVrt O. Kellev of Monmouth Joe Harland visited here last visited his " grand-parents over week Sunday. . An entertainment will be given vp; the dance hv the Parker school Friday even- r icu v"i 1 j - at Airlie Friday night. ing, March 10. All the pleasure f V...M- . loving, DOU1 OlU w .i !. .u cordially invited to be present, vis t ne in Uarrisburg will return torw,BWJr home the first of the weelt. son go to live on Kings Valley. and Mrs. Clarke Mill'', v.w were visitors at the Capital City last week. Phv Ward who has been very sick Is not much belter. Uaehael Yeater and "Grandma" Sherwood visited with Mrs. Bells Sullivan last Wednesday. Mrs, Wunder and daughter Min. Mlllr. K da ana iiewe in", - . . CUrke visited at the home of Lare Johnston lant Thurwlay. 8UVKK. Mr. Ito'cliff and daughter Helen 0! Dallas visited at the home ol Jabei Thurston Friday. Miss Etta Waters is teaching school at Valley View. Miss Ida Hubbard returned horns Sunday alter a few days' visit with her sister, Mrs. Tethrow. Mr. J. J. Thurston has gone to eastern Oregon on ft business .nil- Mr. J. D. Mclteady and family have moved to Suver. T. O. Arehart made a business trip to Linn county last week. F. N. Stump is putting out ten acres mare of hops this year. Mr. II. Maxfield ol Suver If dangerously 111 at the home ol her son in Albany. Miss Laura Critchlow ol Airlie viBited at the home of K. E. De- Arroond last week. Tier. W. L. Arnold has been holding protracted meetings here for the past two weeks. I BUSINESS LOCALS. ilTVTVT'T r . n - - Moore's Hair Invlgorator and Newbro'a Herpiclds for dandruff ml falling hair or diseased scalp told in bulk, Wta 8 01., or applied if nwwsnary by Moore & Taylor's, the which was given at the opera house Friday night under the auspices of the Clover Leaf Rebek ah lodge of this city was received by a well filled house. Under the management of Prof. Aylsworth, it. ,. wre well carried out. vuo The company was handicapped i..n.r.rhf the abtence of three strual disorders are quickly reliey A hv thin treatment, and a posi' tive cure effected in the majority of f J cases. No drugs or Knne useu. Pall for reference to those cured. free. Will be at tne iiiAttS-a""""""" Palace Hotel, afternoons of Tues' days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Dr. 8. A. Bartlett, Graduate Osteopath. are Frir TCnaVi will comolete Mr. Condorts new house in a few days. Mr. Condon was doing business n Dallas and Independence tne first of the week. Tva Gilliam and sister, Alpha Hooker, have returned home from a two weeks' visit with their brother at Harrisburg. BUUNA VIST A Little Dorris McReynolds is considerable better. It was found necessary to "set" her arm , three times. It must have been hard on the doctors. Guy McReynolds made a trip to Monmouth last Wednesday. Mr. fin. tea nreached at the Cooper Hollow. Mr. Adams, wife and little son and Oscar Wiatt recently arrived from Missouri and are staying with Mr. Bofdey and wife. They were rvAnr npi ehbors to them in Mis- v. - o souri. Rptta Clarke spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Sullivan, last week A. J. Shipley lost a valuable cow recently. Our school has again Btarted with Miss Morrison of Falls City as teacher. Mrs. Sevier and Mrs. Sullivan have been quite sick with la grippe. Edgar Turner who has been working for Clarence McCaleb will Newsboys In Style The nails of nearly every news boy on Park row were neatly trimmed and clean at least one day last week, a phenomenon many noted with surprise. A vender with a patent mani curing tool, clippers file and pick, three in one, and one tor a cents, took up his stand on the curb. He demonstrated the ease with which the tool could be handled on the first newsboy who came along. The boy marched uown 1.1 id row ahowinct off his bancs proudly. "I've been manicured," he de clared. "Did it hurt?" 'Was Bhe a blond beaut?" "How much, Snick ers?" were some of the questions. . . 1 I A 1. .... 1 i tA "ISaw, it uiun 1 nurv, an bo ain't a blonde, an' it didn't cost nothing." he answered. They made a 5-cent pool as the price of the secret, and the news boys' manicuring shop, the first in history, was soon in operation. New York Tribune. barbers on C street. If it is neat, up-to dfcte job print- ne you are looking for, stop at this office. J. M. McCandlcm, the new pro prietor of the Indeei)dence Tila factory, has for sale a large quan tity of 3 and 4 inch tiling. KB t I .(live Mr. McCandiess a cu ana your orders will bt promptly filled. WliitTr t'vr Hale. 1.-.. .i:V. .In ! InH ttrSln to Brooks A 80ns, Carlton, Ore.J Walnut Nursery. t? roil n -..i.. .hi. ti,.tiiiloiiiaof couiuun eold; there U chlltlnea-, niit. ". throat, hot ikln, quick pulse, l.omtm and i.nKlJ respiration. Ulv. frequents tiuall ds Ol Ballard's Ilurehooi!, 8yruP, (the ehlM will ery for H) eo4 the firat ilgn otacmupy eounb rlivi fr-inl!y Uallard'. the throat. , Mrs. A, VI let New ftle, C0I0.4 write., March 19, 1W)2; I think Ballard ii...n,.ml Pvruiia omirful ramedrJ and so pleaaant to take. 8U ltal Itt Tranafers. W J Ferguson et al to L R Hill, 19.18 acres in 9 4; 1200. J. W. Crider and wife to J M Walter, 70 acres in 7-fi; 11520. State of Oregon to Harry Lacey, 115 acres in 9 C; 12(500,. J A Veness and wire 10 s. - Irvine, lots in Independence; 6oa .-.,- a 1 f ill in Lola McLaugb- luaiviu. ...... tirn. r. ui. In Indewndence; H- United SUtes to M " " 119.52 acres in 9 C; Patent. MAHI'IAOK I.ICKNUE E E Lee to Mary Trueax. : Chamberlain's Cougn ltcmcdy thfl Mother's Favorite l.ouHncr rtroncrtieB nwfinii " v --- J 4 of this remedy, its pleasant tasta and prompt and permanent cures nave made It a lavorlte wttti people evory- Tt la iknr.axtall nrlvnil hv niotll" T.U.W. .H U wsvjmimnj f . en of small chlleren, for colds, croup and whooping cough, aa It always af fords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be gWeu as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sala by P. M. Kirkland. nf America, ac me u.m-u.v.j v. - cording to documents found in W archives of Genoa, cost a P' ,.an 7.000. The fleet ol . .. ,.r the vaiue UOlUtnOUS nun ... , about 3.000, while the .alary oi the admiral amounted to year. The two capw- . . 1 !- ... warn nam Ol WIS uro mv.v 1 of if 2.50 a month eacn. v....r Kntcs to V,ntt W Tler to accomodate the many people who wish to make a w iPoYaquinaBay,theS ber Pacific company wu , h Wednesdays and Saturday o ea week, until March 31, 1905, 1 trip tickets, at low rat" I quina and return, VU days from date 01 , tbi5 deLe to take advantage of i rate should apply to near -Oregon City, Harr.sbu A ttjui. Woodburn, -' lem, Sheridan nyilleJ Grove, Springfield, E Brownsville, lnoe-..-gene, Lebanon. uun"" J ... . ii amTiAra who were m. OI 1W -