1 ISoc Social and Personal. Mrs. J. C. Morrison tu in Salero character at the masquerade Saturday. J. K. Soar of McCoy was h Deputy Sheriff Aura Ford was Independence yesterday. over from Pallas t-umiay. Mr. W. A. Messner and little daughter visited relatives at Mc Minnville over Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Kelty of Salem was the gvest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Messner, the past wek going to McCoy Saturday. Supt. Starr pawed through the city Saturday on his way to Buena Vista. II. Hirschberg attended the fu neral of the late Edwin Stone which was held at Albany Sunday. Southard Talbott of Falls City pasted through Independence Sat orday on his way to Portland. Miss Lettie Mastereon returned home Sunday after visiting friends In Portland. Teddie Irvine was a passenger to Corvallis Saturday. Mrs. Messner of McMinnville, mother of Mayor Messner is visit ing in the city. Mrs. B. F. Baker and daughter of Oregon City have been guests at the home of Mrs. Baker's daugh ter, Mrs. Hoffman of this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wood ar rived from Arlington Sunday and will locate in Independence. Mr. Wood has seceded a position in the grocery store of R. H. Knox. Jas. Harris celebritd his eighti eth birthday Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Larson, a daughter, and children from Saver, J. D. Harris and B. W. Harris of .Wells, sons ot Mr. Harris, were present, making a pleasant family reunion. - Get ready for the masquerade. Regular, hdw-lha masuerad Tuesday night of next week. There will be some grotesque Mr. Thurston of Soup Crvek was an Independence visitor Monday. Nat Burch and Ben Lucas of Bickresll were In the city yester day, ' Dr. E. P. Hill, who has been a gueet of Dr. Thompson here, left for Portland yesterday. The only masquerade of the eaaon will bo ou St. Valentine's day, TOfsday of next week. Trues for the best sustained character and for the most comioal character will be given at St. Valentines maquerade. TLoee visiting Independence from Lewisville and Airlio yeeter- dv were: Henry Staats, tmmitt Staats. Orin Bagley, Henry Smith, Wm. Williams, Mart Staats, Mar vin Smith and Asa Staats. , Claude Korre, the harness man has taken George Dunham into the business with bim as partner. Mr. Dunham is a practical har ness man. Both he and Mr. Kurre are young men of energy and enterprise and excellent standing In dealing with them, the public will find not only men who are up-to-date in their line, but men of integrity. Superintendent Fields and Engineer Donald of the Southern Pacific attended the minstrel show last night. In a special car yester day they made the circle around Polk county, going from Indepen dence to Whiteson, thence to Dallas and back to place of starting. Tbey spent the night in Mon- mouth. r " "; Ball Masquerade INDEPENDENCE , AUDITORIUM St Valentines Day, Feb. 14. SUPPEH AT LITTLE PALACE HOTEL. .... Parker. Geo. Hinshaw of Dallas was a caller hen Thursday. Mr. Hrcker of Buena Vlcta oalld on friends her Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Conn of Airlie were guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Peterson Sunday. Mr. A. B. Lacey made busi ness, trip to Albany last week. Mrs. Kerr spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Ed Steel. Mrs. James gave a dinner Sun day In honor of her little daugh ter Lenora's tenth birthday. Those present w rs: Mr. and Mrs. Joe James, Mr. and Mrs. John James. Mr. aodMrs. C. Booue, Mr. and Mre. Orley Allen, I-enora James, Miss Unit James, L. -Woods aud Velena Fuqua. The delicious dinner, delightful weather and the reunion of the members ot the family were suffi cient reason for a most enjoyable day. , Mrs!. Lida Davidson is living iu Portland at present Mrs! McReynoldsof Buena Vista was a passenger on the North bound train Sunday. Little Sermon a, BY KlBERT HVBBARD. Vielence symbols weakness strength shows itself in patience and poise. If we are ever damned it will not be because we have loved too much, but because we have loved too little. Theonly men who should preach are those who can and who have done things. The sense of humor consults in knowing a big thing from a little one. Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Civilization is the expe ditous way of doing things. TuAharl r those who educate people to appreciate the things they need. The author who has not made warm friends and then lost them ; n hour bv writinn things that did not aeree with the preconceiv a Ma nf the friends has either cu aj v written well or has not MOD IUV " read. Capt. Mitchell with a party of; friends came up from Salem Sun-1 day in the capUin's little Bteam launch. Mr. Mitchell is a nephew of Mrs. L. Damon. The Misnes Wann of Salem were the guests of Loran Wann over Sunday. Ira Smith of Vale eastern Ore gon visited relatives in Indepen dence and Monmouth the past week, returning home Monday. Miss Ellen Johnson of Suver was, in Independence the last of the week. Miss Joseph Holmes A.' of McCoy visited Miss Marguerite Pomeroy the latter part of the week. The Misses Owen, Inez Warner, Lcrjise Waller, and Julian Hurley will take the State teacher's ex aminations this week. Mrs. W. G. Cressy and Miss Pearl Squire were in Portland the first of the week. J. W. Coovert and Wilson Way irit hrfi transferred their in- asu -- - forest In the Dallas Axe-handle factory to William Faull. nnnnt Surveyor John P. Van firsdel ran the lines Friday and Saturday dividing the Hill estate into two equal parts. The place aiA ot 640 acres, an entire section, originally taken up by Henrv Hill and wife. During the life time of both no division lines were necessary but since the death nf Mr. Hill it requires a survey to establish the boundary lines of hia half of the section. The ladies of the Methodist church will gief another of their lovelv fairs during the season for wAAt neaa. which will be in June 1 and July. Those contemplating "making entrees should begin culti vating their sweet peas early. - l.,a'a minstrels aDD eared at uaca-ua - the opera house last' night. They apa rreted with a good audi- "--o " , ence and a very satisfactory snow. Marsh Mnrwin could not resist th temntation to do the cake- ,oilr ant vpRterdav when tne n -w j , "coon" band struck up ragtime music on the street. The comic opera, "Trial by Jury" ;ii k (riven At the ooera bouse ntii w e nn th aveninz of February ii, in .,aA f the 7th an was stated in D.vau v ww ' ast issue. Services At Opera Houne. Dr. E. P Hill ot the First Free church of Portland nreached to the people of Indepen . - r, J dance at the opera House unaay - 1 .1 5 evening. The bouse was crowuea k. nn imriiative audience, lne choir, composed of the best sing ers from the various churches in tua Urr ami eA bv Rev. A. V. Soper, rendered some very excel lent music. Prof Aylswortn was at the piano while the sweet strains of the violin as played by , froi. Qaolew aridftd mnch to the mUSlC. WVivivj - Dr. Hill, being an eloqnent speaK er held the audience in rapt atten tion throughout the sermon Twelve stood up and announced their intentions of becoming christians. Sunday evening. The series of moat intra will continue until Fri- UJVbklUfjU - day at the Presbyterian cnurcn Call And Settle. TTivine taken a partner into the harness business, all ' indebted to me prior to this date ' are request ed to call and settle back accounts. All accounts coming to me person- nmnat be settled bt : the 15 of this month. ' For tha 8anitarium Habit there There is no copyright on stupid ity. a aneA lima to laueh is when von see a-miahty bundle of pre tenre and affectation coming down the street. You can only help yourself by helping others It is a ereat blessing to be born into a family where strict economy of time and money is necessary The idea that nothing shall be aaiaA and that each child must tv can nv carve out for himself a career is a thrice-blessed heritage.. Rich par ents are an awful handicap to nnth! few indeed there are who j , have the strength perity. 5 WELL SHOE made in all leathers and style. 19 ONE T. 1 rtii.a.U- MAKERS People's asb Store INDEPENDENCE Walnut Tret For For English walnut trees write to Brooks Sons. Carlton, wre.. Walnut Nursery. Winter ItaU-a to laquin In order to accomodate the many people who wish to make a winter - . 3 ...lLa.M trip to Yaquina pay, m mu. Pacific company will sell on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week, until March 31. 1005, round irin tickets, at low rates, to Va- nuina and return, limited to sixty days from date of sale. Those who l.ir to take advantage oi nn- rate should apply to nearest South ern Pacific agent for tickets. Agts: Oregon City, Harrinborg. Aurora. HilUboro, Woodburn, ewDern, oa- lem, Sheridan, Jefferson, rorrn Jrove, Springfield, McMmnvllie, Brownsville, Independence, Ml gene. Lebanon. . The Original Foley a Co., Chicago, oriulnaled Honey and Tar at a throat aud lung remedy, and oe aewonl of the great merit aud popularity of Foley 's Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered fur the Keuulne. Aik for roi-r.i n Hti and Tar and refuae any mb- lltuta offered a no other prrparauon wlir kWs the aame aatUractloa. II ia mii.llv laaatlve. IteonUlnanooiilatea nd la tafcat for children ana ueiicai peraona. Hoia by A. is liocae. Slckenlnir Shivering Fits of Ague and' Malaria "cau ba relieved nrf nured with Electric Hlltera. J ma la a pure, tonic medlcmet of eepeolal benefit to malaria, for It exerU a true curative Influence on the dlaeaae, driv ing it entirely out of the syatem. 