Social and Personal. Aiiini.ih.hii A. Telerton of forvallia wu the eity the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Hodae were in Portland the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Cressr were in Portland the first ot the week. Mayor Mesaner ia tu Portland on business. Mr. Will Craven and children retrrned from a two weeks' visit in Portland Sunday. Mr. nl Mr. Arthur Mo-r re. tamed Suturday from a visit with Portland friend. Misa Marion returnKl to lode- pendens after spending th holi days in Astoria with her )aretis, Misa Kva Hanson caoie up from Portland Saturday to make her home with Mrs. Nellie Graves. Mrs. J. S. Cooper returned from Portland Saturday. Mr. Hattie Townsend of Port land visited relatives in Indepon dence the last of the week. Will Mattison and Jim Jones left Friday for Boise City, Idaho, just for a view of the country. Wain Mulkey of Philomath yisited his siBter Mrs. Thoa. Fen nell the past week. ' '' E. P. Tobin representing the Pacific Paper Company wu in the city Friday. Sam Irvine and Jess Whiteaker are looking over the country in eastern Oregon in the vicinity of Baker City. Mrs. Mable Brown and baby and Fred Middleham returned to LotAngles, Cal., Saturday after spending the summer with their father, V. F. Middleham at Highland. Mr. Howard and family of Albany are guests at the Mattereon home In this city. Rev. Dr. IlallinRshead Presldin Elder of the Portland District will preach at the Methodist chare Thursday evening. January 12, A cordial invitation is extended t all to come out and hear this aht Divine. A. J. Morgan, arretted tor forg erv was caucht bv John Moran in Portland the last of the week and ia lodged in the county jail Dallas awaiting trial. Two citizens of Indejudeno who siiW'rihed f2.r0rHcli to th New Years Statesman feel that to -thr thev should be entitled to one copv. Or if not this year they hu to getn next. have MONMOUTH Weldon M. Jones and Clarence Hunt have moved their families to Corvallia where they have bought a butcher shop. O. L. Mc Clun and family moved here from Philomath. Rev. J. J. Hundsaker and wife formerly Miss Grace Smith, have gone to Jamaica. B. V. I. where they will make their future borne. Lee Russell has returned from eastern Oregon where he has been since last spring. V. 0. Boots was a business visit or in Portland the last of the week. J. M. Garrison, tbe poultry man of Forest Grove, spent Sunday ber. Mr. Garrison taught writing lessons here over twenty yeara ago. The Normal basket ball team went up against tbe real tbing ast Saturday night at Corvallis and when the final score was counted the O. A. C. boys bad secured 41 points and the Normals 9. The Normal team was badly Low lUtea on ltarrlman Line. The Harrltnan lines have done a very coiuuisndable act in reducing the rates on cars for Immigrants bagsrage from Missouri river points to the Norlhwoel during til year of the Lewis and Chrk Fair, Agent Wiloox of this place is in re ceipt of a letter from W, K, Coman general freight and passenger agent in w hich the oeune and scope of the big reduction ia set out to of Sat. Evening Ball INDEPENDENCE AUDITORIUM Saturday Evening Jan. 14. Mrs. Eph Young is visiting friends in Portland. Mrs. G. A. Wilcox is visiting relatives at The Dalles. Warren and Elias Ferguson were business visitors to Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stumberg wil leave this week for Vancouver Wash., where they will make their future home. Misa Iva Cooper returned to Ml Angel yesterday. She was ac companied by her father J. ft Cooper. W. W. Percival, Lark Hall, Wm McAdams, R. L. Gaines and Wm Mackay were Salem visitors yesterday. There will be installation officers at Homer Lodge K. of on Wednesday night Dec. 11. M. Curl, G. C. of Albany, and R. Stineon.G. K. of R. and 8. of P L. L of Salem will make a visit with the lodge at this meeting., Mr. and Mrs. Will PicKei of Portland are visiting Mrs. PicKel's mother Mrs. Johnson of this city. Mrs. PicKei will leave in a few days for eastern Oregon. He has accepted a traveling position with a coal company of Portland Mrs. Wm. W. McOammon, widow of the la te Major W. W. McCammon, U. 8. A. arrived on Wednesday last oh a visit to her brother, Mr. E. E. McCammon and wife of Monmouth. Mrs. Mc Cammon has just returned from a trip to the Philippines, where she went to visit her sons, 1st Lieut. W. W. McCammon, 23 U. S. In fantry and Lieut. Ed E. McCam mon, 22 U. 8. Infantry also ' he r son-in-law 1st Lieut. C. J. Nelson, 17th U. S. Inft Mrs. McCammon had a pleacant trip in many ways, but was glad to get back to Oregon. handicapped by the large floor and failed to show up much team work but with a few weeks work under the efficient coaching of Mr. Thorp we predict a much better showing. PA It KE It Mr. Lacev made a visit to Albany Tuesday returning Wed nesday. , ' Mr. Fuqua went to Dallas Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Boone were Independence visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bush visited relatives in Albany last week. Mrs. Lida Davidson is visiting in Portland. The Spaulding and Simpson logging crews put through to the boom about twelye million feet of log last week. Mr. Cleve Parker made a visit home Sunday. Joe Harlan was a visitor here this week. Ralph Davidson is at home on a visit. , Mr. Coman' eays: "In order assist in the immigration work bringing aettlem" into the North