West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 10, 1905, Image 4

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    Social and Personal
Kliss Ferguson is in Portland
this week.
Mr. J. 8. Cooper and son Ted
were in the Capital City yesterday.
WillMcCready is in Portland
this week.
Carl Fercival returned to PorU
land Wednesday after week
visit at home.
D. W. Sears, V. W. Fercival, G.
A. Hurley and Roy Hawkins at
tended Legislature Wednesday
Get ready for the masquerade.
Regular show-the masquerade
Tuesday night of next week.
Miss Vena Goff arrived home
from Montana this week, having
resigned her position she held aa
Mrs. I. F. Holt has purchased
propertv in the vicinity of the
public school.
The G. A. R. will hold their
Lincoln Memorial service at the
Presbyterian church Sunday even
ing. Mrs. H. D. Foster returned to
day after an extended visit with
her daughter at Vancouver.
Mrs. Ketti Rose and son of
Philomath visited with Mrs. Rose's
sisled Mrs. Thos. Fennell this week.
At the New Years meeting of
Cascade Lodge, K. of P. at Falls
City which was attended by Homer
lodge of Independence, committees
were appointed from both lodges
to visit Dallas and report upon
advisability of establishing a lodg
at the county seat. Over twenty
names have been secured and the
prospects are Dallas will soon
have a strong organization of the
K. P. order.
J. U. Clcland of Portland was iu
Independence this week.
Dan Howell was in Portland
this week.
Fred Oberer was a passenger
the Metropolis Tuesday.
Pick MaUuon was over from
Dallas yesterday.
W. R. Craven was a business
visitor to Portland this week.
The hvangelistio meetings con-
ducted br Evangelist Kev. J. K.
Snyder and tho singer Kev, A. D.
Soper at the Presbyterian church
close this evening, ilia meetings
have been lamely attended and
deep interest manifested by many.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ireland Quite a number have experienced a
returned to Corvallis W ednesdsy. desire to become Christiana. The
it :ti i Alhn vm.w.l preachiug of Hev. Snyder has been
x,. . J - - ,
v. w t.i Tm.. Plain, poirieu ana pracucni tnu
veninff rtnrniiw from Dal as. reacneu me nearw 01 many.
I ni t 1 4 l
... ins singing nv uev. ooper n
Mr.andMr.Clarenoe Clcfelterl . . A1, . d.
... . .. . , . .....
are now uvingtntner.iveicnum ... . .. . . h
cottage oa Monmou.ii sireev. h,r.
Mark, the little son of Mr. and productive of great food and a
Mrs. J. L. Hanna has been serious- rich blessing to Independence.
ly ill with typhoid pneumonia but All the churches ot the city united
is new slowly improving. linthe services and the best of I
General Passenger Agent O'Neal prevailed throughout the
.v.. v..v,. n.iA ... t enure term. ev. onvuer noes io
VI IUO ivtjt tUC u sVIM Mi su
Tndennd.n the first of the week. Saturday to begin meet-
I , r . o . . . . t I
, ings vuere ami nev. ooper murucu
mrs. vioie, ttoss ana Ul Pnr,ud wher. h. has charw of
l . r .1 1 I I
aangmer oi roruana were the People Institute in that citv.
M,,"uuu"' Xheywili very kindly re-
row me pas wee., m.mbered bv all who met them and
J. . McAllister and family enj0yed the meetings they con-
from California are guesu at ducted.
home of Mrs. McAllister s sister
Harness! Harness!
Just Received a Fine Assortment 0f
harness and other harness store goods.
We Are Here to Stay
Mrs. C. C. Hale of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker of
Corvallis were the guests of the
Walker Bros. & few days this week,
returning home Wednesday.
Mrs. John Johnson returned to
Corvallis Wednesday after attend-
inn r no rr m man f a n r. hih rr i shi l i .