11 ia much to be preferred to Quinine, hav ing none of thle drug's bad after-ef-fecta. E. S. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex., wntee: "My brother waa vary low with malarial fever and Jauodloe, till he took Electric Blttera, which saved bis life. At A. B. Locke'a drug stores price 60c, guaranteed. BUSINESS LOCALS. , t Valentine at Craven and Moore, ferni-t hint new and up-to-date in valentines at Craven A Moore's, Moore'a Half Invlr-rator and Newbro's Ilerpicide for uanuruu and falling hair or diseased acaip old In bulk.&fV? 8 oi., or applied neoesaary by Moore & Taylor's, the bathers on C street. Nice lace valentines for a penny at Craven A Moort'e. See the Jumping jack valentine at Craven A Mr . bometuing new. If it is neat, up-lo (Jate job print- . t I . a . - utk. m t ng you are loosing ir, this office. Nice fresh taffy s at Craven A Moore's. J. M. McCsndleia, the n&w pro prietor of the Independence liie factory, has for sale a large quan tity of tiling. If in need of tile give Mr. McCandleas a call ana your orders will be promptly filled. Kotlceto I'ublle. Ws wish to announce to Ibe publio that we have sold our cigar store on C street, neit door to the Little Palace Hotel, to J. D. White, akeraod our entire attention will be devoted to our stationery store nn main atreeL OurStock will be materially increased and it is our Intention to meet the every want of the public in our line making this the leading stationery store in Polk county. Craven & Moore. fleo. T. Rogers eo WHOLESALE P A P ER DEALERS Salem Oregoii I. L. SMITH Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And Deer , on Draught, or in1 Dottles, at THE L L SMITH Sffl C STREET, Inckpcnctence, - OrtW I. L. SMITH; Proprietor. to stand pros- B. T. HKNKLK, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, One door south of Post Office. Fine Baths in connection with shop Independence, Oregon. HOTEL HAMPTON Firstclsss Home Accomodations Monmouth, Oregon. Hates II per day. I). M. HAMPTON He v. Carlisle IM. MarUn, LUX OlWaverlr, Tesaa, writ: "Of hn flrat ariillll. I w find a lrwblHmeo:!fiioa 01 j which jjkkIuomi a cough ana n hulaamall qutfti of Hallardji Horehouod Syrup will oncedtalodgelt, and tbs troobi f bnAarnfliolliadlCiaS ia Mual to It, and It la p1a.nltetiK - .1 .... - ...Nd H I can nul ooroiauy - throat or lung trouble," Sold uy a. Lock. . ," A,HtherOMaa lit mB itewo w" rv' ' i Cure ai ins nni . . , i.... i wmitii wear aj. k..Uaoa a victim of Bright as.- There la danger In lsy, II Foley's Kidney Curs Is Uk one. the symptoms will. IPPJ 1 kidneys art. treoglhof3r m aouud and well. A. ! . I.. ! in avt BP or twelve time in the night, a severe backache and pan" . .. .. . Anrvil bv r01 KldnvCure. Hold by A. 6. is n6"clire"save Tpoyerty. At last we must admit that the man who towers above his fellows (a the one who has the power to make others work for him; a great success is not possible in any other way. How's This? w. .irndm Hundred Dollara Reward for any cae of Catarrh that can net be cored by Hall'i Catarrh Core. B" J r. H K"i E Y dt UU.. 1 Oiea, w. nr thm undnniliined. hare known F, J. Cheney for the taut 15 yearn, and believe him perfectly honorable in an duhiubm "" action and flnanclally able lo carry out any obligation, made by hi firm. Wholerele OrUKKlaW, Toledo, O. it. ii. r-ittrrh Care U taken Internally acting directly npon the blood and mneoni aurfucM or tna ayieui. inumuu. ee, Prlca 75 cent per bottle. Hold by all DrugtfUf- Take Hall', Family PIHa for constipation. A Orlm Traireidy la daily enacted In thousand of home nth r.laime. In each one. another victim ol Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Cough and Colda are prop erly treated, the tragedy is avertod. F. O. Huntley, or Oaslandon, in., .hi- Mv wife bad the consump tion, and three doctors gave her up. Pln.Ilv aha took Dr. KiDe'B 1NW UW- covery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colda, which cured ber, ana loaay ne U well and strong." It kill tb germ of all dleae. One do reUevea. Ouaranteed at 60e and f 1.00 by A. 8. Loce,-rugglar'rtlsl oottl trm.r I I .. I w Harness Harness Just received a fine assortment of harness andoth er harness store goods. WE ARE HERE TO STM aht luu nuuu inu guuus unu uur prices uf v will meet Salem or any other city in prices. Call and examine f Or yourself. . , i Oregon 4. It Si