west, the tinrrimart lines win re dace the rate on immigrant niove ablea, carload, from one u.iller per hundred pounds from Misour river common points to hfty cents per one hundred pound--; or in other word 4, cut the rate in two This reduction will apply to all points on the southern raciuo L,inea in Oregon to Anhland and North, so that our section of the country will have the same ad vantage in working immigration from the East as any other section in the Northwest, as the same colonist rates are applied from the East to Ashland aa to Portland in all cases. This reduction will amount to one hundred dollars and over per car. and the rate of fifty cents is an exceptionally law rate, being lower than the present rate on any other commodity. This action is taken because of the fact that th low passenger rates on account of the Lewis a nd Clark Exposition the coming year are expected to bring a large number of people from the middle atates and the east into this section and the extra inducement of such a very low rate on their household and personal effects leaves ni ob stacle whatever in the way of their coming to our section of the coun try to locate, so far as the transpor tat'on part is concerned, and it now remaina for our people to put forth the attractions and inducements of the country itself, in the way of climate, sure crops, great possi bilities for the future, etc., to take full advantage of tbe opportunity offered by the railroads to settle up tbe country during the coming year." I m A SWELL SHOE made in all leather and style e. , J7 SKOE THIS 15 ONE MAKERS 1 A I 1 sVlTrt TMC CNAiuCTrl V . i jffice: S3.30 Peoples a$If,$tore INDEPENDENCE oclis A largo shipment to arrivw in a fw 1 beveral million feet of logs were floated down the Luckiamute the past week. ' Sixty years ago the first tele graph line between Baltimore and Washington was completed. In 1903 the number of telegrams sent was db4,84,44, on an average of a million a day. riiciuccq i nr.iio. ? ifwmmmmwfwwfwrmwm Moore's Hair Invigorator and Newbro's Herpicide for dandruff and falling hair or diseased scalp sold In bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the barbers on C street. If it is neat, np-to date job print ng you are looking for, stop at this office. Mrs. J. W. Richardson Sr. has for sale, at her home on Monmouth street in Independence, California Medicated soap. Price 10c per bar or three bars for a quarter. Mrs. J. W. Richardson Sr. has for sale, at her home on Monmouth street in Independence, California Medicated soap. Price 10c per bar Pedee. Rex Womer and bride have been visiting his eister in Independence. Re u bin II an tines was an Airlie caller Tuesday. Bluford Bush and Henry Pulse were in Airlie the first of the week. Velna and Phyllis Bush of Inde pendence who have been visiting their grandmother returned home. Dress Making:. Fashionable dressmaking, at reasonable rates. Children's suits a specialty. Rooms at Mrs. M. A. etherow's, Monmouth Street. Mrs.' Watson. HOMER LODGE No 46 K ef P Meet every Wed. night la Mitchell Hall. Arthur Moore, C. C- W. Riebardsoa. K. of R and 8. Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdj Absolutely Harmless Tbe fault of giving children rued icine containing injurious ctutmtances, is sometimes more dkantrous than tbe disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Cbamberlin's Cough Remedy is per fectlyaafe for eeildren to lake. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup ie unsurpassed. For sale by T. M, Kirkland tbe drug git, Cured Lumbago A. B. Caninan, Cblcbago, writes March 4' 1908. "Having been troubl ed with Lumbago, at different times and tried one physician after another, tben different ointments aod liniments gave it up altogether. Bo I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Bnow Liniment, which gave ma al most iDstant relief. I can cheerfully recommend it, and will add my nam to your list of sufferers." seld by A. 6. Locke. Best Assortment Latest Styles We can fill your orders complete " ' with every thing to match. PRICES no higher than is asked for the cheaper castgoods. . WADE & CO. Independence Ore. Get our prieeon Paints, Oils and Varnishes. M The Keystone Field Fence. fill 1 1 1- HiiifHif? The Keystone Fence is made of good strong wire and it is u continuous and entirely inter woven fence. This means that there is no be ginning and no end to the stays, but that they are continuous with the Jong wires. And the stay wires will not slip and are not made of scraps. Oall and nee our fence os our stock plcte and prices are right. is com- Huston & Simon. I. L. SMITH Fine Wlnci, Liquors, Cigars, and Beer on Draught, or in Dottles, at THE L L SMITH SALOON C STREET, Independence, - Oregon I. L. SMITH; Proprietor. HOTEL HAMPTON Flrstclvss Home Accomodation Monmouth, Oregon. Kates H I' d7' D. M. HAMPTON"'. W. R. ALLIED. D. S. ...Dentist.., falnlxM Uilnwtlun Coo par WUt'i v. . . E7 ?- W-S, fx n.n.JASPEimoN Undertaker, Embalmer, and Fuateral Director. Lady Aaaistant when Derired. INDFPBNDB5CE - - - ORMOOC1 Geo. T. Rodgers $ Co WHOLESALE P A P E R DEALERS IiT. IIKNKLK, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, One door south of Poet Offioe. Fine Baths tn connection with ibof- LfDErENDKMCI, OB0"' Salem Oregon G. A. HURLEY Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Collections Promptly Made-Title Investigated. East Bide Main Street, yDmuDittcn, Oaw0,,