West Side :Enterpmbe ..... J " NUMBER 80 .-' - . . v.o.v ADPnny JANUARY 24.1905. ...v,ml VRA . lMlKrhMJhNUK. l'Ul.lv tJUUi 1, nvriin" - FOR GOOD ROADS LrJ0UTH. i COUNTY BANK. PREMIUM LIST Incorporated. . . a...j.j . .u. si.tk OREGON I wu. - Annual Goat dhow at tne McB, , T. L. Cami'uk.u., ; Vire l'reft talent liu 0. Vowbll, Cashier. aui Capital. MO.OOO County Scat. Blue Ribbon Won By Polk County Goatr, Sheep, Swine and Chicken. a. j H. Hawley. V. L. Campbell, I. M. Birapson, J. B. V. aZ Jhn B. moP. A " ,vuru" w rSSoTth. HUM and Canada. VLwr imw ' ' ' through tba iale tf th old woolen ..nr-iirtr kl ATirvkl A I nAMK'ill. bnlldlnir and leaned over a av a a a ni a as ivx a. a a . a - a a w a r a aaai aw fHfc INUr" " - pent Thera waa a ffood attendarce at . ..'),. Pviv r!mint float Show at Dallaa Frldav. DurlnB the after . at - .f w 1 aa fTfW(to( noon, iuronK Wl rT" "w CAPITAL STOOK, $50,000.00 . .I -. - . i. mil. i w.ktn and Mftang tmelneee traneacUfl. l 1 pent admiring the beauty of silken IO II j hloh.hred aheD and i - . . . viPr.ddi,n awlne or itood peering tnrougo at w n a aaa r - i Ixmiii mud. BHla on corrrsi aooonpt - 1 A Oueston of Personal Interest . . i t To every t-iuzen o Polk County Fenton, HEDGES Ui a w - - Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies ' , i -j. SoU Foita lot th bo ay. nAvmosON & HEDGES .r ooFr)fJI I C STREET irsDtrtiNuuuM - V.J rTlfiED AND BOARDING STABLE UVfcHI, pCKNS0N) prop. aw i m.ii .ill i - "" " THE MONMOUTH LAUNDRY Home Indu.trr In.tUutlon WorK CalUd f P"" Bice & Calbreath, UNDERTAKERS Fine Parlors in connection night call, promptly attended to. l'hone 131 Mln St Independence, Orel Main 5 , . ,rector. ... .l..U.fllttt'"" W. J. Farler. lit: Geo. 2nd; J. A. Guthrie, 3rd Doe, two yean old. W. J. Farley, lt; Geo. 2nd; II. L. Fenton, ara. Uoa, Ihrre yeaxa old. L. A. GutbrJallit;: W. J. Farley, 2nd; O.W.JMBea, 3rd. ' mm rw tnnr VMra old ana orer. n W McBee. let: Morris - ' iT.--.lioa OnA- II. L. Fenton. 3rd. a.un.ukMBeit io. any rko. L. A. Gothrte. lit; W. J. Farley, Q.J CIV. ' Flock-H. L.' Fenton, Jet; Morrii Unghei, 2nd. BUCKS Buck kid, torn after March 15, 04. J a. Sykee, Salem, 1st. Bock, one year old. I. G. McBoe. let; H. I. 2nd Morrla Hughea, 3rd. Bock, two yeara oia. II. L. Fenton, let Buck, three yeara old. XT Thnmnann. 1st. V . MV-M"--f R.-tVfii Beet buck any age. I.G. McBee, let; V. Thompson, 2nd; H. L. Fenton. ord. BKOISTEBED C0TSW0LP 8I1EEF Rama Lamb. w-v. T?i.il Sons 1st: Wm. Durst, McMinnville, 2nd. Yearling ram. W. D. Gilliam, Dallas, 1st. Ewes lamb. Wm. Riddell, let; Wm. Durst, 2nd. tSBEGISTERED C0T8W0U8 v n. Oilliam first on ram lamb, hib with thirds of. uch first -2" fancier... V. Lynch, C. and M. B. Grant Uran innioc fowls. There were to be seen goavs irou. th famoui Rldd-11 flock, the U. 8. Grant goat wearing the same fleece, ... ... ii i. . 