Monmouth. She was accompanied -n D&1Ift8 WM wM9 atUm j
by her sister Miss veima urouna. . f . fl. . ,
Riley Cooper returned this week eiDCe the disappearance of her
from an extended visit in the Last. hUnhier. and for a time her life
Funeral ot Mrs. Sailor.
The funeral of Mrs. Marie Sailor
who was drowned iNew lears eve
at Skamockawa. Wash., was held
at Dallas Wednesday. The ser
vices were conducted at the North
M.E. church. Her husband and two
sisters accompanied the body from
Mr. Cooper visited in Missouri.
Kansas and Arkansas, and was in
Los Angeles, Cal.. a week before re
turning to Oregon. He reports a
very pleasant trip.
was derpaired of and she is yet
a critical condition.
Masquerade Ball
St Valentines Day, Feb. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fennell
have moved into their new resi
dence on 5th street. ,
R. Gibson of Eugene is visiting
relatives in this city.
Miss Cecile Wilcox visited her
grandparents at Rickreall Wednes
day and Thursday.
J. M. Stark is putting in tile and
draining the property which he
recently purchased, on railroad
street. The house is undergoing!
repairs in general and when finish
ed will b4 an attractive piece of
Colonel J. B. Eddy, ex-railroad
commissioner, former speaker of
the Third House, who came within
a few voes of being nominee for
Congress and who is now an offic
ial ior the Harriman Lines was in
Independence and Monmouth this
week, having attended the Com
mencement exercises at the Nor
mal. Colonel Eddy's daughter.
Miss Gertrude, was a graduate of
the February class.'
The Post Office at Lewisville
Oregon will be discontinued after
February 28. And all mail going
to the people at Lewisville shoul d
be addressed to Monmouth R. F. D.
Number 1. This route has had a
mail carrier on lor the past three
years. Fred Huber of Monmouth
is now the carrier.
M. B. Grant, a champion chick
en fancier of Polk county, this
week invested 115 in a Barred
Plymouth Rock rooster, an unus
ually fine bird. It was purchased
from J. C. Murry of Portland.
The big smoke stack to the new
mill has been hoisted and with no
mishap. Sawing for the mill's own
use will begin the latter part of
next week. D. H. Simpson, the
Airlie merchant will come down to
run the milL
Meeting; of City Council
The city council held its regular
monthly meeting Tuesday evening.
The resignation af D. B. Taylor
as a member of the council was
presented and accepted. Mr. Tay
lor's reasons for asking to be re
lieved from the duties of a council
man were that having interest in
Benton county demanding his at
tention, it. would no longer be con
venient to attend council meetings
nor give the city's affairs the at
tention required of a member of
the council.
The bond of G- A. Hurley in the
turn sf 2000 as citv treasurer, and
J. Hunsaker of McMinn- Lt. r r n rr tnr th
Imperial saloon were approved.
church Sunday both morning and But little new -business was dis
evening. cussed in the council, the mem-
Mr mid Mr bers preferring to ' wait until
Rev. A
ville will
We have the goods and our prices are
right. We will meet Salem or any
other city in prices.
One Wee&s Sale.
In order to make more room for Spring
Stock we will sell, for One Week Only,
Regardless of Cost
The following articles at the reduced
fG.OOrobe 4.tW 25c brush 15c
7.00 " 5 '25 ylN. AXEL GREASE
3.00 Wool RoboB 2-23 U 10o can 7c
2.50 robes l$r h j(r,c . i2o
HORSE1 BLANKET 25o . . 19c
$2.50 lined blinket i.00 f "
Call and examine fOr yourself.
Kjurre Sr Dunham
Willard Craven is seriously ill.
There will be a service for the
children at the Methodist church
Sunday morning. Special music
will be provided. The front seats
will be reserved for the children.
