West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 27, 1905, Image 1

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jlb'vkntii ykak.
Incorporated. j i
poNMou-ni, . oregon Grinding Away On Various
Measures of More or Less
Interest at Salem.
J H. llAWI.KY,
Vir l'rcn Ao nt
IA C. I'oweu., Cashier.
ri4 Cll, ISO.OOO
Dimctom J. U. Hawley. T. L. Campbell, I. M,
ar, John Htutnp, J. A. W'lthrow, F. 8. Powell.
Simpson, J. 15. V.
TranoU (Jenrral BanklMg and Kxchange luttlnee. Drafts sold
ITllbU throughout the Unit! KuUm and Canada.
. iiiRRllBKIUl. Prrtditt
STOCK, $60,000.00.
A (tit AM NKIXON, Vice TnMtn
C. W.1KVI.VE. CMbUr.
Senator Miller Will Press His Nor
mal School Consolidation
Bill Wednesday.
Representative Cooper hai In
troduces! a bill for a charter for
Representative Fawk will in
troduce ft bill regulating the ware
hniiM business and providing for
an inspector.
PI!erOM.--- lUrrbrw. iriCF. Bmith, J. P. Rhodes and
MIUotMiTTrhanirwl Uni mxd. Bills
jJLKIiS"w credit gmfled. iPiU rWl on current account
lUiiqujutm For
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
ni la inAUm vnrWty from cofc
i fe.ur foot ao4 Uo Mr
ScxU FouoUla (of It ho day.
You r awiy wt'conw.
It will hare oppesi
Good Kiel for Commercial Men a S pec ialty.
Cfod accommodation,.. Horwi we 1 fed. tine
r; He. boarded by daybook or month.
a D. WHITMAN, Proprietor
A Homo Indu.trr Institution
WorK C.ll.d for T..d.r P."" 8ur4r
Bice & Calbreath,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
I'hono 131
Main St. Independence. Orel
mm m- - r
tB.woiww.!'. ' TtAmTlT HA
.0O ""'
THE LlVEi" .,,ivin
-I... . m(TlU. ViW "
Will aerv you any hour, uay - EpENDENCE, ORE
ALL MDUtnn -
A hard fiirht ii being made to
have the tae bur the Patton
Home, carpets, pictures, barn,
cellar and well, for ft governor
The Normal school question will
Km tin Wore the wavs and means
- r
committee next Wednesday even
inn. Senator Miller will present
irffument for bis bill favoring cod
solvation of nil the schools Into
Brownell's bill for a constitution
1 Ann vention has been cted
favorably on by the judiciary com
mittee to which it was reierreu.
fiir.hel'a bill establishing ft whip
ping post lor wife beaters has been
amended so s to meet tbe
approval of .the judiciary com
mittee and may yet become a Uw.
The senate has adopted ft rese
nt inn to annoint ft epeciftl com-
r. .
tn investigate cnarges vi
UJIkbva ... . 0 w
T. II. McMahan seamst ine su
perintendent ftud warden of the
nan itentiarv. McMahan charges
K.t i.h "butterment" tuna is w
ing misappropriated to purchase
luxuries for the eupennienaeu
and warden.
K. flt salary bill for state of
ficers passed the House with but
two dissenting votes-
Senator Loughary has io charge
. charter for Dallfti. U "
between two fires, the eouncil want
ing the proposed charter enacted
and there is ft strong petition m
by the cituens against it.
Building Prospects
The carpenter work, has been
ted on the residence prop
erty of Tom Fennell and the paint
ers and paper hangers are nvw
putting on the finishing touches.
It is an elegant two-story mne
.WHnffand adds much to
the appearance of tbat part of town.
The new l'urvme rewueuto
the motor line is also compiewu.
A Patterson has moved into
his new cottage on C. street and S.
R Walker is domiciled in his
.... t- - :i J
laree new dwelling on iw
street The foundation "o.u6
laid lor the two new residences on
C. A. Mattieon's place, une wui
be a cottage and the other ft large
dwelling. One will be tne proper-
ty of Orover Mattison.
PhA. Brown yesterday purchas
ed through Hurley & Taylor, two
lots on Sixth street and win duhu
..Uci,lonr!fiH thereon. There is
prospects of a number of buildings
yet during me jrr
Keal Instate Transfers
T,odne No. 60, " I 0
i 1UUJ j o - t
0 P to B F and L M Miller; lots in
McCoy; $350.
Li U Bliu x .