1..W nf mh rh tnoK the (tOld IBW .1 .i ih, Ri Tiuia Fair: there were fftl HIV .. rMm th Kola Hod & Liv Block Farm; goats from the Ayer 'flock; goats from Farley', farm, .from Nayiors, wcdi-, I . . .. . i j a-l.. Mafa Hughes', renwn nu D7" Tm heen exhibit was not ex tensive bat included some of the finest Lincolnshire and Couwoias in the stale. ecared ont compe 1 AIW ' '.!: I. 4k Kncr line and took .11 UU'JII J v"D ""ft ' ths pries on his pen of Berkshires. I - 1 .... a-r. There was a go, p""'- Some Expr esiioni From a Number ofTheCountr. iwenty-iw Road Supervisors, Tt,r noihina toward which the attention and anergic of the people of Pol. county, as h d rected inav wm greater fruit than the question of iVUIHJK J " ject ot "Good Roads" will occupy in f hn cninmna 01 iuib u" duovv "M " . - . . M 4 AAtirT At the last session 01 coumj two new districts were created and twenty-two supervisors appomvea- These supervisors navw . I. mnA for an expression on rou road work, applicable to their re- upective dwtnew ana buujo v. responses are nerewun appcuu. DISTRICT NO. 4. u'Q nv about 45 miles of road t a: 1 There is .bout $75 1U UlOw mwi a Ka worked out and ehould be nearly $400.00 of money to be expended on the road. By this you w.m nonce vu " have comparatively small amount fr,r h amount of roads Ul wuia . (.h reanlt is that we can only BUU w patch the roads up get the water offand keep it off. But it is impossible ever w good roads nntil we bare a rock crusher and . six ton roller. Anywhere, the road, can be greatly improved if the supervisors would put in U ling on vu 7 . - it,. places, and not try w water run up hill, and to dig the ditches 6n the upper insveau u -i ... 3 lower side of the roaa. j. B. ieai Supervisor. READY FOR Hop BUSINESS Raising On An Extensive. Scale In Independence UUtrict. There will be activity on the big , hop ranch of the Krebs . Bro.. at . Independence from now on. . . t a. wava svm Yesterday specincauu - -pleted and given to contractor, for the erection of eighteen hop houses, 1 U : J.n.. a river warehouse ana 'g " ball, restaurant and bakery com bined. Another warenouse w also be erected in Independence. The plans and specifications were drawn up oy iuk Contract for piping me nup. houses has already been let. it waa awarded to Bteiner & uerger 01 Salem at $55 for each house. The contract for furnishing nailv of which 150 to 20iJ kegs wm u -ouired has been let to Stephenson S. THE IHHuii" SEVENTH .. orEGON PORTLAND ASA TAYLOR THE LlVE:.ith drivi. nTOEWHDENCB. ORE THE V..-:icht,th drfttognp. u m nun j MAIN STIIEET ALL MUUtn" v- liu w. . v. captured first prizes in the Barred Plymouth KocK Class. The judges on goaw Obye and H. C. Obye of North Yamhill and 1. A. uean 01 xv.u iTU. mm,trAa fallow! Doe- Doe kid born before March Wm. Riddell & Sons, Monmouth, 1.1 and 2nd: U. S. Grant, Dallas, 3rd. , vn.n altar M&rcn 10. u w Riddell & Sons, Monmouth, 1st; U. 8. Grant, Dallas, 2nd; W. A. Ayers. Dallas, ara. Doe. one year 01a. T?Mnii A Sons. Monmouth, W Ui. liviv.. . 1st; Kola Hop & Live Stock Co., 2nd- Wm. Riddell & Sons, 3rd. Doe, two years 01a. Wm. Riddell & Sons, list; U. Grant, 2nd; W. A. Ayera, 3rd. ta vnara old. nijj.ll A Rnni. let: U. wm. iviuut" - nA- W. J. Farley 3rd. Uru, . - U.S. Grant, 1st; Wm. Riddell & Sons, 2nd. . - Sweepstakes uesi ooe Wm. Riddell & Sons. Flock-Wm. Riddell & Sons. 1st BUCKS T...