There will be a musical treat at
night. Beside singing by the large
choir a solo will be rendered by
Mrs. Paddock and a duet by Mrs,
Dorris and Prof. Aylesworth. A
"red hot" gospel sermon will be
delivered by the pastor. All are
Regular services at the Presby
terian church next Sabbath con
ducted by the pastor. Interesting
topics both morning and evening.
A very kind welcome to all.
The comic opera, "Trial byVury"
will be given at the opera house
on the evening of February 17, in
stead of the 7th as was stated , in
last ieeue.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Newbro's Herpicide for dandruff
and falling hair or diseased scalp
sold in bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if
necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the
barbers on C street.
If it is neat, up-to-date job print
ng you are looking for, stop at
this office.
J. M. McCandless, the new pro
prietor of the Independence Tile
factory, has for sale a large quan
tity of 3 and 4 inch tiling.
Give Mr. McCandless a call and
your orders will be promptly filled.
The Original
Foley Co., Chicago, oriKinaieu
Honey and Tar as a throat ana lung
.l. remedy, and on account of the great
me I . ... t?1... linn..
merit ana popu'"1 "
new charter became a living entity. . T imitations are offered
7ZT, for the senulne. Ak for FOLEY'8
van auu ociiiqi i " .
Hnnftv and Tar and refuse any sub-
. .... i i
Having lasen a partner into tne gtltute offered as no otair preparation
harness bnBiness. all indebted to will rive the same satisfaction. Ills
me prior to this date are request
ed to call and settle back accounts.
All accounts coming to me person
ally must be settled by the 15 of
this month. ' C. A. Kurre.
Walnut Trees For Sale.
For English walnut trees write
to Brooks & Sons, Carlton, Ore.,
Walnut Nursery.
For the Sanitarium Habit there
is no cure save poverty.
mildly laxative. It contains no opiate
and Is aafettt for children and delicate
persons. Sold by A. 8. Locke.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cttnoet be cured by
Hall'i Catarrh Care.
F. J . CH ENE V 4 CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nodei-alg-ned, bare known F. 3.
Cheney for the last IS year, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all basluess trans
action and financially able to carry out any
obligation made by hi Arm.
Wai.dino, Kin nait A Mabvin
Wholesale DriiKglnU, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care 1 taken Internally
acting directly npon the blood and mueous
surface of the ytem. TesUmonlala sent
tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all
Take Ball's Family Pills for conntlpaUon.
A Orlm Tragedy '
Is daily enacted in thousands of homes
as Death claims, In each one, another
victim ot Consumption or Pneumonia.
But when Coughs and Colds are prop
erly treated, the tragedy Is averted.
F. G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind.,
writes: "My wife bad the consump
tion, and three doctors gave ber op.
Finally she took Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, which cured ber, and today she
Is well and strong." It kills the germs
of all diseases. One dose relieves.
Guaranteed at SOo and 11.00 by A. &
Locke, druggist. Trial bottle frs.
Kev. Carlisle 1MI. Martin, L. L.I.
OlWaverly, Texas, writes: "Of a
morning, when first arising, I often
tind a troublesome collection of phlegm
which produces a cough and Is very
hard to dislodge; but a small quantity
of Iiallard.s Horehound Kyrup will at
once dislodge It, and the trouble Is
over. I know of no medicine that In
equal to Jt, and it Is so pleasant to take
I can most cordially recommend it to
all persons needing a medicine for
throat or lung trouble," 8old by A. 8.
Another Good Man Gone Wrong
He neglected to take Folej's Kidney
Cure at the first signs of Kidney troub
le, hoping it would wear away, and
he was soon a victim of Bright' dis
ease. There is danger in delay, but
if Foley's Kidney Cure Is taken at
once the symptoms will disappear, the
kidneys are strengthened and you are
soon sound and well. A. It. Bass of
Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten
or twelve times in the night, and bad
a severe backache and pains In the
kidneys and was cured by Foley's
Kidney Cure. Bold by A. S. Locke,
Chamberlain's Cough Jtetnedy
the Mother's Favorite
The soothing and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have
made It a favorite with people every
were. It is especially prized by moth
ers of small cbileren, for colds, croup
and whooping cough, as it always af
fords quick relief, and a it contains no
opium or other harmful drug, it may be
given aa confidently to a baby as to an
adult. For tale I y P. M-Kirklsnd.