West Salem; 1300
..v ti n.ihlnr and wiie to
P-t, P Buhler; 35.18 acres in
n T. C: f 800.
rreuci -i ,
n w p.-. nd wife to .awaru
r. n?) ..ran in 8-4: $7000.
r T?a nd wife to Hftttie
J. Tice; lota in Falls City; $2600,
Thos. Stockwell to Violft ShulU.
Falite Alarm.
A report has been circulated In
the eflect that Dallas children
were entering school hers and
that thin week there was ft child
from Dallas taken with scarlet
fever at tbe school. Such reports
have ben proven absolutely false.
The public may rest assured that
very precaution will be taken by
those in authority t prevent the
disease from entering the school.
Furthermore tbe patrons of the
school may feel assured that the
good peoplo of Dallas have the I n
terest of the school here In mind
as well as their own and would
not even think of doing such a
Plaintiff Wins Case.
Tn the iuit ol Geo. A. La Vie v
F. P. Hnroke and the 8. P. Hail
road Co. in tbe state circuit court
at Portland last week, a verdict
was returned in favor 6t the plain
tiff. This was ft suit to enforce a
hop contract requiring defendant
Humke to deliver to plaintid La
Vie. through his attorneys in fact,
tbe Krebs Bros. 6000 pounds of
bops at 15 cents for one year and
tbe same amount at 12 cents for
four vesrs. The court held that
tbe contract was binding.
Sorrow giyes strength.
Flatter makes no friends.
Soft soap waehes no hearts.
Looking at sin leads to laving it
Love is never afraid of overwork.
It doen't take any grit to grum
The angry
Rlnns Kust Remove Fence From bimseii.
County Court Will Call Con
vention To Discuss
Better Roads.
Sentence Senium"
man always lashes
Public Highway Or Be
Religion for rewsrd would be tin
for a raise.
A bed of roses soon wears down
There is evidence of an awaken to the thorns.
ing to tbe importance of good roads j The sure sign of a fool is that he
io Polk county. forgets his folly.
The county court has decided to -Nothing enncnes tne worm murw
call a good roads convention to than happy face.
meet at tbe county seat nextj He who dwells on his irouoiea
month. All of the twenty-two eu- always dwells in them.
pervisors will be eiked to be pres-, A warm handshake may do more
ent and a general invitation win than a coia nana-oui.
be extended to every one interested j You never lose any of your sor
in good roadB. The discussions row by shedding sour looks.
that will be brought out will neces- j One realizes the impotence of
sarily be productive of good results, money when he tries to nay iov.
Citizens of tbe Lnckiamute dis- Your conscience unit be a light
trict are talking of a meeting to de- - to you, but it cannot be a law to
vise ways and means for further others.
improving their roads since the di-J Men who have aD evil habit to
vision of the district. ,hide generally cache it away in an
Mr. Brunk was dropped as super incubator,
visor of the Eola district at the) The man who goes into a thing
lut term of the county court and .with a swelled head always comes
Oregon Apples In Boston.
The following from the columns
of tbe Youuh's Companion, is good
advertising tor Oregon : "Oregon
apples sell in the Boston market
for sixty and seventy-five cents a
dozen- a higher price than is asked
for good oranges in the same mark-
TKa ftunn in that thev are
V A a-av -www.
carefully selected and carefully
packed. The fact and the reason
are commended, to whom it may
Forest Grove Commercial Club
Sending Oat Resolutions
For Legislature.
TMh naner is in receipt of a copy
of resolutions adopted by the Cot
tage Grove Commercial Club lavor
ing ft maximum freight taw. j,
The resolutions follow:
Whfireas: The state of Oregon
is laboring under great disadvan
tages at the present time by tne
excessive local freight rates im-
rwtaaff liV the Harnman lines, and
by the!r refusal to furnish cars and
onninment during the year
for the transpoitation of all classes
of freight throughout the state, aDo
especially Western Oregon, and
Whereas: The lumoer muue-
:Qo tiava nnflered from tbe arbi-
bl 1VO
i neanrA ftdnnted by tbe
Snnthern Pacific Railway Com-
nanv. in increasing the freight rate
to California has resulted in closing
nearlv all tbe mills and pu
ins camps, which had that state
for their principal market,
Whereas: The Harnman sys
tem, running to Missouri river
points, has refused to concede to
the lumber industries of the state
t, hAnefit of a 40 cent rate to that
point, which rate, had it been al
lowed, would have anoraea sn uu
let for the product of the mills, and
Whereas: The local freignt rates,
a MiaWished at the present time,
are so high as to make the cost of
1 1. 1U.
livinir out of proportion to m
earning capacity of the laboring
classes, and others dependent upon
the aforesaid industries, now there
fore be it
Resolved, that, we request the
members of the Oregon legiBtature
about to assemble, to pass ft maxi
mum freight rate law, covering
local shipments. Also a law com
pelling railroad companies to pro
vide cars and equipment to serve
the demands of traffic at all times
of the year, and also bespeak their
A nffioaa to utsb upon the Har-
iha necessity of
rimaa obw" --
granting the 40-cent rate to the
Missouri river common poiuvB.