-1. wjj Wn before March 15, 1UU& 'ul U. S. Grant, 1st; Wm. Riddell o.1 sons, iu. . , 1S Buck kid, born aiwr . '04. Wm. Riddell & Sons, let. rs - na vnar old. U.S. Grant, 1st; L. A. Guthrie, 3rd. ' Buck, two years old. . E L.Naylor, Forest Grove, 1st, Eola Hop A Buck, three years oiu. J.M. Farley, let; E. L. Naylor, 2nBuck.four years old and lover. ..ii.ii na. 1st: G. W Wm. iviauoii w w, . Sweepstakes-Ceru.;:7-- Grant, ist.; uui. U. S. Grant. $ra. -flaTrDrn CLASS T bid DOfU '04. Morris Hughes, Dallas, 1st; Geo. McBee, na. lg VkAtm aii LPr Aixaw Wm. Riddell was first on ram lambs and ewe lambs in Lincoln. ' POULTRY EXHIBIT Tf... pivmnnth Rock M B Grant, cockerel 1st, hen 3rd, pullet " . i a Onn. laf- coca 1st, nen i Buff Plymouth Rock H L Crider, cock 1st, hen 1st, 2nd and n 1 mit. Wvandotte V unaer, 2nd. hen 2nd; J C Stingley, lat. nullet 1st and COCK IB", ' r 3rd. nullet srd. Tol.nil Reda C B Row nuwi - ell, cockerel 1b. pullet 1st and Vrown Leghorns C L Shaw, cockerel 2nd, cock 1st pullet 1st and 2nd, cockerel ara; 1 v . T 1 VmsI cockerel P" ui Buff tiegnorn "n Bt, pullet 1st and 2nd. . rV:. Tbnm Walter Muir, cockerel 1st, pullet 1st, 2nd and 3rBlack Minorca-F A Stiles, cock- erei l8t' ?U y"T V Fink, drake lat. duck 1st and 2nd. ' . . I I. .L UU ..11. . I ' i.r f; .Tar Bovdston, coc cocaer"4 lat. BERK8HIKK HOQS m . j acrn boar 1st, age sow let, yearling 1st, 4-months-old pigs 1st, jinaanu om. ,ardtothe work we . have ft Co., of roruana . .r- .eraldifTerentkindsof soil I hundi 2" require diSerent wora.. mrz, n U nf Portland at proper thing making road, u , to Jr Walter Mor get them well drainea anu . wM awarded the wire . graveled as pos8ioi.. r1l'tract and has already delivered t t 1 mid araineu H should be graded and this should I 1581 ns. . . be done as early in the spring r of build.? possibl, so that it wiu , p. - erected M thifl wm .v, wAainer cwnm "u- 1 ' ... .1 v. ;v,. n.i nrviAnnT, 111 iicvsu vv ehould be an w - ReTnold- BeCretary of tie rain and then mey r - nomr)an, came up dust in summer and mud in winter. -- r - - A. H. Crawrora, u v I. V.MIT An Supervise 1" w cbineee pistbict no. 5 contractor who has distbictno. o contractor wuu u , . . Urrbavard leased, also amved last In regard to road work l wiu say t Cheip repreflent8 the Hop , that I propose to do something on Yk Wo Co 0f Portland and he j ttr anvtbine to do business on a big scale, tie me rum " ' ' " d if I have anything - dcs business on -S " with. We have the mo t f - YusfnsT fn" Alaska, but road in Polk county and we should nni?g progpectB have some help out ot tne gen. for decided to try bops, fund. We have about fifty miles of cfa ig a cousin of Chas. U. , J:...;. un K vn,,ff nreaident ot the Western roainu.v. "-"r:.r nmn., who is also A. K. ooutnwiuB. imporviuR uu Snnervisor. interested in the hop business with bupervisor. x waQt to "i " 7. - this year's crop" says Cheap. "We district no. 15 don't need money advanced and District 15 South DaUas,has about don't know what the priCe will be Smiles road mostly hill, hard to tnTmtr7men working on work. About $270 besides am tfae ranch wiU gradually in- . n oooohln twelve months :i hn niekinir time. iax. aix . , f ' Get some donation work. Have graded more and put the roads in better shape the past year than they he oeen uiu.