West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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. It I.AWtJOf,
su twvi VlUltUl
P. L. Cami'itkix,
nt Vice President
Ira 0. Powell, Cashier.
Fa.14 Capital, O.OOO
Senator Kuvkendall Lands
Presidency o! Senate on
Sixty-fifth Ballot.
time there wu 'prospect of a hold
opoithabuilinf of the mill m
the O. It. A K. warehouse site
cored fur U was under lesse to Mr.
Brey l the time the sale wu rnsde.
Tbv miller however bu been
tisfactorilv settled and the work
Work of AddmTUw. to Oregon'.W e;ection f lU nU1 wl" "
Statute Book. Now On proceed..
II. Hewlf jr, P. L Campbell, I. M. Biropson,
It. Htump, J. A. Wilbrow, F. 8. Powell.
J. D. V.
Trana-J- Genets.. IWnkl end Kichange busloeas. Drafts sold
,TllUe ihrooghout the United KteVe end Canada.
Statute Books
la Full
-oTTAIi BTOOK. S50.OO0.0O.
g Blf.M--"- w.mviKE. CmUI.
. y-kn, .-j tieiwi bolna tranaartad. !." - D111
maw ---
Dr. W. Kuykendall occupies the
State Senate rostrum and looks
ovfr his eye glasses at the twenty
nin Nntvora m ironv ui uim. idouuwu umj ui
After a two days contest, he was Oscar II ay lor, tl:
Jui J n.uU.nt rf Vi aanata nn aliArn.f mi fl
the sixty-fifth ballot. Hie election
did' not come until he bad been
made to feel the force of the op
position and he was brought to the
point or willingness to concede
most anything asked to secure
election. The first on to weaken
among the oripocilion was Senator
Farrar ot Marion. T. B. Kay, the
Avt..miai narwliflatji for. aneaker. is
laid to have infl-no-d Farrar to
V.. . A nit Pivot.
Ktr tlihratlr.ff on the case of
Wong 8ing the Chinaman charged
with selling liquor without license,
Judge Bbarman this week pro.
pounced a 6ne of 5U and cost.
lie Chlniamsn's
wu over snd fxi a
transcript of the judgment and
atated ne couia own me
writ of review. It is not knowo
whether the Chinaman will carry
the case further or not H has
'.ft tnr Portland leaving his re-
IVl ava r - - o
.t.nrani in Foo the 11 Tear old
Chins cook.
Mr. Calahan Desirs to Operate
a Ferry Across Willamette
at Independence
Time His Com When Business
Interests Require a Free
Ferry Here
1 laid lo nave mnwfno"! rrrr m -
7 , . .... ji ,u. t Uti'Mi of omcera at
give h but this i hardly the fact. " M.wu
lxlsri I us tall.
The IVgree of Honor had in
trei' reg
lUetiauAfiff For -
Fine Cigars. Tobaccos. Candies
i jl MuliM ftotn cob
Scxli Fo-ta io lh U ay.
You rt wy
fiootl Ric for Commercial Men a Siecialty.
?M iccoulmodatiuns. Honw well fed.
riT Hone, boardetl by fry, week or month.
XcfM! JVO.
u n WHITMAN. Pioecktor
A Home Indu.trr Institution
Bice & Calbreath,
Fine Parlors in connectionry or night
calls promptly attended to.
. Phone 131 , ; ;
Main St. Independence, Ore'
M ' . F.ucrl Director.
W. 1 HICK,
lfih.r, was an cium other than
Farrar's Inability to stand out
against persaaeion that moved
him. it came from a higher power,
politically, than Kay.
Tha standing tommittfes of th
(.ni.t- snd elsn of th houe will
not he announced before Monddy
Independence Connected with Rural
Lines and Lauas upeneo
To Subscribers.
tv nnlna mnr set this week and
a y
wire is today beiog strung between
Tn.lnnndrce and Monmouth.
t .