WlnterItatN to Yaqulna lty
In order to accomodate the many
people who wish to make a winter
trip to Yaquina Bay, the Southern
Pacific company will sell on
Wednesdays and Saturdays of each
week, until March 31, 1005, round
trip tickets, at low rates, to Ya
quina and return, limited to sixty
days from date of sale. Those who
desire to take advantage of this
rate should apply to nearest South
ern Pacific agent for tickets. Agts:
Oregon City, Harrisbnrg. Aurora,
IliUsboro, Woodburn, Newbcrg, Sa
lem, Shcridun, Jefferson, Forest
Grove, Springfield, McMinriville,
Brownsville, Independence, En
gone. Lebanon.
- .
Startling; but True
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chicago
theater in which nearly tlx hundred
people lost their lives, yet more than
five times this number or over
3,000 people died from pneumonia in
Chicago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one of
these case ol pneumonia resulted from
a cold and could have been prevented
by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. A great many who
had 'every reason to fear pneumonia
have warded it oir by the prompt use of
this remedy. The following is an in
stance of this sort: "Too much cannot
be said in favor ol Chamberlain's Couifh
Remedy, and esecially for colds and In
fluenza, I know that it cured my
daughter, Lanra, of a severe cold, and 1
believe saved her life when threatened
with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Iav
gan, New York. Sold by p. M. Kirk
land, the druggist.
It will pay you to keep Chamberlain's
colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in
your home. It costs only a quarter.
Sold by P.M. Klrkland the druggist
Even an intellectual feast de
pends largely on the mental digestion.
Hlckenlnir Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria cu bs relieved
and cured with Klectrle Hitter. This
Is a pure, tonle medlclnei of sspMlsl
benefit In malaria, for It exerts a tm
curative Influence on Ue diwe. driv
ing It entirely out of the system. It
much to bs preferred to Quinine, bsv
log none of this drug's bad after-'-fecta.
K. 8. Munday, of Henrietta,
Te., write! "My brother was vtry
low with malarial fever and Jaundice,
till he took Klectrfo Bitters, which
saved bis life. At A. B. Locke's drug
store t price 60o, guaranteed.
A Menace to Health
Kidney trouble ll an Insidious danger
and many people are victims of a rlons
malady before the symptoms sr recor
nlned. Foley's Kidney Cur correct
irregularities and strengthen! and build
no the kidneys, and It should be taU"
at the first Indication of kidney troubl..
It is impossible to have good u
if tho kidneys aro deranged.
8. Locke.
Bold by A.
IMratliiff Foley's Honey and Tax
Foley A. Co., Chlcsgo Of li"'J Hon
and Tar as a throat and UH fn,M
and on account of the great tnott sua
K.pularity of Foley's Honev and i
many imitations are offered for w
genuine. Ask fov, Foley's "v "
Tar and refuse any substHnteollTed
no other preparation will give i'
....lf..-4l.. I. I. ml ll ax""- -
contains no
dren and delicate person
8. Locke,
opiates and isj aafeat forchll
licate persons. Sold by
I . ..i. f r I nirwnrlU
K. T. Lucas, Wlngo, Ky.. "fVj
2J5, 1902: "For 10 to is '""'
been afflicted with a waiaay uw
the 'itch The Itoh.ng was mo
baarable. I had tried for ""J
relief, having tried all remed'" l f
hear of, besides a number ot doc
of Ballard's Snow Liniment e nrsj
completely sad permanentlT.
then I bay used the liniment on two
separate eccasions for ring mwm &
cured eomplely. 25c, 80c and ll.w-
by A. B. Lock.