- A grader is necessary m trict. We use a six-norst- Kiu, which is county property ana .u Hello Polk County " Summer roads Tndenendenceisnow connecting it make g with the Polk county rural teie- Supervisor, t m. staats is iu phone systeuj. L-u.. nnmnletinst ,the con i torminal phone has t. 1.. in Locke's drug store and there you may go and talk to heart's content, inuuuvuv. i8 now connected by rural wire T.i8ville. Falls City, wnn Dallas, Kings Valley, .J .K,nnab Yamhill eounty and also with Corvalhs . Th e with whom the city is wi7' " tint. conneciea iu v" U. S. Sons, 2nd; f Does March 15, Doe kid, '04- . . .. t H.L. Fenton, DaUas, i.W Guthrie, 2nd; J.M. Farley 3rd. Doe, one year old. nT9TRtnT NO. 13. t tnAi bow many miles nf road there is to work m tms district, but think there is mo than thirty miles and some on. the worst road m tne couniy. -lected and worked one hundred 3 cr nl tax last vear, u anu mice" t" - WUia.QU " " iund. Our worst UUiiaio wv. - ,aA ara art lar irom Rravoi par ib ui iu"" . , , r . . 1. .nAlu4 oofh we do not get mucu james dujubwu, Supervisor ri;MSl..t.,KxcbM8.CrT.1U.f"- w mi - fl Dfl I and Kings Valley; xnom .; , A C Staate. Mrs v John Staats, Mr wuson, - We have about 4U mues 01 & Alcorn Store, rercy iiaaicj, - &nd double tbe neavy waiuv; E Staats, E W Staats, Jasper Bag-1 pftjt o Polk county and less r nr ciib. Henry Lewis, t . .rv ;t with than any i 3' ... tt it staats. Manon a j;4vt Snrl tba worst F Smitn, 7 , lotner roau uioMxv., m - .. t., Haeeard, "anv , mnntv to make roads in. , u... Lnckiamute Flouring rr.. . n adinz, draining and Mills, A A Linderman Exchange Ung and m&iQ part is to Dallas and Falls uivy. the Kreb s rancn win & crease until hop picking time, ANNUAL ELECTION Dr. E. L. Ketchom, rresioem yi Independence Improvement League For 1905 The annual election of officers of the Independence improvemem League was held last night witn the following result: Dr. E. L. Ketchum president; vice president David Calbreath; treasurer W. L. Bice; secretary G, . . i 1 it nr A. Hurley; advisory Doara u . . Percival. Walter Lyon, A. L. Sperl ing, J. K. Craven, W. A. Messner. In liew of the commitee 01 iony the president was heretofore auth orized to appoint to conler with the railroad officials relative w auui. tional train service, the new presi dent was authorized to select out of the number all who can go to Portland and the secretary was in- 1 "it iL structed to correspond wun me people of " Ricireall Monmouth, : nA Arflov. with the view lUllv J . 0! supplementing the Independence il tliMa committee wnn uoiegavo . m 1 . i places. The railroad ireigns as presented by tne uoiwge uii Commercial uiud was c"""'u The matter of a free ferry was ta en up and will receive the Leagues earnest attention in the future.