This line will connect Independ-
. . .... it : til-
ence with tbe Airiie anu iw'"
people and with all tbe people 01
Polk county on the Independent
.i The Independence terminus
ol the line will be for the present
. . . . wit. . c:i
at Locke s drug store, auodutc-
inn nonnle are now UiKinjr conoec
tion with Polk oounty via Inde
nanrfence. The , Mral lines ars
nrnwinir verv rapidly in Marion
ft " o ;,. . - . - ...
.rnnnd SllveitOn. WOOQ
WU"1 . v
i.n Aurora. Hubbard and all tne
Karn nnrtiotl of the COUDtV.
a. IV l a,i.w. f -
The Bell telephone peopio u
anMher wire on their poles
C VI M 1 ' Pi ' -
Iwtween Dallas and Monmoutn
and subBcribers to that system can
now talk to Uaiias wimrwn xvi
charge. - -
Many Witnesses.
Fifty-two residents of the Sweet
Home and Foster neighborhoods
came down to Albany Monday, and
left for Portland, where they are
..j . lnnai hnfnre the federal
ular w-nliug Momlay venin.
After the ceremonies a social time
was hod and a delicious lunch
was served in the banquet hail,
n. fnllrtwintr officers were install
UA. Mra Trttin Henk e. V. J ol
II: Mis Mira Kimvrlin. C. of II;
Mra. Etta Hodue. L. of ,11: Mrs.
NVllie Damon. C. of C; Mrs. Anna
Owen, Financier; Mrs. Nora
Xf.ui.r.n. Treasurer: Mrs. Susie
Locke, Usher; Miss Kola Owen, I,
V; Roy Hawkins, O. W.
The local lodge of Eastern Stars
-n.tniwl the followinB officers
Tneadav nUht: Mrs. Ica Mattieon
0 ... . ... tr
W M Mra. Flora MIX. A. ail Jra,
Mvrtle Richardson, conductrees
Burton. A C; Mrs
nlla Batler. secretary; Mrs. A
... r 1
wiionn treasurer: Miss inauu
Tlifr AHah. Miss Bell Dickinson
Ruth: Miss Nellie Harris, Esther;
Mrs. Hattie Henkle. Martha; Miss
Gertrude Dickinson, Warder; P.
M. Kirkland, Sentinel.
ti.oo .
. ' a TTT rT2
THE Lth drWing rig,
Win rv6 you any hour, ay "ce, ORE
ALL MUUtnn v"-
c v -' r
nitrl to annear before the federal
grand jury as witneBsess in the
land fraud cases. These are near
ly all men who haye in the past
few years taken up limoer ciaiuja
Br.ni heastern part of Linn
county, and sold them to different
land dealers. Many of these men
have told openly that for the past
few months that tney naa lan
tiir claims for others, receiving
for their services $50 each and ex
penses. Most of them are men
who sold to F. A. Kribs, one of the
Minnesota land buyers. Many of
the men going down have already
elated that they wouia save mou--
gelves all trouble by making
clean breast of the whole mane.
i ton more men were wanted
AUUU. " ,
as witnesses before the grand jury,
but the officers sent to sumiuuu
.v. u unable to find the men,
vucm .. ..
latter having tKen w
when it was known ma
vk TnAMMndaiMxi order of the
M. un
... ... .
W. O. w. Installed officers at
loot mBAtintr as follows: C. L.
Masterson, P. C. C; E. W. Cooper,
n n. VrtA HooDer. A..,L: A. S.
Locke, hankor; C. W. Butler, clerk;
t tr. Hnhhard. escort; 0. A. Kra
mer watchman: Dr. 0. D. Butler,
sentinei. .;6.-. -
iBg will be Wednesday evening,
January 18. There will be initia
nrir t. this meetine and all
blUll - w
members are requested to be pres
ent. . : ':; ' -
i it ttj-. fV. Marrifnist
n. ivi. iMv.t
Buildin? op Good Busi
ness Here
J. IL Callahan has posted notices
reciting thai he will apply to the
t....t murL at the February
vvfca j " - -
term for the privilege of operating
.. . T .1 J
a farrv nn ma river av luucireim-
m j w . .
ence. Tbe district across tne nver
is filling up with settlers and there
iaaatrone i-entiment lor a iree
r tk. hnainaaa interefts ol
lu. i y .
