Social andPersonal. SCARLET FEVER MONMOUTH K.rl Weatberford, . . V.i.i.tal till I - ..f 1 1 .1 tin i hk i i nuiiimi . - in southern Oregon. whMt Brow.r( wWl. Kugn Wwd living la North frUnJ- her durlng t. e week. Independence U down wllh f Portland. tUlteil Pi Mr. Homer IliU turned yeaterday from a two former now a Iauuva.-w" ond attack of appendicitis I n . r ill.n Tattrii0n 01 rrocner, IUI niiv Wash., vltdted at the born, of F. A. Patter.on in thi. city over 8nd.y. uni- TidKel returned to Portland yesterday after .pending I . ...... .iVa Mn. rolati ve. here the la.t of the week . r n V. P.utler. ol Olex, 411 1 visiting at the home of her parent Mr. and Mra. W.J. .muh-j Mia Loretta Smith i. uperin Rftfl. WADE &C0. tia r-ftllaa public school is closed on account of scarlet fever. One fatality has oc curred and all homes where there is a case are unu Portland jay aner 4h. work of Pnrl. Ui .r.ntine and have been twowwka wUh her mother, Mr., wnmng hlbit for tince Saturday. There are Johneou. the Lewi, and Clark Ktpoetioo. . . 1 .nArf linil I - . I.r .t .!. I. Ulna devutfd tO nine cases ai , iV ll Peartor uavenpon, mucn - X .uthorUie. an, taking IIJ'J ".Amn ..J 0. lW, ... . U.U, precaution against furthor JohMM of s.l.m. bth.r l. di,rl., 1. pro-taJ. r . . ft-i ... ir truins i ...tha fftieeU of Dr. anil Pmf. n c. French, of the llv h-tween Dallas and Mm. Allin over Sunday. ton Nornial BChool .pent a day between mj Ld Fridat here. Independence an. i ofc I ,ppMn. Q - of Uplon, r.lif, the disease gem. g m roUnoer, h. her. looking for a bu.lne.. loca- We is immmenu -- , - . i nirinra i fPSCnPr urces the people 10 f " " " o. it,.. nt aro havme me rei b. r. wuurr, wi take nTheir big hop yard cut Und Norm4l .ohool .pent Sunday, ures. Monmouth should ao P Tbe h. Ure likewise, mescnuu! Uryed them .ix year, and they are p08tmaiter LbCM ha. arranged ingS should all be lumigawu i Mag cut off at the grouna i uh Kdward p, dieUict j Catherines . .t c..... for the daily onii Till i va t n i luu ii"" i wtmiuci iui i - lUUUiu W i a ruiH""" r - - , i 1.1 ... i nr mrl route ISO. ! A.rirrnfinff thehallor Cnurca to Bud Uooper, oecouiK - ujwirav- . --- fumigating tnenau itTmooring. at this point ForecasU will be wired to Mr. hnildins. -ueieveiv v . ... cnii., 1 1 viv,fc nd the card. .venerate to prevent tne no. , nN,nfAred br him for dielri r ." . v.. nnn. mgnw Mf.vwr. . r -r- - inff in search ot me bution on the route. property. Friday night a ery interesting Dave Dove ha. eold h is 1W I jaD .b6 acre, of hop land to - . Normal bov.. The Uh. J.P. forlorn-1 we fie4 with an en eight acre, in nope, uu. 11i(inee. The Karoe will pot out 20 acre, more wilS . of 22-11 in the spring H bas Jap. now , work clearing beeidee a ro b one, the best of feeling puller that i- bemg operated on wm rough o h place by three white men. Z?C hoy. br the ladieV and Jas. G.Coyan district organher L.eng Athletic Association. A light for the Woodmen of the v one lunch wft8 Mryed and a .ociai vime Exclusive Agents For American Tieud ivviu Hence ilTCIPm Minwrii ,1 Ml. M M. of the disease by suiting a physician and i...;,rr k advice on luniug " cautionary measures. Salem con- fol- pre- Sat- Madc of the best C.IvWx.d-B...if? teel Wire. It is the most uniform fence. gyCSSi?STRCTCHEDAUWflYS STRETCHED XV. .oil for on. IVice, CASH ONI.Y,l.cnce can n.alc. th. .,t ., Quality a a.i !L rnaSdiri(l. anu eiguv w"""" INDEPENDENCE . mm. tnllfrM J. n. unftvtn OEEGON MANAGER. Geo. Reeves was in urdav. Mrs. EUi. Young wai in Albany the last of the week. week visiting in the city and baa a cam- Lxperienced by those present. lWltKl.K Mis. LIi.Jnie. vUited