A. R. Soutbwick was appointed in
his stead. Supervisor bouthwick
realizes be has charge of the most
traveled road in the county and
announces his intention to work
the roads of his district as long as
tKara in an vthinz to work with.
vuwaw J 0
The county court gives assurance
that the highway south of Ricxre-
all bridge, so long neglected by Mr.
Brunk Bhall be worked this year.
Tbe court exhibits an earnest
ness of purpose to see that the
much traveled road in the soutnern
nortion of the Eola district is look-
mA n Ftcr v tn mine the matter of
Ti.Ti' fence beine set in the road
BO "
over to the law department. Dis
trict Attorney McNary has tbe
matter now in hand and the travel
ing public can rest assured their
rights will be protected. "If Mr.
Riggs don't remove his fence from
that road by the first of February
I shall promptly order his arrest,"
are the words of the district attor
ney.- . . .
Where the fence encroacnes
farthest into the road, it is now
in a bad condition and without the
removal of the fence will soon be
It is not generally anown tnai
the court at its last session cutoff ft
inntti nd of the .Lola
piCUQ VI " " v V
district and added it to the Inde
pendence district. There was a
nat.ition before the court to change
both the voting precincts and road
Uotript.H hv extending the Inde
pendence precincts to the Rickreall
bridge. The petition was not
granted but ' a portion of the
south end of the Eola road district
wa cut off leaviDg Commissioner
Riggs in the Eola district.
out with a sore one.
It's no use bragging about your
ancestors unless they would feel
like returning the compliment.
The United States has seventy
five thousand post offices and five-
hundred thousand miles of postal
routes, with a yearly travel ever
them amounting to - five hundred
million miles. Twenty-two mill
ion dollars has been spent in es
tablishing the rural free delivery
which now serves one-seventh ox
the population.
Water Analyzed From Engineer Jack
Wilson's Place was Fossd to
Contain Petrclcua
Vitality Sapper
Debt is a great force waster,
because very few men or women
can be heavily in dept without
worrying or being anxious. If
you are so deeply involved that it
is impossible to extricate yourself
without going through bankruptcy,
then take your bitter medicine at
once, and start again, no
who criticises or denounces you.
Pay your debt in full afterward,
when you are able. Uet nd oi au
vitality sappers. If you have
taken an unfoHunate step, retrace
it if you can.
Tfvou have made a mistake,
remedy it as far as it is in your
power todo so; but when you have
done your best, let the thing arop
forever. Do not drag its skeleton
alone with you. Never allow what
is dead and should be buried to
keen bobbing up and draining off
your life capital in worry or vain
regrets. Do not do anytnmg or
touch anything which will lower
yocr vitality. .
Jack Wilson, engineer on the I.
4 M. Motor Une has had water
from spring on his place near
Sheridan analyzed and it was
found to contain petroleum. . The
Sheridan Sun, speaking of the in
dications says: .
"On the farm leased. by Jodie
Outtry, owned by. Jack Wilson, of
Independence, are strong indica
tions of mineral deposits, probably
of coal. Over the surface in sever-'
al places is an oily substance re
sembling crude oil. Jt varies. in
color from a faint yellow to a dark
brown, in places almost as thick as
We believe not only the owner
but all in the neighborhood of this
farm should be interested, and we
hope these few words may energize
some one to thoroughly analyze,
develop aud afford us exp ert testi
mony. We will dream dreams
and have visions until this is done.
Rirckpatnck Sells Hops.
E. C. Kirkpatrick, it is reported
has sold his holding of hop to R.
E. Williams. The price is not
given. The quantity conBisteu oi
about 184 bales m Oregon and oUU
in Washington. Shucking & Dur
bin of Salem have sold all but
thirteen bales of their holdings.
The only local dealers besides
Williams with any considerable
quantity"of hops on hand are the
Krebs Bros. The Krebs have 1700
bales and they are very independ
ent about telling.
Dr. H. L. Bancroft
Eye and Nerve
Specialist. ,
Room 23, Little Palace HoteL