Independence also are awaking to
v.. nu.uiiv nf nrovidinn a less
,UV IIW"...--J w
TnAnaive wav for pwple of the
nntr nainrallv tribuUry to the
.I4IWJ -
. - . J a .
town on th? Marion couniy wu w
t .n the river. The building
of a bridge at this time is beyond
. i i f r.oli.tttinn but S a
me livira ui ....... -
... - m L.l.l
matter of fact, a free terry sno.nu
be maintained across the nver at
ndeoendence. This is without
prejudice to the interests of Geo
W. Jones, the present lerryman. iu
... .- ,,.a (hut. tr. tatablish a
II, IB MPUiuwu
free ferry, he will be paid if lie
desires it, a fair and reasonable
price for his boat cable etc. that
a free ferry across the river here
would be a great accommoaauim iu
people living in "Missouri Bottom
f incalculable value to the
business interests of lndepenaence
.nA iVMLtravelintr public generally.
there is no doubt. The people of
the town shoula heartily co operate
:k (ti.ni ar.roaa tne river iu
.Via mnnvAtVtent.
lui. . -
Tkaraia no comnlaint so tar as vnie
a av -w a
H.. irnnwa of overcharge under
l"!"" . mul t
present arrangement, ine prcoou-,
enided by the law in
the charges, but as the country is
becoming more thicmy settiea uu
u rr. hiioineas has muiupneu.
VUU Iti . - -
it, liral charges, like those of the
rocks at Oreeon City are a great
omKtiwn on business.
Following are the cnarges u.
ma be exacted under the taw,
i . rinm 9..V
Team aoc eacn wny, "6 -
eft0h way; horseback 15o each way;
footman 10c each way, loose horses
5c per head, cattle, sneep or uogo
5c per head.
Libel la Charged.
Uer. Mesrs, pU)r of the
Meihodiat church at Buena Vista
filed a complaint against William
. . ifi I fWt JX . .
McCIain, charging lioei. m
fandant Is charged in the complaint
with circulating a report to the
effect that the pastor had been tin-
1-J - iVo
duly intimate witn a iaay v
town. Rev. Meare has the sub
stance of the report In writing over
. 3 1. ..
McCIaine s signature ana ub f"-
posestogo Into court anu u-i
evidence to disprove what tne
defendant will be required to prove.
ail S )
The r.itv council had a mid-
night seance Monday evening. It
was the regular meeting, snd
business was piled np. Tbe sees
ion bej-an at 7:30 and did not en
until 1 o'clock in the morning:
After the clock struck twelve, the
brethren losked horns over the
extension of the city limits. All
kinds of visions were held ny
those in attendance, other than
conncilmen. One proposed that a
dozen hot tamales be sent for as a
peace offering. Another suggest
ion was that a doctor be sent for to
write prescriptions in the hope
that little stimulation might
help out. Corvalli Times.
Falls City K. of Ps. Entertain In
dependence Lodge and .
Grand Officers
subpoenas were ready for them.
The Dootr nd Simpson Mill.
An agreement has been reached
the Douty A Simpson
t n .nrl Geo. Brey, lessee
LUDiwi -
. .1.. rt o AN. warehouse at the
01 WW v. --- -
foot of C. street wmcn wku
with the ground has been secured
i a site for the new milL For t a
A kit airt ABA tliat has built up
UUoru. - "
wonderfully in Independence with
in the paBt six months is the ma
chinery and general repair nouse
conducted by H. M. Edgar. Mr.
Edgar came here last July bring
ing with him a good outfit for re
murine including a big turning
lath, power drills. tc. . He repairs
most anything in wooa, irou v
leather goods. He repairs bicycles,
automobiles, wagons, Dnggiee,
krllaa. cruna or in fact most any-
v' o
thing from a sewing needle to a
threshing machine, lie is a wra-
man; his charges . are reason aoie
and he attends strictly to DUsineHs.
In addition to his repair shop, Mr.
bj-. .ion Vina the aeencv for the
d ' ...nlina ATlCrlne. OXX6 01
which he uses himself, and lor air
ferent makes of bicycles.