Mr.. Boone Monday. MUa SUven. ba. returned to her home in Washington. i. Mra. A. B. Richardon .a.,n-l Sondav lrotn a few day. a vkui . at visit with friend, in roruanu. Mr. and Mr.. Scott ol Pa'.la. are visitors here. He intends to I Zed Rosendorf was in Portland a few day. thi. week. Mr. and Mra. Hopkins returned from eastern Oregon sunaay. ... Jaa. Coiuns is BptJuuiuK - - - 7 , Daign under sway. 1U . ,na5 add to the Pout Master Merwin was a bu.i- , .. n . I" uu". - . . ness visitor to Dallas caiuru.y. fa in the neat fatare. Crow!ey Miss Thompeon of Carlton is Th. initiaUon work i. to oe pu. ou Coffey ...JrSIu Geo.Kutch. bv)meofthe prominent Wood- Boitr n n der was in Oregon City men of Portland. Team work by Mf. and Mr, Orley Allen vi.lted daw the part week. P' . - For Engli-h walnut tree. relaliTet here Saturday- . wvrt holds An agent of Brooks & Son waa m Write to Brook. & Son., Canton, Miss Carrie Daneman.wu., week U , , . tYxf, Leinfliaiure, i "" , w'i - aclerksnip in c.J Milin6-Enelish walnut roota. A ,Cl D..J imy.terie.of Woodcraft gtln of new neighbors, which Forc6 USE CP. F F C G G . t w s nk ana ivi I Airs. ," daughter Mabel vi.ited friend, here i ..iKlni, in Derrv K ir I a low nays, imwu-iua Hodson I Monday. ' N - - v Coleen ... ..; went to CorvallU Lirmen Ratnili. . TOILET PAPER One Week Special Sale. Rolls Pocket A. S. LOCKE 4 for 25c 3 for 25c -JPRIOCRrPTlON DRIWCBT passed through Independence " nAwa IB. - I UUUIVv' aM.-v ing of English walnuts promise . J 4 .. mm trt 4 VlfiDA be an impcrtan. iduubh 4U mi a? a UftOOCU a-a-o orday on her way to Corvallis, xr. Trten from Illinois has a.. Latthbome of Isaac .t .v- -pt wMk. Mrs. Lor isutier w j ten is a cousin of Mrs. Butler. t. TTr.n.h. of the Weston parts in the near future. The first .tnnta ntrnr Tlllt On Dome grow u - - r--theUarket here were sold by A. . ' . . t . luu. In a Prof French, of the weswu NelBOn wD0 nas a IU1' ' . . ' .i I . . .... TO Ct..n Kan a Normal passed througn me yard, last iui. J. - - Saturday on the south-bound train larg8 orchard and a number of Duke the five-year old son of people are considering isabtUty Mr and Mrs.JimHUlardwbohaa cf putting out orchards of English teen seriously ui w uu" ' g- . J tectarea at the Christian CUurcb CotUges are soon to be ereciea Portland. one of the . v, ia beloneinz to chas. O. uerry oi ru Monmoulhrtreet. Chri.Uan church lMt ...nitj . : iJ iVot Pttflin & Linn I u:. .tiKWtji urn: nurcbased of J. M. Grant of Dallas j .Tbe History and Teaching of :. . . .. . o oontji. .v. n..olr PiitViolic Church." 64 Dales oi nop" - hjb - W W. Percival shipped from 2 "The History and Teaching of this place Thursday to Portland a tbe Roman Catholic Lhurcn. mis piaw 4 w Btnrv and Teachin car load of sheep and one of hog., it TnVn .TnVinson of air. anu ana. Corvallis were in Independence and Monmouth over Sunday. t tt -Rnnnon was a business W J-a. visitor to Portland the first of the week. Prof. B. F. Mulkey, president of the Ashland isormai bcuuu - Independence Sunday. ra. r, Mrs. Cook of Rickreall Vair ilnntrhter . Mrs. Jake yibiwca i"11 Fetzer over Sunday. ) fra F.IHb of Dallas visited her ., Mrs. PicKel tbe past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Laurence, and vipitinz in Washington. ... ir.t... Mr. and Mrs. wim uW j turned Sunday fro-a f0ur ". mered firass V alley. i ' . ... ' to Vancouver wnere vney Tbe Independence orchestra will j . .Q ajngingg, nnder the firm iV, e Tfrn iar UtaUVC aK 1 re W'""M r w 1 .1 3 "The History and leacmnj? oi If. .tin T.lir.". www" . 1 "The Historv and Teaching oi the Church of England." 5 "Tbe History ana leacumB TV, Pal win." ITVUU v . 6 "The History and Teaching oi uTl. TTIatnro and 1 eacniDE Ul . ' . m 1 ' Ar 8"The Hu-tory ana leacnuiK the Discij.les of Christ." MABIUED W. C. Stumberg and Miss Telka Mackie were married Saturday evening in Portland. - Miss Mack- ie's native home is at uuium, Minn., but she has lived in Port land for the past two years. Mr. Sinmh-rff was born in Indepen dence and his home has always , IC, - BUSINESS LOCALS. Hulr Invieorator and Newbro's Herpicide for dandruff . . a 1? . .1 .aln foiiinty hair or ainftiou pvf BUU - ' sold in bulk, 50c 8 qz or applied if necessary by Moore & Taylor s, tne barbers on C street. d v f!h. the Monmouth jeweler doe. all kind of repairing. Tf is r.t. nn-to date job print- ng you are looking for, stop at this office. P E. Chase of Monmouth i. agent for Roger Bros. '47 brand silver ware. hi. .' J W. Richardson Sr. has 111 Da r a ' c B.i. at hnr home on Monmouth IUI Bi, ..oat in Tndenendence, California Medicated soap. Price 10c per bar or three bars for a quarter. Chase, the Monmouth jeweler guarantees all work n.n.JASPEnsoK T. Rodders Co WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS ... i m, -n Mra. W 11 Leey visiwa their brother here over Sunday. nhamberlaln's Cough llemedy tne neaii mu7 it- onlnlon uuamoennin rniiirh Itaoiedy U tbe tat made for L.-n-.iak-r. r.mUliiM. and Pa ooldi," aaya Mr. Cora Walker, olPrt- rxootoa, Lady Amtmtu- ui. i-'.iir-nrnla.. There is no doubt rwaL VI.IUV, ..I W IMI ' about 1U being the Di. no oinvr wm rvnKPENDnNCE - OR cure a cold o quickly. No other la o ' aure P" " JTr .r..v " Curd Lnanbaro otal.pie'- ' ; . t, Chlohaao. wrlta. Tbwe are good 7 ?' T ..Vu,tn. troubl rs.d r -. i....ln nnoa uaod th I rem- I)U inea Oil- uuyiuu . . r- - ; p m KirUlHnd. the then dlff-rent ointment, and Ilnlmento tlum Mimcm ' .... tt .nn kltdnether. Ho I tried ooo p-ia-. Oregon W. R. ALLIN D.D.& ,.,Dentlst... aaiiM flaaaalaa, Vt 1 ,. and sot a bottle of HalMM inn t.lnln.Bfit. which gave tuc at- rnoet Instant relief. I can cheerfully f .avaa lliinil faai JT VUI I lUOsV lURlBUb ... . I a ia .4 ..111 ilit mv h&m 8t. Vlaoent. mrant Ayium, recorooienu .u - - -- ' t. . Il.i 1 a.(l".eaalM Ham 111 ll tf A . M inir .dontlon. and there are nearly Looke, RlatnrJullk write: IW llftuiat i t Tmnnotaav to much la pralne of vuihih. 10T COHgH., nr II. Ij, Barber Shop. MAJM 8TKK-T, una aoor wjuiu u v. 7 , .. ...t!n arlth IDOB and ,n 00BU"- Toley'aHoDe ana ir ior cmigu-, Dr. n. u uancrou eye " " " oolda, croup and whooping cough. .pecialist. of Bancroft I"""' . . - it.a... I MI A I'O i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1BV. remedy and oeruiin in reau. ivetuao ..MtiitM. Sold bv A. B. Looke. mencina Jan. 27. Auditorium Saturday evening Jan nary 2Sth. Mr. Jones the janitor at the public school will soon move bis family into Dr. Ketcbum. cottage ou Monmouth street. the firm ..a . V C? It name of, "li- btumoerg a oou. ir. ciHmWi ! crrarinate of the iUl. Dbuwwi " o Oregon State Normal school, being - Kn. nf Lhn dftSB of 1902. i KUCLUfW w. - n. np!T wedded nair will make ii,;r fntnr4 home at 1114 West Eight Street Vancouver. Chase, tbe wonmoum jewoici reaieay an oertiiin in reeuua. wnin " : uUtttut. Bold by A. B. Looke. mencing Jan. 27. ' I A SWELL SHOE SHOE made in all -xl II f ihi is ONary x . MAKERS wTTM THE CNARACJlA People's a$l) Store INDEPENDENCE HOTEL HAMPTON iri ratda Home Mnn month. OlTCOn, R 11 w UPTON I. L. SMITH. Fine Winet LiouorSi Clears, and Beer on DrauHtp or in Bottles, at I, L SMITH m C STREET, I. L. SMITH; Prop"' Hrcnaai Fashionable dre.smk.n& reasonable rate.. ChIMJ- Tetherow uoD .... i