Previous to locating nere no uh'
..j it,. Ralpm Iron Foundry
eraitvu ww
1,. AA Bucessfully lor two
W U1VU w . t
- rl would still be running
ander hiB direction but for the sale
of the ground and build ings.
An kind of repairing will re-
ita nromot attention at Mr. Ed-
o nlai on C street, and every
customer will receive courteous at
Post Offices at Independence and
Monmouth Show Business ,
' Good, County Growing
There is probably no better
index to the progress of a commu
nit than ; that offorded by the
hnBineaa done through the post
offices. According to the various
departments of the Independence
post office, prepared by Post
master Merwm tnere nas u
increase in all branches for the
year 1904 over 1903.
The increase summarized is as
follows: General postal account
ll per cent; box account o per
cent; newspapers, -43 per cent;
money orders issued, 20 per cent;
newspaper postage, 43 per c ent.
The business of the rural de
livery route also grew appreciably
last year. .
The Monmoutn posMjmuu
!:........ir the .same time
nena iuwoo -
according to a summary prepay
1 Dtmndor L.UCSB 18:
"I "-- 11
r to 13 ner cent, oox rem.
1DVU'"' 1 ..... : A Q
percent, money oraers . -
There has also been a Blight
gain in the business picked up by
the rural carrier out of Monmouth.
Chaa. A. Mattison Injured.
woirrl as this issue
11 L.-aU lO vv i
noes to press that Chas. A. Matti-
6 . . .rtv. Will,
son fell from tne steps i "
ot note! In Salem tnis more
c ' Mnaivincr serious injuries.
! Mrs, Mattison has driven over.
tAr Kn 45 K. Of P.
chartered a motor last night and
attended a meeting 01 ascauv
Lodge No. 92 at Falls Uty.
Grand Chancellor Curl ana uranu
Keeper of Records and Seal totin-
son who were in town, accom
panied the party. The special
motor left the station at 5:10
when snowflakes filled the air.
At every stop along the way the
excursionists were out indulging
in the luxury ol enow balling.
The Falls City Lodge knows
how to entertain and the members
made evev visitor present glad
they had braved the miniature
Boow storm to attend Cascade
Lodge No. 92. After; the regular
work of the lodge including the
giving of the third degree to G. H.
Morris, an elaborate Danquei was
i . a . T?l1 J-.
served at tbe noiei. roiiuwiu
ti,a Kannnt. a. iiroffram was rend
DUC iava j n-
ered by the local talent which was ,
well received.
Cascade Lodge is in . a nourish
ing condition. One year ago it
started up with a membtrsnip 01
nineteen. It now has - thirty
members' with prospects of a
number more. . ;
The officers for the year have
been installed. They are: A. J.
Muokle, C. C; C. E. Dill, V. C; W.
B. McKowu, prelate; M. Oourter,
M. of W.; A. Courter K. of R. & S;
Norman Hamilton, M. F; L. T.
McMurphy M. of E; Sam O'Brien,
M. A; Frank Harris, I. G. J. O.
Chamberlain, O. G.
Those of Homer Lodge compris
ing the visitors from here were:
Arthur Moore, Verd tM, uavia
Calbreath, J. W. Kicharason,
L. Bice, Claude Kurre, Clement
Jones, W. A. Scott. Wm. Mc-
Adams, Chas. Irvine, U. L. Frazer,
Pearl Alexander, W. H. Walker.
John Burton, Wm Campbell, Chas.
, r TTT
Masterson, UranK juasiersori, .
Stuble, Clarence Clodfelter, Frank
FlukeB, Chas. Gibson, O. T. Soley,
Geo. Burton, Chas. Hubbard.
The ladies of the party were; Mrs.
U. L. Frazer, Mrs. Artnur aioore,
Miss Florence Burton, Mrs. Claud e
Kurre and Mrs. O. A. Kramer, li
4 o'clock this morning when
the excursionists returned.
Tt waa onlv fortv-one years ago
that the first newspaper was pub-
a. a
lished in Japan, today sne .
of one thousand live nunarea aim
news papers and periodicals of
which Tokio has over twenty.